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[东方区] 【AC首发】驻韩美军公开大量朝鲜战争高清晰照片(160张)

发表于 2009-1-8 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-8 19:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-8 19:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-8 19:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-8 20:46 | 显示全部楼层
081】Near Song Sil-li, Korea, a tank of 6th Tank Bn. fires on enemy positions in support of the 19th RCT.
靠近Song Sil-li的地方,第六坦克兵团为了支援第19兵团正向敌人猛烈开火
1月10, 1952. Pfc. Harry M. Schultz. (Army)
082】Pfc. Roman Prauty, a gunner with 31st RCT (crouching foreground), with the assistance of his gun crew, fires a 75mm recoilless rifle, near, Oetlook-tongKorea, in support of infantry units directly across the valley.
为了支援步兵穿越靠近Oetlook-tong的山谷,来自第31兵团的炮手Roman Prauty带领他的炮兵班蜷伏在前沿阵地,用75MM的无座力步枪向敌人开火
6月 9, 1951. Peterson. (陆军)
【083】The Rockets Red Glare - U.S. Marines launch a 4.5 rocket barrage against the Chinese Communists in the Korean fighting.
Ca. 1951. (海军)
【084】Men of the 4.2 mortar crew, 31st Heavy Mortar Co. fire at enemy position, west of Chorwon, Korea.
2月7, 1953. Sgt. Guy A. Kassal. (陆军)
【085】Commandoes of the 41st Royal British Marines plant demolition charges along railroad tracks of enemy supply line which they demolished during a commando raid, 8 miles south of Songjin, Korea.
4 月10, 1951. (海军)
【086】Crossing the 38th parallel. United Nations forces withdraw from Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. They recrossed the 38th parallel. 跨越三八线—联合国军队从北朝鲜首都平壤撤军,他们再次跨越三八线1950. (USIA)
087】U.S. Marines move forward after effective close-air support flushes out the enemy from their hillside entrenchments. Billows of smoke rise skyward from the target area. Hagaru-ri.
12月26, 1950. McDonald下士 (海军)
【088】Men of the 19th Inf. Regt. work their way over the snowy mountains about 10 miles north of Seoul, Korea, attempting to locate the enemy lines and positions.
1月 3, 1951. Pfc. James J. Jacquet. (陆军)
【089】U. S. Marines of the First Marine Div. Reconnaissance Co. make the first helicopter invasion on Hill 812, to relieve the ROK Eighth Div., during the renewed fighting in Korea.
9月20, 1951. T. G. Donegan. (海军)
【090】Men and equipment being parachuted to earth in an operation conducted by United Nations airborne units. Ca.
1951. 美国国防部. (USIA)
【091】Paratroopers of the 187th RCT (Regimental Combat Team) float earthward from C-119's to cut off retreating enemy units south of Munsan, Korea.
第187兵团的伞兵由C-119飞机正向地面降落, 他们将要截断由Munsan南部撤退的敌人的退路
3月23, 1951. Cpl. P. T. Turner. (陆军)
【092】Infantrymen of the 27th Infantry Regiment, near Heartbreak Ridge, take advantage of cover and concealment in tunnel positions, 40 yards from the Communists.
8月10, 1952. Feldman. (陆军)
【093】Leatherneck machine gun crew dug in for the night in Korea. Ca.
1950. (Marine Corps)确切战斗日期不详
【094】Fighting with the 2nd Inf. Div. north of the Chongchon River, Sfc. Major Cleveland, weapons squad leader, points out communist-led North Korean position to his machine gun crew.
11月 20, 1950. Pfc. James Cox. (陆军)




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发表于 2009-1-8 21:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-8 21:24 | 显示全部楼层


【103】载着海军陆战队的登陆舰驶向硝烟弥漫的海岸准备进驻仁川。1950年9月15日中士Frank C. Kerr(海军陆战队)摄。



【106】机翼下“吊挂”了火箭后黑豹直升机正在进行燃料补给。1951年美中部地区中士C.D. Prindle(海军陆战队)摄。


【108】一架HRS-1西科尔斯基直升机盘旋近至地面,海军陆战队员吊住货网卸载1000磅补给以运往12英里外的前线。1951年中部地区中士Ed. Waite(海军陆战队)摄。

【109】驻韩美国总统代表少将Frank Lowe在海军前线调试“闪距”设备,雷德兰斯海军中士Charles Kitching在旁作解释。1951年三月加州(海军陆战队)中士Vance Jobe摄。

