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发表于 2011-10-12 17:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
纪念辛亥革命:一百年前的10月10日,一支起义部队在湖北武汉发动起义,导致了中国历史上最后一个封建王朝的覆灭。 译文来源:新闻链接:http://www.economist.com/node/21531524
原创翻译:http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:小乔 转载请注明出处

A super centenary Sun suit



ONE hundred years ago on October 10th, a mutiny in the central Chinese city of Wuhan triggered the collapse of China’s last imperial dynasty.


In Taiwan, which separated from the mainland in 1949 after a civil war and still claims to be the rightful heir of the republic founded in 1911.


the anniversary will be celebrated with a parade, including a display of air power. But in China there are mixed feelings.


The country is spending lavishly on festivities, too. But its ruling Communist Party is busily stifling debate about the revolutionaries’ dream of democracy, which has been realised on Taiwan but not on the mainland.


China and Taiwan have long disputed each others’ claims to be the heir of the 1911 revolution.


Sun Yat-sen, regarded as the revolution’s leader, is officially revered on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.


As usual around the time of the anniversary, a giant portrait of him was erected on October 1st in Tiananmen Square, opposite that of Mao Zedong (both wearing Sun suits, as they were known before their rebranding in Mao’s day).


But the Communist Party’s efforts to play up the occasion have revealed its nervousness.


In late September, a film about the revolution, “1911”, starring Jackie Chan, a kung-fu actor from Hong Kong, was released. Officials trumpeted the movie but ticket sales have been lacklustre.


The film carefully avoids dwelling on the sweeping political reforms initiated by the final imperial dynasty, the Qing, which precipitated its own overthrow.


A popular television series, “Advance toward the Republic”, that focused on those reforms and was aired in 2003, was cut by censors before the series finished, and banned from rebroadcast.


One scene showed Sun addressing politicians six years after the 1911 revolution with a lament that “only powerful people have liberty”. Echoes of China today were clearly too unsettling for the censors.


In the past year, officials have tried to stop discussion of the 1911 revolution straying into such realms.


In November 2010 the Xiaoxiang Morning Herald, a newspaper in south China’s HunanProvince, got into trouble with the censors after publishing a supplement on the revolution. It quoted from a letter written by Vaclav Havel in 1975, when he was still a Czech dissident, to the country’s communist president, Gustav Husak: “history again demands to be heard”. The newspaper did not explain the context, which was Mr Havel’s lament about the Communist Party’s sanitisation of history. It did not need to. Its clear message was that the democratic demands of 1911 could not be repressed forever.

2010年11月,《潇湘晨报》发表了一期关于辛亥革命的增刊,招来了不少来自监察部门的麻烦。它引用了捷克异见人士瓦克拉夫•哈维尔(Vaclav Havel)在1975年写给时任捷克共产党主席古斯塔夫•胡萨克(Gustav Husak)信中的一句话:“历史已经不能不被理会”。这句话是哈维尔对捷克共产党删改历史的行为深感痛心所发。《潇湘晨报》并未向读者讲述这一背景,它也没必要解释,因为这篇文章清楚地向人们传达着一个讯息:辛亥革命的民主要求不会永远被压制。

In recent months, upheaval in the Arab world has made officials even more nervous. In April they banned a symposium on the revolution planned by students at several leading universities in Beijing. A website advertising the event said that it aimed to look not only at “inspirational revolutionary victories” but also at things “hidden deeper” concerning democracy.


Two weeks ago the authorities suddenly cancelled the world premier of an opera, “Dr Sun Yat-sen”, which was due to be performed by a Hong Kong troupe at the National Centre for the Performing Arts close to Tiananmen Square in Beijing. “Logistical reasons” were cited, but Hong Kong media speculated that some of its content—including its portrayal of Sun’s love life—was deemed to be out of line.


But the authorities are not letting their political worries spoil a spending opportunity. In Wuhan, where the revolution began, they announced plans to splurge 20 billion yuan ($3.1 billion) on 1911-related exhibitions and on a makeover for the city. The Manchu emperor abdicated in February 1912, ending over 2,000 years of dynastic rule. Officials in Wuhan, and elsewhere, have been keeping quiet about the orgy of violence against Manchus that accompanied the upheaval (see article).


