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[透析评论] 天狼星看地球系列2015.2.3

发表于 2015-2-6 22:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dratzo! We arrive with more news on the progress being made to alter your world’s reality. The many members of our Earthly allies are beginning to reach the delivery portion of their numerous prosperity programs. The dark cabal has been unsuccessful in preventing our allies from preparing the means to safely deliver your many blessings. The delivery of these various funds is part of a grand operation to switch your world to a new financial system. This progress is then to lead to new governance and the formal end to the debt slavery, which you have endured mercilessly in one form or another for the past few millennia. This is to be a time when you are to be exposed to freedom and a new and much fairer monetary system. These monies are to be backed by strict new banking rules, which are to safeguard your wealth and provide you with a way to ensure the safety of your funds. Along with these events are to be a number of announcements by new governances, which are to permit you to take a more profound interaction with these new governments. You are to become true watchdogs of these governments and be ready at a moment’s notice to prevent any illegal actions.


   These new governments are to release a number of now suppressed technologies, return your previous tax monies and, in general, enforce a one-year jubilee. In addition, these new governments are to permit disclosure and allow us to address you. We intend to use this time to assist your Ascended Masters in preparing a series of global lectures, to enable you to learn exactly what the Anunnaki did to jumble up a key part of the messages given by a number of religion-founding Masters over the past three millennia. These lectures are to return this world to the harmony, peace and heavenly truths given to you by these great and wise Masters. In addition, our mentors are to fully discuss these great lessons with you. Heaven wishes for every one of you to be completely cognizant of your true history and to get a much better understanding of these great truths. This knowledge is to aid you significantly as you move toward your return to full consciousness. It is also to allow you to see what the Atlanteans and the Anunnaki did initially to manipulate you.


   As you can see, your circuitous journey through your long history is to be revealed to you. The most important part of this is how you fell into limited consciousness and how the Anunnaki foisted a false creation myth upon you. Once these, among many other facts are disclosed, you can more easily view this origin story and the facts, which surround it in a clearer and less distorted frame. Our mentors can then help you to obtain a truer look at this reality that you now reside in. It can permit you to easily embrace your new reality and your return to physical Angeldom. This, after all, is the primary reason for our reunion. Heaven desires that all who were so badly treated be able to understand this history. Then, you can move forward with a comprehension of the past 15 millennia (2 in Atlantis and the past 13 millennia under the Anunnaki). All of this needs to be forgiven by you as you return to Heaven’s divine service.


   The purpose behind our coming to your truly sacred shores is to aid Heaven in freeing you from the slavery first imposed upon you by the Atlanteans and later continued by the Anunnaki and their global band of minions. This dark cabal grew in size and power as you progressed from one millennium to the next. By the end of the 1900s, this group truly believed that, if necessary, they were able to finish the dark mission imposed upon them by the Anunnaki at the beginning of this present era of “recorded history.” Thus, in the mid 1990s, the commands of their former masters, the Anunnaki, to cease and desist fell on deaf ears. The cabal was then ready illicitly to carry out the directive to permanently make you their slaves. What is now occurring is the end of this terror, which allows you to return, as Heaven so directs, to your natural state of full consciousness. The rise of new governance and of a grand prosperity and jubilee are only the various instruments to achieve this divine goal!


   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! You are on the edge of receiving a great prosperity. In other blessed times the concept of a jubilee was common. This was done every fifty years. At that time, it was appropriate to erase all debt and begin again from scratch. Both of these measures are to be combined and you are to receive funds, which have been expunged from all of your previous debt. In addition, a number of now sequestered laws are to manifest. These are to re-order government and set the stage for a clean slate. All of this is being done to ready you for what you next need to do. We need to come and inform you about this new reality. Heaven has decreed that your prolonged amnesia end and be transformed into knowledge and wisdom. Our lessons are to be just the beginning of this vital process. Later, you are to be blessedly able to ask your mentor a series of important questions.


   Our lessons are to include a number of question sessions. You were plunged by the Atlanteans into a consciousness, which denied you a chance to review your Akashic Records. These disabilities cut you off from your former source of inner wisdom. This whole process needs to be explored and allow you to forgive those who so mindlessly deprived you of a way to better know who you are. This is to be restored. Many of us, like you, have past lives in Atlantis. We need to mutually go over this time and see how we fared once Atlantis fell and its survivors evacuated to a new land. All of us have stories, which can explain in personal ways what happened then. We, as Ascended Masters, have been on both sides of these issues. It is time to remember, and a time to forgive.


   When you return to full consciousness, we are all to form a galactic society. This blessed society is based on divine service and a full understanding of how Heaven forged these societies for us. We are to come together and create a kind of heavenly “boot camp” where we all can again assimilate into a society, which was so suddenly taken from us. Then, we can better understand how to address each other in a new way. We have been given certain duties, which are to be gracefully explained. Our new star nation is as well to combine with non-corporal Beings and elementals to forge our new reality. Heaven expects much of our new arrangements. We are to be a showcase for this galaxy, and a place where many exciting proposals are to originate. Here, the galactic peace is to become permanent and a larger intergalactic union is to take shape!