【110】入侵韩国仁川。四艘登陆舰将人员和设备卸载于海滩上,图中摄有登陆舰LST-611、LST-745和LST-715。1950年9月15日(海军)C.K. Rose摄。




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发表于 2009-1-8 21:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 griffin_zhou 于 2009-1-8 22:27 编辑

001:一个饱受战争摧残的韩国女孩,背着她的弟弟,正吃力力的走过一辆停着的M-26坦克。(韩国 京畿道,1951年6月9日,联合国军海军少校,R.V.Spencer)
002:在釜山的联合国军墓地 ,一个韩国小女孩在一个美国士兵的墓地前献花。旁边是持枪守卫的一等兵,Chester Painter和下士,Harry May。(1951年4月9日,陆军下士,AlexKlein.)
003:遣返战俘。在海凤凰号医疗船的甲板上:当陆军上尉Frenderick Smith到达加利福尼亚的梅森堡时,他爸爸亲自上前祝贺。(1953年9月14日,Herb Weiss,陆军)
004:Alvin Anderson中尉是众多遣返战俘中的一个。他正乘坐海凤凰号医疗船回家,他正拥抱着他的妈妈和姐姐。其他的家人也在一旁。(1953年9月14日,加利福尼亚,梅森堡,Herb Weiss,陆军)
005:联合国记者在即将签署停战协议的建筑内。(1953年7月23日,朝鲜,板门店,Weber 海军)
006:小W. K. Harrison将军,在停战协议书上签字,结束了长达3年的朝鲜战争。Harrison将军左面桌子,北朝鲜将军,南二世,右边桌子,正在签署文件。(1953年7月23日,F. Kazukaitis 海军)
007:美国海军陆战队的小James Murray上校和被朝鲜共产党的长春山上校,正在签字。图下方的地图显示了在板门店停火期间,南北的停战分界线。(1951年10月11日,F. Kazukaitis 海军)
008:遣返战俘的家人们在欢呼和挥手,当纳尔逊将军号停泊在梅森堡时。(1953年8月23日,加利福尼亚,一等兵,Brink 陆军)
009:朝鲜,板门店,双方军事停火谈判之处。一方是在朝鲜作战的共产主义力量的代表人,另一方是联合国军队的代表人。(1951年11月1日,陆军上校Edward W.Plummer.)
011:在兴南举行的第一海军师的追思礼拜上,harles Price下士,在那些倒下的海军陆战队员的墓地上吹起了丧葬号音。紧接着该师英雄般地从长津湖的包围圈中突围。(1950年12月13日,海军陆战队下士,W. T. Wolfe.)
012:面对这积雪覆盖的海军陆战队员的尸体,一个受伤的牧师正在念追思词。(1950年12月3日,朝鲜,Koto-日,海军陆战队下士,W. T. Wolfe.)
013:一个朝鲜家庭正在为他们被屠杀的父亲哀悼,这位父亲是北朝鲜一手制造的全州大屠杀中的一位遇难者。(1950年9月27日,陆军.中士,E. T.Tarr)
014:, 一名士兵倒在通往Maeson Dong的道路上,头盔被子弹穿了个洞。(1950年9月2日,Turnbull中士)
015:朝鲜汉城郊区的建筑一瞥,它们都被严重地破坏于炮击和空袭。(1951年8月20日,G. Dimitri Boria 陆军.)
016:一位上了年纪的朝鲜妇女正试图从汉城的一片废墟里找出点有用的东西。(1950年11月1日,陆军上尉C. W. Huff.)
017:朝鲜的妇女和孩子们,正从汉城的一堆碎石砖瓦中,找一些可用作柴火的东西。(1950年11月1日,陆军上尉F. L. Scheiber.)
019:眼前的是:在汉城,因战争而破坏的房屋的断壁残垣。在背后右侧的是国会大厦。(1950年10月18日,陆军一级士官Cecil Riley.)
020:这是一架大型运输机的残骸,它停在Kimpo机场时,北朝鲜军队袭击了这里。现在友军又占领了这里,它又重新回到我们手上了。(1950年9月18日,海军陆战队中士Frank C. Kerr.)




