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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-14 21:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-11-12 11:41 编辑

【中文标题】像我这样的朋友 - 为何中国像美国一样担心朝鲜问题
【原文标题】Friends like these Why China may worry about North Korea just as much as America does









议程的第一步就已经是一个遥不可及的目标,因为韩国要求先为去年的暴力事件得到某种道歉。这或许是低级别谈判开始时惯用的一些伎俩,但是真正的障碍的确存在,而且中国似乎对此束手无策。对朝鲜的倒行逆施,美国根本没有嘉许的意思,所有人都不相信朝鲜真的会放弃核武器。在最近一次由亚洲学会在首尔举办的核武器会议中,美国国家安全理事部的资深顾问Gary Samore明确表态,美国绝不会容忍持有核武器的朝鲜存在。




































































rice bowl:















根据CIA全球档案,朝鲜并不发布可信的国民收入数据,这里的数据来自对朝鲜购买力平价GDP预测,是Angus MADDISON为经济合作组织所做的一项研究中的一部分。数字从1999年到2009年,推测的依据是朝鲜GDP真实增长幅度,以及美国GDP通货紧缩所产生影响因素。结论是将近100亿美元。


















SUCH reports have been heard before and smack of wishful thinking. But there are more reasons than usual to believe China’s promises that it is trying to rein in its unruly, pugnacious little ally, North Korea. South Korea’s president, Lee Myung-bak, has said that China has promised not to side with North Korea if it stages further provocations towards the South. That would be a big shift. Last year China failed to condemn either the sinking by North Korea of a South Korean naval vessel in March, or the shelling in November of a South Korean island. Now Chinese scholars and officials do indeed seem to be sending strong signals to North Korea that enough is enough.

In June Liang Guanglie, China’s defence minister, told a regional-security forum in Singapore that China had done much more in communicating with North Korea “than you can imagine”. At another conference, in Kuala Lumpur, Zhu Feng, a professor at Peking University, contradicted a North Korean participant who argued that the security issue on the Korean peninsula was one of reunification and a legacy of the cold war. It was also a result, Mr Zhu said, of the unchanged nature of the North Korean regime and its behaviour. North Korea, he argued, “risks biting the Chinese hand that feeds it.”

China has been exasperated with North Korea before, not least in 2006, after its first test of a nuclear weapon. Mutual suspicion and animosity go back much further. In a recent paper*, You Ji, a former Chinese foreign-ministry official now at the University of New South Wales, reports that Kim Jong Il, North Korea’s dictator, never forgave China for its disapproval of the hereditary succession in which he took over from his father, Kim Il Sung. Sulking, he did not visit China once from 1983 to 2000.

Since May last year, however, he has been three times. That is a symptom of his regime’s greater dependence on China, which accounts for four-fifths of its trade and energy needs, and most of the food aid it gets to avert renewed famine.

The corollary of greater North Korean dependence should be greater Chinese influence. But in the past the North Korean regime has always managed to fend off unwelcome pressure by silently playing on two big Chinese strategic fears. One is that a spurned North Korea might provoke South Korea and America, triggering a cycle of retaliation and even war. The second is that it might collapse in chaos with a mass exodus of refugees into China. Any collapse would presumably be followed by reunification of the Korean peninsula under the prosperous, American-allied South. That could mean American troops stationed in a country bordering China, complicating its strategy should, for example, it ever find itself in a confrontation with America over Taiwan. Until now, the North’s primitive nuclear weapons have not seemed to worry China too much. After all, they do not threaten it, and if they help the regime survive, they serve a Chinese purpose.

Last year’s events may have changed these calculations. In South Korea President Lee faced criticism for not responding more robustly to the attacks. Some have called for American battlefield nuclear weapons to be stationed there, alarming China. There is also the risk that any new provocation, or mishap, could quickly get out of hand. In mid-June two South Korean marines shot their rifles at a civilian airliner landing at Incheon, the airport for Seoul, mistaking it for a North Korean plane. You Ji thinks that the Korean peninsula may have supplanted Taiwan as the potential war most worrying China. China’s North Korea-watchers also fret that the next dynastic succession, from Kim Jong Il to the plump but callow Kim Jong Un, may be more than the system can stand, leading to a military junta or civil war.

