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漂亮!超级漂亮的狙击战!记者 vs 美国国务院发言人纽兰

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-12 14:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 diver18 于 2011-8-12 14:11 编辑

主流媒体 可不是 这样报道的,搜索基本上都是这类的:
US to China: Why Do You Need an Aircraft Carrier?
你完全看不到 我们记者 漂亮的冲锋。
有能力的,或者能借助各类翻译 阅读的,建议读一下记录,比下面的译文 精彩不止 十倍!

QUESTION:  China’s first aircraft carrier set sail yesterday for the first time.  Are you concerned this will increase the tension in the region?
MS. NULAND:  Well, I think you know that we have had concerns for some time, and we’ve been quite open about them with regard to the lack of transparency from China regarding its power projection and its lack of access and denial capabilities.  So we want to see more transparency.  We would welcome any kind of explanation that China would like to give for needing this kind of equipment.  And as you know, President Obama and President Hu have stated together that they want a healthy and reliable military-to-military relationship.

QUESTION:  Will this also make the U.S. to more back up your allies in that region in order to make the balance of the military power in Asia Pacific?
MS. NULAND:  I don’t think anybody should question the U.S. commitment to our allies in Asia.

QUESTION:  Can I ask why you would want the Chinese to explain why they want an aircraft carrier?  Can’t they just say, “Because we want it”?  Isn’t that a good enough explanation?
MS. NULAND:  Again, this is part of our larger concern that China is not as transparent as other countries.  It’s not as transparent as the United States about its military acquisitions, about its military budget.  And this causes concern, and we’d –

QUESTION:  Well, what is this –
MS. NULAND:  -- like to have the kind of open, transparent relationship in military-to-military affairs.

QUESTION:  Is this aircraft carrier invisible or something?  I don’t understand.  It’s not difficult.  I mean, it seems it’s pretty hard to hide an aircraft carrier --
MS. NULAND:  But we have not --

QUESTION:  -- unless it’s a miniature model, which I don’t think it is.  So I’m not sure what’s the lack of – you know that they had one, you know that it’s out there sailing around on maneuvers or being tested right now.  What’s not transparent about that?
MS. NULAND:  In our military-to-military relations with many countries around the world, we have the kind of bilateral dialogue where we can get quite specific about the equipment that we have and its intended purposes and its intended movements, et cetera.  We are not at that level of transparency with China that the presidents have said we should have and that we aspire to.  So it’s in that spirit that we make these comments today.
With regard to specifically what we have and haven’t discussed with China on this particular aircraft carrier, I’m going to send you to DOD.

QUESTION:  Historically, I think the State Department has made the point that China’s – the increases in China’s military spending, to the extent that you have visibility into them, are not consistent with its stated ambitions to be a regional power.  And is that – has that language gone away or is that still how you view this?
MS. NULAND:  No.  I think in the larger context, that this was a comment I was making with regard to this particular --

QUESTION:  And then the second thing would be – correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe over the last decade, U.S. military expenditures have increased at a more rapid pace than have Chinese military expenditures.  Right?  I mean, the DOD military – the DOD budget is now somewhere north of $600 billion, I think.  Why should it therefore be so very concerning – why should China’s acquisitions policy and defense spending be such a concern when the United States still enjoys such a massive conventional superiority?  I mean, just to take aircraft carriers, it’s now 14 to 1 as opposed to 14 to 0.
MS. NULAND:  Well, with regard to the specifics in comparing budgets and comparing numbers of carriers, I think I’m going to send you to my colleagues at DOD, lest I get into areas beyond the expertise at this podium.

QUESTION:  Why are you so worried that --
MS. NULAND:  However --

MS. NULAND:  -- the larger point is one of transparency.  We are prepared to be extremely transparent with regard to U.S. military positions and equipment, and we’d like to have a reciprocal relationship with China, and that’s what our presidents have said we ought to aspire to.  So it’s in that context that we make these comments today with regard to this particular acquisition.   

QUESTION:  Well, are you concerned somehow – I mean, it’s been very – you’ve been very open and very public about your concerns about the tensions in the South China Sea.  Are you concerned at all that this specific acquisition, this carrier, could be used by the Chinese to perhaps enflame those tensions or at least serve as something that would not ease them?
MS. NULAND:  Well, again, I think the Secretary made clear when she was in Asia, and I think that you were with her, what we aspire to in the South China Sea, which is a – to go on to the next step and really try to settle this issue among the countries.
With regard to this particular acquisition, the concern is that, again, we want to have a better understanding of how it might be used, what the intentions are, and that that is the kind of information that would be part of a better, more transparent military-to-military dialogue.

