



楼主: paulaohua

[音乐] ★★★金属梦幻系列★★★(狗尾续貂版)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-8 09:58 | 显示全部楼层
Autumn Tenebre(墨西哥)


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-8 10:00 | 显示全部楼层
301.Nostalgia Perpetua

出自Autumn Tenebre 2010年EP<Lamento de Gea>.

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发表于 2011-3-8 10:14 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-8 12:10 | 显示全部楼层
diwent 发表于 2011-3-8 10:14

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-10 09:49 | 显示全部楼层
Vision Divine (意大利)

一支来自意大利的能量金属乐队.主唱Fabio Lione在离开Labyrinth乐队后,却与Labyrinth的主要团员Olaf Thorsen、Andrew Mc Pauls、Mat Stancioiu另组的side-project.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-10 09:51 | 显示全部楼层
302. Black & White

出自Vision Divine 2002年专辑<Send Me An Angel>.

...And the, alright
Let's play the big game of life and death
You can throw your dice
I'm not scared as you see...

Odd or even: make your choise...
I'll bet with my life, as I always did!

This is the big game of life
No winners...
This is my life: Black and White
Every day I bet on it

And here we go
For this never-ending game
I'm not going to stop
I have nothing to lose

All the sheets are on the table
Choose it right or you can lose your dreams....

This is the big game of life
No winners...
This is my life: Black and White
Every day I bet on it

again you'll let me win
To give me the illusion I can scope the fate

"You said it right, I like to play
But keep it in your mind, you're still mine..."

This is the big game of life
No winners...
This is my life: Black and White
Every day I bet on it.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-10 09:52 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-14 09:33 | 显示全部楼层
Infinity Overture(丹麦)

这是一支来自于丹麦的新晋交响乐团,曲风多变音乐结构宏大充分展示了这支乐团的特色,主音很有声线特色,多变而宏伟。专辑音乐元素丰富,极富交响色彩,可以看出Infinity Overture具有相当高的造艺
Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/2778560/&gt;

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-14 09:37 | 显示全部楼层
303. The Stand

出自Infinity Overture 2011年专辑<The Infinite Overture Pt. 1>.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-14 09:39 | 显示全部楼层

出自Infinity Overture 2011年专辑<The Infinite Overture Pt. 1>.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-15 09:38 | 显示全部楼层
Theatre of Tragedy(挪威)

当1995年来自挪威的Theatre of Tragedy发表了首张同名专辑之后,歌特式金属乐的风潮便开始蔓延至全欧洲,并带动大量歌特金属乐团的追随,在短短几年时间之内,歌特金属乐便得到蓬勃的发展而成为欧洲金属乐界一股新兴的势力!

Theatre of Tragedy的出现,可说为原本刚强制式化的金属音乐,如吉他英雄式的音乐编奏型态,带来了新的冲击与启发,让世人体验到原来金属音乐也能有如此阴柔和着重气氛营造的表现方式,为金属音乐开启了另一种新的可能性!

Theatre of Tragedy或许不是第一个尝试将女音主唱或是将80年代英伦歌特摇滚元素融入于金属乐当中的乐团(如Paradise Lost),但他们却是确立歌特金属风格与带动歌特金属发展的首要功臣之一!TOT将悠柔的女音演唱、death metal的死腔、歌特摇滚闇中带美的精髓,与沉重的doom metal相互融合,成为了新型态的gothic death metal,TOT的音乐元素,如优美女音主唱与death男腔对唱的形式,大量的键盘弦乐、钢琴运用,都成为日后gothic metal的最基本要素。柔弱女音与残暴死腔的对唱,犹如天使与恶魔般的对比,黑闇兼具优美感的气氛与旋律,都是TOT为歌特金属做出的定义。
Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/58517/&gt;

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-15 09:43 | 显示全部楼层
305.And When He Falleth

出自Theatre of Tragedy 1996的专辑<Velvet Darkness They Fear>.