Some Chinese scholars say the revolution did little for China except to usher in chaotic warlordism, followed by authoritarian government. Such accusations have some merit. China did indeed slide into disarray, warlordism and insurrection after 1911. Any hopes of a democratic republic were overwhelmed by efforts to bring the country under control, which the Communist Party achieved in 1949. Li Zehou, a Chinese intellectual, has stirred debate in recent years by arguing that China should have given the Qing reforms more of a chance.


The Communist Party maintains that the 1911 revolution was justified, but finds itself in a quandary. Another star-studded film released earlier this year to mark its own 90th birthday stirred audiences in an unintended way. The film, covering the period from the revolution of 1911 to the Communist Party’s founding in 1921, prompted numerous comments on Chinese internet forums about the lessons it offered for rebelling against bad government. Interesting idea.


原创翻译:http://www.ltaaa.com   翻译:小乔    转载请注明出处
评论翻译:Naughty Bits wrote:

Recommend(推荐) (46)

Well the same situation doesn't seem to bother the Americans when they are celebrating their Independence Day, even though they were supposedly fighting for "Freedom and Democracy", they didn't exactly put those values to test now did they?


George Washington, the "Father" of the US, was know to have held slaves. Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, owned hundreds of slaves in his lifetimes and used slaves to sustain his (and his family's) lifestyle.


Now non of this seems to bother the Americans when they celebrate Independence Day (it could be that American education is so poor that they don't even mention this although I doubt it), but most Americans seem to just ignore this part of history and go on celebrating "Freedom".


Bismarck888 wrote :

Recommend (6)   

回复@Naughty Bits

The ideals that you raised was resolved through the Civil War some 90 years after 1776. The Americans lost millions putting those values to the test. The Chinese Civil War is not officially over. That is the difference.   

回复@Naughty Bits



CCH08 wrote:

Recommend (21)

The same questions as to whether the 1911 Chinese revolution was justified can probably also apply to the 1949 revolution. After all, the Beijing regime gained power in 1949 by launching against the Republic of China a bloody armed rebellion that caused huge physical damages and millions of deaths, only to create a harsh dictatorship that was disasterous in dealing with the economy in its first three decades of existence and is now oppressive and corrupt. Before the 1949 takeover, indeed, the Nationalists running the Republic also initiated sweeping political reforms, including the adoptation in 1947 of a liberal consititution, which still serves as the foundation of a multi-party liberal democracy in Taiwan that is also economically far ahead of the mainland China. One can also reasonably ask as to whether these reforms should have be given more of a chance to work in mainland China.

问题是,1911年的辛亥革命是否合理,也许能同样适用于1949年。毕竟北京政权在1949年展开的反对中华民国的血腥武装叛乱造成了巨大的社会破坏和几百万人员死伤 ,只是为了打造一个残酷的独裁统治政权,事实上,1949年被中共接管之前, 国民党的民国政府还发起了全面的政治改革,包括于 1947 年颁布的《中华民国宪法》 ,现在,台湾仍然是多党民主自由、经济上也在遥遥领先于中国内地,我们不禁想知道这些改革一旦在大陆实施,是否会变得更好。


Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte wrote:

Recommend (35)

I totally disagree with CCH08's comment. He needs to study Chinese history before actually comment. The civil war between communist and nationalist of China start in 1945 and end in 1949. The cause of the war is because nationalist attacked locations that suppose to belong to the communist after the negoitation between two side. On the other side, nationalist is not a good government either, the four powerful family controlled the countries most wealth. Although the communist party today doesn't seems so good in terms of corruption and limit of freedom, the orignial founders of communist party were smart and revolutionary people. Every great leaders have it's downside but you can not define somebody by its down side.

