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【彭博社110906】中国富翁力压印度 中印国走向何方

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-9 13:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】China in Time of Millionaires Frustrates Neighbor: William Pesek



【译    者】杨靖旼 godstear4


【声    明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

【译    文】
Asia’s biggest rivalry is looking more and more one-sided. There’s no competing with China’s 9.5 percent growth as the U.S. sheds jobs, Europe unravels and Japan’s deflation deepens.

Even though Asia’s other rising superpower, India, is zooming along at 7.7 percent, try getting anyone to pay much attention.

Spend a few days in Mumbai and the conversation is all China, China, China. How can we compete? In what way is India’s economy superior? Why does our impressive post-Lehman-Brothers performance get no attention? Then head to China’s business center, Shanghai, and see if India even comes up. In fact, many Chinese businesspeople resent the suggestion that their economy has anything in common with India’s.

China may regret this oversight for two reasons. One, China’s winning streak probably will run into structural hurdles in the next five years. Two, for all their many differences, China and India have more challenges in common than Beijing may want to admit.

No matter how much the media, corporate glitterati and financial intelligentsia scrutinize China, we don’t know if it can beat the system, so to speak. No industrializing nation has ever avoided a financial crisis. Not one.

Common Challenges

For all its smarts, $3 trillion of currency reserves and firm control over the economy, Beijing must contain inflation, reduce pollution, shift away from exports and avoid social unrest as millions of people flock to the cites from the countryside. Can China grow almost 10 percent year after year without a hitch? The odds don’t favor it given the worsening state of the global economy.

Here, it’s worth noting the challenges India and China share, and there are many. They include huge and growing gaps between rich and poor, corruption, asset bubbles, the risk that piles of loans will go bad if world markets crash anew, regional disparities, environmental degradation, huge appetites for resources, sex inequalities that mean boys outnumber girls and angst over their place in the world.

Caveats abound, of course. Few would say China’s corruption is as endemic as India’s, though China’s vulnerability to a Japan-style bad-debt crisis far exceeds India’s. The angst factor, too, requires nuance. Indians are perturbed that their rapid growth and democratic institutions don’t get more kudos globally. Chinese want a bigger say in global affairs but resent the developed world demanding too much from a developing nation.

Whither ‘Chindia’?

The commonalities have revived the buzz about “Chindia,” or the idea that as much as China and India might compete, they may well complement each other. China and India are the most populous nations, nuclear powers and the two fastest-growing major economies. China’s is already bigger than Japan’s and India’s may be only a few years away from topping Japan on a purchasing-power-parity basis.

China has a huge head start when it comes to the roads, bridges, ports and power systems needed to raise living standards, and it receives the bulk of Asia’s direct investment. India has done better in creating a genuine economy with globally competitive companies, innovative products and world- class entrepreneurs. Imagine if they worked together?

Yet the geopolitical rivalry is growing. Look no further than tensions related to global resource access, griping among Indians that China’s trade practices are undermining their manufacturing industries or Beijing’s suspicions about New Delhi’s close ties to Washington.

Follow the Money

If ever there were a time for corporate executives and investors to follow the money, it’s now. At the moment, China clearly is the stronger capital magnet. By 2015, China’s millionaires may account for about half of the rich people across 10 major economies in Asia, excluding Japan, and hold more than half of the wealth, according to a study by Julius Baer Group and CLSA Asia Pacific Markets.

It’s not that simple, though. A new RAND Corp. report looks ahead to 2025 and finds that as China and India grow in prominence, each has certain advantages, but neither is primed to have a clear, across-the-board competitive edge over the other. And India’s advantages -- a growing working-age population, and open and flexible political and economic systems -- will be good things to have during the next 15 or so years.

China’s plusses over India are nothing to sneeze at. China graduates 70 percent more engineers annually than does India -- 600,000 compared with 350,000, RAND’s researchers say. Its vast investments in science and technology could dwarf India’s much- celebrated software industry.

Yet India may be moving into a period of major reforms as the anti-corruption movement led by Anna Hazare reverberates through the nation. Morgan Stanley Asia Ltd. economist Chetan Ahya isn’t exaggerating when he calls India the most promising structural growth story anywhere today. What if recent events in India compel the government to get its act together?

The thing is, no one knows. That goes, too, for whether China has struck upon some new formula for economic growth and can avoid a crash. All we can say for sure is that what we think we know about Asia today might be turned on its head in coming years. China versus India could be a case in point.

