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发表于 2008-4-10 02:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

比利时人:Sports will NEVER be free of politics, because NOTHING is. We have been jostling for power since we discovered fire, and it isn't going to change anytime soon. Having said that, I fully support the protesters and the struggle of the Tibetan people. Another tiananmen square is happening right before our eyes, and your concerned about the "Olympic spirit?" What about the human spirit? What about the cries of the women beaten by Chinese soldiers? To hell with the Olympics, and long live Tibet!

我:i see that you're bored with your supposedly democratic, middle class european life? Do you know what exactly happened at Tiananmen square and WHY? Is your own country and civilization so innocent and holy that you can dangle this incident before our eyes and cast stones whenever you're bored and want blood pumping through your veins again?!?! And what about the women beaten by chinese soldiers, WHAT ABOUT THE INNOCENT CIVILIANS BEATEN, KILLED, AND BURNT BY TIBETAN terrorists, Hans and Tibetans alike? And how abt you take some time to learn abt things that happened BEFORE tiananmen square, like european colonies (your colonies in AFRICA, for example), how many civilizations did the europeans destroy, how many times were the chinese attacked and humiliated by europeans, and how belgium wasn't even one of the 8 nations that attacked Beijing in 1900 but somehow sneaked into the unfair treaty and got a HUGE sum of reparations (paid by the Qing government for the LOSSES of the 8 nations for ATTACKING our country). Or how abt the real history of Tibet, and the role of the english in it? What amazes me to no end abt the europeans is your inability to empathize and understand anything different from your point of view. Do you understand the nature of China as a country, the Chinese as a people, do you have as respect and regard for our feelings, and see that we are reasonable, independent-thinking humans with pride and love? Or are you only seeing us as stereotypes to make your life simpler?

Lemme tell you this, life is never simple, and perspectives are never objective. What you are doing only makes us rise to the challenge. You don't know us but at all, Mr. Samuel Fumba, we might look, however you see us when nothing much happens, but we certainly RISE to ANY CHALLENGE.

Try doing that for five thousand years, THEN come back and message me again.

And LET THE FREAKING FLEMISH GO ALREADY! I totally, and sincerely support the protestors, and the struggle of the Flemish people, even though I didn't even know your country is, like, in the middle of splitting up because IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER TO THE WORLD. And you know who does? WE DO, THE CHINESE. LIKE IT OR NOT, WE MATTER.
[ 本帖最后由 mirari 于 2008-4-10 02:33 编辑 ]
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