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发表于 2010-5-19 16:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 fukgm 于 2010-5-19 17:01 编辑


【原文标题】Director slammed for 'white-out' of legendary Gallipoli sniper Billy Sing


【登载媒体】《澳洲人报》《The Australian






  • Rowan Callick, Asia-Pacific editor
  • From: The Australian
  • May 06, 2010 12:00AM

A FURORE has erupted over a new mini-series about the deadliest sniper at Gallipoli, Chinese-Australian Billy Sing, who is played by a white.


This portrayal in the The Legend of Billy Sing has been attacked by Australians of Chinese ancestry as a betrayal of their heritage, robbing them of a rare historic hero.


Director Geoff Davis has cast his son Josh in the lead role, while Sing's Chinese father is played by the veteran actor Tony Bonner, who came to prominence as a blond-haired helicopter pilot in the Skippy TV series.

Geoff Davis导演指定它的龟儿子担任主角,沈比利的中国父亲则是由经验老道的演员Tony Bonner担任,他在1960年代在电视儿童剧Skippy The Bush Kangaroo(树丛袋鼠“跳跳”)中以一头金发的直升机飞行员角色闻名大众。

Sing, born in 1886 at Clermont, Queensland, to a Shanghainese father and an English mother, moved as a young man to the canefields of Proserpine, where he became a keen cricketer, kangaroo hunter and a crack member of the local rifle club.


He enlisted as a trooper in the 5th Light Horse Regiment, and became celebrated as "the Assassin" at Gallipoli, where he had 201 confirmed kills, winning the Distinguished Conduct Medal, second only to the Victoria Cross. His sniping "spotter", Ion Idriess, later a successful writer, described how the Turks sent their champion sniper "Abdul the Terrible" to hunt him down, but Sing shot Abdul first. Former Nationals senator Bill O'Chee, who became an army reservist when he left parliament in 1999 and was born to a Chinese father and an Irish-Australian mother, was "deeply disappointed" by the production.

沈比利被收编在了第5轻骑兵团,因其在加里波利战役中被证实的201次(应为150次)击杀获得仅次于维多利亚十字勋章的突出表现奖章(DCM),并以“刺客”称号声名远扬。澳洲著名作家Ion Idriess,时任沈比利的狙击观察手,在其作品里描述当时的情况:土耳其人专门派来了他们的顶级狙击手“可怕的阿卜杜尔”来对付他,但最终,沈的子弹早到一步。中澳混血(中国父亲,爱尔兰-澳洲混血的母亲),前国会参议员,1999年卸任后加入陆军预备役的Bill O’Chee对这部作品“深表失望”。

"We'll now have people growing up thinking Billy Sing was white. But we are jealous of his memory," he said.


Federal Queensland Liberal MP Don Cameron, who found the site of the South Brisbane boarding house where Sing died in 1943 with five shillings on his bedside, said it was "tragically wrong" to have the sniper played by a white.

昆士兰州自由党下议员,沈比利在布里斯班南部去世时(身边只有5先令)所住小木板房的发现者 Don Cameron表示这个由白人演员担任沈比利的行为是“悲剧性的错误”。

"It is plain wrong. I congratulate the filmmakers for doing the story, but condemn them for being so careless with the truth."


Davis said the problem in casting Sing as a Chinese-Australian arose when he couldn't find a 60-year-old Chinese actor to play his father.


"Asking Tony to play it as Chinese would not only have been racist and demeaning. It was also financially irrelevant -- we could not have afforded the make-up," he said. "Whatever his genetic background, his culture was Australian. To me, he's very representative of every Australian whose parents were not born here.

“让Tony (Bonner)来扮演中国人并不出于种族主义或者贬低的意思。相反地,是因为经费方面问题导致了这样的结果——我们甚至连化妆费用都负担不起,” Davis继续说,“无论沈比利的血统背景是什么,他是澳大利亚文化熏陶下的人。对我而言,沈比利是一个典型,代表所有双亲不在澳大利亚出生的澳大利亚人。”

"A lot of people are sitting at the back of this bus attacking the driver. A lot of people feel they own the story of Billy Sing. But they've probably got more resources than me -- if they want to tell that story, then tell it."


Davis said his critics misunderstood his intention to "create a fictional story validated by having people perform true deeds, in the tradition of the historical novel".


Damien Beebe, who has worked on films including Moulin Rouge and Mission Impossible, has been enlisted as director of photography, and Andrew Knight, of Sea Change, as a producer.

本片的摄影师编导是曾参与制作《红磨坊》及《碟中谍》的Damien Beebe,还有Andrew Knight——《巨变》的制片人这次也担任监制。

The cast comprises largely unknown actors, who will be paid only if the films -- a three-part mini-series of 90 minutes each -- make money. He had run out of money to complete the series.


Australia China Youth Association president Henry Makeham said Australian Asians lacked prominent role models.

中澳青年协会主席Henry Makeham认为澳大利亚的亚裔缺乏代表性的重要模范。

"To 'white-out' Billy Sing with a caucasian face is not only a gross historical misrepresentation, it is treading on the grave of a true Chinese-Australian hero," he said.