One form of Chinese pressure on North Korea is a renewed drive to help it reform the moribund economy. After Mr Kim’s most recent trip to China the North announced that China would help develop three special economic zones. In the past, similar schemes have come to nought, perhaps because the Kim regime fears economic liberalisation would make the example of South Korea look even more appealing, and lead to an implosion.

Another sort of Chinese pressure is to coax North Korea back to the six-party process that it hosts for the two Koreas, America, Japan and Russia to discuss North Korean “denuclearisation”. China has proposed preliminary steps—starting with inter-Korean talks, followed by North Korean-American dialogue.

The first step has so far proved out of reach because of South Korea’s demand for some sort of apology for last year’s outrages. That might be finessed by holding lower-level talks initially. But the big obstacles remain, and China seems unable to overcome them. America does not want to reward North Korean bad behaviour; and nobody believes it will ever fully abandon its nuclear capability. Yet at a recent nuclear conference in Seoul organised by the Asan Institute, a think-tank, Gary Samore, of America’s National Security Council, made clear that the United States can never accept a nuclear-armed North Korea.


In fact, America will have to resume dialogue one day. There is no other way to work towards at least capping North Korea’s nuclear weaponry, which, unmolested and uninspected, it is presumably doing its best to enhance. But talks might be further delayed if the North flexes its muscles with a third nuclear test—perhaps even with a bomb made not from its dwindling stock of plutonium but from highly enriched uranium, for which last year it admitted it had a programme, shocking the world. Judging from its recent signals, China should be exerting what influence it can to prevent a new test. What is really frightening about the Kim family, however, is that not even mighty China can tell it what to do.


China has backed itself into corner with the dynastic Kim monarchy.

China gains little by having a poor and unstable country on its border that relies on it more and more to suppress its malnourished population.

China would also love to have a border with a prosperous Korea that was managed along the lines of South Korea, however it is understandable why it doesn’t want foreign troops to be there too.

But it is a circular problem. The foreign (US) troops are there because South Korea rightly fears North Korean aggression and China supports North Korea because if rightly dislikes having US troops on its border.

The likelihood of regime collapse is much higher than US troops leaving. China should be cognisant of that fact and start preparing.


I think China is foolish for not pumping money into North Korea. If North Korea collapse tomorrow, in 20 years time when it a United Korean Republic armed to the teeth with nukes, the same question will be asked by Chinese leaders as were asked by American leader in the 1950s,but instead who lost "North Korea". I am pretty sure the Chinese leaders have a nick name for Kim Jong Il, just like the Americans used to call Chiang Kaishek "Cash Me a Check". China has problems with Vietnam now, I have a strong feeling it will have the even more problems with a United Korea.

Ten billion a year is enough to drag the DPRK back to the GDP per Capita levels it had in the mid 1980s. Its this unwillingness to pump money into North Korea that is causing instability. When the Eastern Bloc was subsidizing the DPRK it was not as nearly as unstable as it is now.

China does a Belarus, the North Korean regime will collapse. If Russia is willing to cut off an ally that it has been subsidizing for well over 20 years, its just a matter of time when China will do the same unless it changes direction.
I personally thin North Korea is far more important to China than Belarus is to Russia, so it should not be cheap.


As long as China backs North Korea, it will not crash. So we cannot say "the likelihood of regime collapse is much higher than US troops leaving". Also I don't think "China is foolish for not pumping money into North Korea".
The best strategy for China is: giving JUST enough money to North Korea to make sure that it will not crash. Don't feed it too much, keep it hungry, request it to give enough benefits to China (e.g. opening its harbors to China, giving privileges to Chinese companies operating in North Korea), and gradually annex North Korea by making it a de facto province of China.

As long as China and the U.S. do not support a unification of the two Koreas, it is impossible to establish a "United Korea". Both China and the U.S. get many benefits from the separation of the two Koreas - China gets a lot from North Korea while the U.S. gets a lot from South Korea. So maintaining the status quo is the best choice for China and the U.S. There is no reason for them to back the agenda of the unification of the two Koreas.



