



楼主: paulaohua

[音乐] ★★★金属梦幻系列★★★(狗尾续貂版)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-26 12:06 | 显示全部楼层
Iced Earth (美国)

美国著名Power\Thrash乐队.美国制造,却异常欧洲的ICED EARTH(冰封大地)向来善于通过概念化的作品去浓缩听者的勇气。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-26 12:12 | 显示全部楼层

出自Iced Earth 2001年专辑<Horror Show>.

(chanting) "Say! Damien Oh!"

So the beast resides in me
Deep down I always knew
I never really did fit in
So diverse from all of you
Let him who comprehends
Know the number of the beast
It's a number of a man
A number just for me

As the boy becomes a man
Father's minions pave the way
Set in motion now, Armageddon,
Final conflict, end of days

I embrace the hounds of hell
And the power they oblige
For the task that lies ahead
The Nazarene I'll crucify
They'll see the raptures of our kingdom
They'll see the truth to mankind
I'll show what hell truly is
The monotony of their lives

When the Jews return to Zion
And a comet fills the sky
The Holy Roman Empire rises
And you and I must die
From the eternal sea he rises
Creating armies on either shore
Turning man against his brother
Till man exists no more

"Nazarene, what can you offer?
Since the hour you vomited forth
from the gaping whomb of a woman,
you have done nothing but drown mens' soaring desires
in a deluge of sanctimonious morality.
I was conceived of a jackal.
Your pain on the cross was but a splinter
compared to the agony of my father.
I will drive deeper the thorns into your rancid carcass,
you profaner of Isis.
Cursed Nazarene,
I will avenge thy torment."

Now Disciples of the Watch
See your Prince of Darkness rise
Through famine and destruction
The Four Horsemen at my side
I demand a victory, I demand a sacrifice
Or spend all eternity
In the flaccid gut of Christ!

When the Jews return to Zion
And a comet fills the sky
The Holy Roman Empire rises
And you and I must die
From the eternal sea he rises
Creating armies on either shore
Turning man against his brother
Till man exists no more

Say! Damien Oh!
Damien! See! Damien!
Damien Oh!
Say! Damien Oh!
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-26 12:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 paulaohua 于 2011-3-26 12:43 编辑

312.The Devil to Pay

出自Iced Earth 2004年专辑<The Glorious Burden>.


<Horror Show> 三年以后,Jon Schaffer终於打起了精神,集结了原Judas Priest 主唱 TimOwens以代替出走的Matt Ballow,结束了与CentruyMedia的合同跳到德国大厂spv旗下的Steamhammer,  推出了全新专辑 ‘the GloriousBurden’.其中带一张叫 Gettysburg(1863)的mcd.专辑封面是一张有关美国南北战争战斗场面的水粉画,本以为整张专辑都会有关与此,但其实只在mcd有涉及到。

这张mcd描述了南北战争时的关键一战,为时三天的葛底斯堡大捷。jon为了突出专辑的epic氛围,特意请来了布拉格爱乐交响乐团(the Prague PhilharmonicOrchestra).可问题也就出在这交响乐团身上:一是录音的问题,二是jon对於驾驭这么一个人数上十倍于i.e的乐队有点力不从心,除了第三首的后半段,交响乐团所起的作用并不比键盘大道哪去--声音又弱又薄,基本上没飙起来。LeadGuitar算彻底凉快了,旋律线条全部交给了捷克人表现。tim的演唱要比正式专辑的更有感觉,这是一大进步。另外专辑多处运用了战争的声音采样,类似炮声,枪声,增色不少。

  1863年,北方在军事上出现转机。同年7月1日葛底斯堡(Geeysburg)大捷,成就了俩位将军的一世英名。成为内战的转折点。战场上的主动权转到北方军队手中  1864年9月,W.T.谢尔曼将军摩下的北军一举攻下亚特兰大,两个月后开始著名的“向海洋进军”,在进军中彻底摧毁了敌人的各种军事设施,沉重地打击了敌人的经济力量,使南方经济陷于瘫痪。在东线,格兰特将军统率北军把敌军驱逼到叛乱“首都”里士满附近。1865年4月9日,R.E.李的部队陷入北方军队的重围之中,被迫向格兰特请降。南北战争终止。美国恢复统一。



