



楼主: paulaohua

[音乐] ★★★金属梦幻系列★★★(狗尾续貂版)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-8 23:13 | 显示全部楼层
Vale Of Tears (匈牙利)



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-8 23:15 | 显示全部楼层
351.Wired-Up Minds

出自Vale Of Tears 2009年专辑《Illdisposed Inner Interest》。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-1 23:32 | 显示全部楼层
Mors Principium Est(芬兰)

Mors Principium Est是拉丁文,翻译成英文就是Death is the begining.

1999年,Mors Principium Est乐队在芬兰波里市成立,当时只有主音吉他兼主唱Jori,吉他手Jarkko和键盘手Toni,很快乐队找到了鼓手Mikko。2000年初,Jori厌倦了主唱一职,想专注于吉他弹奏上。刚好Ville离开了旧乐队,MPE听过他的试音,就接受他成为乐队的主唱。乐队名字的意思是Death is the Beginning。评论界都将他们和Children of Bodom还有Soilwork作比较,节制而精彩的键盘,高速吉他riff和solo,典型的死腔,乾净利落,但是他们表示并没有受到Children of Bodom和Soilwork的影响。

他们录制第一首demo的时候还没有找到贝司手,当Listenable Records对乐队感兴趣的时候,他们明白到找一个合适的贝司手刻不容缓。2001年,Teemu加入成为乐队的贝司手。录制了两首demo和做过一些现场演出,乐队受到不少乐迷的关注。

经历了两张专辑的磨练,Mors Principium Est发行了大放异彩的第3张专辑,强烈的瑞典紧凑式金属节奏以及芬兰式的独特旋律,再加上现代感极强的键盘编配,为喜欢旋死的歌迷献上了一份超豪华的金属大礼。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-1 23:35 | 显示全部楼层
352.Sinners Defeat

出自Mors Principium Est 2007年专辑《Liberation = Termination》。

You may keep me as a sinner
A servant for suffering
I tore the skins from the liars
And send them burning to the sea
Now tear down all the liars
We must make them pay for all
We will rule and dominate you
Your worthless soul belongs to us
Now march
Like a slave that's who you are
Now run
Before the beast is free
No darkness for us all
We pray for eternal night
No darkness for us all
We hope the sun will never shine
Stand tall and mighty in front of your wife
She will see when her family falls
Your suffering will begin tonight
There's no guiding light, it's the end for you light
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-13 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
Gates of Winter (加拿大)


Gates Of Winter现有团员4名:Bryan Belleau (guitars) 、Steve Furgiuele (bass/backing vocals) 、Lee Maines (guitar/vocals) 、Brian Holmes (keyboard) 。

他们的音乐深受Metallica, Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, Dream Theater, Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, In Flames, Nevermore等等知名金属乐队的影响。同样是大气的风范。 (唯一音乐论坛)

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-13 23:27 | 显示全部楼层

出自Gates of Winter 2008年专辑《Lux Aeterna》。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-13 23:32 | 显示全部楼层
Symphony X (美国)



Bass - Mike LePond
Keyboard - Michael Pinnella
Vocal- Russell Allen
Guitar - Michael Romeo
Drum - Jason Rullo


94年4月,Symphony X成立于新泽西。之前,吉他手Michael Romeo的自制作个人样带《The Dark Chapter》已经备受好评,也正是这张非正式专辑促成了Symphony X的诞生。第一个加入的是贝司手 Thomas Miller,他曾经与Michael多次合作过。很快,主音Rod Tyler、鼓手Jason Rullo和Michael Pinnella相继加入,乐队成形。他们的首张同名唱片录制于94年秋,同年12月在日本发行。专辑迅速在全球前卫金属圈引起轰动,在日本也取得不俗的评价。

距离他们的首张唱片仅仅8个月,Symphony X又录制并发行了第二张专辑《The Damnation Game》。95年初,主音Rod Tyler决定离开,顶替他的是Russell Allen。凭借庄严而协调的人声和古典化的泛音,乐队将前卫金属战线进一步前移,充当起此类音乐向新方向突破的先锋队。媒体和乐迷的反应相当热烈,乐队也计划进一步打开其世界范围的知名度。