我完全不同意CCH08的观点。他在发表评论之前应该需要好好的学习一下中国历史。中国共产主义VS民族主义的内战在1945年开始于1949年结束。战争的原因是因为国共谈判之后,国民党攻击了共产党控制的地区。另一方面,民国政府也不是一个好的政府,这个国家的财富被掌握在四个大的家族手中。虽然现在共产党在腐败和自由方面看起来处理得并不是那么好,不过共产党最初的缔造者都是非常聪明并且富有革命精神的人。 每一个伟大的领导人都有着他的缺点,你不能就因为这样轻易定义一个人。

Bismarck888 wrote:

Recommend (3)

    回复@Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte wrote:

"I totally disagree with CCH08's comment……"

Its very complicated. Had the Soviets and Japanese not intervene in 1920-40s, I doubt there would be a PRC. The CPC had Soviet hands all over it, up until the very end.

    回复@Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte wrote:



New Conservative wrote:

Recommend (36)

@Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte

The Civil war could have started at many times. You could say in 1927 with the massacre in Shanghai. You could start with the 6 Extermination campaigns against the Jiangxi and Yan'an Soviets. You could talk about the New Fourth Army incident in 1941. Or how any sovereign government is supposed to react to an independent armed party expressly dedicated to it's overthrow. There are no parts that were "supposed to belong to the communists" because neither side was willing to legally say that their authority was anything less than the entire country.


The communists thought that Chiang Kai Shek negotiated in bad faith to buy time to position his forces to crush the communists. Chiang Kai Shek thought the communists were negotiating in bad faith to buy time until they were strong enough to overthrow the ROC.


And both sides were proved entirely correct in their assessment of the other side's intentions. The communists did use the the United Front against Japan to build up their forces from 92,000 in 1937 to 910,000 in 1945. (mainly by not fighting Japan, the 100 Regiments offensive in 1940 was the only time and the communists never did it again because fighting the Japanese was explicitly secondary to preparing for the upcoming civil war. Fighting the Japanese without permission was one of the things that got Peng Dehuai purged.)

双方揣测的对方意图被证明是完全正确的,共产党用抗日统一战线来建立他们的军队,从1937年的92000发展到了1945年的910000.(主要是游而不击,1940年的百团大战是他们唯一对日作战,自此他们再没有了动作,这是因为对日作战是次要的,而他们要为即将到来的内战养精蓄锐,彭德怀擅自发动的这场对日进攻成了日后被清算的理由之一 )

Chiang Kai Shek did use the negotiations to buy time to move his troops into Manchuria.


Both sides are super super guilty for the Civil war. So you have to look at what happened after the communists won. The bar that the nationalists set until 1987, a corrupt authoritarian state under martial law, was low. But the CCP managed to do even worse. For all that Chinese people nowadays talk about 5000 years of history, Mao destroyed more cultural relics and killed more Chinese people than any foreign army ever did.


Any Chinese person born in the last 60 years, would have been healthier, happier, freer, safer, and richer if they were born on Taiwan. 中华民国加油!

如果他们是出生在台湾,出生在最近这60年的所有中国人,会是更加健康,更加愉快,更加自由,更加安全和更加富有的。 中华民国加油!

Chinaeagle wrote: Recommend (27)

@New Conservative

I am very uncomfortable to read your comment saying that “Any Chinese person born in the last 60 years, would have been healthier, happier, freer, safer, and richer if they were born on Taiwan. 中华民国加油!”

I want to remind you that when Chiang Kai-shek was defeated by the Chinese people and the Chinese Communist Party, he carried nearly all gold reserve in mainland China and most of the treasures of mainland China to Taiwan. In short, Taiwanese stole nearly all savings of mainland Chinese in 1949. That is why you were “rich”. When you bragged Taiwan is “rich”, it just like Westerners bragging themselves “rich” while ignoring the fact that the wealth of Westerners was obtained by killing, slaughtering, and looting other people in the world.

The Chinese Communist Party successfully lifted the poor country to one of the super power in the world, and lifted the living standard of the poor Chinese to the level of that in middle-income countries. This is the miracle in human history. Unlike Western countries, China developed its own economy via working, not looting. The Chinese have been much healthier, happier, freer, safer, and richer than before. If China were ruled by KMT, then China would have already become another India – the heaven for the rich and the hell for the majority of the poor. 中华人民共和国万岁,中国共产党万岁!

