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【11.05.25 外交政策】中国想要巴基斯坦港口?随它去吧。

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-9 14:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Let China have it
【原文作者】Clyde Prestowitz


巴基斯坦最近宣布,它已经要求中国接管瓜达尔港口的运作,并将其改建为一个海军基地。那些影响力非凡的西方评论家们纷纷警告北京,让其收敛中国境外实力的过分扩张。例如,《金融时报》昨天一篇不知所云的评论员文章把瓜达尔行动称为“危险的举措”,呼吁“小心控制”中国不断增长的超级势力。实际上,世界银行主席Robert Zoellick敦促世界各国要想办法让中国成为全球体系中的一个“负责任的风险共担者”。


















如果能让Clyde Prestowitz的共和党朋友评论一下他给巴基斯坦这个“问题儿童”开的药方,那会很有趣。就是他的这些朋友谴责民主党执行里根挚爱的“国家防御”政策过于软弱!John McCain和Mitch McConnell参议员为什么不提议举办一个庆祝活动呢——“欢迎中国人接管巴基斯坦瓜达尔港”?Prestowitz的共和党朋友们会提出一个解决方案吗,授权把美国航空母舰的数量从11艘削减为5艘?

把国防预算转头到美国人身上,不像Prestowitz先生所说的那样可以带来更多的就业岗位。得益于遍布沃尔玛、Sears、Home Depot和Macy中的廉价中国商品,美国商业获益匪浅。如果美国商品想和中国的商品一样有竞争力,那么美国人的工资、生活标准,甚至汇率都要降低到中国人的水平。Prestowitz是打算给美国开这剂猛药吗?






中国还在遭受劳动力规模缩减的影响,同样,还有过盛的生产能力是基于目前的生产模式可以永久持续下去的假设。著名的看空中国人士Jim Chanos说他还不够凶悍:



大老党想要“把香蕉共和党带入美国”。尽管Tim Palwenty没有动国防经费的一分钱,Paul Ryan也极为有效地让这个国家沦为第三世界国家。坦率地说,就是这些大老党家伙们想要推翻奥巴马的健康政策和Frank-Dodd,但又给不出任何替代方案,只能继续煽动民主党的人心。他们当然可以一边向奥巴马挥鞭子,一边高喊“拔掉奶奶的插头”(译者注:指抨击奥巴马的养老政策不顾老年人死活)。


我们都知道S. Afrikners最后悲惨的结局。奥巴马当然不是纳尔逊曼德拉,但是必须要有一个严肃谨慎的美国人来收拾美国试图管理整个世界之后留下的残局。但这个工作是长期性的。

我们从南非种族隔离制度和苏联问题上什么也没有学到,就是因为像Paul Ryan、Gringrich、Paul Rand和Sarah Palin这样的人存在,我们才会一直待在垃圾箱里。


真是伟大的论调,我们不如说:让北朝鲜吞并韩国吧;让巴基斯坦人占领阿富汗吧;让哈马斯占领以色列吧;让哲塔斯(译者注:Los Zetas是墨西哥最为猖狂的贩毒集团“海湾卡特尔”(Gulf Cartel)集团中的军事力量)统治墨西哥和得克萨斯吧。





你对于印度拒绝购买美国二等飞机感到不屑?如果美国对与印度之间的伙伴关系如此真诚,那么它应该提供最好的产品——F-35。你的飞机在各方面性能都要超越欧洲的飞机,我们没理由买你的二等货。如果你所倡导的政策是针对美国因忽略印度对瓜达尔的关注而遭受的报复,那么我觉得你更应该同意在未来不向对方提供飞机的零部件,这样我们可以在可能出现的争端中占有优势。谢谢,我们不希望出现以上任何一种情形。你或许还不知道,瓜达尔对你我都具有相当重要的意义。听说过霍尔木兹海峡吗?让中国在这些海岸线上巡逻?你疯了吗?你真该好好读读Robert Kaplan的书《季风:印度洋与美国未来的力量》。






















今天的外交政策上有一篇对Francis Fukuyama的采访文章,他落入了一个圈套,不得不对一些全球秩序的基本问题发表意见。联合国以及国际货币基金组织的行事原则是什么?









