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[时事新闻] 概译:美国的跟屁虫有麻烦了

发表于 2009-4-10 10:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 zhiyi 于 2009-4-10 10:55 编辑






Georgians protest into the night

Protesters have given Mr Saakashvili 24 hours to respond to demands

Hundreds of people have been sitting out in the Georgian capital Tbilisi after a mass rally against President Mikhail Saakashvili.

Up to 60,000 people had gathered in the city on Thursday to demand the resignation of Mr Saakashvili.

They blame him for defeat against Russia in August's war and say he has stifled democracy.

Protest organisers have given the president until 1100 GMT on Friday to agree to their demands.

"This is the last chance for the authorities to stand above personal interests and to act responsibly to overcome the most difficult crisis in the country," they said in a joint message.

Opposition leader Levan Gachechiladz said they had "no other choice but to stay here until our demand is met".

"We are here to say that Mikhail Saakashvili must resign," he said.

"We don't need a coward for a president."

Mr Gachechiladz called on the protesters to reconvene at 1500 local time (1100 GMT), the deadline for Mr Saakashvili to respond.

"All of us are staying here. If anyone is tired, they can go and rest," he said.

"But I ask all of you to stand here every day at 1500 because the events could develop quickly."

'One homeland'

President Saakashvili has refused to resign, urging Georgians to show unity and "work day and night... to finally liberate Georgia".

He was speaking at a ceremony in the capital, Tbilisi, to commemorate the day, 20 years ago, when 20 people died as Soviet Red Army troops crushed a protest in the same place.

"It is absolutely clear that no matter what opinions we may hold and how we may differ from each other, we have one homeland," he said.

He linked the events of 1989 to those of last August, when Georgia was defeated in a brief war against Russia over its breakaway province of South Ossetia.

"This is what these people sacrificed themselves for under Russian tank tracks, and what our fighters sacrificed themselves for last August... freedom and a united Georgia," he said.

Opposition leaders have appealed to the government not to use violence to break up mass protests.

Police used rubber bullets and tear gas to break up the last mass protests in Tbilisi in November 2007.

Police restraint

The BBC's Tom Esslemont in Tbilisi says this is the most organised protest since the war with Russia and it is one that opposition leaders are likely to be pleased with.

The mood was calm as protesters gathered outside parliament on Thursday morning and there was little sign of a police presence, says our correspondent.

Estimates of the crowd range between 50,000 and 60,000, news agencies reported. Organisers had expected up to 100,000, AFP news agency said.

"The situation is very calm in the capital and in all of Georgia. The protests are going very peacefully," Deputy Interior Minister Eka Zguladze told AFP.

"The police, in accordance with their instructions, have acted with restraint. No single incident has taken place."

The opposition had alleged that dozens of members were arrested before the rally - a claim denied by the government.

"The Georgian police has not arrested a single protester and has not blocked a single road," said Ms Zgulagze.

Our correspondent says both opposition and government figures had accused one another of planning to use violence at the rally.

Video footage was recently released by the government allegedly showing a group of opposition supporters planning a disturbance at the protests.

The government accused the men of trying to provoke the government into using force.




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