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发表于 2011-12-28 09:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 小布Lasia 于 2011-12-28 09:05 编辑

【原文标题】 Paranoia in Hong KongA witch-hunt against a U.S. diplomat hurts the territory.
【登载媒体】 华尔街日报
【声明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn

Chinese government organs in Hong Kong arestepping up attacks on America'srepresentative to the territory, Consul General Stephen Young. Last Friday, theForeign Ministry's Lu Xinhua called in reporters from the Chinese-languagepress to accuse Mr. Young of interfering in local politics. Such a violation ofthe Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Mr. Lu said, could lead to adiplomat being declared persona non grata and expelled.

Pretty serious stuff, and from that demarche one might think Mr. Young hadexceeded his instructions, perhaps by endorsing an opposition party. Not thecase. His supposed offense was to hold a press conference on December 6 atwhich he praised Hong Kong's fulfillment ofDeng Xiaoping's promise of "one country, two systems" and itsprogress toward democratization. That's the kind of statement Beijing used to welcome.
情况相当严重,从该方针中,人们可能会认为杨先生已经超出了他的职责,比如支持反对党。 其实并非如此。他的罪行推测是因为在12月6日召开的新闻发布会上,他称赞香港对于邓小平“一国两制”和迈向民主化进程的承诺的履行。 这是北京一向欣赏的陈述。

Asked about a scandal involving vote-rigging in local elections last month, Mr.Young went on to express confidence in law enforcement to get to the bottom ofit. He also echoed the message of Beijing's topofficial on Hong Kong affairs, Wang Guangya,that an important qualification for the next chief executive would bepopularity with the public.

These anodyne remarks were interpreted by Beijing-owned newspapers as"fanning the flames" of discontent. The Chinese government's apparentobjective is to discourage foreign diplomats in Hong Kongfrom consulting with local politicians, both pro-government and opposition, andmaking any comments on local affairs, even positive ones. There's a whiff hereof the old Soviet approach of blaming foreigners for anything that goes wrong.

This intimidation gambit could make it impossible for diplomats to do theirjobs and end up harming Hong Kong's economy.One reason the U.S.and many other countries maintain substantial consular staff in the city is itsrole as a commercial hub for the region. That means cooperation on a wide rangeof activities, from port security to disease prevention to combating moneylaundering.

It would also hurt Hong Kong's autonomy. In1984, China signed a treatypromising to preserve Hong Kong's separatesystem for 50 years after the 1997 return to Chinese sovereignty. Localofficials have signaled in the past that they welcome the support of foreigngovernments to preserve that status.

It is on this basis that the U.S.continues to give Hong Kong privilegesextended before the handover, but in return the U.S. Congress requires theState Department to monitor compliance with the treaty. By harassing diplomats,Beijing is putting Hong Kong's special status in the international system in jeopardy.

The animus toward Mr. Young may derive from the Obama Administration's moreforthright criticisms in the last year of Beijing'shuman rights record. In a May speech to the American Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. diplomat echoed Secretary of State HillaryClinton's comments on the deteriorating rights in China, including the disappearanceof prominent dissidents such as Ai Weiwei and Gao Zhisheng. "So long asbrave people like [Nobel Peace Prize winner] Liu Xiaobo remain imprisoned ordetained for simply trying to exercise their constitutionally protected wordsand actions, we will not remain silent," he promised.
对杨先生的敌意可能源自奥巴马政府在过去一年里对于北京人权报告更直率的批评。在5月份对美国商会发表的一次演讲中,美国外交官重申了国务卿希拉里·克林顿针对中国日益恶化的人权的意见,包括杰出的持不同政见者的消失,如艾未未和高智晟。 “只要勇敢的人,如[诺贝尔和平奖得主]刘殖民仍然因为只是试图行使宪法保护的言论和行动而遭监禁或拘留,我们就不会保持沉默,”他承诺。

If that offended Chinese leaders (and it should be noted Beijingputs out an annual report critical of U.S. human rights problems), theycould continue to defend their treatment of people they say violated laws.Instead they fired a shot across the U.S.bow by harassing a diplomat posted in China's freest and most democraticcity. This only hurts Hong Kong and draws moreattention to Chinese efforts to bully the pro-democracy opposition and dominatethe territory's politics.


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1145539.shtml  发表于 2011-12-28 09:27




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