In response to Pakistan's recent announcement that it has asked China to take over the operation of its Gwadar port and turn it into a naval base, influential western commentators have warned Beijing against overly robust extension of power beyond China's borders. For example, in a muddled editorial yesterday, the Financial Times called the Gwadar move "a dangerous ploy" and called for China's rise to superpower status "to be managed with care." Indeed, a la World Bank President Robert Zoellick it urged that the world make China a "responsible stakeholder" in the global system.

Why? Why is it dangerous if China manages a Pakistani port or builds a naval base there? To whom is it dangerous? Is China going to close the Panama Canal from Gwadar? What is a "responsible stakeholder"? Who defines the meaning of "responsible"? Why should China become a stakeholder in the current western oriented system rather than constructing its own system?

I say, let China have Gwadar. Put ribbons on it and give it to the Chinese. That might send a frisson through India, but, hey, the Indians just outfitted their air force with new European rather than American fighters. Maybe the EU can comfort India in any time of need.

I'm serious. We Americans have for too long been thinking backwards or upside down. Our top priority has been to extend our geo-political influence in order to provide global public goods  in the form of relative freedom and safety of the seas along with the stability and relative calm of the international system of nation states. To this end, we have established  over 800 U.S. military bases and missions around the globe and have involved ourselves in endless disputes and armed actions in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America. We provide this often unrequested and unwanted service to the rest of the world to the tune of over $1 trillion annually even as we struggle to raise debt limits and reduce federal deficits.

Meanwhile, our global partners like Germany, China, India, Japan, Brazil, and many others are focusing single mindedly on becoming or staying rich through economic development. These countries don't have global security strategies with fleets, bases, and armies around the world. But they do have economic security and development strategies aimed at attracting maximum investment and technology transfer to their shores while maximizing their exports to America and elsewhere.

Their strategy seems to be better than ours. While we experience slow economic recovery, high unemployment, disintegrating infrastructure, and eroding health and pension benefits, they are all growing rapidly and dramatically improving their infrastructures and the standard of living of their citizens.

I say let's be like them. Our great ally Great Britain is about to retire its last aircraft carrier. Do we really need 11? Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has been warning of the danger of making too deep cuts in defense expenditure. But maybe the real danger is the opposite - making shallow or no cuts. While our top officials spend all their time thinking about fleet deployment, drone strikes, SEAL attacks, North Korean missiles, and cyber warfare, the leaders of our global partners spend all their time thinking about how to persuade global companies to put production and R&D and advanced networks within their borders.

Maybe we should welcome a new system in which China guards the sea lanes from the Persian Gulf to Asia, and in which the EU patrols the Mediterranean and handles security in Africa and the Middle East. And maybe Brazil becomes the hegemon of Latin America. Or take the North Korean situation. I sometimes wonder why this is an American problem. I mean, North Korea is bordered by China, South Korea, and Russia, and Japan is just over the horizon. These are some of the biggest, richest, most powerful countries in the world. Why can't we let them handle North Korea.

Okay, it's largely because we have 100,000 troops in South Korea and Japan and the Seventh fleet home ported in Japan. So let's take them out. Let's bring the troops home and homeport the fleet in Guam which is part of the United States.

In this new world order, the job of the leaders of the United States would be to imitate what German, Chinese, South Korean, and Brazilian leaders do today. It would be to invest in education and infrastructure at home, to retrain workers, to make Invest in America their constant theme song, to offer attractive financial incentives to Asian and European and Latin American companies to move their production and R&D and high value added product development to America.

In short, it would be to fulfill the American Promise.


Forget multilateralism - geopolitics remains the way forward

The US is willing to pay the price.

Only a couple of recent examples. On Sunday the defense secretary reminded us of the long-term requirement for the United States to sustain an armed force superior to any adversary. And today Congress cheered the Israeli PM to the rafters for stressing strong US-Israeli ties and their joint interests in promoting peace and democracy; vetoing world criticism at the United Nations is not enough.


Oh, really? Will Clyde’s Republican friends agree with him?

It would be interesting to get comments from Clyde Prestowitz’s Republican friends about Clyde’s prescription to solve the ‘problem child’ called Pakistan.