@New Conservative

我很讨厌你说的:“如果他们是出生在台湾,出生在最近这60年的所有中国人,会是更加健康,更加愉快,更加自由,更加安全和更加富有的。 中华民国加油!”



bjc21 wrote:

Recommend (21)

@New Conservative, 你说得非常对。I would only change the "richer" part. I would say there are many more rich people in China. But most of these people obtained their wealth illegally, and they are certainly not spiritually rich. I would say that Taiwanese are much richer in culture, self-respect, humanity, morality … the list goes on.

@New Conservative 你说得非常对。但我想说一下“富有”这一部分。我要说,中国有很多有钱人,但这些人大多都是靠非法获利来取得的财富,他们精神上不富有。我要说的是,台湾人有更丰富的文化、自我尊重、人性、道德……这样的例子不胜枚举。

@Chinaeagle, with all due respect, I must say that you are a little delusional to say:

@Chinaeagle 恕我直言,你(的观点)有些不切实际。

"The Chinese Communist Party successfully lifted the poor country to one of the super power in the world, and lifted the living standard of the poor Chinese to the level of that in middle-income countries. ……"


I couldn't even begin to say how inaccurate these statements are. My guess is that you are either Chinese, or a foreigner in China who has never studied Chinese history and/or is brainwashed by the CCP, as most of the people in China and almost the rest of the world are. I don't think YOU are wrong for thinking this way, as the CCP are the greatest deceivers in the world and fool billions of people. People's eyes need to be opened to see the true (evil) CCP.

我甚至都不知道怎么开口讲这些评论有多不靠谱。我猜你是中国人或者在华的外国人,从来没有研究过中国历史,跟大部分中国人以及世界其它地方的人一样,只是被中共洗脑了。 我不认为你有这种言论是你的错,中国共产党是世界上最大的骗子,他愚弄了数以亿计的人。人们需要看到真实(邪恶)的中国共产党。

I have nothing again Chinese people. In fact, I love them and empathize with them very much, as the CCP is slowly (actually, quickly) destroying all their history, culture, morality, dignity, etc. "This is the miracle in human history." No, I'm sorry to say that the CCP is not a miracle in the least; it is one of the most, if not the most, evil governments in history (and that evil is perpetrated mostly on its own people!). It is a truly sad and pathetic era in China's history, as well as for the entire free world.

For the vast majority of Taiwanese with reason and logic, the choice is very simple:

Democracy with freedoms and liberties OR evil authoritarian communism with almost no freedoms or liberties?

Which would you choose if you had a choice?








New Conservative wrote:


军政、训政、宪政 (Military revolution, tutelage by the party, multi party constitutional government)

The communists, after 60 years, still can't get number 3.

That's the real embarrassment of Taiwan. Every day that it exists makes the lie of the CCP(Chinese people can't handle democracy) all the more apparent.





crtteng wrote:


The commemoration of 1911 revolution, on both sides of strait, does serve one purpose: re-affirm the one-China-two-governance interpretation of cross strait relation. The 'one China' encompasses the civilization aspect (i.e. history, culture, demographic, territory, language..etc) of 'Chinese-ness'. The 'two governance' means exactly that: one in Taipei, the other in Beijing. A family of two squabbling siblings, not two unrelated entities.



zwyx wrote:

Recommend (8)

"Some Chinese scholars say the revolution did little for China except to usher in chaotic warlordism, followed by authoritarian government. Such accusations have some merit. China did indeed slide into disarray, warlordism and insurrection after 1911."

“一些中国学者说,革命对于军阀混战下的中国没有多大帮助,只有独裁政府才(改变了中国) ”,这个说法有一定的可取之处,在1911年辛亥革命以后,中国确实陷入了混乱和军阀混乱之中。

It can argued that one of the most chaotic and violent period of China's recent history was from 1840-1887 (i.e prior to the 1911 revolution). The many revolts that devastated the Qing empire originated in the regime's incompetence, corruption and consequently it's inability to deal with the many natural disasters that struck the country and plunged the peasants into misery. It was already clear at that time that the political system had reached a dead end and major reforms were urgently required to avoid recurrence of those upheavals.