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发表于 2009-1-8 22:49 | 显示全部楼层
【111】"Freedom Gate Bridge" spanning the Imjin River, built by the 84th Engineer Construction Bn. This bridge temporarily replaces the original structure which was destroyed by bombs. March 10, 1952. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)
在临津江上由第84工程队建设的‘自由门大桥’。这个桥用来临时代替被毁的桥。1952年3月10号. G. Dimitri Boria摄 (陆军)

【112】Supplies and equipment are also evacuated from the onslaught of the Communist Forces bearing down on Hungnam, Korea. December 11, 1950. Pfc. Emerich M. Christ. (Army)
在朝鲜兴南市,在共产党猛攻下,补给和装备也在撤离中。1950年12月11号.一等兵Emerich M. Chris.摄(陆军)
【113】Marine Corps tanks - ready for the front lines - are swung aboard a barge at the Naval Supply Center by crane, for transhipment to our forces in the Pacific Far Eastern Command. Oakland, CA, 1950. Acme. (USIA)
做好准备的海军陆战队坦克,正由起重机起吊到驳船上,然后运到远东太平洋司令部。奥克兰,加利福尼亚,1950年. Acme摄(美国新闻署)

【114】Lt. Col. John Hopkins, commanding officer of the First Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment, leads in singing the "Star Spangled Banner" during Memorial Services held in the field during the Korean campaign. June 21, 1951. Cpl. Valle. (Marine Corps)

【115】U.S. Marines stand along the rail and watch the ocean aboard the USS Clymer. To the aft a Marine is washing his dungarees by dragging them along behind the ship. July 1950. Sgt. Frank C. Kerr. (Marine Corps)
1950年7月。Frank C. Kerr中士摄(海军陆战队)

【116】Missouri infantrymen with the 19th Inf. Regt. along the Kumsong front wish Happy New Year to the stateside folks. December 14, 1951. Cpl. Mervyn Lew. (Army)
密苏里步兵和第十九步兵团的士兵在金城前线祝愿家乡人民新年快乐。1954年12月14号。Mervyn Lew.下士摄.(陆军)

【117】With nearly 3,000 pin-ups (including over 200 shots of Marilyn Monroe) serving as wallpaper for their Quonset hut, these Marines of the "Devil-cats" squadron are still looking for more, October 28, 1952. Sgt. Curt Giese. (Marine Corps)
尽管在他们活动室墙上有3000多贴图(包括200多张梦露的),这些‘魔鬼猫’中队的人还想找更多。1952年10月28号。Curt Giese中士摄.(海军陆战队)

【118】Pfc. Clarence Whitmore, voice radio operator, 24th Infantry Regiment, reads the latest news while enjoying chow during lull in battle, near Sangju, Korea. August 9, 1950. Pfc. Charles Fabiszak, Army. (USIA)
一等兵克莱伦斯•怀特摩尔,24步兵团的无线电报务员,在韩国尚州的战斗间隙,一边读报一边享受美食。1950年8月9号.一等兵Charles Fabiszak摄,陆军(美国新闻署)

【119】Former American and Australian prisoners of war warming up before a stove in the 24th Division medical clearing station after being returned to U.S. lines by Chinese Communists, February 10, 1951. Sfc. Al Chang. (Army)
由中共释放的前美国和澳大利亚战俘在24医疗康复中心的一个暖炉旁取暖。1951年2月10号。一等兵Al Chang摄.(陆军)

【120】Pfc. Edward Wilson, 24th Inf. Regt., wounded in leg while engaged in action against the enemy forces near the front lines in Korea, waits to be evacuated to aid station behind the lines. February 16, 1951. Pfc. Charles Fabiszak. (Army)
24步兵团一等兵爱德华•威尔森在韩国前线与敌人战斗中腿部负伤,等待被撤到后方的救助站。1951年2月16号.一等兵Charles Fabiszak摄(陆军)




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发表于 2009-1-8 23:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-8 23:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-8 23:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-8 23:39 | 显示全部楼层
【121】Pfc. Preston McKnight, 19th Inf. Regt., uses his poncho to get protection from the biting wind and cold, in the Yoju area, during break in action against the Chinese Communist aggressors. Janurary 10, 1951. Cpl. E. Watson. (Army)
19步兵团一等兵普林斯顿•麦克内特在抗击侵略者中国共产党的一次行动中,在骊州用自己的斗篷来躲避刺骨的寒风。1951年1月10号.Cpl. E. Watson摄(陆军)

【122】Astonished Marines of the 5th and 7th Regiments, who hurled back a surprise onslaught by three Chinese communist divisions, hear that they are to withdraw! Ca. December 1950. Sgt. Frank C. Kerr. (Marine Corps)
惊讶的第五和第七团的士兵——他们受到中共军队的突袭——听到他们要撤离的消息。1950年12月,Frank C. Kerr.中士摄.(海军陆战队)