These are same friends who have accused Democrats of being soft on Reagan’s dear ‘national defense’! Why doesn’t Senator John McCain or Mitch McConnell propose a resolution to the effect ’welcoming Chinese takeover of Pakistani port of Gwadar‘?

Would Prestowitz’s Republican friends in U. S. Senate introduce a resolution authorizing the reduction from 11 to say 5, the number of aircraft carriers in U. S. fleet?

However investing in America in lieu of U. S. military will NOT bring jobs back as Mr. Prestowitz has to know.

U. S. businesses are hooked to huge profits that cheap Chinese products generate for them as a walk through any Walmart, Sears, Home Depot or Macy’s filled with Chinese goods prove.

For America to become competitive against Chinese goods, U. S. wages, living standards and even currency have to crash to the same levels as those in China. Is Mr. Prestowitz ready to recommend such drastic medicine?

On the contrary, his Congressional Republican friends got their majority in House by promising American voters during last November elections that they can have benefits as well as tax cuts at the same time!


"For America to become competitive against Chinese goods, U. S. wages, living standards and even currency have to crash to the same levels as those in China. Is Mr. Prestowitz ready to recommend such drastic medicine?"

This is wrongheaded, simplistic thinking that typically overplays China's "advantages." There's more to the production of goods and services than the alleged competitive advantage of low wages:



Rising oil prices, for example, are a mortal enemy to long supply lines that begin in China and end in the West; producing locally will become far more attractive, as the reduced fuel/shipping costs will offset the higher wages paid.

China is also squeezed by a shrinking work force, as well as massive overcapacity which assumes the current manufacturing model will persist perpetually. Noted China bear Jim Chanos says he's not bearish enough!:




Yes indeed Clyde's GOP friends will 'fry alive' any Democrat who would dare to say all this.

GOP wants to bring 'banana Republic in USA'. Paul Ryan is effectively for making this country less than a 3rd world country while Tim Palwenty not touching any of the defense spending. Seriously these are the GOP guys who want to repeal ObamaCare and Frank-Dodd while not offering any alternative but calling Democrats demagogic whereas it was all right to give shellacking to Obama by saying 'pulling the plug on Grand Ma'.

And these are the Republicans Clyde want us to believe that they would throw this useless 'American Exceptionalism'. Did he not hear the slavish bi-partisan applaud to Bibi when he was exhorting for new Apartheid in Middle East on back of America in the very Congress?

We all know what happened to S. Afrikners? It doomed in the end. Obama is not Nelson Mandela, but then there will be one such serious American to collect all the pieces after America has lost all these marbles in the game of policing the world. But that will be for the longer term.

Meanwhile neither do we learn from South African Apartheid nor from Soviet Union. We will be in the dustbin because of likes of Paul Ryan, Gringrich, Paul Rand and Sarah Palin.


Great attitude, Clyde

While we're at it:

Let the North Koreans have South Korea.

Let the Pakis have Afghanistan.

Let Hamas have Israel.

Let the Zetas have Mexico and then Texas.

Not sure you've been reading the papers about the fact that during the Abbotabad raid, we had 3 Aircraft Carriers parked off of Pakistan.

Do you think you'd be able to do that with the Chinese running Gwadar?

Are you more ignorant or more arrogant?


Very Shortsighted Clyde

You feel slighted at India rejecting 2nd grade aircraft from the US? If the US is so keen and sincere towards a strategic partnership with India it should have fielded its best - the F-35. Your aircraft were outperformed on all technical parameters by European ones. No reason for us then to buy your inferior stuff. If the policy you advocate is a tit-for-tat one of the US exacting revenge by ignoring Indian concerns over Gwadar, I should imagine that you would even support not supplying spare parts for your aircraft in future as a bargaining chip over a future dispute. Thank you, we wish to have none of that. And in case you didn't know, Gwadar is of as much interest to you as to us Mr. Clyde. The Straight of Hormuz rings a bell? Ask China to patrol those sea-lanes, seriously?? You would be well-advised to read Robert Kaplan's "Monsoon: the Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power".


