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【每日电讯报110922】寻欢 也要 讲礼?

发表于 2011-9-26 13:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 aokai 于 2011-9-26 13:48 编辑

China suffering from 'Confucian confusion' over sex

China is suffering from "Confucian confusion" when it comes to sex, a new book has argued, a month after Chinese authorities shut down the world's biggest Chinese-language pornography website. Peter Foster reports.

By Peter Foster, Beijing9:36AM BST 22 Sep 2011
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... usion-over-sex.html

It was billed as another victory for China's war against online smut, with the country's state-run news agency Xinhua proclaiming that 100 million pornographic images had been wiped from the web.
The busting of the New York-based Sunshine Entertainment Alliance porn ring in co-operation with the American FBI last month was the latest in a series of Chinese crackdowns against pornography and 'social vulgarity' on the internet as the authorities struggle to enforce a public morals.
They are, however, fighting a losing battle according to Katrien Jacobs, a cultural studies professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who has researched the growing appetite for pornography and sexual liberation among China's young.
In a new book, she likens the current mood in China to the 1960s in the West, where younger post-80s generations of Chinese, are rejecting the drab, morally ascetic world inhabited by their parents during the three decades after 1949 when China was truly Communist.
Today a heady mix of pornography, avant-garde artists and bloggers is challenging whether the government, which regulates political freedoms so strictly, should be equally stringent when it comes to sexual mores.

"The Chinese blogosphere is humorous and ephemeral, a bit like the western 1960s nudist performance pieces or the act of streaking in public," she writes in People's Pornography: Sex and Surveillance on the Chinese internet, "Bloggers make bold statements against conservative morality and have to deal with hostility from the agents of surveillance and censorship." Despite the official censoriousness towards pornography, which is illegal in China in all its forms, Prof. Jacobs says that more and more material is available, with increasing numbers of Chinese daring to make 'home movies' and post them online.
To show how available such material is, she recalled visiting a Starbucks café in the southern city of Shenzhen and within five minutes of logging on to the café's open Wi-Fi internet, had found "a wide range of hard-core and DIY images" using China's most popular search engine Baidu.
"There has been a growing rift between government-supported attitudes about pornography and people's actual thoughts and practices," she adds, "Despite waves of cynicism and despair about nation-state censorship, people continue to build and share their hacked and DIY collections." Like many countries, China has visibly conflicted attitudes towards sex, officially condemning licentiousness while turning a blind eye to a hugely prevalent sex trade, where it is routine for businessmen take clients to karaoke bars to 'relax' with girls.
So institutionalised is the practice – Chinese wives are expected to turn a blind eye – that even the coupling of businessmen and sex-workers even follows the same rituals of precedence that would previously have been acted out over banquets, says Prof. Jacobs.
"While you might go to a KTV [Karaoke] bar with workmates, it will for example, be the boss who will get to chose the first sex worker, which arguably reflects how ultimately non-subversive and institutionalised such activities are," she said.
Similarly, while porn is officially illegal in China, it is a standing online joke that the hugely popular Japanese adult movie star, Sora Aoi who holds one of the country's most popular microblog accounts, with more than 4.8m Chinese fans following her every (officially very innocent) move.
"Ah, I ate ice cream before supper," she wrote one night, an observation that drew some 3,689 comments, some of them rather less innocent.
The Chinese public are alive to the gap between what Prof Jacobs calls the Chinese government's "rhetoric of extinction" on porn, and the reality, following a string of scandals involving Communist Party officials falling from grace with their mistresses.
Such obvious double standards are met with a mixture of righteous anger and delight. Much fun was had this year when a local police station in the northeastern coastal city of Dalian was discovered to have nominated Sora Aoi's blog as their only 'outside interest' on their website.
In yet another example of changing times, China's gambling capital of Macao last month hosted a week-long trade fair selling every imaginable kind of sex toy, attracting 30,000 curious members of the public picking their way through the novelty items other "martial aids".
In the past China (which makes 70 per cent of the world's sex toys) has exported much of its output, but exhibitors reported that domestic demand for such "novelty items" was now rising sharply. Similar shows are planned this year in Shenzhen, Fuzhou and Qindgao, the Associated Press reported.
"The standard of living in China is rising and people want to upgrade their lifestyle so the market needs these products," said Bo Chen, an exhibitor whose Jurong Outlook Toys & Gifts Manufacturing Co makes lifelike dolls with silicon skin, costing £1,600 each.
Some leading analysts now argue it is time that China's po-faced authorities to face facts and amend obscenity laws which, according to China's leading sex researcher, Prof. Li Yinhe of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, are "outdated", "erroneous" and contradict freedoms of speech granted in the Chinese constitution.
Prof. Jacobs agrees, citing a recent report that found that up to 70 per cent of young people in China got their sex education through pornography as an example of the "squeamishness" of many schoolteachers and parents when it came to sex, and the need for greater honesty.
A new sex education manual for 3 to 6-year-olds from Hong Kong's Family Planning Association caused a stir in China after it included pictographic renderings of sexual intercourse between two parents.
Some dismissed the cartoon images as "pornographic" while others, who recalled being told by their parents they were 'fruit from a tree' or born from their father's armpits, welcomed the frankness of the designs and suggested they be introduced into schools on the Chinese mainland.
"When it comes to sex and pornography, China is suffering from what could be called 'Confucian confusion'," concluded Prof. Jacobs, "Officially pornography isn't allowed in China, but the government does allow a fair amount in, and I think it's very likely they will become more lenient in the future."

于2011-09-26 09:00:11翻译



    然而,香港中文大学的Katrien Jacobs教授却认为,他们此举无异于螳臂当车。该教授研究表明,色情文学和性解放在中国青年一代悄然升温。她在新书中把西方的60后和中国的80后做了类比,认为当今中国年轻一代拒绝其父母单调无味、禁欲主义的道德观。这种道德观形成于新中国成立后的三十年,期间大陆是真正的一片赤色。

    为了证明这些内容有多常见,Katrien Jacobs提起,在深圳星巴克登入网络后,几分钟之内便找到了“各种各样,内容广泛的露骨描写和自拍情色图片”,用的搜索引擎正是中国人气最高的百度。她补充道,“政府对色情的态度和人们的实际想法与需求日益相背而驰。带着对国家审查制度的冷嘲热讽与失望,人们依旧收藏分享着他们的截图或者自拍。”和很多国家一样,性话题在中国十分敏感,官方一面斥其不齿,一面对四下普及的性潮流熟视无睹;而如今商人带客户去KTV唱三陪已成例行公事。




    Katrien Jacobs对此表示赞同。鉴于学校老师和父母在性话题上的保守,当今中国70%年轻人的性教育是通过色情“毒”物。老师和父母本该更加开放坦然。然而,香港家庭计划协会针对三至六岁儿童发布的性教育手册却在大陆引起一片哗然,因为手册中有两亲性交的图示。一些人把图示等同于色情,另一些赞赏书本设计的坦白诚恳,建议大陆引进类似读物,警醒“树生辈”和“胳肢窝生辈”们。
    Katrien Jacobs最后说,“一谈到性和情色,中国正遭受着所谓‘孔氏惶恐’。官方并不承认情色的合法性,但是政府默许了一定量此类内容存在。未来政府更多的宽容值得期待。”




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