96年底,Symphony X开始专注于后来大获成功的专辑《The Divine Wings Of Tragedy》的创作。在前一部作品余热未消的情况下,《The Divine Wings Of Tragedy》中乐队更多坚定了走他们自己的道路。专辑后来凭借"The Accolade"和长达20分钟的开始曲深深打动了众多的欧洲专业音乐杂志。在这些杂志的读者回应中Symphony X被夸赞到一个相当高的高度。很快,《The Divine Wings Of Tragedy》被看作当年前卫金属圈的最佳作品。乐队将众多同行乐队远远甩在身后。而这张专辑在商业上也取得巨大成就。

乐队并没有沉醉与成功的喜悦,并开始准备下一张专辑,于98年初完成。在他们走进录音室前,Jason Rullo因为个人原因执意离去,Thomas Walling火线入队。这张名为《Twilight In Olympus》的专辑后来被证实是乐队历史上又一个里程碑。销售在一如既往的媒体炒作下依旧火爆,全欧巡演也呼之欲出。但Thomas Walling和Thomas Miller的意外无法成行使乐队赶紧招回了Jason Rullo,另外,还补充了贝司手Andy DeLuca。3周时间,Symphony X跨越了大西洋,脚步遍及欧洲大陆,随行的还有英国乐队Mindfeed。巡演相当成功,演唱会门票在德国、荷兰、瑞士、意大利和法国都被抢购一空,这次巡演更大的扩大了乐队的乐迷群。

巡演后, Thomas Miller离队。经过仔细的筛选,Mike LePond入替。99年秋,乐队开始分别在Michael Romeo家里"The Dungeon"和新泽西的"Trax-East"2处录音室进行录音,00年发行《V: The New Mythology Suite》。

01年乐队发行过两张现场专集:《Live in Europe》和《Live on the Edge of Forever》。02年乐队发行了大碟《Odyssey》,以当时的标准来衡量可能在曲风上有些过时,但只要你是幻想金属的死忠歌迷,只要你喜欢Symphony X以前的专集,那这丝毫不会影响你购买的热情!


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-13 23:34 | 显示全部楼层
354. Accolade II

出自Symphony X 2002年专辑《The Odyssey》。


On a cold and misty night,
a ring of torches light the hallowed ground
where his father's laid to rest

In the reflection of a sword
he sees his destiny and he swears up to the sky -
"You will not have died in vain"

On the field - with sword and shield
amidst the din of dying man's wails
War is waged - and the battle will rage
until only the righteous prevail

From the shadows comes a man,
returning to his land - Winds of change
taint the sweet smell of home

And all around him, he can see
the pain and misery
this tyrant's reign is through
"I will stand and fight... Will you?"

A heart of gold pumps within his metal skin
A noble line he carries on

On the field - with sword and shield
amidst the din of dying man's wails
War is waged - and the battle will rage
until only the righteous prevail

I wish to stay...to be here with you
You were my strength...How can I go on?

On the field - with sword and shield
amidst the din of dying man's wails
War is waged - and the battle will rage
until only the righteous
only the righteous
only the righteous prevail
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-24 23:52 | 显示全部楼层
Beyond Twilight(丹麦)

丹麦著名前卫乐队BEYOND TWILIGHT(超越曙光),各种乐器的演奏相当紧凑和配合恰当,炫技和旋律结合的恰到好处。主唱唱腔不错,各种风格和感觉也融合的很好。

顺便提一句,他们的主唱现在在另一只前卫乐队ANUBIS GATE当主唱,也很好听。        

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-24 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 paulaohua 于 2011-11-24 23:56 编辑

355.Section X

出自丹麦前卫金属乐队Beyond Twilight 2005年专辑《Section X》。

Blood on my fingers
Night in my soul
Your breath I will hear no more
I'm slowly growing cold