【123】Marines of the 1st Marine Division relax by a Korean hut after destroying an enemy sniper housed there. September 24, 1951. T. Sgt
【124】Men at Munsan-ni, preparing for inspection prior to acting as honor guard at signing of armistice at Panmunjom, Korea. Navy men shining their shoes. July 23, 1953. (Navy)

【125】Fresh and eager U.S. Marine troops, newly-arrived at the vital southern supply port of Pusan, are shown prior to moving up to the front lines. August 1950. INP. (USIA)

【126】Ethiopian troops training in Korea. A class in military intelligence instructed by Lt. Solomon Mokria of Addis Ababa. May 1951. Gahn, State Dept. (USIA)

埃塞俄比亚军队在韩国受训。他们由亚的斯亚贝巴的所罗门•摩卡亚教授军事情报方面的知识。1951年5月. Gahn, State Dept摄(美国新闻署)

【127】An ROK soldier guards the Panmunjom road near the UN delegates base camp, Munsan-ni. March 15, 1952. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)
一个韩国士兵在联合国代表团驻地附近保护板门店的公路。1952年3月15号. G. Dimitri Boria. 摄(陆军)

【128】During South Korean evacuation of Suwon Airfield, a 37-mm anti-tank gun is hauled out of the area for repairs, by a weapons carrier. 1950. INP. (USIA)

【129】Officers and men of the 62nd Engineers stand in front of the first train to cross the new railroad bridge which they built across the Han River at Seoul, Korea. October 19, 1950. Sfc. Albert Guyette. (Army)
在韩国首尔,62机械师的士兵和军官站在由他们建设的穿过汉江的铁路桥上的第一列火车前。1950年10月19号.一等兵Albert Guyette.摄(陆军)

【130】Men of the 24th Inf. Regt. move up to the firing line in Korea. July 18, 1950. Breeding. (Army)
24步兵团的士兵向前线进发。1950年七月18号.Breeding 摄(陆军)




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发表于 2009-1-9 01:25 | 显示全部楼层
摄影师:Michael Rougier

摄影师:Michael Rougier

摄影师:Michael Rougier

摄影师:Michael Rougier

摄影师:Michael Rougier

摄影师:Michael Rougier

摄影师:Michael Rougier

摄影师:Michael Rougier

摄影师:Michael Rougier

摄影师:Horace Bristol

摄影师:Horace Bristol

摄影师:Horace Bristol




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发表于 2009-1-9 05:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-9 05:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-9 09:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-9 13:12 | 显示全部楼层
22.这是被俘南韩战俘打着“大反攻”的标语在获释途中,而共产党战俘则把他们的战俘囚衣仍在道路沿线,一些衣服甚至被烧掉,(1953年8月12日,海军陆战队 拉尔森)。




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发表于 2009-1-9 14:00 | 显示全部楼层
26.两个北韩男孩,替北韩军队服务,在新堂洞被289是捕获,这是美军士兵在捕获他们之后简单审问他们,1950年9月18日,一等兵,Francis Mullin(陆军).
27.这是海军第一次在韩国中部前线战斗中俘虏中共士兵,横城,1951年3月2日,一等兵,C.T. Wehner(海军兵团)




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发表于 2009-1-9 14:19 | 显示全部楼层
【021】The wreckage of a bridge and North Korean Communist tank south of Suwon, Korea. The tank was caught on a bridge and put out of action by the Air Force. October 7, 1950. Marks. (Army)

【022】Return of POW's during Operation "Big Switch," Panmunjom, Korea. Communist POW's ripped off their clothing and strewed it along the road. Some of the clothing is burning. August 12, 1953. Larsen. (Navy)

【023】This anti-Communist North Korean just released from a prisoner of war camp is serving as a kind of cheerleader for fellow ex-POW's as they shout their joy of reaching Seoul. The flags are of the Republic of South Korea. Ca. 1953-54. Gravy. (USIA)

【024】At the United Nations' prisoner-of-war camp at Pusan, prisoners are assembled in one of the camp compounds. The camp contains both North Korean and Chinese Communist prisoners. April 1951. Gahn, State Dept. (USIA)
联合国驻釜山战俘营,战俘们被集中到了其中一个集中营里。这里共同关押着朝中两国的共军俘虏。1951年4月,Gahn, 美国国务院 (美国新闻署)

【025】Communist guerrillas and their families, captured and brought down from Mt. Chirisan, by elements of the ROK Capitol Division, are fed in the POW stockade, Kurije, Korea.

