



楼主: paulaohua

[音乐] ★★★金属梦幻系列★★★(狗尾续貂版)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-15 00:16 | 显示全部楼层

出自Paradise Lost 1991年专辑<Gothic>.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-16 00:22 | 显示全部楼层
Twilight Ophera (芬兰)

十一年前(也就是1996年),刚孕育成型Twilight Ophera乐队看到了黎明前的第一丝曙光。1997年春天,他们在Cacophonous Records的支持下推出了一张小样。

在发行了首张专辑Shadows Embrace the Dark之后他们证明了自己是值得签约的艺人。这张专辑奠定了他们在新兴的黑金浪潮中的领先地位。在1999年推出了第二张专辑Midnight Horror之后,乐队经历了十分严峻的考验--老成员的离队和跟唱片公司的纠纷,最后决定放弃所有离队的成员,重新寻找新的唱片合约。在失去了鼓手Timo Kollin之后,乐队又接受了接二连三的打击,直到2001年,新的领唱Mikko H kkinen的加入才给这只处于风雨飘摇中的乐队注入了新的血液。新的专辑是在Low Frequency Records旗下发行的,这张名为The End of Halcyon Age的专辑是乐队正式发行的第三张专辑,借助两位乐队的狂热崇拜者(鼓手Janne Ojala 和贝司手Jussi Heikkinen)的帮助,以毁灭性的火焰征服了2003年的夏天。2005年秋天,元老成员Mikko Kaipainen的离队意味着一个时代的结束,2006年,Twilight Ophera再次出击,Descension作为乐队第四次疯狂的产物,在 Low Frequency Records旗下全球发行,乐队带着10首全新歌曲,创造一种前所未闻的声音,用来征服所有凡夫俗子。        


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-16 00:23 | 显示全部楼层

出自Twilight Ophera 2003年专辑<The End of Halcyon Age>.

I deicide, deus vult!
Ab aeterno these parasites grow
Ordo inferno words they hide below
To breed like flies, when lies they ramify
Encroach for your soul where filth shall rise

I shall cut the limbs that pray
To blind my eyes stained
Wash the filth away!

Faith of rape, ablution with holy seed
Ordeal incest I falled to fate of Cyane
Fuck your grace, I’m free of cruciate death

Ab aeterno these parasites grow
Ordo inferno words they hide below
To breed like flies, when lies they ramify
Encroach for your soul where filth shall rise

Web of lies to fabricate,
to obfuscate the deeds opaque
Why should I, feed your need of friars to bleed
Fatherhood won’t grand you leash creator

Web of lies to fabricate,
to obfuscate the deeds opaque
Pariah from deadend cycle,
usurper of selfbuilt fate

I shine like gods!
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-17 00:30 | 显示全部楼层
Persefone (安道尔)



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-17 00:33 | 显示全部楼层
340.Fall to Rise

出自Persefone 2009年专辑<Shin-Ken>(《真剣》). 是以日本剑圣宫本武藏先生传奇事迹以及兵法著作《五轮书》创作的概念大作。专辑共分五个章节:地之卷;水之卷;风之卷;火之卷;空之卷;

Life in every breeze of air
In every cup of tea
When fear holds your heart beating
Cowardice stabs your will
Drowning you in doubts

To get to the agonic point of giving up
Self-destruction, the only path for you to find strength
You’re weak to the bone
Poisoned for the fangs of lie

Feelings drown in chaotic thoughts
Face the fear, rise against the dawn
Raise your soul with pride
Your sword is faith
As you feel the death
The harder life becomes the more you must stand
You are alone in your life
But brave in your fight

Suffering, wounded
Again and again
Seven times ahead to fall
Rise, Rise an eight
And keep the fight
Keep the fight and
Become a warrior

Feeling drown in chaotic thoughts
Face the fear, rise against the dawn
Raise your soul with pride
Your sword is faith
As you feel the death
The harder life becomes the more you must stand
You are alone in your life

Feeling drown in chaotic thoughts
Face the fear, rise against the dawn
Raise your soul with pride
Your sword is faith
As you feel the death
The harder life becomes the more you must stand
You are alone in your life
But brave in your fight
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-17 00:40 | 显示全部楼层

出自Persefone 2009年专辑<Shin-Ken>.