   Today, we continued on with our weekly message. Heaven is blessing what is now happening on our surface reality. We bless and graciously thank Heaven for what is now occurring. Let us join with our spiritual and space families and welcome in this new and bright reality! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

今天,我们继续了我们每周的消息。天堂正祝福现在在我们地表现实所发生的事情。我们祝福并为现在所正在发生的回请优雅地感谢天堂。让我们加入到我们灵性和空间家人中,并在这个光明的新的现实中欢迎!亲爱的人们,要知道天堂数不尽的供应和永无止境的繁荣确实是你们的!去这样成为它!Selamat Gajun!Selamat Ja!(天狼星语,成为一!处于喜悦中!)
 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-6 22:58 | 显示全部楼层


Turmoil continues upon your Earth, yet at the same time the Light is continuing to increase adding strength to those who are spreading the Light. We cannot yet predict when it will become the dominant force, but that time is fast approaching. With the ever increasing levels of Light there can be no other outcome, and it is noticeable that more people than ever are ready to actively show their support for the Light Workers. As time progresses there will be a coming together of many more people, and their work will help to hasten the true beginning of Ascension. We encourage you to remain safely within your Light, and to not get directly involved in vendettas against the dark Ones. They will meet an end dictated by their actions against Humanity over Millennia of time. They have set the path in motion that leads to their demise, and an end to their actions against those of the Light.


We sense the frustration that you feel at the continuing troubles in the Middle East. However, be assured that we are doing as much as we are allowed to, and have prevented the escalation of the war that is taking place. People ask why we do not step in and stop it, but that would be interfering with the karmic path that has been set in place.
Until lessons are learnt we can only try to limit the loss of life and damage that is taking place. Your whole experience in this cycle has been intended to help you rise above the darkness, so that you in turn can help others. In that respect you have been extremely successful, and more souls are now awakening to the new vibrations. This is important if they are to overcome the darkness and move into the Light. Many are now able to expand their consciousness and starting to become aware of the reason behind the changes taking place.


There is so much waiting to be revealed that will quickly lift you up, and remove the obstacles that are holding you back. These largely arise from the efforts of the dark Ones, who have kept you from learning the truth about yourselves. However, that is all changing, and in the near future you be given many truths about your role in the cycle that is now closing. Most of you are but shadows of your real selves and as consciousness levels continue to rise, you will learn more about your real selves. You are far greater than you imagine or are even prepared to believe, but the truth will “feel” right as deep down you know the real you is a Being of Light. Whilst in the lower dimensions you have been acting from a limited consciousness, but it is now expanding due to the higher vibrations.


The reality is that you are on your journey back to your higher state of being, and by leaving the 3rd. dimension you will be taking a massive step upwards. Looking around you it might seem unlikely that many souls are ready to rise up, but you will be surprised at how quickly they can change. Each of you are playing out a role that provides you with the lessons you need to continue evolving, and prepare you for the changes that are upon you. Before you are birthed each soul has an agreed link to their abilities and knowledge that will be needed to equip them and see them through their life. The real you is multi-talented and fully experienced to deal with life on Earth, but better still to move into the higher dimensions.


As you are aware, your weather patterns are gradually changing for the better. There will be problems created by the changes, but you will have ample time to adjust. The net result will be a more acceptable temperature without the extremes that you are used to experiencing.
The seas will also warm up, and when you take the two together you will find that many changes will occur in nature. Species of animals will move to conditions that are more suited to their needs. All told it will all be for the better as you will enjoy a more temperate climate.


Disease and other health problems will eventually disappear as the vibrations rise up. Aging will also slow down once you have reached adulthood, as you will be at a point where it no longer occurs. So as time passes you have continual changes taking place, that are beneficial once you are within the vibrations of the 4th. Dimension.
The old vibrations are ceasing to be as effective as they were, so you will more and more become aware of the changes. However, do not allow these events to distract you from your life plan, as everything will settle down quite nicely. You will of course have been aware of such possibilities before you incarnated upon Earth. You will therefore have a “knowing” about the changes as they make their way into your life. We are alert as ever to what is happening on Earth, and will always do our best to keep you informed. The future is bright and as time progresses we will be able to come much closer to you.


Mother Earth is dealing with her own needs, and is very active because of the need to raise her own vibrations. In fact, regardless of how the Human Race progresses she will go ahead with the necessary changes that are helping create the new Earth. You are both dependent upon each other to ensure a smooth transition to the higher levels. So the sooner Man stops raping the Earth, the sooner it can be restored to its prime condition. We have however looked far ahead, so allow time for these coming changes to manifest. They will not happen overnight but will occur in an orderly way. Deliver of the Prosperity Programs and new Governance are amongst the initial changes, and are waiting in the wings.


We hope that you are preparing yourselves for the changes where you are personally concerned. We refer to changes that will allow your body to become more healthy, and that relates to your choice of food.
Keep to fresh foods rather than processed that usually contain various chemical additives. Exercise is also important and even just walking helps, as opposed to rigid exercising.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and at such an important time in your lives, try to help follow the changes. I leave you in Love and Light.


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