I was quite offended by your callous nature..... to keep ~24 million people in a state of semi-starvation so as to gain access to harbours and economic privileges is quite a disgusting concept.

For any Chinese government faults, I don't believe it is that callous or blind to the consequences that it would treat 24 million people like that just to gain harbours slightly closer to Japan or access to a market of 24 million people who can hardly feed themselves let alone buy an iPod or LCD TV.

As to why China would want to gain 24 million broke, uneducated, unskilled and xenophobic Koreans who believe that they are living in a paradise on Earth and that the rest of the world is living in squalor under fascism is more than questionable.

So that just demolished your grip on reality in North Korea.

Therefore it makes it easier to move onto your next claim. While China would have to support Korean unification, the US wouldn't. Neither North or South Korea are occupied, but unlike North Korea, the South Korean government is not beholden to its protector.

North Korea is a buffer between the US forces in South Korea and China. So I can see what China gets from it, but what benefit exactly does the US get? You should perhaps look up how much of the cost of US troops in South Korea are met by the South Koreans and how much that amounts to!

The US and the world gets a stable and prosperous economically viable South Korea out of this current stand-off...... why you would think that a united Korea would be any different is beyond me.



"The best strategy for China is: giving JUST enough money to North Korea to make sure that it will not crash. Don't feed it too much, keep it hungry, request it to give enough benefits to China (e.g. opening its harbors to China, giving privileges to Chinese companies operating in North Korea), and gradually annex North Korea by making it a de facto province of China."

Your logic is twisted and not wise in my opinion. I believe that China should pump more money into North Korea stabilize it and if need be make it a defacto province of China. Why would a hungry North Korea trust China as its defacto colonizer.

Now if China's strategy is to raise a hungry pitbull to keep the US and ROK on edge, its the correct strategy, but its risky. The Chinese don't know what is enough. That is why I don't think its their strategy, I think they are looking at their pocket book more than any policy of hanging the DPRK on a string. If that was the case why waste all the effort and time to show Kim Jong Il all those factory sites and boom towns every time he visits China? Don't top Chinese officials have better things to do than be a tour guide. The problem with the Chinese officials is they don't understand that if Kim Jong Il reforms the economy he's dead. If all North Koreans find out what's going on in the ROK, there will be no motivation to exist as a independent country. I don't think the Chinese officials understand this.


"The root of all North Korean political problems is the existence of liberal and filthy rich South Korea. Chinese-style reforms, if ever attempted, would expose the North Korean population (still largely unaware about the outside world), to the stark images of South Korean prosperity.

Reforms would also bring with them an unavoidable relaxation of societal controls. The net result of these changes would likely be a grave crisis in the regime’s legitimacy and, perhaps, its complete collapse. In a sense, reforms in China were possible because no capitalist, democratic and affluent South China existed (Taiwan is far too small to be of significant concern to Beijing). "

The problem is you have a educated Chinese mind that assumes that everything is planned, that there is no room for mistakes. You have an inability to look at perspective of others or that everybody thinks like you (including your own leaders)

"Openly, Kissinger's book is not for the Chinese. It is a warning for Westerners who might underestimate Chinese tradition and should learn to equip themselves in a world in which 22% of humanity is playing an ever-greater role.
But it also contains a convoluted cautionary tale for the Chinese themselves. It tells them: Do not get too wrapped up in conspiracy theories and do not look at the world only through your own prism. The world is full of surprises, and one should accept differences and react to them. This ability to be positively open to surprises is a Western tradition and something the Chinese tend to dislike as they wonder about the ulterior motive and ultimate mover - the traps and the plot - behind the "surprise". "


I don't think the Chinese leadership is thinking the way you are thinking. They want the DPRK to reform to reduce the money they send to him. But they don't want to give him too much for the fear of enabling him. But its a mistake, because during the Soviet times, the DPRK was stable and didn't build nukes etc. Nor did the US tried to mess with it because it had Soviet backing. Look at Belarus, for 20 years (up until recently) it still got Russian subsidies. Once the subsidies ended this year, the economy is in shambles and people have started protesting.

Yes you are right that the US gains benefits from a divided Korea. The main benefit is keeping a US presence on the peninsula. If Korea is unified the need for that diminishes. Ditto with its troops in Japan.