1 the devil to pay 1.Juli 1863
  军鼓开场,是真正的军鼓。风笛和12弦琴奏出美国国歌,后半段可以隐约听出一首叫'Dixie'的南方民乐旋律,突然几声炮响,预示战争开始并由南部挑起。军鼓不停,长笛响起,tim伴着木吉它缓缓唱来‘in july 1863 a nation torn intragedy......’开始就对战争作了总结。随即加入电吉它和管弦乐,代表北军将军JonBuford带领2000骑兵到达Culp'Hill,Gettysburg的至高点,去接应以先到达的将军JohnReynold.可Reynold马上陷入了与叛军的一场恶战,本人被一颗反弹的子弹打死。此段依然用吉它riff和管弦乐来表现,tim的唱是一个递高,最后凶猛异常。一段合唱也重复了多次‘This tragedy and what it bring...there's the devilto pay’.军鼓再次响起,电吉它奏出为一首为纪念John的曲子‘when johnny comeshome’。大约第7分钟,伴着一声炮响,管弦乐又重新代入‘Dixie’,此后俩个旋律交替出现,表示激烈的巷战。9分30秒,随着一声胜利的欢呼,tim再次重复了前一个唱段,只是歌词不同而已--描述场面--至此可以看出,音乐部分和唱部份表现的内容是重复的,是并行的。11分40秒,只剩军鼓了,4下4下的,管弦乐也只剩下号--夜缓缓的用他黑色的翅膀盖上了那片狼烟四起,尸横遍野的战场--战斗结束了,南军取得了这一天的胜利,北军被迫用鱼钩阵形退缩到Culp'Hill,从Cemetery Ridge到Round Tops.

In July 1863
A Nation Torn In Tragedy
A Trick of Fate, Two Great Armies Merge
Gods Of War At Gettysburg
Devastation Lies Ahead
50,000 Bodies Litter The Land
hell Rages Three Full Days
The Reaper Sows, There’s The Devil To Pay

The Pressure’s On And The Reb’s Attack
The Yanks Must Hold, They Can’t Fall Back
Just Two Brigades, 2000 Strong
Against 20,000 They Can’t Hold Long

General Reynolds Makes His Way
Expect No Mercy From The Iron Brigade
Until He Shows They’re On Their Own
But Buford’s Men Have A Will Of Stone

Bayonets Gleam In The Morning Sun
Smoke And Fire Belching From Their Guns
Another Volley And Again They Strike
Thousands More Comin’ Down The Chambersburg Pike

This Tragedy And What It Brings
All The Devastation
*The Reaper Has His Way
Men Will Kill, Blood Will Spill
To Preserve The Nation
*There’s The Devil To Pay
South Of Town Down The Emmitsburg Road
The First Corps Are Starting To Show
For Buford’s Men, They’re Here Just In Time
The Desperate Need To Strengthen The Line

Bodies Dropping The Blue And The Grey
Muskets Fire And Cannon Blaze
The Union Fights Defending The Town
But They’re Outnumbered And Losing Ground

From The North And The West More Rebels Arrive
Thousands More And The Fight Multiplies
McPhearson’s Ridge And The Black Hats Strike
A Rebel Sharpshooter Takes Reynolds Life

This Tragedy And What It Brings
All The Devastation
*The Reaper Has His Way
Men Will Kill, Blood Will Spill
To Preserve The Nation
*There’s The Devil To Pay

Attack! Attack! General Lee Gives Command
They’re Overwhelmed, The Situation Demands
The Federals Retreat And Rush Out Of Town
But They Have Fortified And Saved The High Ground

The Day Ends In Victory For The South
Lee’s As Convinced As God’s Will Is Profound
They Are Invincible And Their Cause Is Just
But Longstreet Is Cautious And Lacking In Trust

Across The Way The Union Digs In
The Round Tops, Cemetary Ridge And Out To Culps Hill
Their Lines Are Strong, No Denying They’ll Stay
When The Confederates Strike
There’ll Be The Devil To Pay

This Tragedy And What It Brings
All The Devastation
*The Reaper Has His Way
Men Will Kill, Blood Will Spill
To Preserve The Nation
*There’s The Devil To Pay
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-26 12:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 paulaohua 于 2011-3-26 12:48 编辑

313.Hold at All Costs

出自Iced Earth 2004年专辑<The Glorious Burden>.