这是悲情剧院第二张专辑。最成功的哥特专辑之一,并且他们的俱乐部"Tanz der Schatten" 帮助他们吸引到了更多的听众。这些挪威人因此成为当时最重要的歌特乐队。当时的女主唱Liv Kristine也因此名声大振,其嗓音已经成为了一个商标。



这张专辑也诞生了数首扣人心弦的TOT经典曲目.比如这一首,前半段是优美的钢琴旋律伴随女音吟唱以及Raymond的低吟,到了曲中一长段有如自收音机传来之男女对话的口白,谱以淡淡的acoustic guitar伴奏和双大鼓点,非常的有味道!

Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/58517/&gt;

And When He Falleth

前奏有一句轻微女声“If I believe”

"Be my kin free fro carnal sin,
Bridle the thoughts of thy Master."
"There hath past away a glore fro the Earth;
A glore that in the hearts and minds of men,
Men demented - blindfolded by light,
Nourisheth as weed in their well-groom'd garths."
人类堕落了-- 却正是被光芒所欺蒙
"Might I too was blindfolded ere,
"The quality of mercy and absolution,
Tho' years have master'd me
Whence cometh such qualities?
A masque of this to fashion:
Build thyself a mirror in which
Seer blest, thou best philosopher!"
Solely wanton images of thy desire appear!"

"'Tis the Divine Comedy -
"'Tis the Divine Tragedy -
The fool and the mocking court;
The fool and the mocking court;
Fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells!
Fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells!
We hold the Earth fro Heaven away."
Make us guffaw at thy futile follies,
Yet for our blunders - Oh, in shame;
Earth beareth no balm for mistakes -
We hold the Earth fro Hell away."


[Male Voice]
That cross you wear around your neck; is it only a decoration, or are you a true Christian believer?
[Female Voice]
Yes, I believe - truly.
Then I want you to remove it at once! - and never to wear it within this castle again! Do you know how a falcon is trained my dear? Her eyes are sewn shut. Blinded temporarily she suffers the whims of her God patiently, until her will is submerged and she learns to serve - as your God taught and blinded you with crosses.
You had me take off my cross because it offended....
It offended no-one. No - it simply appears to me to be discourteous to... to wear the symbol of a deity long dead. My ancestors tried to find it. And to open the door that seperates us from our Creator.
But you need no doors to find God. If you believe....
Believe?! If you believe you are...gullible. Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease and Death! They rule this world.
There is also love and life and hope.
Very little hope I assure you. No. If a god of love and life ever did exist...he is long since dead. Someone...something rules in his place.

"Believe? In a deity long dead? - I would rather be a pagan suckled in creeds outworn; Whith fairytales fill'd up in head;

Thoughts of the Book stillborn."

"Shadow of annoyance -
Ne'er come hither!
...And when He falleth, He falleth like Lucifer,
Ne'er to ascend again..."

注2:carnal sin也就是肉欲,原罪。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-15 09:46 | 显示全部楼层
306.Der Tanz Der Schatten

出自Theatre of Tragedy 1996的专辑<Velvet Darkness They Fear>.

Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/58517/&gt;


"Meine Augen sind so dunkel,
"Gleichwohl hast Du Deine Augen versteckt
Auch sind die Visionen schwarz,
Lichtschein hinter der Dunkelheit;
Schwarz wie die Nacht;
Ein Licht das mir gezeigt hat,
Der Dämmerzustand des Menschen -
Daß Du von Angst erfüllt bist.
Ist meine Zeit des Daseins."
Erzähle mir bitte
Warum Du diese Angst in Dir trägst!"

"Ich bin so alleine;
Einsamkeit in Ewigkeit -
Gedanken nur für mich,
Mit dem Schatten flüstere ich -
Mit dem Schatten tanze ich -
Einsam wandere ich,
Das Blut begehre ich: Totentanz."

