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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-6 14:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】The lesson of the Chinese invasion




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【译    文】

The growing success of our Asian rival shows that we are no longer willing to invest in our own future。

Many economic Nostradamuses have long predicted that the epitaph on America's tombstone will ultimately read "Made In China." But casual observers probably didn't think the funeral procession would happen this fast. In the last year, though, most have wised up. Thanks to a spate of mind-blowing headlines, we are learning that the Chinese invasion isn't just a distant possibility -- it's happening right now.

First, in February, ABC News reported that almost every Americana-themed trinket sold in the Smithsonian Institute is made in China. Then news hit that San Francisco is importing its new Bay Bridge from China. Then came the New York Times dispatch about the Big Apple awarding Chinese state-subsidized firms huge taxpayer-funded contracts to "renovate the subway system, refurbish the Alexander Hamilton Bridge over the Harlem River and build a new Metro-North train platform near Yankee Stadium."
在二月份的时候,美国广播公司(American Broadcasting Company)新闻报道说,在史密森学会售出的小饰品中,绝大部分包括以美国为主题的物件都产自中国。还有报道说旧金山正在从中国进口海湾桥梁建筑材料。《纽约时报》上说,由中国国有企业接手的比如翻新地铁系统,翻新哈莱姆河亚历山大汉密尔顿大桥,或者在洋基球场附近,新建一个地铁站等项目,政府都会对这些巨额纳税人给予相应的补贴。在这项政策的推动下, 纽约市表示非常乐意与之合作。“
Astounding as all of that is, it was quickly topped by news last week reminding us that the new Martin Luther King monument in Washington was designed by a Chinese government sculptor and assembled by low-wage Chinese workers.
The trend is enough to trouble any American. After all, when a memorial for a civil rights leader who deplored "starvation wages" and died supporting a sanitation union's strike is built by non-union serfs from China, it's a good sign there's a big problem.
But then, what exactly is that problem?
Xenophobes will say China's ascendance threatens America's global cultural hegemony and promises to create a dystopia forcing us all to endure the supposed horrors of speaking Mandarin and using chopsticks.
Such misguided and bigoted demagoguery, though, distracts from the real crisis staring at us in our own mirror -- a crisis not of other, but of self. Indeed, for all the fears of external assault, the Chinese invasion tells us the true problem is that America is no longer willing or able to invest in its own future.
This problem is most obvious -- and shocking -- in our government. As opposed to multinational corporations, which care only about maximizing shareholder profit, our public-policy arena is supposed to be focused on building America. But in this golden age of big-money politics, with multinational corporations buying our lawmakers, we get the opposite -- even during an unemployment crisis. Today, municipalities outsource public works projects, congresses water down "Buy America" laws, and presidents champion trade deals that encourage companies to send jobs overseas. That trickles down to give us American iconography made in Chinese factories, American real estate owned by Chinese companies, and American civil rights memorials constructed with Chinese slave labor.
这个问题最明显的和令人震惊的在于我们的政府。相对于跨国公司只关心股东利益最大化利润来说,我们的公共政策的舞台应该是集中在如何建设美国。但在这种大的金钱政治的黄金时代,跨国公司购买我们的立法者,即使在失业危机情况下我们得到相反的 。如今市公共工程项目外包,通过“买美国货”的法律聚集水,总经理拥护贸易协议,鼓励企业向海外输送工作机会。美国影像在中国工厂制造,中国公司拥有美国房地产,美国民权纪念馆由中国劳动力建造。
The public excuse from our corrupt politicians is that Americans don't really want the jobs that could be created if lawmakers prioritized domestic investment. Last week, for instance, the White House's U.S. trade representative, Ron Kirk, said we shouldn't be concerned with jobs that are about "making things that, frankly, we don't want to make in America -- you know, cheaper products, low-skill jobs." It was a reprise of 2006, when Sen. John McCain told union members the same thing.
民众原谅我们腐败的政客,如果立法者优先考虑国内的投资,美国人并不真正想要的创造就业机会。例如,上周白宫的美国贸易代表柯克(Ron Kirk)说,我们不应该关心“坦率地说,我们不希望在美国制造产品的工作——越便宜的产品需要越低端的技能,我们不需要这种就业机会。“这重复了2006年时当参议员麦凯恩告诉联盟的成员同样的事情。
The truth, of course, is the opposite -- millions of jobless Americans are desperate for some shred of economic patriotism that would put them back to work. But our political system isn't about patriotism anymore. It's about the deception embodied in Kirk's talking points.
Thanks to that, the idea of successfully legislating a domestic investment agenda seems not like mere wishful thinking. It seems as wholly inconceivable as walking into a big-box store and finding lots of products that are still made in the USA.




发表于 2011-9-6 15:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lyycc 于 2011-9-6 15:57 编辑











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发表于 2011-9-7 06:41 | 显示全部楼层
文中时不时的用serf, slave来形容中国工人,好像中国还是奴隶制社会。这种偏见和愚昧正是美国衰落的原因。对自己的竞争对手不了解,顽固的认为中国只是依靠低劳动力成本来竞争,完全无视中国在基础设施,劳动力素质,国家层面的金融支持等方面的巨大优势,这样做到最后死都不知道是怎么死的。




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