2 hold at all costs 2.Juli 1863
  紧接第一首,音乐没停。tim用及其深的感情唱了intro‘ brother against brother’--'just a mileor so away, is my dearest friend in this world, he wears the blue and ithe grey,and god it hurts me so. the last time we were together igrabbed the hand and i pledged,if i ever draw my sword on you, may thegood lord strike me dead',歌词太感人了,我真的被感动了。歌词取材于真实事件,南军将领 Lewis A.Armistead和北军军官 Winfield ScottHancock在大战以前建立了兄弟般的友谊,可他们却不得不在战场上拔刀相对。干涩的Thrashriff,tim却唱得缓慢--hold atall costs 是北军将领Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain说的,他的任务是带领他的团在RoundTops不惜一切代价守住北军侧翼。而这也正是南军要作的:趁夜急行军,向RoundTops进攻--3分26秒,管弦乐象急风暴雨一样猛彪--蜂拥而至的北军发起了一波又一波的冲击--4分46秒加唱‘Wave after wavetheir power must bewaning...’--Josua突然接到报告,子弹不足了。‘如果我的士兵精疲力竭了,那他们的也应该一样,上刺刀!’,他发出这样的命令。--合唱‘We'll know what we're made of...we must hold at allcosts’--戏剧的是,南军被这种视死如归的气势吓到了,纷纷投降。

We’ll Know What We’re Made Of
When Up Against All Odds We Hold Our Line
For The Cause That We So Love
We Must Hold At All Costs
We’ll Know What We’re Made Of
When Our Nation Needs Us, We’ll Stay The Course
For The Union We So Love
We Must Hold At All Costs

Intro “Brother Against Brother”
Just A Mile Or So Away
Is My Dearest Friend In This World
He Wears the Blue And I The Grey
And God It Hurts Me So
The Last Time We Were Together
I Grabbed His Hand And I Pledged
If I Ever Draw My Sword On You
May The Good Lord Strike Me Dead

The Union Flank’s In Trouble
To The Round Top On The Double
A Bad Decision, Insubordination
Exposed Our Line In A Dangerous Way

The Burden Lies Upon Us
Surrender Is Not An Option
We Are The Flank And If We Break
The Union Crumbles, We Could Lose The War

Down Below’s The Carnage
The Rebel’s Charging Onward
Push The Slaughter Forward, The Peach Orchard
Through The Wheatfield And Devil’s Den

The Valor Of The Texans
And Alabama’s Best Men
They’re Unrelenting And Devastating
The Last Full Measure Of Devotion’s Clear
We’ll Know What We’re Made Of
When Up Against All Odds We Hold Our Line
For The Cause That We So Love
We Must Hold At All Costs
We’ll Know What We’re Made Of
When Our Nation Needs Us, We’ll Stay The Course
For The Union We So Love
We Must Hold At All Costs

Wave after wave, They’re coming
Their Power Must Be Waning
We’re Out Of Ammo, We Can’t Fall Back, No!
A Desperate Measure, A Means To End

On Their Next Wave We Charge Them
There Is No Other Option
Disconcert Them, Force Submission
On My Command, Fix Bayonets!

We’ll Know What We’re Made Of
When Up Against All Odds We Hold Our Line
For The Cause That We So Love
We Must Hold At All Costs
We’ll Know What We’re Made Of
When Our Nation Needs Us, We’ll Stay The Course
For The Union We So Love
We Must Hold At All Costs

We’ll Know What We’re Made Of
The Burden Lies With Us
When Up Against All Odds We Hold Our Line
We Can’t Fail
For The Cause That We So Love
We Must Hold At All Costs
We’ll Know What We’re Made Of
With Courage In Our Hearts
When Our Nation Needs Us, We’ll Stay The Course
We Won’t Fail
For The Union We So Love
We Must Hold At All Costs
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-26 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
314.High Water Mark: Cannonade/Intro/The Burden of Command/The Last ...

出自Iced Earth 2004年专辑<The Glorious Burden>.