A furore has erupted over a new mini-series about the deadliest sniper at Gallipoli, Chinese-Australian Billy Sing, who is played by a white. Source: The Australian




【原文标题】Dozens of Chinese could play plum role, says actor

【登载媒体】《澳洲人报》《The Australian






ACTOR Warren Lee was surprised and saddened to hear a plum TV role had gone to a caucasian because a Chinese actor could not be found for the part.

对于Davis导演声称的“没办法找到华裔演员所以只能任用白人在电视剧中担任澳洲华裔英雄沈比利这个角色”这个说法,演员沃伦·李(Warren Lee)感到震惊和失望。

"There are literally dozens of actors who could have played that role," the Chinese-Australian Lee said of the key part in the mini-series The Legend of Billy Sing.


Director Geoff Davis cast his son, Josh, as the lead in the series about a deadly Chinese-Australian sniper, who killed 201 Turks at Gallipoli,  because he could not find a 60-year-old Chinese actor to play Sing's father.

导演Geoff Davis指定自己的衰仔,Josh 来扮演这位在加里波利战役中击杀201个土耳其士兵,中澳混血,号称最危险的狙击手这个角色。理由是他找不到一个60岁左右的华人演员来扮演孩子他爹。

Tony Bonner, best known from Skippy, was cast in that role.

Tony Bonner,于1960年代家喻户晓的儿童系列剧《丛林袋鼠跳跳》而出名,这次担任沈比利的中国父亲这个角色。(演员的一头金发是其亮点)

"Chinese history goes back to the gold rush in Australia," said Lee, 50. "I've known people who are third-, fourth- and even fifth-generation Chinese-Australians."


Asked if he was insulted by the inaccurate casting in The Legend of Billy Sing, Lee said "disappointed is probably the better word".


Another Chinese-Australian actor-director, Tony Chu, 47, believes the mini-series would have been a great opportunity to break down stereotypes. "The role of Billy Sing -- a Chinese-Australian hero of Gallipoli -- would have been something that both the Chinese and Australian populations could have benefited from," he said.

另外一位47岁的华裔导演托尼·褚(Tony Chu)认为这部电视剧本应当是一个打破人们(对亚裔的)陈旧看法的绝好契机,“沈比利——这个加里波利战役中的华裔澳洲英雄本应是能让中澳人民引起共鸣并共同为之自豪的人物。”

Chu said many actors would have been suitable for the part of Sing's father.


"When you go to auditions where they want someone Chinese, you meet fellow Chinese-Australian actors, and there are a great many of them.


"I don't know how hard the director cast."


Chu said it was not difficult for an actor to play an older man.


In addition to roles across TV, film and stage, Chu has played Wang Chi Yang, the venerable 65-year-old father of the main character in the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Flower Drum Song.


译者按:该剧为音乐喜剧之先驱,讲述以中国人的生活为题材,《花鼓歌》的故事取材于旧金山(San Francisco)唐人街上的中国人。故事围绕着唐人街里几代人的矛盾和代沟展开。在老一代人固执地坚持中国习俗的同时,在唐人街上长大的年轻人却更认同美国人的思考方式和生活方式。于1958年获6项托尼奖,在美国百老汇连演600场不衰,编剧为华人Y.C.LEE黎锦扬,此后也有《天
》等反共小说出品,只能算是政治工具,不能叫做文学,所以《花鼓歌》真正意义与价值如何,由此可见一斑,主演为关家蒨(艺名:关南施 Nancy Kwan),美籍华人,是首位在西方电影成名的亚洲女星,以在《苏丝黄的世界》扮演湾仔妓女苏丝黄而闻名

"The make-up is like the costume," he said.


"Playing older is really about the actor's performance underneath."


Chu can also deliver the exact Shanghainese accent that Sing's father would have had.


"It goes back to being true to the role," he said.

“那样就能加深这个角色的真实感。” 他说。




发表于 2010-5-19 17:54 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-19 18:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 fukgm 于 2010-5-19 18:10 编辑
知道沈比利和他的传奇的人真的很少。。。。如果没有《世界军事》那几期“狙击手专题”。。。我也不知道这个 ...
diwent 发表于 2010-5-19 17:54

    沈比利于1943年去世,而他的事迹直到1990年代才在昆士兰的地方报纸COUNTER MAIL被披露。而澳洲的白人至上的“白澳政策”直到1970年代才解禁,不要说中国人,我做PRESENTATION的时候连澳洲本地的老师都不知道他,所以这个导演才抢先一步灌输“沈比利是白人”这种先入为主的思想。不知道你注意到没有,他们报纸称华裔移民永远是CHINESE-AUSTRALIAN,其他非安格鲁撒克逊后代的都是前缀国籍,就算再怎么喜欢待在澳洲,要做这个国家的公民,统治阶级和主流社会永远不会打心眼里承认你,这在中国是看不到的。
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发表于 2010-5-19 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-20 00:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-20 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
无可就要 发表于 2010-5-20 00:36

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发表于 2010-5-21 12:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-24 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
大家可以想象一下如果沈比利是在美国的黑人,这部戏还敢和还会找白人来演吗? 从这还真可以看出比起黑人,东亚人还远没被白人社会所接受.记得最近英国的莎剧,演亨利十四世的就是一个黑人.
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发表于 2010-5-25 07:11 | 显示全部楼层
blueoj 发表于 2010-5-19 23:10

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发表于 2010-5-28 13:49 | 显示全部楼层
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