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发表于 2011-8-25 15:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
108 Giant Chinese Infrastructure Projects That Are Reshaping The World






原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com/bbs/?fromuid=1108 翻译:矢量技术




As hundreds of million of Chinese move to cities and enter the middle class, China faces a huge demand for new infrastructure.


At the same time, Beijing looks to fixed-asset investments to keep the economy booming.


原创翻译:龙腾网http://www.itaaa.com. 翻译:矢量技术

The resultant infrastructure push is incredible. A list of 108 super projects is floating around Chinese message boards. From highways spanning the continent, to the largest wind power base in the world, to a modern Silk Road that links Europe and India, to new cities in the desert, China is showing what it really means to do big things.




Flag 16 as Offensive 1

The Real Jameson Jun 8, 10:52 AMsaid:I can't think of one impressive infrastructure project that America is working on in the US (Trying to rebuild Af-Pak doesn't count).

Anyone out in internet land want to give a suggestion?




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falcon2on Jun 8, 11:04 AMsaid:@The Real James:

the new Oakland-SF Bay Bridge i suppose......
he Big Dig was impressive despite having so many HOV lanes went little use south of Boston and leading to the Ted Williams Tunnel...




原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com/bbs/?fromuid=1108 翻译:矢量技术

Flag 11 as Offensive 1

weongon Jun 8, 11:17 AMsaid:@falcon2:

the new bridge sections were made in China!! unbelievable but true



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falcon2on Jun 8, 11:50 AMsaid:@weong:

thanks for the reminder... forgot about that, and in fact, ain't the Chinese are also the frontrunner to snap up the california high speed rail project too?



Flag 13 as Offensive 4

Lonely Patrioton Jun 8, 12:19 PMsaid:@The Real James:

All these were paid for by low wage jobs and exports to U.S. Essentially, the American public has paid for all these shovel ready projects in China with the help of traitors in our corporations and govt. who have sold us all out.



Flag 7 as Offensive 6

FarEasternon Jun 8, 12:41 PMsaid:@Lonely Patriot:

Then educate yourself on the American economic system of Hamilton/List and denounce the British system of Smith.Ricardo and that bearded ape, Marx (At the heart of Marxism is David Ricardo and his fraudulent comparative advantage nonsense).
America does not have to be like Russia after the fall of the CCCP, it can choose to be a great nation. It just can't be built on economic lies any longer.



Flag 4 as Offensive 1

Sylvain Allardon Jun 8, 6:19 PMsaid:@The Real James:

Major infrastructure projects in America?
Wait until after WW3 which we're working on intensively!

原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com/bbs/?fromuid=1108 翻译:矢量技术




Flag 2 as Offensive 6

patoon Jun 8, 6:31 PMsaid:@The Real James:

environmentalists have destroyed americas ability to do these things,



Flag 4 as Offensive 0

Snake Pliskinon Jun 8, 8:16 PMsaid:@The Real James:

We have new abstract methods of trading stocks using electronic funds without backing for shell companies that don't exist!



Flag 11 as Offensive 1

vadimzzzon Jun 8, 11:05 AMsaid:

But China is a commmunist country... right?
And communism is evil... right?




Flag 10 as Offensive 3

Jumboon Jun 8, 11:58 AMsaid:@vadimzzz:

Right. Communism is bad. These things are being built by the government without input from the citizen (but are being paid for by the citizens) whether the projects are needed or not. But it's a good thing, cause in the old days China didn't have any good infrastructure targets to destroy during a war. Now they do. The title of this article could read "108 Giant Chinese Targets for WWIII". The more the Chinese have to lose, the less chance they'll start a shooting war. And the more money/comfort/communication the Chinese people have, the more likely they are to transition to a more democratic type of government. And while the U.S. may not be the biggest economic power for much longer, that doesn't mean we will be starving and sitting in the dirt. Spain, France, Holland, Germany, and England all lost their "dominant world leader" roles, and their standards of living are as good or better than ours.



Flag 4 as Offensive 2

Hank Reardenon Jun 8, 3:49 PMsaid:@Jumbo:

The Chinese no longer fear us. They no longer fear the Russians either.



