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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-26 20:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Doing business in China: Five tips for success
【译者】   土鳖连长

By Teo Kermeliotis, for CNN
October 21, 2011 -- Updated 1446 GMT (2246 HKT)



译者注:"There is no such thing as the Chinese market世界上没有中国市场",出自一个经济学谚语--There ain't no such thing as a free lunch世上没有免费午餐(简写作TANSTAAFL)。马丁说这话的意思是「在中国虽然可能会赚很多钱,但是充满了不确定性,比如贿赂或政治环境会让外国投资者的收益减少」。  ”文化马赛克Cultural mosaic“,是一个用来描述加拿大社会共存的各个族群、各种语言和多元文化互相融合的词语。文化马赛克的理念是为了捍卫多元文化的理想,不同于美国的”大熔炉“式的种族同化。马丁引述这个概念的意思是「为了提醒外国投资人士,要按照中国的文化和各种潜规则来从事贸易活动,毕竟中国不同于西方」。
译者注:”消费者形象Consumer profile“意思是「人口统计、生活方式、心理因素、价值观、购买及消費方式等。意思是中国各个地区的消费状况各不相同」。
独立的致力于促进中英两国商业关系的组织---48家集团俱乐部(48Group Club)的领袖斯蒂芬·佩利建议:“你需要一些熟悉那个市场环境的人,还要和行业协会多沟通,慢慢的,你就会掌握轻重。”






Doing business in China: Five tips for success

By Teo Kermeliotis, for CNN
October 21, 2011 -- Updated 1446 GMT (2246 HKT)

A Beijing resident shops at a Tesco supermarket, a UK-based chain that entered the Chinese market in 2004.

London (CNN) -- As western countries remain mired in financial turmoil, business people are looking to get a foothold in China, hoping to tap its growth and expanding middle class.
Solid economic expansion, coupled with a rapid market transformation and a series of government reforms, mean China -- the world's second-largest economy -- is no longer just a country for low-cost manufacturing. It is also an increasingly attractive destination to do business.
Several western companies -- including global giants such as Starbucks, Volkswagen, Boeing and Procter & Gamble -- have established a presence in the country.
But despite China's increasing influence, challenges remain for those looking to do business in the country. Intense competition, corruption, business etiquette and language are some of the barriers that can be faced.
Here are five things you should know before doing business in China.
A mosaic of markets
China is the world's most populous nation, with its sprawling 1.3 billion people making up a highly diverse market.
"There is no such thing as the Chinese market," says Martin Roll, a business and brand strategist who provides advisory to global and Asian brands on China. "You have to look at China more like a mosaic of cultures," he adds.
There is no single consumer profile, and analysts suggest companies remain flexible and innovative, while understanding how their company would fit in each specific market.
"You need people who've been in the market, you talk to trade associations, you talk to trade promotion bodies, you talk to people and bit by bit you get to understand the dynamics," says Stephen Perry, president of the 48 Group Club, an independent business network promoting business relations between China and the UK.
"There's no simple answer in China -- it depends so much upon the specific market and upon the specific characteristic of your own company," he adds.
Business culture and etiquette
Operating in a country with a history of thousands of years -- and ways of doing business that go back as far -- it is valuable to develop insight into China's business culture and social etiquette to avoid misunderstandings that could scuttle deals and harm working relationships.
One key aspect of Chinese culture is the concept of "face." In "China Uncovered: What you need to know to do business in China," professor Jonathan Story describes face as a mix of public perception, social role and self-esteem than has the potential to either destroy or help build relationships.
Story says that a foreign CEO can give face by attending meetings, accepting invitations, providing suitable expensive gifts and showing sensitivity to Chinese culture.
In contrast, entrepreneurs can lose face by insulting someone in public, refusing invitations and gifts or by behaving inappropriately, like losing their temper or crying -- acts that are seen as lack of self-control and weakness.
Business outsiders can impress with their knowledge of local customs, acknowledging hierarchy, offering gifts, addressing people by their designation -- especially when dealing with state representatives -- and appreciating the food. Such awareness of cultural nuances illustrate respect and sincere interest, says Roll.
On the flip side, Chinese business people generally respect cultural differences and won't expect westerners to be fully customized to their tradition, analysts say.
"At the end of the day, the Chinese are very pragmatic," says Perry. "If you have something they want, they'll do business with you no matter whether you can hold chopsticks or not."
Jack Perkowski, a Wall Street veteran who's often referred to as "Mr China" for his entrepreneurship in the Asian country since 1993, says developing mutual trust is key to success in doing business in China. "The most important thing is, whoever you're meeting with or whoever you're dealing with, to treat them with respect," he says.
Taking a market-based approach
Western businesses looking to tap the Chinese market should be aware of local preferences, and adapt accordingly.
For example, Starbucks started serving green tea lattes in a bid to get a traditionally tea-drinking nation hooked on coffee; McDonald's adapted its menu to include items like spicy chicken wings and chicken burgers in an effort to appeal to local tastes.
"No matter how good you think your product is, no matter how well it sells in the UK, the United States or anywhere else, you need to really look at that product in the context of China and say is that the right product, is it too high-priced, do we need to do something different, do we need to adapt?" says Perkowski.
Procedures in China take time, patience and money
Western companies looking to tap China also need to show a long-term approach that will prove that they're in the country to stay, analysts say.
"It's very important when a western company tries to go to China they have to realize that success in China takes time, it requires patience and it costs a lot of resources," says Roll.
Perry says that people have got to be very open-minded about anticipating what China is going to be in the coming decades.
"(China) is growing in the field of consumer goods and it will grow fast so people have got to find a way to match the future impact of China with the current characteristics of China," he says.
Build a strong local team
Newcomers wanting to crack China will need to move, get someone from their organization to relocate or find an experienced group to represent them, says Perkowski, who's also the author of "Managing the Dragon: How I'm Building a Billion Dollar Business in China."
"When you're just starting, you've got to recognize there's going to be a limit to what you can do travelling back and forth to China," he adds. "You'll never going to get a deal done [without basing yourself there]."
Surrounding yourself with local talent can help you break deals, understand the culture and the complexities of the market as well as compensate for the language barrier for those who don't speak Mandarin, analysts say.
"The only way you are going to ultimately be successful is by putting together a good team," says Perkowski.