The risk with China actions, whether intentional as you say or mistake, is that it increases the likelihood.
1) DPRK collapsing.

But in the meantime it increases instability and causes lot of problems for China.

1) Undermining ROK - China relations

2) Pushes ROK and Japan into the US

The problem is if the DPRK continues like this and eventually collapses in 5-6 years time (its not inevitable of course). If the Chinese response is inept or callous you could end up with a united Korea that has Nuclear Weapons that is suspicious of China. Or a divided Korea, with both Korea's armed with Nukes under their own control. Remember, South Korea is a screw driver away from having nukes.


The final paragraph of this article seems to be blind wishful thinking rather than a considered statement of reasonable strategy. As NK has always, without exception, treated talks merely as a means of obtaining yet more hand-outs from a nervous world it is beyond the bounds of credulity that its behavior will ever change. Fact is, the implosion of NK is going to happen one day and it would be far better for it to happen now than later. Indeed, it would have been far better for it to have happened prior to NK obtaining nuclear capability, but we've left it too late for that. More dithering and faux diplomacy will only result in a deeper hole. Time to stop digging and face up to reality. Oh, but then, politicians aren't notably good at that. So, instead, time for someone to return from NK holding a piece of paper aloft that promises "peace in our time."


I guess you guys are right that a major benefit of divided Korea for the US is its presence. But it costs the US money to stay there too, albeit S. Korea pays a portion of the keep.

It is not inconceivable that the US would pull out of Korea once the two Koreas are unified through some peaceful means though, as the US can always fall back to its main bases in Japan and Guam for as long as it would take or for good.

It appears then it’s to China’s interest for a unified Corea with big trades going across the border, since the US would find it difficult to stay put with troops in a unified Corea. And if so, foreign troop free and unified Korea peninsula would be welcome to China, just like Mongolia is, IMO.

For now, China wants stability and trades in the region, it does not play the game of pitting one Korea against the other Korea.


I just did not understand the reason which would back the thesis that an unified Korea under the heels of its ally, would require a large presence of American troops.

Such behavior would just give reason to the Chinese complaints, that the American mentality is still addressed by the tenets of the Cold War.

I do not know to what extent a strong U.S. military presence in an unified Korea would help the U.S. economy, this issue for sure the great matter of debate in the U.S. about the debacle of its prestige in the world (certainly nothing to do with its military power). Would the American people support the opening of a new war front, besides those ones that the country already keeps and honestly has no reliable deadline for their end?



Thank you for saying that my proposed strategy is “callous”. In Chinese, “callous” carries the meaning of “rational”. China once helped North Korea warm-heartedly, the return is: North Korea voted against China when China applied for hosting Olympic Games 2000; North Korea did not inform China when it tested its nuclear weapon but it informed Russia. Thus, nowadays no strategist in China says that China should help North Korea unconditionally. Instead, we will ask North Korea to give what we want if they want our help.

If South Koreans and Americans really care about starving North Koreans, then why did you stop your aids to North Koreans? Certainly I know this callous strategy comes from your calculation – in which the life value of North Koreans is zero. Don’t you think it is very hypocritical to criticize others as “callous” while you are more callous than others? Please keep in mind that China is the only country which gives aids to North Koreans.

The benefit Americans get is the direct access to South Korean market. Whenever South Korea asked the U.S. to make a promise to protect it, the U.S. always asks the South Korea to open its market (e.g. auto market, beef market, etc) to American firms. The purpose of American army stationing in South Korea is to prevent the two Koreas to get united.

If Americans leave South Korea, then China will happily help the two Koreas to get united under the condition that the United Korea breaks its strategic alliance relationship with the U.S. That is, the unification of Koreas will not happen until China kicks the U.S. out of Korea peninsula and instills its influence in the two Koreas.



You said, China should pump more money into North Korea to stabilize it and if need be make it a de facto province of China. Why would a hungry North Korea trust China as its de facto colonizer.

Did you ever raise military canines – for example, Tibetan mastiff? You should keep in mind that China never treated North Korea as its pet, but rather as a military canine. Giving too much to North Korea will reduce its incentive of barking at the U.S. and South Korea. So China only gives just enough to North Korea. If it barks to the U.S. and South Korea when China needs it to do so, then it will get extra rewards.

