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【A图片 09.05.29/30】每日电讯报:街舞组合“Diversity ”击败苏珊大妈赢得“英国达人秀”冠军

发表于 2009-5-29 12:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-3 14:43 编辑

Susan Boyle 'considered quitting' Britain's Got Talent
Susan Boyle“考虑退出”英国达人秀


Last Updated: 5:22AM BST 29 May 2009

Susan Boyle has considered quitting Britain's Got Talent altogether due to the pressures of fame, show judge Piers Morgan said.

由于成名后压力重重,Susan Boyle已经考虑要退出英国达人秀比赛,该比赛的评委Piers Morgan说。

Susan Boyle during the first semi-final of Britain's Got Talent
Susan Boyle在英国达人秀半决赛第一场中献唱

Morgan launched a defence of the 48-year-old, dubbed the 'Hairy Angel', who is the favourite to win, saying that she has been in "floods of tears" this week and suffering from almost crippling nerves.

Morgan举了个类似的例子,一位48岁绰号“Haiay Angel”的选手,当时夺冠呼声最高。她却表示在决赛前的那一周自己神经高度紧张,“泪如决堤”。

Writing on his internet blog, Morgan said that "frightened rabbit" Boyle had fleetingly felt like throwing in the towel to escape all the attention.


Susan Boyle will appear in Britain's Got Talent final despite stress, producers insist

达人秀的制作方坚持表示,尽管Susan Boyle感到压力重重,但她还是会参加英国达人秀的决赛


Last Updated: 2:33PM BST 29 May 2009

Susan Boyle's place in the Britain's Got Talent final is not in doubt, the show's producers have insisted, despite reports that the singer is struggling to cope with the pressure.

尽管有报道说歌手Susan Boyle身负重重压力,但英国达人秀的制作方人员坚持表示,Susan一定会参加达人秀的决赛,这点毫无疑问


'I'm not going to throw away my big chance' says Susan Boyle as she vows not to quit Britain's Got Talent



By Paul Revoir, Simon Cable and Nick Mcdermott Last updated at 4:11 PM on 29th May 2009

Staying put: The show will go on for singing sensation Susan Boyle seen leaving her hotel in London yesterday

追踪报道:据报道,已有人看到歌手Susan Boyle于昨日离开了她在伦敦住的宾馆,这样达人秀就会照常进行。

Embattled Susan Boyle has vowed to stay on Britain's Got Talent, despite earlier threatening to the show which made her famous worldwide.


The 48-year-old Scottish singer said she has spent the past few weeks preparing for Saturday's final, and despite her recent difficulties struggling to cope with her newfound fame, she will perform tomorrow.


In a statement, she said: 'I want nothing more than to stay and sing in the Britain's Got Talent final.


'I've spent weeks rehearsing - it's all I've been thinking about. I'm not going to throw away my big chance now.'


Diversity beat Susan Boyle to win Britain’s Got Talent



By Ben Leach Last Updated: 10:41PM BST 30 May 2009

Diversity, a street dance group, have won the final of reality TV competition Britain’s Got Talent in a surprise victory over favourite Susan Boyle.


Dance group Diversity

The group, from east London and Essex, will receive £100,000 and perform at the Royal Variety Show after beating Ms Boyle and saxophonist Julian Smith into second and third place respectively.

这个来自东伦敦埃克萨斯郡的街舞组合在战胜Susan大妈和萨克斯演奏家Julian Smith赢得冠军后,将会得到10万镑奖金,并能有机会在为皇室成员准备的综艺表演上一展身手。Susan大妈和Julian Smith分别获得第二名和第三名。

The dancers all do normal day-to-day jobs, ranging from an IT systems engineer, a bathroom installer and to a telesales worker.


But they are now likely to give up their careers and are set to make hundreds of thousands of pounds as promoters rush to book them for performances.


翻译支持 By xiongshu
发表于 2009-5-29 23:21 | 显示全部楼层
Susan Boyle“考虑退出”英国达人秀

  由于成名后压力重重,Susan Boyle已经考虑要退出英国达人秀比赛,该比赛的评委Piers Morgan说。
  (图下文字:Susan Boyle在英国达人秀半决赛第一场中献唱)
  Morgan举了个类似的例子,一位48岁绰号“Haiay Angel”的选手,当时夺冠呼声最高。她却表示在决赛前的那一周自己神经高度紧张,“泪如决堤”。
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发表于 2009-6-2 16:38 | 显示全部楼层
达人秀的制作方坚持表示,尽管Susan Boyle感到压力重重,但她还是会参加英国达人秀的决赛

尽管有报道说歌手Susan Boyle身负重重压力,但英国达人秀的制作方人员坚持表示,Susan一定会参加达人秀的决赛,这点毫无疑问

  追踪报道:据报道,已有人看到歌手Susan Boyle于昨日离开了她在伦敦住的宾馆,这样达人秀就会照常进行。



  这个来自东伦敦埃克萨斯郡的街舞组合在战胜Susan大妈和萨克斯演奏家Julian Smith赢得冠军后,将会得到10万镑奖金,并能有机会在为皇室成员准备的综艺表演上一展身手。Susan大妈和Julian Smith分别获得第二名和第三名。
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