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【09.11.25 每日快报】英国每年盐摄入量过高引发疾病死亡达4万

发表于 2009-11-26 19:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Wednesday November 25 2009 byVictoria Fletcher

Bread and breakfast cereal are among the foods with the highest salt contents

HIGH levels of salt added to everyday foods are killing tens of thousands of people in Britain.

Experts estimate that if people cut their intake of salt to just one teaspoonful a day, it would save at least 40,000 lives a year.

A report published today says many consumers are unable to calculate their intake due to labels that sometimes say “sodium” instead of “salt”.

This means few people realise that bread contributes the highest amount of salt to their diets, followed by processed meats and then breakfast cereals.

Heart experts have called for a fresh law to clear up what they describe as “a scandal”.

About 200,000 people die from cardioavascular disease in the UK each year, but the report says reducing salt intake could cut that by about a fifth, or 40,000. Graham MacGregor, professor of cardiovascular medicine at St George’s Hospital in London, has led a campaign to get salt levels down.

He said: “At the moment there is confusion over salt labelling, with some products using the term ‘sodium’ instead.

The latest study, published in the British Medical Journal online, says cutting salt intake from 10 grammes a day – about two teaspoons – to five would reduce global death rates from cardiovascular disease by three million a year.

The analysis is one of the most comprehensive reviews of the link between salt and heart disease and adds to a large body of evidence on the dangers of salt.

The World Health Organisation already recommends that all countries try to reduce salt intake to no more than five grammes.

Although the UK has set its a target of six grammes a day, it has still won respect for doing more than most other nations to reduce salt intake.

In recent years, food producers have been told to slash the amount they add to foods, which has led to a 10 per cent reduction in intake since 2000, saving 6,000 lives a year.

But salt intake still stands at 8.6 grammes, a figure that most health experts agree is too high and there are fears that poor labelling is preventing it falling more quickly.

>> 以下内容来源于网络

2009年5月17日世界高血压日主题:Salt and High Blood Pressure:Two Silent Killers



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