QUESTION:  Well, it just seems to me from what you’re saying that there were – you talked about transparency, but in fact it’s not a lack of transparency; it’s a lack of another word that begins with t-r that you have with the Chinese, and that word would be trust.  You basically don’t trust the Chinese with this kind of equipment.  Is that correct?
MS. NULAND:  Transparency in itself is a confidence builder between nations, so that’s what we’re looking for.  We’re looking to build confidence about each other’s intentions.

QUESTION:  Well, do you trust the Chinese that they will use this specific piece of equipment, but also in a broader sense, its military for good or for easing – or to maintain stability rather than to exACerbate tensions?
MS. NULAND:  Again, you’re getting me into DOD’s territory here with regard to balance of forces and how they see ships deployed, et cetera.

QUESTION:  Well, it seems --
MS. NULAND:  I’m making the broader point that at the level of relations that we aspire to with China, we ought to be able to be maximally transparent about our military budgets and our military acquisitions, our military endeavors.

QUESTION:  Okay.  So thus far, you have tried to engage the Chinese on this transparency and they have shot you down?
MS. NULAND:  No.  We have a dialogue.  Is it as strong as we’d like it to be?  No.  But I think that’s --

QUESTION:  But that’s not for your – from – for your lack of trying?
MS. NULAND:  Again --

QUESTION:  You tried, and they have said no.  Correct?
MS. NULAND:  And our presidents have expressed an interest in improving this aspect of the relationship.  With regard to the actual implementation of that, it’s a DOD military-to-military --

QUESTION:  Fair enough.  But considering the fact that you don’t – you’re still calling for this transparency, do you believe President Hu when he says that he agrees with President Obama that there should be this kind of relationship?
MS. NULAND:  We want to see this aspect of the relationship improve, and we’re going to continue to work on it.

QUESTION:  Can I just follow up?  Actually, Chinese official already made a clear statement that this aircraft is for training and research purpose only.  Do you trust this statement?
MS. NULAND:  Again, I don’t think I can do any better than what I said repeatedly, which is that we want to have a maximally transparent military-to-military relationship, and we would welcome formal discussion with the Chinese, a formal explanation from the Chinese about this particular piece of equipment.

QUESTION:  Can I just – one more?  Have you asked the Chinese for a formal explanation?  Has there been a formal request to them for a formal explanation?
MS. NULAND:  Oh, again, that’s a good DOD question because if it – if there were to be one, it would be in military-to-military channels.

QUESTION:  But it doesn’t come – it wouldn’t come through the State Department at all?
MS. NULAND:  No.  It would be a military-to-military issue.

ps. 我这是 先有蛋 后有鸡,看到人民的,才找到的 英文。












发表于 2011-8-12 14:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-13 03:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-13 09:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-13 12:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-13 12:57 | 显示全部楼层
吴钩1 发表于 2011-8-13 12:06
很多人不懂,美军的最大优势是有十年磨一剑的恒心和耐力,这才是中国最该学习的! ...

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发表于 2011-8-13 19:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-14 00:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-14 00:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-15 00:39 | 显示全部楼层
MS. NULAND, you are extremely good in beating around the bush and going round and round in a circle!
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发表于 2011-8-15 08:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-15 11:10 | 显示全部楼层
现在 2011。8。15 11:10am,这已是 新华 的 头版头条!
我就奇怪了,分没给加,版没给高亮,四月。。。 以下省略十二字。。。






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发表于 2011-8-15 11:19 | 显示全部楼层
diver18 发表于 2011-8-15 11:10
现在 2011。8。15 11:10am,这已是 新华 的 头版头条!

我就奇怪了,分没给加,版没给高亮,四月。。。  ...

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发表于 2011-8-15 13:47 | 显示全部楼层
吴钩1 发表于 2011-8-13 12:06
很多人不懂,美军的最大优势是有十年磨一剑的恒心和耐力,这才是中国最该学习的! ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-15 14:46 | 显示全部楼层
jack_j11 发表于 2011-8-15 13:47
十年磨一剑,你是指阿富汗战争吗?这种恒心和耐力的确令人佩服!前苏联打了十年挺不住只好撤军了,美军也 ...

我知道 前苏联打了很久,也知道美军也打了很久,但你这么一算:
哦,美军已经打了十年了,从强到虚,可能要 弱 了。。。
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发表于 2011-8-15 15:51 | 显示全部楼层
jack_j11 发表于 2011-8-15 13:47
十年磨一剑,你是指阿富汗战争吗?这种恒心和耐力的确令人佩服!前苏联打了十年挺不住只好撤军了,美军也 ...

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