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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-1 14:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-11-1 14:18 编辑


【原文标题】Chinese Shoppers Seek Second Opinions



【译    者】lilyma06


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【译    文】
In China, peers exert a strong influence on what people buy.
Thinking of buying those shoes you’ve had your eye on? If you’re Chinese, chances are good you’re going to seek a friend’s approval first.
China and its massive population are drawing many overseas consumer brands, but how to get a chunk of the rising wealth of its growing middle class continues to mystify. Case in point: The Chinese are particularly sensitive to the opinions of those closest to them, according to a new survey by consulting firm McKinsey & Co.

When it comes to buying consumer electronics, for example, nearly three out of four respondents (71%) said they learned about a product as a recommendation from friends or family. In the U.S., only half admitted to being swayed by friends and relatives. When it comes to clothes, peers exert nearly as much influence, with more than two-thirds (68%) of the Chinese surveyed saying that they learned about a product because it was approved by someone close to them.
“The role of friends and family is incredibly important in China, more than anywhere else in the world,” said Max Magni, head of McKinsey’s consumer practice in Greater China and a co-author of the study.
“在中国朋友和家人的作用非常重要,要比世界其他任何地方都大。”麦肯锡公司大中国区消费者实践主管研究负责人马思默(Max Magni)说。

For international brands, the consequences of this behavior can lead to unique challenges. A clothing retailer recently complained to Mr. Magni about the long lines outside its dressing rooms in China.
The reason: Women were lingering in the rooms because they were photographing themselves in the outfits, sending the snapshots to friends and waiting on their response, he said. “Only in China. It’s so deeply ingrained in the culture.”
McKinsey interviewed 15,000 consumers across China. The average household income of those surveyed was 8,000 yuan (roughly $1,250) per month, and participants were paid 100 to 200 yuan for completing the 200-question survey.
It also showed that consumer confidence in China remained high, despite the threat of rising inflation. Fifty-eight percent of those polled said they thought their salaries would increase next year, far more than the 39% who believed so in last year’s questionnaire.
原因是:女人们总是在更衣室磨蹭,换不同的衣服然后拍照,还将这些快照发给朋友并等着他们的回应,他说。 “这种情况只在中国有。是根深蒂固的文化。”




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