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【华尔街日报110920】对台军售 中美各退一步

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-23 16:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-9-23 16:10 编辑


【原文标题】U.S., China Ease Stance on Taiwan


【译    者】小伟   无聊意志


【声    明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。

【译    文】
BEIJING—The U.S. appears to have averted a conflict with China by deciding to sell Taiwan military-fighter upgrades rather than new planes, indicating that both sides are eager to move beyond what has long been the most sensitive issue between them.
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But the decision could cause other conflicts with critics in the U.S. and Asia who want the White House to take a stronger tack to counter China's growing military might.
The Obama administration has decided to upgrade Taiwan's existing 146 Lockheed Martin F-16 A/B jets, rather than selling it 66 new C/D models that the island has been seeking since 2006, a congressional official said. Formal notification of a proposed arms sale usually follows informal consultations with Congress and is expected in the next few weeks.
一名国会议员指出,奥巴马政府已经决定升级台湾现有146架洛克希德马丁公司的F16A/B飞机,而不是向其出售2006年以来台一直寻求的66 架F-16 C/D 模型。武器销售的正式通知之后会有与国会非官方的磋商,计划在接下来几周会进行。

China is likely to respond to the U.S. move with its usual vociferous public protests, political analysts say, but stop short of suspending military relations as it did the last time Washington sold a weapons package to Taiwan.

However, a decision not to provide the new planes would leave President Barack Obama open to accusations that he has sold out a democratic ally in Asia for the sake of commercial ties with the world's second-largest economy. Word that the administration is preparing to decline to offer new fighters to Taipei is coming as a bitter disappointment to many Democrats as well as Republicans.
Rep. Howard Berman of California, the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Friday in response to press reports that an F-16 upgrade was "only a half-measure" when it came to modernizing Taiwan's arsenal.

"Everyone, including this administration, acknowledges that the military balance across the Straits has tilted far too heavily toward China," he said in a statement. "Taiwan needs more-advanced fighter aircraft to adequately defend itself against the continued and increasing Chinese military threat."

Some analysts and politicians in the U.S. and Taiwan believe that Washington is bowing to pressure from Beijing and reneging on its commitment under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act to help the island defend itself. Last week, Sens. John Cornyn (R., Texas) and Robert Menendez (D., N.J.) introduced a bill that would require the Obama administration to sell Taiwan the new F-16 C/Ds, saying selling it just the upgrades would be "a slap in the face to a strong ally and longtime friend."

The administration has declined comment on a possible F-16 package, but officials have said previous arms sales to Taiwan have been guided by the Taiwan Relations Act.
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An F-16C/D fighter visiting Taipei for an airshow last month; the U.S. has reportedly decided not to sell Taiwan any, though.
As for China, it believes that Taiwan must be reunited with the mainland, by force if necessary, and views arms sales there as a violation of its sovereignty. Such sales have triggered repeated crises in relations since the U.S. switched diplomatic recognition from the island to mainland China in 1979.

The last package of U.S. arms for Taiwan, valued at $6.4 billion and announced in January 2010, prompted Beijing to suspend military exchanges with Washington for 12 months.
"China is still going to protest because it sees these arms sales as a violation of its sovereignty. But China also recognizes that this is part of reality," said Jia Qingguo, a professor at the School of International Studies at Peking University.
2010年宣布 的最近一批美国出售给台湾的武器价值64亿美元,这导致了北京与华盛顿暂停12个月的军事往来。

"If the U.S. does not sell the C/Ds but only the A/B upgrades, then that probably wouldn't lead to a suspension of military exchanges," he said. "Both sides are learning to manage this issue, rather than allowing it to rock the overall relationship."
China's Foreign Ministry repeated its standard position on the issue Monday, saying Beijing is "firmly opposed" to all U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, and didn't respond to a question about how Beijing would respond to the latest package.

But a front-page article in the Global Times, a nationalistic tabloid with links to the Communist Party, quoted analysts as saying China would protest but not suspend military ties if the U.S. offered Taiwan only the fighter upgrades.
Officials and analysts in Asia and the West say the gradual scaling back of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan—and the more moderate response expected from China—reflects the growing importance and complexity of relations between the U.S. and China—now the world's two largest economies.
"We cannot interpret" the decision as an abdication of America's commitments in Asia, said Teuku Faizasyah, a spokesman for Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. "In a relationship between countries, choices of policy are often being influenced by national interests. From the Indonesia-China-U.S. point of view, we see the U.S. and China as countries that have the same interest in the region—to keep the region balanced and stable. We cannot draw quick conclusions based on this case."

"We are still optimistic that the U.S. and China are engaged and involved in the region in many ways, including in economic and cultural partnerships." he added. "Pragmatic interest will not automatically abort that bigger commitment. President Obama's plan to come next November (to Indonesia) will show the U.S.'s commitment and engagement with Southeast Asia."
Carlyle Thayer, a professor at the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy, said the U.S. decision was a finely calibrated move designed to maintain Washington's commitments to ensure the defense of Taiwan without threatening relations with China. "There might be more to be gained in pursuing a strategic judgment that doesn't jeopardize Taiwan's defenses," said Mr. Thayer, a longtime observer of security affairs in the Asia-Pacific region.
"This struck me as a clever, calculated decision to maintain the momentum of good relations with China and see how far they can go," Mr. Thayer said.
新南威尔士大学澳大利亚国防军学院教授卡莱尔(Carlyle Thayer)说,“美国的决定是旨在不威胁到与中国大陆关系的情况下,精心的举动实现美国对保护台湾的承诺。将来可能会加强协助台湾自卫的战略判断方面的工作。” 亚太地区安全事务的长期观察员卡莱尔先生说。