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://article.m4.cn/fm/1131288.shtml  发表于 2011-10-27 12:55




发表于 2011-10-26 21:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-10-27 09:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-10-27 10:29 | 显示全部楼层
voloin 发表于 2011-10-26 21:44

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发表于 2011-10-27 10:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-10-27 11:43 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-28 03:12 | 显示全部楼层
lilyma06 发表于 2011-10-27 11:43
感谢连长大人翻译!前几天刚发原文库,福布斯也刚转过了。http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-3222537-1-1.html ...


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发表于 2011-10-28 11:24 | 显示全部楼层
This is how you fir the Diablo 3 items RMAH for everyone?

The majority of the QQ over diablo items RMAH comes down to the idea that people who have played through endless hours of content to get their items.
and the prestige and sense of accomplishment that comes along with that, will be pissed off if they see someone sporting better gear than they have that has been purchased with RM on the AH.?


For every item bought off the RMAH add a line of text under the item description and item stats that says " This diablo items purchased on RMAH", or "RMAH item". I believe this will still enable people to purchase items on the diablo items RMAH but it will make other players that have earned their items the classic way feel more validated, and it will perhaps discourage gearing up solely by using the diablo items RMAH to purchase items.?
people also forget about the fact that for every dollar spent on these items is a dollar earned for these items.
if someone is willing to spend countless dollars on these items..let them. it will allow players like me who really like grinding out and earning the items to make as much money as possible.?

I would strongly agree with this a couple weeks ago. I might have even posted diablo items suggesting it too.

But I really feel all this would accomplish is feeding negativity into what they want to be an extremely social and friendly environment. I′m pretty sure they′ve even considered this, but it would create another problem for them to solve.

As of now, I can relate better with not having people having a tag on what kind of players they are, which is probably already going to happen depending on how well they play (on the harder difficulties).