Kusanagi 好像就是草薙京,玩过<侍魂>和<拳皇>的童鞋应该对这个名字不会陌生...

Old as time
The strongest power of mankind
It was searched for
By all men with courage to face it
Living in all of us
Awaits the moment to show its eyes
The power to be the one

Let the rain clean my sweat
Let the wind clear my mind
The pride I must leave behind
To find strength in my path”

What you need it lives in you
Strong decisions you must live for!
“Old men in ancient times
Searched for it on the courage path”
All your fears disappear
When conviction rises all around
“Fear is my wall to get the power
Righteousness will draw out from my soul!”

As did the Sword of Gods
The one that stands is the one who believes
You hold your power as your fears
Stand away from your way
You hold your inner strength
Living every moment as the last

“In silence I remain standing
Searching for the right ideas
To be strong on weakness
To be wise on ignorance

I feel lost, as my sight has become grey
I behold, what I used to see as clear as a blue sky
A shadow in my will that hides my fears
I shall get over them, bravery!”

As did the Sword of Gods
The one who stands is the one who believe
You hold your power as your fears
Stand away from your way
You hold your inner strength
Living every moment as the last
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-17 00:42 | 显示全部楼层

出自Persefone 2009年专辑<Shin-Ken>

The wind is murmuring a light
That lights the night
And only its voice is advicing me

I’m longing to find the void
The emptiness
That means everything

I’ve resigned my body
And now the land is my home...
The sky cries in the rain
The tears I keep
The universe, me, the void
Are all the same...

Inert desert breathing out life
The same mistake
The same success
Justice that never fails
Justice that never hesitate...

I am the void
I am everything
Bushido is dying in every chance
Death’s as pure as life
To born pure and die still
Being stronger than mankind’s weakness

All around my skin
Time’s skin lies over me
As a huge animal bended over
Your light that shines right in my eyes
Is the beginning and end of everything
Water spilling through the dreaming fingers

My hair’s the wind
And my feet the earth
Never hesitating
Purity calms down my thirst

I am the void
I am everything
Bushido is dying in every chance
Death’s as pure as life
To born pure and die still
Being stronger...
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-19 00:26 | 显示全部楼层
Soul Secret(意大利)

在欧洲范围内意大利算是前卫金属重镇了,从80年代末起就不断有优秀乐团涌现,这可能和这个国家浓厚的艺术氛围有关系。Soul Secret就是一支来自意大利的前金生力军,在成立了4个年头之后,终于在08年发行了首张专辑<Flowing Portraits>。专辑由乐队自己制作,来自英国前金名团Threshold的吉他手Karl Groom为其进行后期处理。

强大的器乐演奏,复杂的编配,出色的旋律,前卫金属的魅力元素他们都具备了。唯一的问题是乐队目前没有一位专职歌手,由于健康原因主唱 Michele Serpico没有参与录音,这张专辑的演唱是由Mark Basile(前Mind Key、现DGM主唱)帮忙录制的。

总之,这是一张十分不错的前金处子作。这只是个开始,相信Soul Secret会在未来带给我们更加优秀的作品


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-19 00:28 | 显示全部楼层
343.Learning to Lose

出自Soul Secret 2008年专辑<Flowing Portraits>.

Looking through my window
I see a young man crying
Filling mighty seas of delusion

Holy Tears descending
From fragmented eyes
Mysteries ascending
In her distant heart

The image of that woman
Starts to enlighten his soul
Boundless fields inside
His mesmerized mind

Sirens dancing all around
Reflecting something past
Falling into pieces
On a distant sea

A conscience
A surface full of memories
That is flowing inside

And the sea
With its darkened life
A distorted sunrise

Born Aside
Hear the silence surrounding
And a withering light
Lost in me
And the sun's clearing
All the strange ways
Time in my brain
Violently blown away by desire

The sky is falling in her mighty eyes
Seas of emotion, neverending seas of pain
Ancient temples, living stones in her hands
Building time and space in a waiting mind

The sky is falling and I feel the time
Creeping behind, resonating through the trees
A movie of caressing hands and insane desires
I'm healing my mind, I'm learning to lose

Hears my heart his birdsong
That is caught in paranoia's language
Fallen mind sadistic signs
In every little word I'm saying

The direction of a fancy fly
Through caressing skies
In a lonely dreamer
A messiah brings his old way
Of Flowers and Fear
Learning to lose is life
In his time of dying
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-19 00:30 | 显示全部楼层
344.Tears of Kalliroe

出自Soul Secret 2008年专辑<Flowing Portraits>.