Your eyes are open
Dead to the light
I hear my soul cry
On the wings of death I ride

Reality seizes me
I fear I see
The truth
All my visions are fading away
Without a soul
I march to my end
Endless suffering... I fall

This is farewell and never more
Heaven nor Hell - just closing doors

Hunting the shadows
Knowing they are one
Whispering voices
They stalk me through the dark

My eyes are open
Black, all is black
I am desperately cold
And upon my knees I crawl

Lost forever
Filled with pain
All my visions have faded away
Without a soul
I march to my end
Endless suffering I fall

This is farewell and never more
Heaven nor Hell - just closing doors

Into the grey
I'll pass without a trace
The nothingness awaits
And never more...
Fade away

This is farewell and never more
Heaven nor Hell - just closing doors
See you in Hell

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-3 00:21 | 显示全部楼层
356.When Canvas Starts to Burn

出自奥地利金属乐队Serenity 2011年专辑《Death & Legacy》。

We can't deny the signs clearly showing the times are changing
Floods rise and comets fly
Is this the end?
Is judgment night?

Drawing lines and colours true and fair
I create a mirrored universe

I see the world through different eyes,
that's the painter's soul and mind
My hands are guided by a force
some would call divine
A gifted man, but I know
there is still so much to learn
And in some dreams canvas starts to burn
when I touch it

I've been to foreign lands
in north and south where legends dwell
But perfect harmony
remains a mystery, hidden well

Drawing lines and colours true and fair
I create a mirrored universe

I see the world through different eyes,
that's the painter's soul and mind
My hands are guided by a force
some would call divine
A gifted man, but I know
there is still so much to learn
And in some dreams canvas starts to burn
when I touch it

Drawing lines and colours true and fair
I create a mirrored universe

I see the world through different eyes,
that's the painter's soul and mind
My hands are guided by a force
some would call divine

I see the world through different eyes,
that's the painter's soul and mind
My hands are guided by a force
some would call divine
A gifted man, but I know
there is still so much to learn
And in some dreams canvas starts to burn
when I touch it

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-3 00:24 | 显示全部楼层
357.Changing Fate

出自奥地利金属乐队Serenity 2011年专辑《Death & Legacy》。

So ends the tale of a hero
with a true English heart
Of a man who knows pain and sorrow
and the fortunes in life
Villain, then hero, then scapegoat was I
Once I was knighted, now my star disappeared
in a darkening sky

[Chorus 1:]
Never feared the enemy
not on land, nor on sea
Beating loud inside me, I can't negate
I've been always fighting for,
for my Queen forevermore
the empire's blade for a changing fate

This news is too disappointing
to ignore it, Sir Drake!
Sunken ships and twelve thousand fallen,
a disastrous mistake!
You've been a daring, reliable man (I'm still that man!)
upright and loyal to his Queen and land
Now our union must end

[Chorus 2:]
Never feared the enemy
not on land, nor on sea
Beating loud inside me, I can't negate
We've been always fighting for
our land forevermore
The empire's blade for a changing fate

… the island's fate forever
May England's people ever
know well our names and honour
our legacy …

Will now the overrun armada rise again?
Finally tide has turned
I fear the menace of invasion is at hand …
Hear me now, I have learned my lesson, please be gracious
I shall never fail anymore!

[Chorus 2:] 3x

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-3 00:27 | 显示全部楼层
358.State of Siege

出自奥地利金属乐队Serenity 2011年专辑《Death & Legacy》。

It comes again
When the temples are shining in golden light
And day fades away
Deep inside
There's a feeling that i have not chosen well
My role in this play
All this time
I have been a good soldier whose will was strong
So i played my part
A painful song
Is the cry of a friend as they raise the knife
To cut out his heart

I've never tasted fear but now i know
Fearful nights and days of woe
Our raging treasure hunt has ended here
What's the use of all gold when death is near?