Addition to the above comment

One last thing Mr.Clyde. Impressive as your credentials as an expert on trade may be, you certainly don't seem to be an expert at foreign policy. You would be well-advised to stick to your domain of expertise in future.


Geopolitics is expensive for US

Afghanistan has applied to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation for observer status despite the debt you might think it owes to the West. India and Pakistan have applied to upgrade their status from observers to full membership.

In addition to the aircraft for India problem, this morning Pakistan asked the US to pull some troops out of their country - in response to recent events.


Stupid Article !!

I am surprised that FP has published an article which seems like a rant of a kid from whom something has been snatched.

To begin with, the author thinks that India feels safe from Pakistan & China because of US !! Nothing could be further from the truth. Where was the US from 1947 till the 2000s ? I think India did a pretty good job of managing itself without US support. There were ups and downs, but on the whole, India doesn't need US as such.

Secondly, the US doesn't maintain it's presence throughout the world because it is concerned for the betterment of the world. It does so for it's own sake, to secure its interests.

And, as far as the rejection of American fighters is concerned, I think you sound like a jilted lover. It takes years for nations to build a strong partnership. Just creating a mountain out a mole-hill about India rejected American fighters makes it sound as if India is America's concubine, there to serve it's interests.


Article is disjointed as does not stick to the them of the title

Sadly, like many articles, the author is simply uses a recent event to create an article to talk about his/her real agenda.

Had the article been entirely about the possibility of a handover of operations of the Gwadar port to the Chinese, then perhaps it would have been useful.

Unfortunetly he had to go off on a tangent with no real facts about spending and our foreign military operations.


I guess this is the end of real journalism.

"We provide this often unrequested and unwanted service to the rest of the world to the tune of over $1 trillion annually even as we struggle to raise debt limits and reduce federal deficits. " What eaxctly is the U.S. spending $1 trillion on annually? Defense? Foreign Aide? How about taking actually numbers from the published budget rather than an over estimation simply to generate interest.

"Meanwhile, our global partners like Germany, China, India, Japan, Brazil, and many others are focusing single mindedly on becoming or staying rich through economic development."

This is incorrect as well, clearly you donot follow chinese military developments, there are certainly intserting themselves regionally and internationally and want to particpate in world peacekeeping operations, field and aircraft carrier for power projection, etc
Japan per WWII treaties still operates only a self defense force, hence the continued U.S. military precense there.

I could go on. but clearly the article was not well thought out


Global rules?

Make America more attractive to inward investors, and encourage nationals to invest at home?

An interview with Francis Fukuyama appears in the FT today. He was coaxed into giving a view on a fundamental matter, the rules of the global game. What should be the philosophy at the UN system, including the International Monetary Fund.

Fukuyama's support for democracy is now much more conditional than before; the world is caught between too little democracy in the east and too much in the west.

Should the UN promote "high quality authoritarian governance or a deadlocked, paralysed, democratic one, with lots of checks and balances? Over the long run, it will be easier to sustain a system with checks and balances, precisely because the checks and balances permit adaptation." In fact the Arab Spring may be the inevitable consequence of authoritarian rule.


India chose to be a Soviet puppet during the Cold war. Obviously they chose the wrong side. They paid the price. US politicians have went out of their way to form a strategic alliance with India and they viewed the fighter jet purchase as a step in the right direction. After sazkove kancelare Obama went to India and became the only permanent member to endorse India for a permanent seat on the security council it felt like a slap in the face. In case you idiots missed it. We hate Pakistan. Tell you the truth I don't care for India either. I wish they would just beat the crap out of each other. We want to work with India, but India is too busy crying about support we gave for Pakistan while they were the Soviet Unions pawn. India is already begging to get access to intel from the Bin laden raid.


India is too large...

...too diverse and too important strategically, and now it is also too large a market, to be anybody's stooge or puppet. India was never the Soviet Union's puppet. In fact it can be argued that India used the Soviet Union, as in getting the latter to repeatedly veto UN resolutions on Kashmir.

India had major agreements, treaties and pacts with the Soviet Union, but that's not the same as being a puppet.




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这是什么情况? 美国愤青? 米国网络围攻? 水军? 或者一言堂?
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哈哈 网友的评论很有意思
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