3 high water mark 3.July 1863
  (1) cannonade
  (2) the burden of command
  tim用一种苍老的唱腔--将军Lee。jon老大居然开腔了,声音厚实有力,和tim很象,不仔细听听不出来--James PeterLongstreet.将军Lee命令手下James Peter Longstreet去进攻在CemeteryRidge的北军侧翼,以出骑兵制胜,其实就是孤注一掷,奋力一搏‘Ececute it well, we riskeveryting...’。同时Picket帅12000人于北军决一死战。James任为胜算不大,但军人的职责就是服从命令--女声背景清唱出一句结局‘thousands die,on this day’
  (3)the last full measure
  3分28秒开始音乐描述James的团从冒着炮火向Cemetery Ridge进发。依然是一段交响后,tim开唱--‘whathappens here this day, the fate of this nation, in the balance it willhang...’。--炮声划过的声音,低音号成为主角--冒着敌人的炮火,前进,前进。
  军鼓,小提琴拨弦,旋律优美悲壮。之后就在拨弦和雄壮前进旋律夹在炮火中来回中交替--音乐不停的变换焦点。8分51秒,James终於到达Cemetery Ridge并对他所剩无几的部下讲话--tim的声音由悲壮到邪恶--拼了!
  (5)the melee
  9份20秒,吉它下切,管弦乐借用了‘calm before thestorm’(暴风雨前的沉寂)的一段。9分36妙,随着一声forward,吉它和管弦乐一起放开,背景是砍杀声,枪声,炮声交织一起。jon并没有用很多笔墨用来描述战斗场面,10分05秒很快过渡到唱--失败的李老将军面朝沙场充满负罪感‘...god forgive me, pleaseforgive me. it is all my faul,the blood is on my hands’.整张mcd在忧郁的大提琴下结束。

�It Was Very Close Yesterday
I Thought For Sure They Would Break
But This Attack That I Have Planned
A Massive Strike Across Open Land
In The Center They Will Break (Will They Break?)
But Plan It Well, Everything�s At Stake
We�ll Hit �Em Hard, Not A Silent Gun
Before The Infantry�s Begun�

�Execute It Well, We Risk Everything�
�It�s In God�s Hands Now�

�General Lee I Must Tell You Straight
I Believe This Attack Will Fail
No 15,000 Men Ever Made
Will Overtake That Ridge Today
A Mile Charge Over Open Ground
With Yankee Cannon Gunnin� Us Down�

�We Do Our Duty, We Do What We Must
And In My Plan You Will Trust�

The Rebel Cannon Break The Silence
150 Guns Make Up Their Cannonade

They Must Destroy The Union Center
Before The Infantry Can Launch Their Grand Assault

The Yankees Are Returning Fire
(The Earth Shakes Violently)
In Washington D.C. Lincoln Feels The Earth Shake

What Happens Here This Day
The Fate Of This Nation
In The Balance It Will Hang
Consumed With The Pain
The Courage Of The Blue
The Valor Of The Grey
So Very Sad But True
Consumed With The Pain

The Virginians Are The Chosen
In Wait Behind The Trees On Seminary Ridge

Longstreet�s Slow To Give The Order
The Lines Emerge, A Mile, 15,000 Men

The Charge Begins In All It�s Grandeur
(To The Copse Of Trees)
For Many Of These Men They Know It Is Their Last

The Slaughter Now Ensues
Bodies Fall Like Rain
They Valiantly Pursue
Yet Doomed To Remain
At The Double Quick They Charge
The Canister Rips Through Them
To The Mouth Of Hell They March
Glory, The Only Gain

�We�re Almost There My Boys
I�ve Never Served With Finer
We Must Push Forward Boys
And Bayonet The Yankee Tyrants
To The Copse Of Trees We Charge
To Crush The Union Center
And When They Turn And Run
An Open Road Leads Us To Freedom�

�It�s Over Now We Are Retreating
I Never Thought That We�d Be Beaten
All This Blood Is On My Hands
The Thousands Dead Due To My Plan
I Am Responsible, All Of It Is My Fault
I Thought Us Invincible
Is This God�s Will After All?
I Look Across This Blood Soaked Land
All This Blood Is On My Hands
God Forgive Me, Please Forgive Me
It�s All My Fault, The Blood Is On My Hands�
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-28 09:55 | 显示全部楼层
Dark Princess(俄罗斯)