"Den tödlichen Kuß zu empfangen;
"Tanze nicht mehr mit dem Schatten,
Folge der Finsternis in das Nichts! -
Tanze bitte nicht über das Grab;
Süßer Nektar auf Deinen Lippen;
Tanze mit mir den Walzer Luzifers.
Ein Rinnsal blutfeuchtes Leben,
Ich sehne mich Deine Braut zu sein
Ich lecke die Liebe aus Deinem Gesicht,
- Um zu Finsternis zu werden."
Ich lecke den Haß aus Deinem Gesicht."

"Ein so berauschendes Gefühl:
"Für immer und unendlich:
Meine bittere Existenz zu schmecken!"
Ein Seelsorger Deiner bin ich."

"Laß mich Deinen Kuß begrüßen;
Den selbstzerstörerischen Kuß..."

"Gebe Dich mir hin!
Ich war von Trauer erfüllt,
Ich war so untröstlich,
"... Bis ich sterbe, umarme mich,
Doch Du hast die Liebe entfacht..."
Und ich werde wieder auferstehen...
Ich liebe Dich..."
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-18 10:06 | 显示全部楼层
Twilight Guardians (芬兰)

Twilight Guardians是一只来自北欧千湖国芬兰的Power Metal乐队,1996年他们在赫尔辛基成立。

1998年发行首张EP“Land of the Kings”之后被德国金属厂牌Angular Records所看中成为旗下一员,2000年发表他们的首张专辑“Tales Of The Brave”,是一张具有古典风味的概念性速度金属专辑。他们最有名的专辑包括2007年发行的“Ghost Reborn”和在2006年发表的“Sin Trade”,Twilight Guardians还cover了玛丹娜在1987年出的单曲La Isla Bonita。最后在2004年他们签署到Spinefarm Records随后便发行了完整大碟“Wasteland”。

在Twilight Guardians的作品中我们可以听到雄壮威武的哥德式教堂大合唱,也可以听到感人肺腑的抒情歌曲,无论是吉他或是键盘的表现都是可圈可点,在21世纪的重金属市场,这的确是一张不可多得的金属名盘。

但是很可惜的是在08年的8月Twilight Guardians决定要正式解散了,在官网的声明文章写到,Twilight Guardians已经成立了十年,觉得已经很难寻找到当初的乐趣了,但是他们不会放弃音乐这条路,将会组新的乐团且持续的製作音乐。目前Vesa Virtanen (vocals)和Jari Pailamo (keyboards)组了个新的团Ponies To Kill,Mikko Tång (bass)则是另组了一团Sinfactor。

Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/2727371/&gt;

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-18 10:09 | 显示全部楼层
307.Through the Stars

出自Twilight Guardians 2006年专辑<Sin Trade>.

I turn myself to meet the stars
On open skies we´re goin´ far
Don´t be afraid
I have your heart

So say goodbye
We´ll leave the ground
We´ll ride with the wind
On newborn cloud
Where we don´t need
To waste a sound

Inhale the silence through these stars
Inhale the silence through these stars
Devour me emptiness for I am through
Inhale the silence for I am through

We´ll never find the newborn star
Rip down the skies
They´ve gone so dark
Don´t be afraid
You don´t have a heart

So say goodbye
We´ll leave the ground
We´ll ride with the wind
On newborn cloud
Where we don´t need
To waste a sound

Inhale the silence through these stars
Inhale the silence through these stars
Devour me emptiness for I am through
Inhale the silence for I am through
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-18 10:11 | 显示全部楼层

出自Twilight Guardians 2006年专辑<Sin Trade>.

Welcome to this daydream
Made by dirty hands
I wait for you to jump in
But I bet you never can

Forget what you are leavin´
Here you´ll get aments
What´s firm and what´s deceiving
Here they all will blend

Quiet air is grating
Soft wind drowns your words
What´s twisted is still turning
And familiar never returns

Welcome to this pit where no-one fits
Our heart´s behind that door
Our flawless whore
Welcome to this pit
Nothing you´ll miss
No villains at our door
Our flawless whore

No-one´s flawless
No-one´s fearless
Until the breaking stain
It all is shameless
It all is painless
Until they know your name
They say you´re flawless
With lies you´ve never heard

Welcome to this daydream
Made by dirty hands
I wait for you to jump in
But I bet you never can

