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【路透社分析】 龙尾巴的厉害: 中国经济崩溃的代价

 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-26 00:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-10-26 09:29 编辑

【中文标题】龙尾巴的厉害: 中国经济崩溃的代价

Analysis: Dragon tail risk: The cost of a China crash



【译    者】 AK22

【翻译方式】   人工

【声    明】 欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。

【译    文】

(路透社) - 关于中国(经济)硬着陆的讨论是一个经典的尾部风险(Tail Risk —— 用以形容组合投资项目中被低估和忽视的风险)的故事 – 虽然不太可能发生,但如果它真的实现了,那后果可能是灾难性的。
(Reuters) - The China hard-landing debate is a classic tail risk story -- an unlikely scenario, but if it materializes the consequences could be catastrophic.

Because of their close trade links, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong would be among the first to feel the pain should China's growth weaken dramatically.

However, it would probably take a shock even bigger than what followed the 2008 Lehman Brothers bankruptcy to spread significant damage beyond Asia.

Judging from the latest HSBC survey of China's manufacturing sector, released on Monday, there is no evidence that growth is collapsing in the world's second biggest economy.

Indeed, not one of the 30 economists polled by Reuters last week predicted China's 2012 growth rate would dip below 8 percent.

But that has not silenced speculation that China is heading for an economic disaster. Some economists have tried to calculate the potential fallout just in case their forecasts prove to be overly optimistic.

Bank of America-Merrill Lynch economists estimated that if China's real per capita gross domestic product fell by 2 percentage points, the pain would remain contained within Asia.

"It would take a severe shock to China for the negative spillovers to be transmitted beyond Asia," they wrote in a note last week to clients.

A 4 percentage point drop would be enough to spread to parts of Europe and the Middle East, with growth suffering in countries including Russia, Kuwait and Finland. Annual global growth would probably drop by 0.5 percentage points.

The last time China's economy recorded a decline anywhere close to that magnitude was after the Lehman bankruptcy. Year-over-year growth dropped to 6.8 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008, down from 9.0 percent in the prior three-month period.

若中国的实际人均国内生产总值下降6个百分点,美林银行称之为全面性的崩溃。这将损害欧洲最大的经济体 - 德国,法国和英国 - 甚至波及美国的经济增长。它可能会抵消掉全球经济增长0.8个百分点。
A full-blown crash, which BofA-Merrill described as a 6 percentage point drop in China's real per capita GDP, would harm Europe's biggest economies -- Germany, France and Britain -- and even nick U.S. growth. It would probably shave 0.8 percentage points off global growth.

That would be a significant hit considering the International Monetary Fund thinks world output will be up a relatively modest 4 percent in 2012.


BofA-Merrill considers the risk of a China crash negligible -- a 0.13 percent probability event.

但唱空中国经济的人不减反增,对于即将到来的末日警告呼声高涨。 他们质疑中国根本无法永远以固定资产投资来驱动8%以上的增长。负债累累的地方政府就是一种默认。楼市崩溃可能致使数百甚至数千开发商丢掉饭碗。银行的不良贷款会不断累积,中国可能会面临一个全面的信贷危机。
But the China bears are growing louder in their warnings of an impending doom. China simply cannot rely on fixed-asset investment to drive 8-percent-plus growth forever, they argue.
Heavily indebted local governments could default. A property market crash may drive hundreds or even thousands of developers out of business. Bad loans may pile up on banks' books, and China could face an all-out credit crisis.

"China is undoubtedly a severely imbalanced economy, suffering from credit-fueled investment and housing excesses that could easily spin out of control and crash, just like all the other 'highly regarded' economic bubbles before it," Societe Generale strategist and well-known bear Albert Edwards wrote in an October 20 research note.

Jim Walker, founder of Hong Kong-based consultancy Asianomics, said it would be a "miracle" if China's 2012 GDP slows to just 7 percent.

“我们真正要的东西很多,远远比这多得多,”他说。 “中国将‘幸运’地窃走那5%。”
"We're really looking for something much, much worse than that," he said. "China will be lucky to get away with 5 percent."
That would be a drop of more than 4 percentage points from 2011's expected growth. Not only would China's regional trade partners take a hit, but so would commodity exporters such as Australia and Indonesia. China accounted for 65 percent of the world's iron ore imports in 2009, and 15 percent of coal imports, according to IMF data.

A China slowdown would bring some benefits for Asia, albeit small ones. Lower prices would bring welcome inflation relief for Asia's commodity importers, said Johanna Chua, chief Asia-Pacific economist for Citi in Hong Kong.

It might also swing a little bit more foreign investment toward other Southeast Asian economies that have struggled to compete with China for overseas funds.

中国,去年只为东盟的10个国家投了24亿美元,根据新加坡美林经济学家Chua Hak Bin表示,他认为,这些投资额对中国构不成系统性的威胁。
China itself invested only about $2.4 billion last year into the 10 countries that make up the Association of South East Asian Nations, according to Bofa-Merrill economist Chua Hak Bin in Singapore, too little to pose a systemic threat on its own.

有相当多的资金以其他方式流入了中国。自1995年以来,东盟已在中国投资约750亿美元,据披露新加坡投入最为巨大,占620亿美元。中国经济的硬着陆可能导致一个“显著”的双损,美林的Chua Hak Bin说。
There is considerably more money flowing the other way. Since 1995, ASEAN has invested about $75 billion in China, with Singapore far and away the most exposed, accounting for $62 billion of that. A China hard landing could cause "significant" portfolio losses, BofA-Merrill's Chua said.

But it also looks clear that Beijing will act if growth looks likely to weaken dramatically. It has room to ramp up government spending, ease credit conditions, and slow the appreciation of the yuan currency to give exports a boost.

"If China is hard landing, I agree with the bulls on one thing: expect the authorities to become aggressively stimulative," SocGen's Edwards said.

Emily Kaiser在新加坡的报告; Mathew Veedon编辑; AK22编译)
(Reporting by Emily Kaiser in Singapore; Editing by Mathew Veedon)


感谢翻译,以下是文章发布地址、http://article.m4.cn/fm/1130832.shtml  发表于 2011-10-26 09:53




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发表于 2011-10-27 00:33 | 显示全部楼层

A 4 percentage point drop would be enough to spread to parts of Europe and the Middle East, with growth suffering in countries including Russia, Kuwait and Finland. Annual global growth would probably drop by 0.5 percentage points.
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发表于 2011-10-27 02:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-10-28 15:55 | 显示全部楼层
硬着陆了的额,就好了的 经济
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