Rather than worry about the solidity of Washington's commitments to Taiwan, Mr. Thayer said some neighboring governments such as those in Vietnam and the Philippines which contest China's claims to the South China Sea might in fact welcome the U.S. decision to upgrade rather than replace the Taiwan fighters. "They would be concerned if the U.S. provides Taiwan more modern equipment and upsets China. That could take chill relations all the way down the line," Mr. Thayer said.
泰勒先生说并不担心美国对台湾是否恪守承诺:“像越南和菲律宾一样某些质疑中国对南海声明的邻国政府可能会欢迎美国决定升级,而不是取代台湾战斗机。“他们可能关心美国是否会给台湾提供更先进的武器,给中国大陆压力,这样会使这种关系一路降至冰点” Thayer先生说道。

The Pentagon, in particular, has been trying this year to build more stable military ties with China, in part to encourage it to be more transparent about the advanced weapons it is developing—including stealth fighters and aircraft carriers—and how it plans to use them.
The U.S. decision also comes amid mounting concern among some Asian countries about whether China's growing military clout is forcing the U.S. to back away from its security commitments in the region.

Many defense experts believe China's rapidly expanding military power means that U.S. arms sales can no longer maintain a military balance between Taipei and Beijing, which have also drawn close through expanding trade and transport links in recent years.

Justin Chou, a legislator from Taiwan's ruling Kuomintang party and member of the Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee, said Monday that while it is hard to accept just the upgrade, "that's the reality." He added that Taiwan remains concerned about China's weapons buildup and will "never give up the possibility of reaching a better situation on these issues."
"So in my personal opinion," he said, "I'm not satisfied but I will accept it."

Even within Taiwan's Defense Ministry, however, some people do not want the new F-16 C/Ds, arguing that the island's limited defense budget would be better spent on submarines and other weaponry, according to one Taiwan defense official.


  • Jelek Kineski replied:
    Now which nation do you think is militarily dangeous the most and is aggressively rampaging throughout the whole Asia?
    Of course it's haphazardous china!
  • U.S need not be so sensitive to corrupt china commies even though economic relation, the amount of trade between two countries, becoming increased!
  • Anyway, U.S should continue furthermore military-support for all asian allies to make china-born noisy howler monkey shout up.
  • Bob McGovern wrote:
    Our Chinese paymasters cannot be crossed; Obama complies.
    我们的中国债主不能被惹恼, 奥巴马如是说
  • Terry Traub wrote:
  • Money speaks louder than principles. Democracy in Taiwan is less important to us than Beijing's underwriting of our debt. Carter dumped Taiwan unceremoniously in 1979 and won us no friendship, only contempt from both sides.
  • Wilhelm Pappeln replied:
    "this party intends to wipe out that the fact of Taiwan is an independent country. "
  • Taiwan is not an independent country. It is a province of the ROC, which is an independent country.
  • “这个党(国民党)想清除台湾是一个独立国家的真相。”
  • 18 hours ago
    Mark Pickering wrote:
    Taiwan has an economy about the same size as Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is willing to spend a lot of money on defense (around 11% of GDP). The Taiwanese are not willing to spend nearly as much (around 2% of GDP). Both are threatened by neighbors, but it seems to me that Taiwan is threatened more by Red China than Saudi Arabia is by Iran. Since the Taiwanese could buy jets and other military hardware from countries besides the US (like France), the question is why they aren't trying harder to defend themselves?
    台湾是一个与沙特阿拉伯相当的经济体,然而沙特把11%的GDP投入国防,台湾只把2%的GDP投入国防,它们都受到邻国威胁。 但是似乎台湾受到共产中国的威胁要远远大于沙特受到伊朗的威胁。既然台湾可以从除美国之外的其他国家购买喷气式战机(比如法国)你们为什么他们不花更大的力量去保护自己呢?
  • 17 hours ago
    Wilhelm Pappeln replied:
    I don't know how deeply held among pro-independence Taiwanese is the belief that if the PRC invades the ROC, we will rescue them. If many of them believe that, then they have little incentive to spend more on defense.
  • 我不知道台独分子是否到了中华人民共和国一旦入侵中华民国就愿意拯救中华民国的地步。 如果不少台湾人这样想,你们他们就不需要去购买什么武器。
  • Michael Coning wrote:
    If China sold advanced weaponry to Cuba I suspect we would be ticked off too.
  • 1 day ago
    STEPHEN METZGER replied:
    Therefore, what? If you are on the side of the Chicoms, go live there.

  • RONALD DIAMOND replied:
    China doesn't have advanced weaponry to sell. China is already selling what they have to most of our enemies. Why shouldn't we sell to China's enemy?
  • Li-shi Chen replied:
    The US doesn't need to sell weapons to China's "enemies". It already has bases in Japan and South Korea. It really would not want to sell weapons to Russia, for obvious reasons, either. Anyone else you can think of selling weapons to?

  • Stefano Rosellini replied:
    So Cuba has become a democracy like Taiwan? I think you should check your premises.
  • Stefano
  • Stefano Rosellini replied:
    Your premise is wrong. Cuba is not a democracy like Taiwan that it is trying to defend itself from a potential aggressor. Helping an ally is a duty.




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