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【09.05.29 NPR】全球经济衰退中审视中国的作用

发表于 2009-6-7 17:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-7 18:39 编辑

【原文标题】Weighing China's Role In The Global Recession

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner heads for China for talks with officials there early next week. In January, Geithner angered the Chinese government by accusing China of manipulating its currency and undermining free trade. China shot back, blaming the U.S. for sparking the financial crisis.


Certainly, the U.S. bears a large share of the blame for the meltdown, but many economists believe China's currency policy paved the way for the worldwide crisis.


"Here's the short argument that China is partly to blame for the crisis: In its rush to industrialize, China ran up huge trade surpluses. It saved too much of the money it made selling its products. Then, it lent too much of that money to America, says Peter Morici, an economics professor at the University of Maryland.


"They accumulated dollars and they invested those dollars in the New York bond market," he says. "That made it inexpensive for banks to lend us money through our homes on mortgages and second mortgages and to loan us money on credit cards and to buy cars."

“他们积累了美元并将其投资到纽约债券市场, ”他说,“这使得银行得以将廉价的资金通过房屋抵押贷款,第二套房屋抵押贷款,信用卡借贷,汽车贷款等途径贷给了美国民众。”

China, along with some other Asian nations and oil producers, flooded the U.S. financial markets with so much excess cash that it drove interest rates down, providing an irresistible temptation for Americans to take on more debt, Morici says.


"And it meant that the Federal Reserve couldn't pull in the mortgage frenzy when it wanted to," he says. "There was not much the Fed could do. It raised short-term rates, but long-term rates didn't go up with them. Mortgage rates didn't go up. And the terms got easier and easier and people borrowed more and more."

“这意味着当美联储希望控制抵押贷款的狂潮时,事与愿违。 ”他说, “美联储能做的并不多。它提高了短期利率,但长期利率并没有随之升高。抵押贷款利率也没有上升。而贷款条件却愈来愈宽松,人们贷款愈来愈多。”

Economist and China expert Nicholas Lardy agrees that Chinese money provided the fuel for the financial crisis.


"The Chinese gave us the rope, but we didn't have to hang ourselves," he says. "If we had had tougher regulation, the inflow of capital from China would not have led to the crisis that emerged over the last year or so."

“中国为我们提供了救生索,但我们并不应该用它来吊死自己, ”他说,“如果我们有更严厉的监管,中国流入的资本也不会导致从去年开始显现的危机。

Lardy says the lack of regulation allowed U.S. investment firms to develop riskier financial products. And they did so with abandon as they tried to boost profits in the low interest rate environment created by the flood of cash from China.

拉迪说,监管机制的缺乏让美国投资公司开发出更具风险的金融产品。 他们肆意妄为,试图在由中国来的现金洪流所造成的低利率环境中提高利润。

So why did China build up such large and destabilizing surpluses? Lardy and Morici disagree on China's motives. Morici thinks China made a deliberate decision to build its economy and its global power through exports.


"Quite simply, China wants to have a very large trade surplus with the United States as a development tool to employ [people from rural China] in the cities making things to sell here," Morici says. "So what it does is, it keeps its currency cheap."


But Lardy, a fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, says China sort of stumbled into the situation.


Back in the 1990s, China decided to peg its currency to the dollar, a move that was viewed as positive back then. For a while it worked fine. The dollar appreciated and so did China's currency, the yuan. That meant Chinese exports were more expensive. So, despite its increasing productivity, China's trade surplus was manageable.


But early in this decade, the dollar began to fall, and with its currency still pegged to the dollar, China's exports became cheaper. China sold mountains of goods, and its trade surplus soared, Lardy says.


"Their goods became massively more competitive on international markets and they developed large trade surpluses without any precedent in recorded history," he says.


Lardy says some Chinese leaders want a more balanced economy. But he says others, with economic interests in export production, have gotten addicted to the huge profits that exports generate. They're resisting the calls from the U.S. government and others to allow the value of the yuan to rise.


Geithner will raise the issue during his talks next week, but Lardy says that with China holding $1.5 trillion in U.S. debt, the U.S. doesn't have a lot of leverage. Just last month, the Treasury blinked when it declined to officially call out China for manipulating its currency.