State of siege
A peaceful ending out of reach
Our vessels were burning on the beach
The general, he left us no choice but to die in this land

In their eyes
We were heralds of gods who would bring liberation
Far too late
They did realize what we bring is damnation

I've never tasted fear but now i know
Fearful nights and days of woe
I've heard my promised piece of land's right here
I'll resign it, my friend, my death is near!


[canon, line 1:]
Hear me, god, i am a simple man who's praying for a chance to return home again
Oh i've shot so many men, i'm sick of killing, save my life, get me out of this land
[canon, line 2:]
Hear me, god, to stay alive
Hear me, god, i am a man who's praying for a chance to stay alive
[canon, line 3:]
Save my life, i'm sick of killing

[chorus:] 2x

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-3 23:49 | 显示全部楼层
359. Twisted Mind

出自德国金属乐队Avantasia 2008年专辑《The Scarecrow》。

One of a kind they say
They've never seen before
Investigate the aberration
Disorder in the core

I never tried to hide away
Or tried to keep your pace
You walked me to the slaughter
With a smile upon your face

From the cradle to the madhouse
A twisted mind
There's no way out of this hell
For twisted mind

There's no way out
There's no way out

You come to see the healer
So don't you be afraid
They call me tranqualizer
I'm here to isolate

We paint in black and white and you're
The dirty in between
Monstosity of nature
A virulent disease

From the cradle to the madhouse
A twisted mind
There's no way out of this hell
For twisted mind

There's no way out
There's no way out

Can't you see - can't you see
That you are not like anyone
You never see
Through anyone else's eyes
Who am I to certify
The sanity of twisted mind
The victim of perception
A twisted mind

Misprizing - Chastising
Subhuman fragmentizing
Sensation - Aberration
Repulsive - Tantalizing

Misprizing - Chastising
Subhuman fragmentizing
Sensation - Aberration
Repulsive - Tantalizing

From the cradle to the madhouse
A twisted mind
There's no way out of this hell
For twisted mind

There's no way out
There's no way out

From the cradle to the madhouse
A twisted mind
There's no way out of this hell
For twisted mind

There's no way out
There's no way out

There's no way out
There's no way out

There's no way out
There's no way out

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-3 23:53 | 显示全部楼层
360.The Scarecrow

出自德国金属乐队Avantasia 2008年专辑《The Scarecrow》。

Im just a loser in the game of love
Im just a stray boy in the shade
And how I wish to know what love is like
To find someone to contemplate
Theres a voice and a million answers
To the questions I dont ask
A demon — Ive got to contain
When Im walking through the fen
Gonna deep into the black
There are whispers that I cant restrain
Dont give in

Rise to fame — time will come
Make your claim — time has come
For the crow who fly away

So youre an angel meant to walk down here
And you believe its all divine
And you dont play by all those temporal rules
Watch the world begin to die
Alright — when the lambs been torn to pieces
Ive been crashing from the sky
Fallen to care for the pray, they put a spoke right in your wheel
Im the one to dare the weak, to push you all over the pain
You give in — oh

I close my eyes and I see whats coming my way
Hes got treasure in his eyes that hes gonna turn to clay

Hm, Im a stranger,
Im a changer and Im danger...

Fallen angel - waiting for the prey
The devil has come to take a maimed away
Penetration of the twisted mind
The evil is out for the weak and blind
I can feel it in your voice
Ever so sweet, no
Do I really have a choice? No, no, no!

Oh, you burn your feet on unholy ground
You roam the barren wicked plains abound
In evil eyes and evil speak
About it all your evil freaks
When you say its all divine and meant to be
What about your flesh and blood and defires like me?
Their evil eyes are looking down on you
And those who dont are losing sight of you
Face the rage to chase away
The specter of disgrace and shame
Withered roses dying on the ledge
A withered dreamer standing on the edge
You dream of love but you wake up to pain
Youre better off to join in my game
Then shell better off to cry contrite tears
One day shell wonder why she had to let you disappear
Rise to fame — your time has come
Time will come to take the sun
Make your claim - youre drawn to the sound
Time has come — youre leaving ground
Rise to fame - the flight of the crow
Time will come - cross the line
Your time has come - for the crow to fly away
Its a flight to hell
Can you hear the bell
The devil has come
To take your soul away
A flight to hell - alright
Im a stranger
And Im danger
Fallen angel
Waiting for the prey