To be honest, I have taken a "I don′t care about others" stance on the diablo items RMAH issue, as long as it doesn′t create other issues like having the matchmaker system so filled with buyers that cannot play and not being able to easily find a group of more "hardcore" gamers and having to deal with people that don′t know how to play.?
this would suck, i mean, all this prestige and the feel of accomplishment you can get from doing achievements, but the way you get your items should be up to the player in question.

i personally plan on selling all possible items on the diablo items RMAH and use that ebalance to buy gear, i dont feel like id need to be stigmatised for that.?
I dont understand the fuss about this diablo items RMAH, this is a solution to the dedicated gamer, if you are good or even hardcore, and dedicate some time into the game, this will eventually be a money machine for you. even if it is only small amounts you will be able to harvest some money out of the hours and hours of playtime you will be dedicating to this game.

I WISH this was implemented in world of warcraft so the 340 days play time i had would have been to some financial benefit.

The noob that buys all the top gear items, will eventually buy the items you put on the auction house. giving you the benefit to buy another better piece of armor or cash it out, and eventually pay for your diablo 3 game and further ahead might be able to pay for the new computer you just bought to be able to play diablo.

This is the future of gaming. In 5 years from now people will look back and say "Why didnt someone implement this sooner"
Im glad this post isn't claiming the "pay to win" feature of Diablo 3. considering you can't "win" anything in diablo. So all those people are diablo items QQing in vein. But this is an even more ridiculous notion to QQ about someone having an diablo items they paid for? Did they not earn that money to then buy that item on the game they also bought? They have every right to do that, therefor who the fuck are YOU to tell them they need to be labeled because you can't control your jealousy towards other people when you shouldn't even do so in the first place considering its a diablo items CO OP game. its not only wrong to covet other peoples things its pathetic. truly. now you could say "oh your probably going to be the one buying the gear" but i think buying anything IN a game you already bought is redundant. i bought the game to get that gear, buying the gear would defeat MY purpose for actually playing the game.
This sounds like an issue with time vs money. OP want to spend time getting his gear while the others will spend money. Both equals the same thing in the end, so what is the big deal? If you decide to spend countless hours playing to grind for the gear you want while others use those hours to work and earn money and then use that money to buy items since they didn't have enough spare time to grind them.

There is nothing wrong with either way in my opinion. Obviously the money could have been spent on something else, but who are we to judge what other people want to spend their money on??

Terrible Idea. There seems to be a misconception that all these badass items will even be ON the diablo items AH in bulk.
Blizz has stated they they are shooting for the very top rare items to be just as hard to acquire as the top items in D2 (before the duping), which if you didn't know diablo items they also said that after years of play, only a couple of people should have had diablo items the very very best.?

This means that if Blizzard can (and I'm hoping so) stamp out duping and boting, those extremely rare items will almost never be on the AH. Now sure, the lower level legendaries will be slightly more common and you might see a couple up on the diablo items AH at a time, but those tip top rares will not only be extremely hard to find on the AH, but also the person who finds it might just want to actually USE diablo items .?

Also, if you actually want to screw with items sold on the AH, people will circumvent that. Instead of the AH, they will trade diablo items player to player, or just go to a third party website, and then whats the point of the AH? This is such a mundane, ridiculous topic to QQ and argue over. If you don't want to see people with good gear on, make a private game.?
It has been said many times before, but it looks like it will have to be said many times again:

The only person you are "in competition" with in Diablo 3 is yourself. Other players will not stand around staring at your gear. They won't beg you to team up based on what you are using. There is no ranking system. There is no "winning" in the game.?
The Diablo series is about having fun killing hordes of enemies and getting loot. How you go about that makes no difference, and it will make absolutely no difference to other players if you looted something off of a difficult boss or bought a nice piece of gear diablo items from the gold AH or the diablo items RMAH. There is no way to tell, and quite frankly no one should even care in the first place.

Diablo 3 is full of things you can do for self-satisfaction. You can go after acheivements. You can go after specific banner additions. You can craft interesting gear. You can try out different builds and abilities. You can challenge yourself with hardcore mode.

So, in short - this isn't WoW diablo items or any other game where you are "in competition" with other players. There are no raids to clear, there are no roles to fill, there are no rankings to attain. You play Diablo games to have fun, end of story.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-28 14:09 | 显示全部楼层
pog5566 发表于 2011-10-28 11:24
This is how you fir the Diablo 3 items RMAH for everyone?

The majority of the QQ over diablo items  ...

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发表于 2011-10-28 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
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