Kel414 wrote:

Recommend (2)

I believe that as long as the Chinese government keeps up the idea of how the revolution was for the good of Communism, then they should not be too afraid of revolt. If anything I hope that they still have peaceful and respectable views of democracy and try not to turn the people "against" democratic forms of government. However the Chinese government should note that they could not permanently keep suppressing basic rights to their people, and instead have to slowly give them rights in order to avoid another revolution.

我认为只要中国政府保持怎样的革命才是对共产主义有利的想法,那么他们就应该不会害怕叛乱。 如果说还有什么的话,我倒是希望他们具备和平与高尚的民主精神,不要试图让人民‘反对’民主国家。然而中国政府应该注意到自己不可能永远的抑制人民的基本权利,反之必须把权力还给人民,从而避免另一场革命。


mangabeira wrote:

Recommend (12)

Anything about CHINA, you can be SURE the Economist will always slambast china with a BIAS comment,remember CHINA is of what your ancestors made CHINA to BE,...I really think deep inside with all considerations and strategic planing you ARE against CHINA,not because of CCP,.. you still are dreaming of THE GOOD OLD TIMES, were you ( THE WEST COULD MAKE A WAR OR INVADE A COUNTRY LIKE A SUNDAY PIC-NIC ),and you are afraid when it is PAYBACK TIME with CHINA,and YOU all know that China can forgive but never FORGET.

只要是任何关于中国的事情,你都完全可以猜到经济学人总会对中国进行一场偏见舆论的狂轰滥炸【slambast 这个词是推测,本意可能有出入】记住现在的中国(对西方的仇视)是你们祖先对中国犯下行为造成的。我仔细从各方面的因素和策略考虑过这个问题。发现你们对抗中国的计划并不在于中国的共产党(执政)....你们依然活在全盛时期的梦里,那是当西方可以随意像周末野餐一样侵略一个国家的时候,你们现在开始害怕和中国到了“偿债年限(报复时刻)“了,你们知道中国可能会原谅你们却永远也不会忘记(那段屈辱史)。


Ah Beng wrote:

Recommend (4)

From a historical perspective, both the CCP and the KMT were very guilty of using the years 1930-1945 to maneuver for the upcoming civil war. As New Conservative mentioned, the CCP largely did not fight the Japanese and recruited heavily during those years.

And although General Richard Stilwell, the American liason to China in the 1930s and 1940s, referred to Mao as a "peanut," he reserved special contempt for Chiang Kai Shek, whom he repeatedly pointed out was stockpiling American aid (ostensibly for fighting the Japanese) for the upcoming battles between the CCP and KMT.

从历史角度来看,国共两党在1930到1945年间为了即将打响的内战,都负有不可推卸的责任。根据新保守党提到,中共在很大程度上没有抗日,并在那些年里大量招募。因此新保守主义认为,那些年共产党消极对日作战,大量地吸收兵员。然而将军Richard Stilwell作为1930年到1940年中国与美国的联络官,他把毛泽东称为:“跳梁小丑”他对蒋介石也特别蔑视,再三地指出蒋是为了即将到来的国共内战而囤积美国的援助(表面上是为了抗日)

New Conservative wrote:

Recommend (7)

    回复@Ah Beng

"And although General Richard Stilwell……"

The guy's name was Joseph Stillwell and Chiang Kai Shek was the "peanut." Stillewell never had any dealings with Mao.

“然而将军Richard Stilwell作为……(此处是其引用的上文Ah Beng的评论)”

这个家伙的名字是 Joseph Stillweill(意思为上文那人将这位将军的名字写错了。)还有蒋介石才是那个“跳梁小丑。”,Stillweill将军从未与毛有过任何来往。


Daveycool wrote:

Recommend (3)

"The film, covering the period from the revolution of 1911 to the ……."