I - Sailing In The Arms Of The Ocean


II - Be My Temple

A siren's voice
A symphony
Walking silently in her eyes
A dreaming grace
A liquid cage
In the absence of light

Shining star
Look me inside
Resounds in the silence a sweet embrace
Hanging Clouds
Infinite Rain
A candle's burning
Into Darkness

Dissolve the clouds
Celestial words
And the darkness will fade away
A mind will fear
Perpetual eyes
In a forming desire

April morning
Flowing inside
Arrive the eternal ecstatic skies
In a sunrise the sun in my vanishing mind

Be my temple
Goddess of mind
A cradle of my never-ending desire
Eyes of a desert
Storming wind
Image of heaven inside me

III - Moving Silhouettes

God's creations revelations
Flowing through my mind
Surrealistic pictures
Ghosts revealing the divine
God heal my mind from spirits inside

Nature cries the evil ways
Are filling darkest brains
And the secret hidden in my tears
Beside your eyes
God hear my cry sweet lullaby

IV - Against My Own Mind


V - Baptism Of Flaming Waters

The horrifying chains of the martyr inside of me
Driving in silence the force
That is powering dreams on my mind

Driven by holy angels
My spirit flies through distance in time
Moonlight burns in the darkness
Configuring all my life

Dissolved minds desolate hearts
Asking for life
In a blood line destiny lies
In a sunrise

Cathedrals of fire
Marvelous desires
The image of God
Baptism me Water
Caressing my heart
Crawling embracing the gates of Utopia

The path of the nymph's calling from the other side
The day has come and the secret of soul
Talks to you fragile mind
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-4 00:38 | 显示全部楼层

成立于1995年的AGATHODAIMON最初是Sathonys与鼓手Matthias成立了AGATHODAIMON,并到处张贴广告,招揽乐手。很快,一些多才多艺的乐手纷纷集合到了AGATHODAIMON的旗下,诸如贝司手Marko,主音兼键盘手Vlad,以及第二吉他手Hyperion。乐团的首次亮相就惊动了著名的独立金属厂牌Century Media,后者则从此一直关注着这个新兴乐团的一举一动。但是乐团因为与Century Media公司在唱片发行问题上存在分歧,最终没有和ARCH ENEMY、CHILD OF BODOM等大牌黑金属乐团成为同事。但是在此之后不久,他们的第二张小样销量突破2500,取得了小样销售史上空前的好成绩,吸引来更多唱片公司总裁的目光。乐团还曾经考虑过加入Listenable, Head Not Found, Last Episode, Merciless等名声响当当的公司,但是他们最后决定与Nuclear Blast签约。在谈及Nuclear Blast 公司的时候,Sathonys 说:“他们从不告诉我们该做什么,或者迫使我们做一些事情。在Nuclear Blast,我们拥有艺术上的自由。”也许正是由于Nuclear Blast为乐团提供了更多的空间,AGATHODAIMON才欣然归于该公司旗下。这之后乐团在Nuclear Blast旗下出的四张正式专辑的销量可谓芝麻开花节节高,名气也越来越大。尽管后来乐团成员几经变动,但是在灵魂人物Sathonys的领导下,AGATHODAIMON将永远向着更精彩的远方航行。


根据Sathonys的介绍,AGATHODAIMON的音乐主要讨论强烈的、戏剧化的情感:爱和恨,生与死,也有一些对社会的批判,以及涉及文化和宗教的话题。”他们的灵感源自生活,他们探讨的主题不存在虚幻的东西,至少在歌词中没有。“我只能写我经历过的事情,” Sathonys说,“但是以后我也许会尝试写一些幻想的东西。”他表现出一贯的积极态度,对未来满怀希望:“虽然灵感总不会持久,但是总有些事物会鼓励你尝试其他的道路。生命是由无数变化组成的,我对未来怀有希望。”




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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-4 00:40 | 显示全部楼层
345. Light Reborn

出自Agathodaimon 2004年专辑<Serpent's Embrace>.