原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com/bbs/?fromuid=1108 翻译:矢量技术

Flag 1 as Offensive 1

M.Dietrichon Jun 9, 10:56 AMsaid:@Jumbo:

Spain, France, Holland, Germany, and England don't have destructive banksters,the U.S has.Banksters are alive, well and still in control.



【译注:banksters=banker gangster(s) 银行歹徒(以银行管理为名侵夺存款的不法分子)】

Flag 2 as Offensive 0

Laspon Jun 8, 11:07 AMsaid:SWFC is not a hotel, it HAS a hotel in it (a Park Hyatt). Most floors are regular commercial units for sale/rent.



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falcon2on Jun 8, 12:05 PMsaid:@Vivian Giang:

Vivian, while you are at that, the Shanghai-Hangzhou maglev project proposal is almost certain to be abandoned after witnessing what the high-speed rail network achieved in the past 2 years.
and also, not quite understand the logic for picking the Nanjing subway as a sample for subway construction in China. The expansion currently undertook in the Beijing and Shanghai subway system is even more expansive than the Nanjing system as a whole (even Guangzhou too but need to double-check). Not to mention, Shanghai overtook London this year for having the longest subway system. Nanjing is merely one of the many 2nd tier Chinese cities building a subway system.





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Patrickon Jun 8, 11:16 AMsaid:It's good to see them spending our money wisely..



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bloodwormon Jun 8, 11:19 AMsaid:

Thank you for this article.
As you can see, the future of nuclear power is alive and well. At least China knows how important it is.
It wont be long before they are the largest economy in the world.





原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com/bbs/?fromuid=1108 翻译:矢量技术

Flag 3 as Offensive 2

iamageniuson Jun 8, 11:27 AMsaid:

I guess it would be bad idea to try and short this economy.




Flag 8 as Offensive 4

Yesac13on Jun 8, 11:29 AMsaid:

All are extremely impressive. I'm awed and a bit jealous.
However... is it a good use of money? You see, sometimes central planning can be AWFUL in allocating money. For example, the German Autobahn was hailed as a great thing. It was built by the Nazis. However, in the late 1930s, before WWII... British highways were really shitty compared to the German Autobahn but the British highways had more traffic (The British used cars wide scale earlier than the Germans pre WWII).
In a way, the German Autobahn was a waste of money, it only got higher traffic a full 2 decades later. I'm afraid the Chinese are doing the same thing... big projects but will only become fully utilized 20 years later in the future. In my opinion, that is not a good use of money...
The most efficient use of money is to use it on necessary projects. Using it too much on giant projects means you have less money somewhere else. Capital Mis-allocation in short. Before people say "at least better than America cuz they're letting their infrastructure fall apart"... America is currently blowing giant chunks in crappy programs like Medicaid, Social Security and the Military Industrial State (wars, etc). Having the government pay for stuff makes people NOT RESPONSIBLE. It also enables companies to more easily OVERCHARGE cuz its just the government that is paying (No real feelings of ownership)... When you think about this, its obvious why the infrastructure is falling apart because ALL of the money is spent elsewhere.
I'm not sure if the Chinese are doing the right thing but hell, I have to congratulate them for thinking BIG. I'll give them props for that.







Flag 11 as Offensive 3

Breezyon Jun 8, 11:54 AMsaid:@Yesac13:

I don't think leading is ever a waste of money .. building for the future rather than the present is not usually a waste of money .. wars on the other hand .. ALWAYS a waste of money and human capital.

And consider the reasonableness of the race to the moon. Did that project pay untold dividends to the US? Hell yeah!