近几年的俄罗斯金属界新星迭出,各种风格都有堪称一流水准的乐队涌现出来。而Dark Princess无疑是其中女声歌特金属的佼佼者。性感而美丽的红发女主唱,介于美声和天音之间的柔美声线,还有那迷死人的带一点点俄语大舌头口音的颤音,都充满了魅惑的味道,甚至有着Indie女声的感觉。而他们的编曲则让我想起了To/Die/For,富有张力的吉他,和优雅而恰到好处的键盘穿插在一起,加上唯美的旋律,一支旋律歌特乐队成功所需要的全部要素他们无一或缺。虽然他们还不出名,但是对于这样一支实力强劲的新军来说,他们的音乐水准足以说明一切。
Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/268175/&gt;

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-28 10:00 | 显示全部楼层
315.Taste Of Shame

出自Dark Princess 2005年专辑<Without You>.

I fill nothing but fire that in your eyes.
When you look up in sorrow of gentle crimes.
Give me one more day of despair
I get the night of cry.
You can swallow my grief.
There's no time to believe.

Leave all your tears behind
You know what you have to know
Let me shape up your mind like I did it before.
Deliver me from hate
Love still reasoning your life
And the hardest thing to understand is your lie.

Your embrace all your memories of my life.
Taste of shame on your lips and it's full of light.
Give me one more day of despair

I get the night of cry
But I'm craving for more
Yes I'm fooling myself

Leave all your tears behind
You know what you have to know
Let me shape up your mind like I did it before.
Deliver me from hate
Love still reasoning your life
And the hardest thing to understand is your lie.

Leave all your tears behind
You know what you have to know
Let me shape up your mind like I did it before.
Deliver me from hate
Love still reasoning your life
And the hardest thing to understand is your lie.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-28 10:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 paulaohua 于 2011-3-28 10:12 编辑

316.My fragile winter dream

出自Dark Princess 2005年专辑<Without You>.

PS. 这首应该是Dark Princess 最经典的一首歌曲了

You see, I'm dying
For this crystal temple of dreams
Melting my crying
In black waters of frozen streams.
I've to be stronger
But I feel your fingers are cold.
These shadows are like you.
I can't see your world.

Winter will bury with the snow my pain
You've never shared my sorrow, you'll never
share it again.
Dark is so deep and there's no sun to shine.
But in this fragile dream you're mine...

Mirrors are broken,
Stars are dead, they can't give us light.
Fear of darkness...
I wish you could trust my insight.
I've to be stronger
But I feel your fingers are cold.
These shadows are like you.
I can't see your world.

Winter will bury with the snow my pain.
You've never shared my sorrow, you'll never
share it again.
Dark is so deep and there's no sun to shine.
But in this fragile dream you're mine...

Burned by your love and hate I pray:
"Please, let me out! Let me...stay!"

Winter will bury with the snow my pain.
You've never shared my sorrow, you'll never
share it again.
Dark is so deep and there's no sun to shine.
But in this fragile dream you're mine...

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-10 15:56 | 显示全部楼层
Bloodflowerz (德國)



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-10 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
317 One Second

出自Bloodflowerz  2002年专辑<Diabolic Angel>.

i close my eyes
listen to a soft song
an ancient melody
of strange mystery

with your deep blue glance
i venture a close dance
come deep inside
not just this night

one second

in confusion by a flash
in the cycle of life and of death
cannot stop the flood paving the way of my fate
we are the blood, we are of the clay
are you the god saving my day
we cannot stop the flood, the way of our fate

love´s rising
brighter than all stars can
higher than dragons fly
but virgins are shy

in one second
all can change
wake up the sleeper
and touch me deeper
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-14 00:37 | 显示全部楼层
Anubis Gate (丹麦)


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-14 00:38 | 显示全部楼层
318.The Wanton Blades of Lust

出自Anubis Gate 2005年专辑<A Perfect Forever>.

How a man may fall, how a maid may crawl
Long and bitter ages bound
How I plead my sin into the ground
My soul ached forth the nightmare from my lips

Torment unending from judgement unsparing
Steadfast am I here in Hell
While your liquid hate devours my flesh

Watching the chosen, treading the hallowed path
Light ones, you never falter
The bread of virtue melts in your mouths
Such pure souls, you enemies of the earth

All my life I cursed the blood in my veins
All my life I ripped the flesh from my bones
All my life I warred with the scarlet hordes
All my life I shattered every last stone

For I looked into the mirror of desire
Dared to touch the mystery
And the dew of mercy kissed me not
And the shadows breathed of my eternal pain

So I ask again, from the mouth of despair
Which is the greater disgrace?
The flesh of sin, so weak and corrupt
Or the spirit and its holy disease?