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:30 | 显示全部楼层
4th Dimension (意大利)


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:33 | 显示全部楼层

出自4th Dimension 2011年专辑《The White Path To Rebirth》。

Cold blows the wind, old memory bleeds…

Days I had left behind, drops of my life, scattered leaves from the past,
Frozen in endless fall…
Fields where I walked, as a child, rain and sunshine
Strength and love flow on through time…

Hidden in Neverland, a beacon still shines,
Answer’s there to be found, in the seasons long gone I will find who am I…

Echoes of simple joy, grief dignified, daily deeds that uphold the circle of life
People I loved of yore, lorn now I mourn
Shedding a tear, I lose myself in remembrance…

Only pale shades remain, searching for sanctuary in me, everlasting
I won’t deny the shadows, they’re a part of me meant to be everlasting…

Gift of a memory, feelings I’ll treasure inside
Snows of December and flowers of April are one with my soul
Warmth of a fire that burns deep within, tongues of flame leaping high,
Legacy of my blood I will never deceive…

Cold blows the wind, my history slowly unfolds…
Worn pages of life, one by one, bathe in the light
I‘m not alone, a crossroads of dreams lives on through me…

Only pale shades remain, reaching the sanctuary in me, everlasting
I won’t deny the shadows, they dwell in me, making me everlasting…

Gift of a memory, feelings I’ll treasure inside
Snows of December and flowers of April are one with my soul
Warmth of a fire that burns deep within, tongues of flame leaping high,
Legacy of my blood I will never deceive…

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:39 | 显示全部楼层

出自4th Dimension 2011年专辑《The White Path To Rebirth》。

Keeper of my past, a friend that would never turn her back,
Sister beloved you were to me…
Companion of my youth, reflection of my soul,
An angel from the Heavens above…

Silently feeding my heart with love, leading me through into manhood…
Until winter's dead end closed by, taking you back to the Elysian light…

Watch me… touch me… love me… enlighten my life… spell me…
What I've become, all I am now I owe to you…

When the loss seems too high and the Void grows inside
When a shroud veils my day and my way's gone astray
A falling star will dispel the night and I'll think of you, my Goldeneyes…

Watch me… touch me… love me… and now light up the sky… heal me…
Never will I forget those eyes, pools of burnished gold staring into time…

Watch me… touch me… love me… my One, stay by my side… bless me…
And though my life will cover one million miles
We’ll rejoin again my Goldeneyes…

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-10 23:48 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-10 23:52 | 显示全部楼层
363.Game of Madness

出自Magion 2010年专辑《Close To Enternity》。

It is the way you kept me near
This longing so naive
How can we deal with all these fears
Creeping over me
Don’t keep telling me that you can’t take the heat
Play the game
I won’t be afraid of you and you won’t
Be afraid of me

Are we crazy are we blind?
Let’s kill this romantic state of mind
And stop the madness
Are we brainwashed are we blind
Let’s kill this romantic state of mind?
Please stop the madness

Here we go again
Will we ever learn?
Just your faith in me is all that I now ask from you

It is the way you touch my face
We’re clutched in our embrace
We are so scared to lose is all
It’s taking over me
Now I can’t believe that we have lost the game
One more time
Don’t be scared and come with me to play the
Game of dangerous minds

Will you catch me when I fall?
Take my hand so we can risk it all
In the game of madness
Will you catch me when I fall?
Take my hand and dare to risk it all
In the game of madness

Look what’s become of me
Save my dignity
What will come will be
Stop the insanity

Childish fantasies
I will never learn
Pride and certainties, I throw them all away for you

It was worth it, don’t you see
Come closer and dare to play with me
In the game of madness
Let’s start the madness

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