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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-1 09:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 diver18 于 2011-9-1 09:52 编辑


From Hub, ’89 rebel again challenges China

By Linda Matchan
Globe Staff / August 31, 2011

Chai Ling learned a thing or two about leadership as a student in Beijing. At 23, she was commander in chief of the 1989 Tiananmen prodemocracy movement.

Declared one of China’s 21 most wanted students following the bloody military crackdown - she was fourth on the list - Ling fled to the United States in 1990, graduated from Princeton and Harvard, and emerged as the head of a Boston software company and a wife and mother.

She has never returned to China. But now, at 45, she’s taking on the People’s Republic once again.

Ling has started a nonprofit organization called All Girls Allowed, which aims to challenge China’s 31-year-old policy of allowing each family to have only one child. The policy has led to sterilizations and, because of a traditional Chinese preference for boys, abortions to reduce the number of girls born. The Chinese government has denied that it forces women to be sterilized or have abortions.

Ling’s zeal for improving the plight of Chinese woman and girls, fueled by a recent conversion to Christianity, aims to end such gendercide in China, which she likens to “a Tiananmen massacre taking place every hour.’’

“My fight for China started long ago at Tiananmen Square,’’ Ling stated at a celebration marking the group’s first anniversary in June. “Ever since there has been planted in me a desire to see China know true freedom,’’ said Ling, the mother of three girls.

Her new cause may be as much an uphill battle as the 1989 prodemocracy movement. Blacklisted by the Chinese government, she’s now being an activist long distance, with a nine-person staff and offices in Boston and New York.

China’s One Child Policy is a hot-button issue in the West. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has condemned forced abortion and sterilizations in China. A congressional Human Rights Commission held a hearing on the policy in 2009, raising the issue’s visibility.

But opposition to the one-child policy has been most vocal from humanitarian and Christian antiabortion groups that say the practice of aborting female fetuses to ensure that a family’s lone child is a son is leading to other human rights violations. These include the abandonment of baby girls; a high rate of female suicide (approximately 500 suicides a day, according to the World Health Organization); and kidnapping and trafficking of girls who are in high demand as child brides due to a shortage of girls in China.

The One-Child Policy is “China’s war on women and girls,’’ according to Reggie Littlejohn, a California attorney who founded Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, an international coalition trying to stop forced abortion and sexual slavery in China.

Into this battle steps Ling, who has had brushes with controversy even in this country. In civilian life she is the founder and president of Jenzabar, which makes educational software; her husband, Robert Maginn Jr., is chief executive. Jenzabar’s charitable foundation has committed $1 million to All Girls Allowed, which, with the help of private donations, dispatches volunteer foot soldiers to run four projects in China. A “Baby Shower’’ program gives financial incentives to mothers who keep their daughters. A scholarship program enrolls orphan girls in schools. All Girls Allowed provides legal aid to women who have been the victims of forced abortion.
发表于 2011-9-2 12:33 | 显示全部楼层
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