Flag 5 as Offensive 0

FarEasternon Jun 8, 12:23 PMsaid:@Yesac13:

This is a poor example. As the autobahn was tool of war, not of commerce (same with the Eisenhower highway system). The commercial applications were an ancillary benefit. For its original purpose, it was VERY useful.
A better (successful) example would be the development of the Deutsche Bahn (NOT the company, but the rail network itself) that began in the 19th century. It united the German states and facilitated the industrial expansion of Germany proper. These types of infrastructure development projects are only possible under long-term development plans, they type of projects the US used to engage in until the 1970's.
These types of projects are made possible by using the economic theories of Alexander Hamilton/ Fredrick List of infant industry development and long term capacity development. They refused to acknowledge the parasitic British free trade system of Smith/Ricardo, List going as far to say that the British were "Kicking Away the Ladder" of economic development. They invested in long term projects and , wonder of wonders, they grew to be an industrial power from a back water agricultural society.
In other words; Renounce Smith/Ricardo (and the idiot economic fan-fiction writer of the 19th century, Marx) and go back to the economic system that built the United States, and we can have nice things again.
or not, and start learning Chinese.



一个更好(成功的)的例子应是开始于19世纪的德国铁路的发展(不是公司,而是铁路网络自身)它将德国联系在一起并在一定程度上促使了德国工业的发展。这种发展基础设施的工程需要有长期发展的规划才有可能,而美国过去运用这种类型的工程直到1970's 。




原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com/bbs/?fromuid=1108 翻译:矢量技术

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Yesac13on Jun 8, 3:28 PMsaid:@FarEastern:

I'll agree that the highways were successful for their original purposes, i.e., War.
I'm not one to disagree with the benefits of long term planning. Such long term planning are quite important in the long run. The issue is that I just don't have lots of faith in central planning, that's all. You can go too far in central planning... going too far can backfire. Look at the USSR for example. Even the Nazis is a good example of a failed central planner... Hitler and top level Nazis micromanaged too much while the Allied forces allowed their generals more free rein so to be more flexible. Remember the Great Leap Forward by China? China got better when central planning was curtailed!
Doing too much central planning sops up $$$ that could have been better used somewhere else. No way to know this for sure because we've had lots of central planning in the last century.
Still, I would love to visit China just to see those projects. I considered being an architect when I was younger but ended up in retail business.






Flag 10 as Offensive 0

JoeGon Jun 8, 11:41 AMsaid:This is what you can accomplish when the politicians aren't waisting our money outside of of our country to buy favors. Elect people who care about us, not an ideology that the receivers of our monies could care less about.



                                                                                                                                                                  Flag 14 as Offensive 0

Breezyon Jun 8, 11:50 AMsaid:Is anyone else stunned at how cheap these projects cost? Here in the states a couple of sports stadiums (our big projects don't add anything meaningful to our capacity) costs a billion dollars. They get complete hydroelectric projects for that kind of money ..
All these Chinese are squandering money on high speed rail, airports, water projects, hydroelectric, wind, etc. What a waste! NOT A SINGLE SPORTS STADIUM ON THE LIST! USA WINS AGAIN! KING OF SPORTS!




Flag 4 as Offensive 1

Know your stuffon Jun 8, 12:39 PMsaid:@Breezy:

Year ago, our municipality was discussing extending the metro line to NE suburb. It was budgeted at 1 billion per mile but never realized.
Compared to what China is spending on project, they certainly use money wisely.




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choice tohon Jun 8, 12:00 PMsaid:

i thought China was a bubble? what about the abandoned malls? or the bailout? lol
China is stronger than ever and this is good for America





原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com/bbs/?fromuid=1108 翻译:矢量技术

Flag 0 as Offensive 0

Dbon Jun 8, 4:08 PMsaid:@choice toh:

yeah like the "gold bubble"



Flag 5 as Offensive 1

FarEasternon Jun 8, 3:21 PMsaid:@Brian B: Three silly examples do not an argument make.

You left out that during all of those encounters the US could outproduce its adversaries with its superior industrial base and know-how. America won WWII due to Detroit, not squared-jawed GI JOE lookalikes.
Same was true for the Cold War, the US could always outproduce the CCCP, not because of free-market malarkey, but do to an industrial capacity that far exceeded the Soviet bloc.
As far as Japan is concerned, well, open up a computer sometime. They may be "designed in California" but the proprietary components (the parts that are assembled in China, but that is changing) say MADE IN JAPAN. Japan hasn't gone away, even if you would like to pretend they have.
But don't worry, when the Chinese get to the level of top dog, I'm sure they will be more than happy to accept free trade. America can then use it's comparative advantage in agriculture and China can do the value-added activities.