"Certainly one of the reasons they probably didn't raise it to that threshold is the very commonsense idea that maybe you shouldn't pick a fight with your banker," Lardy says. "If you need to borrow a lot of money from somebody, you have to treat them, perhaps, with greater deference than you would if you didn't have that dependency."


Morici argues it's the other way around. The fact that China has lent the U.S. so much money actually gives the U.S. leverage. That's because China needs a strong U.S. economy if it wants to be paid back in full.


And, of course, China is still dependent on the U.S. consumer. A Treasury official says Geithner will urge China to seek more balanced growth by boosting domestic consumption and depending less on exports.





 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-7 19:29 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-7 19:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-7 21:29 编辑

2009年5月29日 5:42:49 robert scheppy (scheppy) wrote:

Americans might try managing their own money better, as b both the government and people seem addicted to debt..


2009年5月29日 6:44:13 Shirley Freeman (homesafe) wrote:

The view has been attributed to Prof. Morici that the U.S. and Europe are in economic trouble now because both import more than they export. When imports consistently exceed exports, eventually you have to begin borrowing to pay for the exports, and borrow, and borrow....That view rings true. But it's too big a stretch to blame China for the behavior of Barney, Dodd, and others in blocking efforts to trim the excesses of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the past decade, along with the out-of-control speculation that caused the excesses. No, our own shortsightedness got us into this. And with a White House that refuses to consider what to do if (and when?) inflation from their excess dollar-printing rears its very ugly head (in a year or two?)...the current Administration will continue the mistake of shortsighted strategies for current benefit...and dig our economy into an even deeper hole. Obama claims to be able to do several things at once. Shouldn't one of those things be working on a strategy to minimize inflation when/if it begins? If you are told there is a wrecking ball swinging over your economy, shouldn't you at least look up?

莫里奇教授提出的观点,指出目前美国和欧洲陷于经济危机是因为两者的进口大于出口。当进口长期超过出口时,只能开始通过借贷来支付进口产品,然后再借,再借。。。这看起来正确,但是, Barney,Dodd和其他一些人阻挠尝试减少房利美和房贷美在过去十年里的过度放贷,和由于完全失控的投机的努力,如果将这也也归咎于中国,就有点说不过去了。


2009年5月29日 8:48:13 Only Me (onlyme) wrote:

China has one less consumer. I have been purchasing frozen veggies at Whole Foods for quite a while, but the recent food labeling laws that put country of origin on the packaging showed me that the supposedly organic vegetables I have been eating are coming from China.

Why can we not growing our own vegetables? Whatever the answer is, I am no longer buying frozen "organic" vegetables from Whole Foods, until Whole Foods stops buying vegetables from China. I prefer to support our own economy and will look for veggies from somewhere/anywhere within the U.S.

中国又少了一个消费者。我一直在Whole Foods购买冷冻蔬菜,新的商品标识规定要注明原产地,我才发现一直吃的有机蔬菜来自中国。

为什么我们不能种植自己的蔬菜?不管什么原因,在Whole Foods停止从中国进口蔬菜之前,我将不再在Whole Foods购买那些“有机”冷冻蔬菜了。我支持我们自己的经济,我会去找我自己种植的蔬菜来买。

2009年5月29日 8:51:49 G B (GB_) wrote:

Right, it's China's fault that we don't have a problem buying goods manufactured with slave labor as long as their cheap. Or that we racked up debt. Or that we use six times the world average of resources to move our overweight arses around.

No obviously it's China's fault. We're the good guys.



2009年5月29日 9:00:10 Jeremy Anderson (wumingzi_57) wrote:

Thank you for taking the time to explain some of the mechanics of the economic relationship between the US and China.

In the time-honored tradition of NPR listeners who flood the stations to comment on the most trivial of grammatical errors, I would like to point one out in this story. The Chinese currency is called the "yu-en" not the "yu-ahn".

(audio link below)
http://www.mdbg.net/chindict/chi ... uan&wdrst=1&wdeac=1


2009年5月29日 9:07:22 victor miller (double) wrote:

it is partley Amerca's thought because of us Americans went behond our means, if us Americans were to spend more wisely, like save money, and borrow less, than we would not have been in where we are now, I may be being insitive, but it is not right to blame our problems on china.


2009年5月29日 12:00:13 Rick Fucci (Rick44) wrote:

Very FUNNY Story.