On a though I'd rest
Like a sigh in a glorious gloom
I crawl under her skin
To divinely kiss her sin

I just claim on my purity
In external community
I'm not searching for (any) solutions
But trying to avoid confusions

Till fades the very earth and sky
Your heart completely broken
And all the world hangs on a sigh
A word but partly spoken

I'm looking for resistance
And you'll feel my persistance

If you are here to obey me
You get what you deserve
When thoughts pursue me
Can't decide what's true in me

Till fades the very earth and sky
Your heart completely broken
And all the world hangs on a sigh
A word but partly spoken

I'm looking for resistance
And you'll feel my persistance

To disguise desire's utopia
To feed THE emotional idea
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-4 00:42 | 显示全部楼层

出自Agathodaimon 2004年专辑<Serpent's Embrace>.

One wish alone have I
In some calm land beside the sea to die

Upon its strand
That I forever sleep
The forest near, a heaven near
Stretched over the peaceful deep

That no one weeps my end
Nor for me grieves
But let the autumn lend
Tongues to the leaves

No candles shine
Nor tomb I need, instead
Let them for me a bed
Or twigs entwine

When brooklet ripples fall
With murmuring sound
And moon is found
Among the pine trees tall

While softly rings
The wind it's trembling chime
And over me the lime
In blossem flings

As I will then no more a wanderer be
Let them with fondness store my memory

And Lucifer the while
Above the pine, good comrade mine

Will on me gently smile?
In mournful mood
The sea sing sad refrain...
And I be earth again
In solitude




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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-17 15:16 | 显示全部楼层

成立于2009年的一支Symphonic Black/Death Metal乐队,至今只发行过一张EP

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-17 15:18 | 显示全部楼层

出自法国的Helioss 2010年EP<Confessions>.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-31 13:58 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-31 14:01 | 显示全部楼层
348.Praise the Beast

出自波兰金属乐队Azarath 2009年专辑<Praise the Beast>.

Hail to Thee, bringer of light, praised be Thy name
No entity greater than Thou, ruler of the earth.

Glory to Thee, almighty one, grand eternal snake
None shall stand before Thee, highest Lord of Hell.

Praise the Beast!

Thou who rules the elements and the force within
No light brighter than Thou, master of all sins.

Thy words speak the truth, Prince of all arts
Daemons guard Thy throne of angels' skulls.

Hail to thee, dark conqueror
Thou art Lord!
Ride the flames of Inferno
Satan, come forth!

Praise the Beast!
Rise up in infernal glory
Praise the Beast!
Usurper of the thrones.

Bless thou thy children, pride of the earth
Save thy faithful legions from eternal death.

Praise the Beast!
Rise up in infernal glory
Praise the Beast!
Usurper of the thrones.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-31 14:10 | 显示全部楼层
Dark Lay Still (美国)


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-31 14:15 | 显示全部楼层
349.Through Hell

出自Dark Lay Still 2009年的专辑《Through Hell 》。

why must we watch loved ones go through living hell
suffering physical pain, even mental tribulation
though their souls are pure
while the wicked walk the earth free of affliction
i've asked these questions so many times
and learned through revelation of elegant suffering
that some must walk through earthly hellfire for the sake of the cause
and it is these few, beautiful souls that open our eyes to the heavenly realms
it is because of these loved ones
and what we have seen in their strength and determination
that you cannot shut our eyes to the glory that is to come
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发表于 2011-7-31 14:18 | 显示全部楼层

出自Dark Lay Still 2009年的专辑《Through Hell 》。

any pain
every hurt
all your fears
and every trial and tribulation
you can think of or imagine
he can carry you through it
even if it feels like hell
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