It is stupid to give much money to North Korea. If China gives North Korea a lot of money, then it will complain that the money it receives is NOT ENOUGH, and then it will hate us. However, if we give money at the time of their DIRE NEED, then they will be grateful to us and think us as their saver. So China needs not feed up North Koreans. China only needs to let them know this: without China, they will die! That will give North Koreans much more motivation to become a de facto province of China than giving them much money and comfortable life.



"Did you ever raise military canines – for example, Tibetan mastiff? You should keep in mind that China never treated North Korea as its pet, but rather as a military canine. Giving too much to North Korea will reduce its incentive of barking at the U.S. and South Korea. So China only gives just enough to North Korea. If it barks to the U.S. and South Korea when China needs it to do so, then it will get extra rewards. "

A military canine bites when you want it bite. Secondly, do you starve a military canine half to death. Why do you assume that China awards the DPRK for provoking the US? Did China awarded it for the nuke test and for being a pain in the but. No as far as I know no. Why do you assume the role of the DPRK is to provoke rather than merely acting as a buffer?

". So China needs not feed up North Koreans. China only needs to let them know this: without China, they will die! That will give North Koreans much more motivation to become a de facto province of China than giving them much money and comfortable life."

Without China they will collapse, fall to hands of the ROK and millions of refugees will flood the border and as a last act of desperation nuke or shell Seoul into cinder. Death threats don't work with nuclear armed states. While China has a pistol pointed toward the head of the DPRK, they have a pistol pointed at China's balls. They know that China will not cut them off.

"It is stupid to give much money to North Korea. If China gives North Korea a lot of money, then it will complain that the money it receives is NOT ENOUGH, and then it will hate us. However, if we give money at the time of their DIRE NEED, then they will be grateful to us and think us as their saver. So China needs not feed up North Koreans. China only needs to let them know this: without China, they will die! That will give North Koreans much more motivation to become a de facto province of China than giving them much money and comfortable life."

All I have to say this neglect / tough love is not working.

The number incursions by the DPRK starting from the mid 1990s until now is two to three times the number of incidents in the 1970s - 1980s. And the North Koreans have manged to test nukes. The North Koreans are sending in refugees across the border as well as producing and smuggling drugs into China. Another $3 / year Billion will improve the DPRK living standard to what it had in the late 1980s, the refugees with stop and the drugs also.

There are many actors in China's Korean policy -- the PLA, retired party elders, bordering Chinese provinces, people in the International Liason Office etc. North Korea is a like a miniature Mexico, but with lousier weather and nukes. Its a dysfunctional Narco state that sends illegal immigrants and drugs into China.

The Koreans will not show gratitude in a million years. Why should they, China is doing it because of her own interest. China gets something for the transactions. Its the same with the young South Koreans and the US military. They don't thank the US so why do you expect North Koreans to be grateful for Chinese assistance. Only recently, the North Koreans have been praising China's assistance during the North Korean and only to Chinese dignitaries. In North Korea history books, the sacrifices China made are not mentioned.


I have wonder, is China playing for time? It is an undeniable fact that the American economic power, however slowly, is on the wane. Soon the American military machine in Asia will have to make do with less and less resources, while the Chinese military capacity in the region will grow thanks to its booming economy.

10, perhaps 20 years of this, and it is not wholly implausible that the US will pull out of South Korea, considering it indefensible. When this happens, South Korea will have no choice but to become at least a neutral country, and not a staunch American ally as it is now. Paradoxically, this will be the hour in which China will feel safe about pulling the plugs out on North Korea, because a United Korean Republic will no longer host American troops.

Of course, the security risk that Korea poses to China does not solely consist of American troops on its soil. A United Korea will be dangerously close to Beijing, may be nuclear-armed, and South Korea is already one of the foremost military powers on the planet. Despite all this, however, Korea is a weaker power compared to China, and without American backing it will be malleable to Chinese influence. And when it is, China may not be too fussy about having a United Korea on its borders.

rice bowl

population of communist China: 1.3 billion

population of communist Korea: 24 million

China can easily absorb 24 million communist immigrants. After all the ideology and corruption are the same. And looking at it a bit cynically, wasn't labour in China getting too expensive? An extra few dirt poor peasants is exactly what China needs in its factories, and the reason why it wants to establish these industrial parks.