All my life I cursed the blood in my veins
All my life I ripped the flesh from my bones
All my life I warred with the scarlet hordes
All my life I shattered every last stone

All my life I cursed the blood in my veins
All my life I ripped the flesh from my bones
All my life I warred with the scarlet hordes
All my life I ripped the flesh from my bones
I warred with the scarlet hordes
I shattered every last stone
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-15 00:20 | 显示全部楼层
Kalmah (芬兰)


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-15 00:22 | 显示全部楼层
319.The Black Waltz

出自Kalmah 2006年专辑<The Black Waltz>.

And she walks her way so treatled
Leads away from the bless sheґs earned
Gone away the meaning
Before the day against the morning

Down the path of the blind souls she walks
Through the dreams of mystery
Tryinґ to reach the touch of human
Finds the way to the secret lands

Calling is guiding
Dazzling her instincts
Calling is guiding
Dazzling her instincts

Hymn of temptation keeps calling Makes her to believe the dream
She wants to lay to rest
And to take away her veil
Soon will feel the touch of the Taker And will see the eyes of the
Canґt resist the feeling
Hand in hand they will fall into sleep

Dancing with me
Forever the black waltz
Dancing with me
Forever the black waltz
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-16 00:23 | 显示全部楼层
Powerwolf (德国)

虽然Powerwolf乐队的成员们涂着画尸脸,但做的却是不折不扣的力量金属。这支成立于2003年的年轻乐队以不俗的表现得以签入金属大厂Metal Blade。专辑整体风格雄壮优美,旋律流畅,Riff生猛沉稳,鼓点厚重有劲,而且充满了气势磅礴的合唱,主唱的嗓音高昂粗犷,带有歌剧化的风格。


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-16 00:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 paulaohua 于 2011-4-16 00:27 编辑

320.Raise your fist, evangelist

出自Powerwolf 2009年专辑<Bible of the Beast>.

We wait for the Call to break down the Wall
and fight for the End of Days
We conquer the Land with the Bible in Hand
the Glory of War and Praise
Are you praying for the final Grace?
With Power and Pride, and God on our Side
we follow the holy Way

Stand and Scream for all the World today

Raise your Fist, Evangelist!
Raise your Fist, Evangelist!

Get down the Roar we march into War
we strike down the Enemy
In Triumph of Christ no Pagan survives
to Hell if you don't believe

We raise in the Name of God
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-16 00:27 | 显示全部楼层
321.Resurrection by erection

出自Powerwolf  2009年专辑<Bible of the Beast>.

When purgatory’s waiting
And the girl immaculate
The highest of commandments dictates to copulate
No grave is animated, you’re buried all alone
So let her work a wonder
And wake your flesh and bone

Resurrection by erection
Raise you phallus to the sky and you never die
It’s resurrection by erection
Raise your bone up to the sky and you never gonna die
Halleluja, resurreection

The funeral is caling
The mortuary blow
Between my legs I’m waking
I rise from down below
Why do you think believer
God gave you carnal lust
So pray to get a hard on
Before we turn to dust

The devil and the maiden
Prepare for going wild
The new messiah calling
The purgatory child
Before my flesh is fading
The virgin has a turn
The third of days we’re climbing the point of no return

Resurrection by erection
When you wake up from the dead and the angels give a head
Halleluja, resurrection
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-20 00:14 | 显示全部楼层
In This Moment (美国)

  从2005年至今,IN THIS MOMENT(魔时魅影)仅仅用了眨眼时间便从一支年轻乐队攀升至美国眼下最令人疯狂的Metalcore / Screamo(金属核/嘶吼情绪核)五人组。这其中的并不只因为乐队拥有一位满臂纹身、热辣喷血的女主唱Maria Brink(玛利亚•布瑞克),另外,乐队的成功还要取决于整体的水准与实力。味道十足的流畅旋律,Metal式动力强劲的节奏与亢奋的情绪,激情肆溢的唱腔夹杂着些许女性特有的阴柔,并一切唯美视觉元素的融合,ITM的种种特点决定了他们势必会迅速攻占当今年轻歌迷的音乐欣赏阵地.