【026】Two North Korean boys, serving in the North Korean Army, taken prisoner in the Sindang-dong area by elements of the 389th Inf. Regt., are interrogated by a U.S. soldier shortly after their capture. September 18, 1950. Pfc. Francis Mullin. (Army)
两名在大韩国军服役的北韩男孩正在接受美国士兵的质询,他们刚刚在Sindang-dong地区被第389Inf.步兵团俘虏。1950年9月18日,海军陆战队一等兵 Francis Mullin. (陆军)

【027】Men of the 1st Marine Division capture Chinese Communists duringfighting on the central Korean front. Hoengsong, March 2, 1951. Pfc. C.T. Wehner. (Marine Corps)
韩国战场的前线中心,海军第一分队的士兵们在战斗中俘虏了中共士兵。1951年3月2日,横城,海军陆战队一等兵 C.T. Wehner. (海军陆战队)

【028】Three Korean Communists in a fishing boat are captured by the USS MANCHESTER off the coast of Korea.  May 10, 1951. (Navy)

【029】A U.S. Marine tank follows a line of prisoners of war down a villagestreet. September 26, 1950. S. Sgt. John Babyak, Jr. (Marine Corps)
一辆美军坦克跟随一列战俘驶过街道。1950年9月26日,John Babyak, Jr.中士。(海军陆战队)

【030】North Korean prisoner of Marines who rolled enemy back in Naktong Riverfighting. He wear a "Prisoner of War" tag and was treated in accordancewith United Nations' rules of international warfare. September 4, 1950.S. Sgt. Walter W. Frank. (Marine Corps)
被美国海军陆战队抓获的朝鲜俘虏,他刚刚在洛东江战役中击退了敌人。他挂着战俘的标牌,所受待遇符合联合国国际战争条例中的规定。1950年9月4日,S. Walter W. Frank.中士 (海军陆战队)

【031】U.S. Marines guarding three captured North Koreans, ca. 1950. Sgt. W. M. Compton. (Marine Corps)
美国海军队员正在看守三个被捕韩国人质,ca.1950年,W. M. Compton中士。(海军陆战队)

【032】North Korean prisoners, taken by the Marines in a foothills fight, march single file across a rice paddy.  1950  (Marine Corps)

【033】Homeless, this brother and sister search empty cans for morsels of food, and try to keep warm beside a small fire in the Seoul, Korea, railroad yards. November 17, 1950. Pfc. Fulton. (Army)

【034】A small South Korean child sits alone in the street, after elements of the 1st Marine Div. and South Korean Marines invaded the city of Inchon, in an offensive launched against the North Korean forces in that area. September 16, 1950. Pfc. Ronald L. Hancock. (Army)
一个朝鲜小女孩坐在无人的街道上,此前美国海军第一陆战队和韩国海军陆战队开进了仁川市,双方在这里并肩打击朝鲜军队。1950年9月16日,海军陆战队一等兵 Ronald L.Hancock。(陆军)

【035】A Korean orphan boy adopted by a motor pool battalion at Inchon, Koreaand nursed back to health. He is called "Number One" by the boys of themotor pool. June 6, 1951. (Navy)

【036】An old Korean man takes a rest on the street in front of destroyed buildings, in Seoul. August 20, 1951. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)
一位韩国老人在首尔的马路上坐下休息,身后是残垣断壁、一片废墟。1951年8月20日, G. Dimitri Boria. (陆军)

【037】Miss Mo Yun Sook, famed Korean poetess, is telling how she escaped the Communist-led North Koreans when they captured Seoul, by hiding in the mountains until the U.N. forces liberated the city. November 8, 1950. Cpl. Robert Dangel. (Army)
韩国著名女诗人Mo Yun Sook小姐,正在讲述自己脱险的经历——共军领导的朝鲜人攻占首尔时,她一直躲在山上直到联合国军队解放了这座城市。1950年11月8日,Robert Dangel下士。(陆军)

【038】A refugee family from Ching Pung Men near Masan, now living in a refugee camp at Changseung-po, Korea. October 1950. United Nations. (USIA)
这个流亡家庭原本住在离马山不远的Ching Pung Men,现在在韩国的Changseung-po一处难民营里安定下来。1950年10月,联合国。(美国新闻署)

【039】North Korean refugees use anything that will float to evacuate Hungnam. Here they jam the decks of a South Korean LST and many fishing boats. December 19, 1950. (Navy)

【040】Korean natives prepare to board an LST during the evacuation of Hungnam, while other refugees unload some of their meager belongings from an ox-cart and load them on a fishing boat. December 19, 1950. (Navy)




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