(William Pesek is a Bloomberg View columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.)

尽管中国有着卓越的才能,3万亿美元的外汇储备和对经济的严厉控制,它仍然必须想方设法的来控制通胀,降低污染,从出口型贸易转型,以及避免由于数以万计的人口从乡村涌向城市所带来的社会不稳定因素。 中国有可能顺利地的一直以将近10%的速度继续增长?鉴于全球经济形势恶化的现状这种可能性不大。
而且,印度会随着由Anna Hazare领导的反腐败运动响遍全国而进入一个重大变革时期。摩根士丹利亚洲有限公司的经济学家Chetan Ahya称印度是现今所有地区中最有前途实现结构增长时,并没有夸张。如果现在发生在印度的事件迫使政府整合它的行为将会如何?
(William Pesek是《彭博社》的专栏作家,文章仅代表作者个人观点)
  • I bought a scarf and started a conversation with the seller in Barcelona Las Ramblas...as a retired university SBDC director I thought her talk about it is India not China winning the cheap retail sales as something to think about..a few months later on visiting Shangahi and China I was sure she had to be mis informed considering all the 129 storied bldgs being built and all the construction cranes...but upon further thought..I am not so sure....a politician or a corporate ceo will seldom if ever tell the truth....talk to a small business owner on a one to one and find the truth......Rick H...Bowling green KY USA
  • 我在巴塞罗那的Las Ramblas买围巾的时候和卖家聊了一会,作为一个已退休的大学中小企业发展中心主管我认为她提到的印度廉价商品零售上超过中国的情况值得思考。几个月后我访问中国上海在那里看到好多繁忙的起重机和129个在建购物大厦我才知道她搞错了,至于未来会怎样我还不确定。。。毕竟你别指望从一个政治家或者公司ceo嘴里听到实话,要想知道真相的话还不如和小生意人面对面谈一谈
  • Actually, lot of people (including many experts on China) will say that China's corruption is as endemic as India - it is just that India has a free media which is obsessed with corruption (which may turn out to be a good thing in the long run). I agree with rest of the analysis.
  • “Spend a few days in Mumbai and the conversation is all China, China, China. How can we compete? In what way is India’s economy superior? Why does our impressive post-Lehman-Brothers performance get no attention? Then head to China’s business center, Shanghai, and see if India even comes up. In fact, many Chinese businesspeople resent the suggestion that their economy has anything in common with India’s.” How enthusiastic are business people in New York, London and Tokyo about doing business in India? Why William Pesek single out Shanghai alone? Is he trying to incite Indian resentment against China? Don’t worry when there is good money to be made in India, Chinese businessmen will be among the first to be there. India still needs another 5-10 years for her potential to be reality. So it is important for India to focus on domestic development first and do not get bogged down in resources wasting foreign adventures like the US. Peaceful development is as important for India as for China. This is the most important commonality between the two countries.
  • 纽约伦敦东京的商人对于到印度做生意又有多少兴趣呢?WP为什么把上海单拿出来说?他是想拿对中国不满的印度人当枪来黑中国吗?别操心到什么时候才在印度才能赚到钱了,中国商人会是赚到第一桶金的。印度起码还要5到10年才能实现他的潜力。所以对于印度来说发展内需才是当务之急,同时要注意别被外国(像美国)的金融投机活动拖入泥潭。和平发展对于印度对中国来说一样重要,这是这两个国家之间最重要共同点
  • It is indeed an interesting situation - you go to India, and everyone compares India with China and opine on why and how India cansurpass China.  You go to Beijing and folks think you are silly comparing China and India in the same breath.  If you want to compare, compare China with the developed nations.
  • 这种情况确实有趣——你到印度去发现每个人都在把印度和中国相比并且讨论印度如何才能超过中国;你到北京去人们会觉得傻子才拿中国和印度比较,要比就和发达国家比