  最初,吉他手Chris Howorth(克里斯•霍沃斯)与女主唱Maria Brink于2005年在西海岸洛杉矶相识,由于双方相同的音乐喜好,他们在找来鼓手Jeff Fabb(杰夫•法伯)后决定正式组建乐队,并自行录制了第一张小样。之后,两位新成员吉他手Blake Bunzel(布雷克•邦泽尔)与贝司手Jesse Landry(杰西•兰德瑞)加入乐队;与此同时,著名金属厂牌Century Media Records注意到ITM的内在潜能,当机立断与乐队签约,并在发行首张专辑之前为他们安排了大量与著名乐队同台巡演的机会,以此在歌迷群中赢得爆棚的人气。紧接着,CM公司更是请来曾担任THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN、GOD FORBID等乐队制作人的Eric Rachel亲自操刀,为ITM量身定做了他们的处女大碟《Beautiful Tragedy》(《美丽的悲剧》)。乐队果然不负众望,新专辑发行首周即以呼啸之势夺取了欧美各大排行榜的前列位置,而专辑主打单曲“Prayer” (祈祷)与“Daddy’s Falling Angel”(爸爸的堕落天使)旋即更是被各类音乐媒体进行轮番轰炸,在歌迷当中广为流传。2007年,ITM顺利入选Ozzfest演出乐队名单,并且开始与欧美殿堂级摇滚之神Ozzy Osbourne(奥兹)与Rob Zombie(罗伯•祖拜)进行长时间的巡演,与奥兹同台可是许多比ITM年长20岁的音乐人都无法企及的终极梦想。一切使得ITM成为众多摇滚/音乐媒体竞相报道的对象,Maria Brink也被冠以继EVANESCENCE(暗夜精灵)的主唱Amy Lee(艾米•李)与艾维儿之后的北美摇滚魔少女顶尖偶像。

  从风格上来讲,In This Moment的音乐风格不拘泥于单调,富于变化,当初在宣传时,就被冠以“可以掳获从AFI,My Chemical Romance到Bleeding Through,Atreyu等各流歌迷”,也就是这种“大小通吃,走遍黑白两道”的本事,铸就了乐队的成功。(摘自百度)


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-20 00:17 | 显示全部楼层
322.The Great Divide

出自In This Moment 2009年专辑<The Dream>.

We're fighting without a reason
It's time to win
This great divide

How did we get this far
How did this come to be
Why does fear dominate
When all we want is peace
We've got to find a way to heal
The wounds that we have bled
The empires will fall
And rise again

Save us,
save us from ourselves now

We're fighting without a reason
We're killing her softly day by day
We're guilty we're all in treason
It's time to mend this great divide

We have to end the hate
And fight hypocrisy
We have to believe in life
And all humanity
Think of the children
that have to live
In what we leave behind
The empires will fall
And rise again

Save us
Save us from ourselves now

We're fighting without a reason
We're killing her softly day by day
We're guilty we're all in treason
It's time to mend this great divide
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-20 00:19 | 显示全部楼层
323.Call Me (Blondie Cover)

出自In This Moment 2009年专辑<The Dream>.

Colour me your colour baby
Colour me your car
Colour me your colour darling
I know who you are
Come up off your colour chart
I know where you´re coming from

Call me on the line
Call me call me any anytime
Call me my love you can call me any day or night
Call me

Cover me with kisses baby
Cover me with love
Roll me in designer sheets
I´ll never get enough
Emotions come I don´t know why
Cover up love´s alibi

Call me on the line
Call me call me any anytime
Call me my love
Call me my love you can call me any day or night
Call me

Ooh he speaks the languages of love
Ooh amore chiamami.
Oo appelle-moi mon cherie
Anytime anyplace anywhere anyway
Anytime anyplace anywhere any day

Call me for a ride
Call me call me for some overtime
Call me in my life
Call me call me in a sweet design
Call me call me for your lover´s lover´s alibi

Call me
Call me
Call me
Send "Call Me" Ringtone to your Cell
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