The two culprits are:

"The US working class"
"The industrial engine of China"

"The US, accepted too many fish from the Chinese and "WE" forgot how to fish. And somehow this is china's fault."

If it were not so important to understand what really happened, not only to avoid this kind of economic destruction in the future, but to identify the true dysfunction and do something about it now, this would just be another FUNNY story.

I suppose it should be no surprise that NPR is channeling this fantasy for the Fed, as if it were THE NEWS.
But framing the Federal Reserve as the cavalry? Going over to talk to those pesky Chinese producers?

Ayn Rand would flip out.

I would love to see the research file for this story examined (unredacted). The WWWWW&Hows of it getting on the air. That would at least sound like NEWS.

A careful study, which IS ongoing, will show that the centralized banking system has evolved into a tower of paper power, so rife with greed and corruption that it is collapsing of its own weight. Lest we forget: Power tends to corrupt and absolute tends to...... We are doomed to live in a county with a plunging standard of living run by and for the powerful and corrupt.




我觉得NPR为美联储将这个荒诞的想法当做新闻来播出并不奇怪。但是,将美联储描述成一支勇敢的骑兵,冲到中国那里跟麻烦的中国生产者谈判? 艾茵•兰德会气得从坟墓里跳出了。




2009年5月29日 13:30:13 G R (12qwer345643) wrote:

Without going into too much of the complexities of the U.S-China relationship, I find it laughable that an American economics professor would dare blame China because Americans lacked the discipline and the intelligence to make sound economic decisions on a personal and national level. It is almost like a drug user blaming the 'pusher' and the manufacturers of a drug for being too good at getting a product to market thereby causing their addiction!

Typical self centered, narcissitic, blame-others- for-problems-you-caused-yourself American thinking. Just be prepared for a future where America is so indebted to China that we don't have our national autonomy any more. And that will come about because America was stupid- NOT CHINA!



2009年5月29日 13:37:10 A C (ack126) wrote:

Are you kidding me? The financial crisis is caused by China's cheap Yuan? I don't know what that professor is smoking in Maryland but he's got to stop! Are these the kind of people that are educating America's next generation?

If I give you a rope, will you hang yourself or can you come up with something better to do with it? If I pushed you on a cliff, will you just jump or will you try to avoid falling?

This recession is probably the best thing that has ever happened to a society like ours. We have to learn how to save, how to not live beyond our means, how to care for those in needs so if we ever become one, there's someone else there looking out for us. If we don't learn a valuable lesson out of this mess, how are we ever going to progress and how are we ever going to have a worthwhile future to live into?

Yes, blame the Chinese, blame the Indians, blame the illegal immigrants! Why don't we just write our blames and complaints into our constitution and just continue pointing fingers and dwell in the past instead of marching forward? Maybe if we convinced the world that other countries are the problems and we are not at all greedy, wasteful, and irresponsible, we'll be the economic power house again????





2009年5月29日 16:34:32 Brian H (Brian_H) wrote:

Blaming China for the global recession is like blaming GM and Budweiser for drunk driving accidents.


2009年5月30日 7:09:33 Grace Sheffield (Grace7) wrote:

Wow, that is just pitiful.
We are really in trouble if many share this view, particularly if they are the ones charged with leading us out of this mess.

* Well said AC!!



2009年5月30日 18:44:22 Viny F (Vinii) wrote:

Interested article!! However, the professor extended over the board to make his case without much evidence we can point to. So far, we know excessive of liquidity was one of the causes along with lack of regulation and reckless risk taking by Mr. Wall Street. Even if over flooding USA with cheap capital was determined the main cause, China wasn't the only source. Blaming China for financial crisis? Is it too far to the right or left, may be both.


2009年5月31日 10:51:34 Stacie Roach (Rexxangel) wrote:

I do hope these guys remember that we need China on our side when it comes to any possible conflicts there may be with North Korea.


2009年5月31日 11:45:22 chris juneau (cjuneau) wrote:

ack126, I think you could quite possibly be the next leader of the republican party





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发表于 2009-6-8 00:22 | 显示全部楼层
这个教授可以拿绳子累死自己,当然看看是不是MADE IN CHINA~
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发表于 2009-6-8 12:04 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-11 10:05 | 显示全部楼层
就是有人只想共进退   SB
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