I can't think of a reason why the current Beijing government is bad. It's not made of a bunch of angels or super heroes but I don't know why it's considered just bad. I know that there is a lot of discontent amongst the Chinese citizenry. I know that everyone is wise enough to understand that life is tough even when it's improving. If the government in Beijing simply steps out of the way, I cannot be sure things will automatically be better. I just don't understand the under current of rebellion -- I know, I know, the standard answer is democracy... let's just get it over with.

The KMT might be competent enough to run the Mainland although I have my doubts. But I want the DPP to win the first democratic election in China because it's got "heart"... the other two major parties (CCP/KMT) have demonstrated in their distant history that they are bad ass politicos willing to kill with their private armies... so let's have some heart, vote DPP... let's see...




Daveycool wrote:

Recommend (9)

China eagle has a point.

The KMT had its chance and never made good on the Mainland. We'll never know if the KMT could have fixed China if given more years in power. It's also true that they benefitted from US aid, and maybe gold that the KMT ostensibly removed from the Mainland, meant for a much larger population. Judging from the antiquities exhibited at the NationalPalaceMuseum in Taipei, I'd say that the gold story is plausible. [I also agree that thank god for the removal of Chinese art to Taiwan. I think a good number of them would have been destroyed by Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution].

It's true that the CCP messed up under Mao. But they've tried hard to reverse the debacle and have, in my opinion, far exceeded the point of returning China to pre-Great Leap levels. The guys in power now would be met with disapproval from Chairman Mao. I think the guys in power in Beijing now know that they are not the same ideologically as those in Mao's CCP. Which is why they have a difficult time weaving the story together with Sun, the 1911 Revolution, the KMT, and that thing called democracy.

Sun was a great man for modern China. At least that's the myth. But he was nevertheless a man. Whenever you elevate a man to god status, you're going to run into trouble. Mao was another example, not to mention the actual living god, the Dalai Lama himself. Also you have got Jesus (The Man-God), Hitler, and Gandhi. All very problematic because these gods never make mistakes and their words are infallible.




对近代中国来说,孙中山是个伟人,至少是个传奇。但他只是个凡人,一旦你把一个凡人抬到神坛上,你就有麻烦了。毛是另一个例子,更别提那个身为活着的神(活佛)的达赖喇嘛了。还有耶稣(The Man-God指天主第二位圣子、降生成人的耶稣基督),希特勒,甘地。所有这些(神)都很可疑,因为这些神从来不犯错误而且他们的话都是绝对可靠永远正确的。


Daveycool wrote:

Recommend (15)


How's that? Everyone should be happy?


alex65 wrote:

Recommend (13)


I am with you.

Wouldn't it be a dream come true to have a democratic China with CCP/KMT/DPP/etc competing for governance?





Chinaeagle wrote:

Recommend (17)

I found that it is amusing for you to say something like “Democracy with freedoms and liberties OR evil authoritarian communism with almost no freedoms or liberties? Which would you choose if you had a choice?”

(th?)ere are the choices of Taiwanese. 75% of working Taiwanese want to work in Mainland China. See:


85% of Taiwanese working in finance industry want to work in Mainland China. See:


The trend of Taiwanese talents moving to Mainland China is unstoppable.

http://www.zaobao.com/special/ch ... /taiwan110606.shtml

The choices of Taiwanese have already speak all. The young Taiwanese people have already made their choices: a promising place with powerful and efficient government, which is Mainland China. Why does a powerful Communist country is good? If your boss is a Japanese and he bully, or harass, or rape you, does Taiwanese government dare to do anything on that Japanese guy? However, if he is in Mainland China, he could be executed. China has executed a Brit disregard all protests from the West. Thus, we feel safer with the Chinese Communist Party instead of with the weak Taiwanese government.

If “democracy and freedom” are so good, why nobody in Mainland China wants to work in India? We are not living in stupid ideologies such as “democracy is the best”. China does have elections in the village, country, and county levels. However, we reject multi-party Western democracy because it does not fit China.







New Conservative wrote:

Recommend (23)


Very very few Taiwanese people are worried about the risk of getting raped by Japanese bosses.


While the mainland has the second highest rate of workplace sexual harassment in the world. (But you'll be happy to know that India is number 1)


http://big5.china.com.cn/gate/bi ... -09/21/content_2...

