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发表于 2008-3-31 02:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Chinese-Canadians rally in support of homeland
Updated: Sat Mar. 29 2008 7:14:00 PM


Several hundred Chinese-Canadians rallied at Toronto's Yonge-Dundas Square on Saturday afternoon to show their support for their homeland.

The group waved both Chinese and Canadian flags and chanted "One China!" while patriotic Chinese music played on boom boxes.

Demonstrators said China has been unfairly portrayed by the media during the recent violent clashes with Tibetan monks.

"We just want to let the Western media know ... not to twist the truth," said Chinese student Jeff Wang.

"Propaganda, just propaganda," said pro-China demonstrator Yang Chao. "If you know the truth about what's really happening in China, it's nothing like what's being reported."

But Tibetan supporters and peace activists denounced the rally, saying the Chinese Consulate forced visa students to organize the event.

"I think it's a scam, I think it's a shame," said activist Dora Nipp. "They are visa students, and they are students who are being controlled by the Chinese Consulate here. They were down in Chinatown buying flags because that's what they're told to do."

"The pressure from the Chinese government, the long-arm of the Chinese government, stretches all the way here to Toronto," said Tibetan-Canadian Tenzin Bhuti.

Those who attended the pro-China event denied the event was staged.

"That's absolutely not true," rally spokesman Alexander Lao said of the allegations. "This event was organized by a bunch of students."

A smaller group of activists protested outside the Chinese Consulate earlier in the day to decry the deadly clashes in China in recent weeks and the tactics they say are being used in Toronto.

Beijing says 22 people died in protests that spread earlier this month to dozens of Tibetan communities across western China, in the broadest challenges to Chinese rule in decades.

With a report from CTV Toronto's Chris Eby and files from The Canadian
发表于 2008-3-31 03:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-31 03:26 | 显示全部楼层
该集团还挥舞着两个中国和加拿大国旗,并高喊着"一个中国" !而爱国的中国人的音乐播放景气盒等。
  "我们只是希望让西方媒体知道...不要扭曲了真相,说: "中国学生杰夫王。
  "的宣传,只是宣传,说: "亲中的示威者杨超。 "如果你知道真相什么的真的发生在中国,这没有什么像什么的报告" 。
  "我觉得这是一个骗局,我认为这是一个耻辱,说: "活动家多拉nipp 。 "他们是学生签证,他们是学生,他们所控制的,由中国领事馆在这里,他们分别在唐人街买国旗,因为那是他们是怎么吩咐去做的事" 。
  "压力来自中国政府的,长期的兵种,中国政府的压力,所有的道路在这里多伦多说: "藏族和加拿大丹增bhuti 。
  "这是绝对不正确的, "集会发言人亚历山大老子说的这些指控。 "这一事件是由一群学生" 。
北京说, 22人死亡,在抗议活动蔓延本月初,几十个藏族社区横跨中国西部地区,在最广泛的挑战,对中国统治几十年来的。
发表于 2008-3-31 03:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-31 06:28 | 显示全部楼层
For their information, the VISA students get their visa from the Canadian government, not the Chinese consulate.

The zd's lack of intelligence is astounding as always~ -.-
发表于 2008-3-31 10:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-31 12:00 | 显示全部楼层

Shame on the Tibetan Spliting Group.
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