Welcome to this pit where no-one fits
Our heart´s behind that door
Our flawless whore
Welcome to this pit
Nothing you´ll miss
No villains at our door
Our flawless whore
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-23 10:17 | 显示全部楼层

24小时见不到阳光的永夜如果降临,什么会是最佳的背景音乐呢?来自瑞典的哥德乐团Beseech,多达七人的团员,男女双主唱、两个吉他手和贝斯、键盘以及鼓手,为的就是让一张专辑的声响组合能尽力到达完美的境界,如同大部分北欧乐团的组成经过,团员们都曾待过各的乐团、并在酒吧累积表演经验后,才在98年正式成军、录制试听Demo带、发行专辑。首张处女作”Black Emotions ”发表于 2000年,初试啼声闯出名气后受到奥地利金属名厂Napalm的青睐签约于旗下,经过精心策划全力塑造之后,于2002年推出第二张专辑 ” Souls Highway ” ,获得乐坛良好的评价,第三张作品”Drama ”发行于 2004年,最新大碟 ”Sunless Days ”发表于 2005年,推出之后气势如虹的得到世界各地乐评家们的夸赞!

虽然 Beseech已经于2006年12月正式宣告解散,但 ”Sunless Day ”是为完整的主题概念作品,把阴郁和迷失的情绪提炼到一种美学境界,钟情于此的乐迷绝对不容错过他们任何一张专辑!虽然 Beseech已经于2006年12月正式宣告解散,但 ”Sunless Day ”是为完整的主题概念作品,把阴郁和迷失的情绪提炼到一种美学境界,钟情于此的乐迷绝对不容错过他们任何一张专辑!

Address : <http://www.rockempire.net/2007/3-12/2007312132315.htm&gt;

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-23 10:18 | 显示全部楼层
309. The Outpost

出自Beseech 2005年专辑<Sunless Days>.

I have been where silence dwell
Tried to keep you far away
I feel something' still around
It has been kept from us

All illusions are just fraction
Of the fears that they stole from your mind

I can touch what you can't reach
I cannot hold them back aahhh
All illusions seems so real
I can touch what you can't reach
I cannot hold them back aahhh
It's the outpost of my mind

When the darkness came you saw
Now I share what you believe
You are in my silent room
Now I understand it

All illusions are just fraction
Of the fears that they stole from your mind

Now you touch what I have reached
You cannot hold them back aahhh
All illusions seems so real
Now you touch what I have reached
You cannot hold them back aahhh
It's the outpost of my mind

I can touch what you can't reach
I cannot hold them back aahhh
All illusions seems so real
I can touch what you can't reach
I cannot hold them back aahhh
It's the outpost of my mind
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-25 15:02 | 显示全部楼层
Fairyland (法國)


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-25 15:08 | 显示全部楼层
310. Eldanie Uelle

出自Fairyland 2006年专辑<The Fall Of An Empire>.

Once was a time, in the white desert cold
And a place she could call her own
Then came the darkness, fear, grievance and hate
From the hands of Gods, it's gone forever now

The dream of a man, and whisper of tears
all gone with the wind
Black endless night, in the shadows of hell
The fearful disk stood before the sun
so the lights of her father God shined not upon her land
In her castle of frost she swore for revenge

Far to the north, the call of retaliation
Open up, wide the gates of Havenrod

Solan has called the help of the one
over the frost where the white mountains lie
What will future be, in the shadows of a word?
To be a queen: an oath upon the sword
and a tale..
And the tale carries on

The ghost of a word, a promise unsaid a whisper away
For the helpless we left our homes behind
And to our destiny, we carry one
The dark clouds are far and yet I'm so cold
it seems that we've reached the end of the world



For the twilight we'll take our swords
and to Eldergrave we'll fight our way
Our fathers and brothers are dying in vain
but this is our oath: we'll get our revenge


Solan has called the help of the one
over the frost where the white mountains lie
What will future be, in the shadows of a word?
To be a queen: an oath upon the sword
and a tale..

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