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Yesac13on Jun 8, 3:31 PMsaid:@Brian B:


Nothing wrong with a bit of central planning but you can go too far...



原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com/bbs/?fromuid=1108 翻译:矢量技术

Flag 3 as Offensive 0

Dbon Jun 8, 4:06 PMsaid:Wow!...Gulp! Looks like they're getting lots of shiny new technology and impressive projects...and meanwhile US cities like Detroit and Cleveland are drying up and blowing away! I hear there are ghost towns in Ohio. We're closing hospitals, not building new ones. We're dissing high speed rail, not making it. Our airports are showing age badly. The Interstate Highway System is 60 years old. But boy we can flip those credit cards! oh, forgot, they buy mostly Chinese stuff.....



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Brewskieon Jun 8, 5:37 PMsaid:

You bet! China does things on a massive scale. Let's consider the following cities:

- Ordos has been mostly empty since completion back in '05.

- Dantu has been empty for over a decade.

- Erenhot sits half empty; the other half is incomplete.

- Zhengzhou New District has a high vacancy rate.

Or the world's largest mall: The South China Mall, which was completed in '05 and hailed as the world's largest mall based on gross leasable space, sits 99% empty.
How about the Three Gorges Dam? This $30+ billion monstrosity, dreamed up by Mao, is causing an assortment of environmental probos, and is already showing cracks (not surprising given China's shoddy construction).
How about China's ambition to lay down an extensive high-speed rail network. This is claiming the envy of many; however, if what the whistle blowers are saying is correct...
How about the South-to-North Water Diversion Project? This is another brain child by Mao with a $62 billion price tag. Think it'll work?












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henry Krinkleon Jun 8, 7:42 PMsaid:

Well, LA has a real subway system now.



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grey1111(URL)on Jun 8, 9:22 PMsaid:

China has really awaken and is no longer a sleeping giant. Its business booms and it will continue to grow still.



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grey1111(URL)on Jun 8, 9:22 PMsaid:China has really awaken and is no longer a sleeping giant. Its business booms and it will continue to grow still.


Flag 2 as Offensive 0

droopeyon Jun 9, 8:29 AMsaid:The US and UK need to sort unemployment fast I think they can do this by actually making things again we have lost a complete sector (Industrial) but of course our wages are too high and companies will want there ridiculously high profits and continue to have there products made for dirt cheap in China. Honestly I don't see how the US and UK are going to recover they both have massive debts.



原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com/bbs/?fromuid=1108 翻译:矢量技术




 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-25 15:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-25 19:54 | 显示全部楼层
最大的应该是建在四川的诺亚方舟 逃命啊
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发表于 2011-8-25 21:53 | 显示全部楼层
YANNSHENG 发表于 2011-8-25 18:31

如果你要等到 100% 完美才开始行动,你得等到上天堂那一天!
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发表于 2011-8-26 00:36 | 显示全部楼层
YANNSHENG 发表于 2011-8-25 18:31

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发表于 2011-8-26 02:48 | 显示全部楼层
Jigong 发表于 2011-8-25 21:53
如果你要等到 100% 完美才开始行动,你得等到上天堂那一天!

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发表于 2011-8-26 08:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-26 09:25 | 显示全部楼层
  1. 最有效的用钱方式是把它用在必要的项目上。花太多的钱在超级工程上意味着你能花在其他方面的钱更少。错误的资金分配方式造成资金短缺。
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发表于 2011-8-26 09:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-26 09:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-26 10:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 pyhuang 于 2011-8-26 10:51 编辑
旺销奖 发表于 2011-8-26 09:35
有些恐怕只是面子工程吧?搞得再好,撑死也不过是史书 ...

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发表于 2011-8-26 10:51 | 显示全部楼层
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旺销奖 发表于 2011-8-26 09:35 在下质疑的是,这些大工程对国力、民生是否有意义。 有些恐怕只是面子工程吧?搞得再好,撑死也不过是史书 ...

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