You're misrepresenting the statistics you linked. The survey is not, "Would you rather work the same job in Taiwan or China?" The survey asked, "Would you be interested in taking a good job in China?"


Taiwanese people are interested in work on the mainland for the same reasons that many Irish people are interested in work in the UK or Canadians in American work. It's larger and they speak the same language. (Also the reason why Chinese people don't want to work in India, because it's not the same language or culture. Not because of the relative merits of the respective governments.)


The mainland isn't a bad place to live and anyone talking about "oppressive communists" is overdoing it. As your third article states, many companies are willing to offer Taiwanese employees excess cash to compensate them for living on the mainland.

The issue in your articles is that Taiwan produced a huge amount of well educated Chinese speaking professionals. More than it needs and the glut of qualified people is suppressing wages. The mainland's education system, by contrast, has not been able to produce enough qualified peoples, so companies on the mainland are willing to pay more for Taiwanese talent.


But this is a failing of the mainland not a strength. Imagine if US universities were so bad that companies were paying 4 times more to hire Canadians.

Saying that these statistics mean that Taiwanese people prefer the Chinese government is silly.


You speak English well and probably studied abroad. Does that mean that you prefer the government of that university to your own country's? Of course not. The majority of Chinese college students hope to study abroad for university, but this is not evidence that they prefer the American/British/Australian/etc. government to the Chinese one. It just means that they like the educational opportunities in other countries.


Similarly, many Taiwanese people want to work on the mainland because it's a great economic opportunity. It does not mean that they like the mainland government, it just means that they don't have strong enough feelings to turn down the wads of cash that desperate mainland companies are willing to pay them.


原创翻译:http://www.ltaaa.com   翻译:小乔    转载请注明出处




发表于 2011-10-13 21:54 | 显示全部楼层

19反右后大跃进,由于群体性知识和经验不足,急功近利,导致浮夸风等破坏性作风,经济建设损失很大并波及到政治领域。 纠正大跃进错误的庐山会议突然转变风向,错误地打击了彭德怀等同志。错误路线蔓延。


22. 文革后纠正文革的极左错误路线、打倒四人帮、思想解放、初期改革,功不可没。改革初期功绩巨大,矛盾较少。但是也有不少失误为后来矛盾积累埋下种子:1.打极左时导致左派被打击过度,中右派后期失去制衡力量。2.官僚体制逐渐抬头失去警惕和制衡力量,民权萎缩。3.毛时代不少好的政策和科技成果被搁置、荒废,损失不小。比如胡耀邦等把西藏新疆的政策打了个颠倒积压新的矛盾、运十飞机和先进的数控机床下马、自力更生自主研发的思想被弱化等等。4.对文革期间错误清理时搞简单一刀切,又造成了一些新的冤案和错误掩盖。

23.  改开中期,官僚腐败加剧,官倒抬头,高中干部子弟刑事犯罪蔓延,黄赌毒等问题抬头,一切向钱看思潮流行,优良传统被荒废,新的思想禁锢开始滋长,新的无政府主义盲目自由主义和民族自卑主义泛滥。当时领导层处理并不得力,导致矛盾积压下来,延续坐大到今天。期间的几次严打,由于官僚主义和法制观念落后导致不少冤案错案。

25. 十五大前后加速国企改革,抬高资本力量,抬高“按生产要素共分配(这是个被很多人忽视的理论实践要害)”,鼓噪GDP主义,农业产业化主义,教育医疗住房市场化等错误倾向,导致国企改革以牺牲数千万底层劳工和数亿农民利益,政绩工程和重复建设、资本投机加剧,酿成社会不稳,工人请愿和农民运动起来。此阶段前后是司法腐败官僚腐败最严重的时期,尤其是司法腐败冤假错案层出不穷。

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发表于 2011-10-14 03:09 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-18 19:51 | 显示全部楼层
鹤栖波 发表于 2011-10-13 21:54
如果从辛亥革命总结到现在,我个人总体说一下自己的观点:1.辛亥革命是在满 ...

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