  • I am amazed as to how western media uses western values to measure the success of one nation over another. Haven't we learned from these long cycles of financial booms and busts that " the pursuit of happiness" through social tranquility and harmony and achieving a more equitable society, with a fairer distribution of wealth, is by far a better and more sustainable outcome.India and China are two cases of almost identical backgrounds, and western media influence is exerting the wrong impact on the direction
    for both societies. Do we really want to create two new USA's in Asia. Haven't we seen the rising gaps between the rich and the poor in the USA as the pursuit of self-interest and the escalating prejudices among races and religions destroy the fabric of society.Who cares if China is developing economically faster than India or that India will have the ultimate edge with its younger population. Where is the motivation to achieve environmental sustainability, social equality and ultimately happiness in society.Watching Chinese young professionals draw hefty mortgages to buy a small apartments that will enslave them to their banks for the rest of their lives trying to pay it off, and the result is a very unhappy younger generation in China, working overtime with little time to enjoy life. If this is development that western media promotes for China and India, then for sure they will blind-foldedly follow the USA and Europe in a breath-taking financial journey that benefits the lucky few and creates an unsustainable social disharmony among their population.Let China and India grow "slowly" and let them adopt their old and traditional values that survived for centuries. Let China and India develop to the world unique societies despite their political and structural ideologies. Perhaps the USA and Europe will find the Chinese or Indian models have few things to learn from.



  • 谁说印度没人关注?!我看P先生一直在写这种总能产生广泛影响的中印之争文章
  • Excellent analysis of the China versus India "competition". One major element of history has however, been overlooked by thewriter. This is the role played by China whenever it has been in the ascendant in the past. A strong ruler at Beijing has always demanded tribute or at least acknowledgment of suzerainty from China's neighbors. This led to neighbors plotting with China's internal power brokers to checkmate the "Emperor" at Beijing. Today, China is already flexing its muscles and every neighbor (bar none) worries about its intentions. The quarrel over resources beneath the South China Sea, border tensions with India, aggressive trade practices with every nation.... expose the true face of China. This is why all of China's neighbors demand that the US remain in Asia and cooperate in shoring up regional defense against a hegemonistic China.India on the other hand is a pacifist nation. It has never invaded any country through its long history nor attempted to browbeat any of its neighbors. On the contrary,

China is wooing all of India's neighbors some of whom have some economic or historical political issue or the other with India, through the offer of generous aid so as to alienate them from India, despite the fact that all of India's neighbors share the same culture, ethnically belong to the same race and have political and legal systems based on British traditions. China is feared but India is not.China's success despite being a Communist dictatorship is due to its ability to prevent the revival of a personality cult (by changing its Party Chairman and Prime Minister every 5 years), ensuring merit in selection of its leaders, collective but speedy decision making and above all exceptionally rapid implementation. It has also re positioned itself as a champion of Chinese nationalism and Confucianism hoping that this camouflage will make its authoritarian rule more acceptable to its people.  Other Communist nations (like North Korea, Cuba and even Vietnam) have failed precisely because they have not followed the Chinese system of dictatorship. Yet, given its rapidly ageing population, hostility of its neighbors, pressure to keep delivering economic growth rates in excess of 9% per year to prevent social unrest and inability of exports to support this rate of growth, China will face mounting problems. India's democracy has stood the test of time and has proven its ability to hold this immensely diverse nation together. Nehru's misguided socialistic zeal lasting 40 years set the nation back economically while saddling it with a gargantuan bureaucracy characterized by incompetence, waste and corruption. India's economic growth really started in 1991 when socialism was buried and Indian entrepreneurs set free to pursue their own visions. Even though major economic reforms are yet to be initiated, India has grown rapidly into a $ 1.6 trillion economy in 2010. Individual initiative remains the main source of

Indian economic growth unlike China where the State plays a major role in orchestrating investment and has direct control over the actions of its people. In the longer term, it will be India which will show a more sustainable and equitable growth than China. Social tensions too are better accommodated in democratic India. The bottom line is India has only one goal, that of lifting its 350 million poor (out of 1.2 billion) from poverty and to live in harmony with its neighbors. China on the other hand believes that its leaders are endowed with the ability to know what is good for its people and that its people will trade civil and political liberties for authoritarianism so long as their living standards keep rising, their nationalistic urges are satisfied
and its neighbors (nay the entire world) bows to the might of China !



发表于 2011-9-10 14:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 滔滔1949 于 2011-9-10 14:25 编辑






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发表于 2011-9-11 13:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-9-12 11:04 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-9-12 11:16 | 显示全部楼层
avoid social unrest as【 millions of people 】flock to the cites from the countryside.




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发表于 2011-9-12 14:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-9-13 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-9-13 10:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-9-14 09:53 | 显示全部楼层
滔滔1949 发表于 2011-9-10 14:25
我觉得关于印度的历史有必要在这里适当普及一下,以免老是有人发出“印度”这个“古老国家”这类的莫名其妙 ...

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