US calculation may be simple: precipitate North Korea collapse using all available means with the USSR of 1988-89 as a model. Who knows, once communist Korea collapses if the shock is big enough it could cause instability in the larger communist country too, like Russia collapsed once its satellites started going down - but for different reasons and local factors this time.


It is funny, whenever people in the West talk about North Korea, the inevitable description of North Korea is broke, uneducated, unskilled and imminent collapse. North Korea’s GDP per capita is same as India 1200 USD a year. From the few images available to West, North Korea cities are way cleaner and better than those in India. Even North Koreans in those pictures look healthy and clean.

On top of that, there is no insurgence in North Korea, while there are plenty of insurgences in India, I just wondered how could nobody ever say India is on the verge of collapse, but keep on saying an apparent better state North Korea is on the verge of collapse.

Maybe those people bad mouthing North Korea are CIA WuMao proxies.



"On top of that, there is no insurgence in North Korea, while there are plenty of insurgences in India, I just wondered how could nobody ever say India is on the verge of collapse, but keep on saying an apparent better state North Korea is on the verge of collapse.

Maybe those people bad mouthing North Korea are CIA WuMao proxies."

There is a big difference, North Korea can't feed itself without Chinese subsidies. India despite all its problems can, its not a food importer. Without China, North Korea will starve, its that simple. If you were so confident, why not ask the Chinese government to stop all aid to North Korea right now and see if it last a year.


Actually, what is funnier is people that believe the North Korean government. If anyone believes figures that come out of Pyongyang, then the word gullible springs to mind. Pyongyang doesn't report facts but propaganda.

However, birdsseye's futile attempt to compare North Korea to India hinges on unreality (though there seems to be an ulterior motive in choosing India). So let's look at the claims:

"North Korea’s GDP per capita is same as India 1200 USD a year"

According to the CIA World Factbook, "North Korea does not publish reliable National Income Accounts data; the data shown here are derived from purchasing power parity (PPP) GDP estimates for North Korea that were made by Angus MADDISON in a study conducted for the OECD; his figure for 1999 was extrapolated to 2009 using estimated real growth rates for North Korea's GDP and an inflation factor based on the US GDP deflator; the results were rounded to the nearest $10 billion"

The CIA World Factbook (from which you got your information probably via Wikipedia) does not produce nominal rates but only an estimated PPP rate, therefore the correct figures are:

GDP (PPP) per capita:
India 3,500
North Korea 1,800

Again, this is an extrapolated estimate and not a readily checkable fact like India or China's GDP.

"North Korea cities are way cleaner and better than those in India"

If a clean city is indicative of a happy, healthy and rich population, then yes, but you are sure not that deluded. But compare away to India, but then perhaps also those in China too.... but that is what happens when you practically have enslaved an entire population and have no free economy at all.

"Even North Koreans in those pictures look healthy and clean"

I'm not even sure what pictures you are referring to...... but this is perhaps a better picture of North Korea:


If you dig deep enough on the internet, you can easily discover the real pictures of North Korea and not those the government wants you to see.

"there is no insurgence in North Korea, while there are plenty of insurgences in India"

That's pretty disingenuous considering North Koreans are ethnically homogenous. And anyway, an insurgency requires food and let's face it, not even the North Korean army has enough these days - most people that have the energy defect across the Chinese border in the hope of reaching South Korea - this is a better indication of a broken system:



"Maybe those people bad mouthing North Korea are CIA WuMao proxies"

Aaaah and finally you show your true colours..... if you don't agree with me then you must have an ulterior motive. Considering your false analogy, you would have to wonder who is a WuMao commentator now.


How about we give the DPRK elite nice retirement villas in Myanmar, let the ROK unify the peninsula, and send the American troops back home (or at least to Guam). Then China will get a wealthy and reliable trading partner with rail links.


I think China is supporting North Korea out of pure sentimentality; North Korea is EXACTLY like China under Mao... starving and under a murderous dictator
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