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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-5 12:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-11-7 09:28 编辑




【译    者】无聊人的意志


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(Associated Press) - In this photo takenMonday Dec. 22, 2008, Chinese sailors stand on duty near the Chinese hospitalship the ‘Peace Ark’ during her christening ceremony in Zhoushan in easternChina’s Zhejiang province.
(美联社)- 摄于2008年十二月22日的照片,一名中国士兵在中国医务舰“和平方舟”号上站岗,该舰于华东的浙江省舟山下水。
By Associated Press, Published: October 21
BEIJING — China may make its neighborsnervous with its robust military build-up, but it’s also increasingly using thearmy as part of its charm offensive abroad.
The People’s Liberation Army, in a culturalshift for an institution known for strident nationalism and unbending loyaltyto the Communist Party, is expanding overseas aid missions and militaryexchanges in a major way. It sent 50 medics to flood-hit Pakistan this week anddispatched a hospital ship last month on a 105-day trip to poor nations in theCaribbean — right in America’s backyard.
The diplomatic push, part of a largerglobal campaign by the Chinese government, aims to portray China as aresponsible rising power, while softening the image of the 2.3 million-membermilitary and boosting its ties with other nations’ armed forces.
“It’s has been a big step for them, but China appreciates this as apart of the normal practices of respected major powers in their relations withother countries,” said Ron Huisken of theAustralian National University’s Strategic and Defense Studies Center.
澳大利亚国立大学国防战略研究中心的Ron Huisken说,这是中国的一大步,但是中国应该将“负责任大国”的准则应用到与其他大国的交往当中。
China’s “soft power” drive also includesforeign aid, cultural exchange and a massive expansion of state television toreach foreign audiences — all attempts to win friends and correct what Chinaconsiders to be a biased Western portrayal of it.

The military took its first big stab atoverseas disaster relief last year, sending helicopters to help out with floodsin Pakistan. Last month, the air force flew 7,000 tents to the once-againflood-ravaged country and it is also shipping aid to flooded areas of Thailand.
The People’s Liberation Army, or PLA, hasalso become the biggest contributor of manpower to U.N. peace keeping missions,and its navy is part of a multinational anti-piracy flotilla off the coast ofSomalia.
The Peace Ark hospital ship, which sailedto the Horn of Africa last year, set off on Sept. 16 for Cuba, Jamaica,Trinidad and Tobago, and Costa Rica. More than 100 medical personnel are aboardfor an operation dubbed Harmonious Mission 2011.
“The international community expects China to play such a role andthat is part of China’s foreign policy,” said Xiong Zhiyong of the ChinaForeign Affairs University in Beijing.
Only recently has the PLA acquired theskills, equipement, and political will to carry out such missions.
Its previous inability to provide reliefoverseas was especially evident following the 2004 Asian tsunami.
While the U.S. Navy and other countries’militaries rapidly shipped in huge amounts of aid and personnel, and winningtremendous goodwill for their governments, China could do little more than senda medical team to Indonesia, along with tents and other supplies.
Overseas missions also help grow itsability to deal with domestic disasters, such as the massive 2008 Sichuanearthquake, Xiong said.
At home, students from across thedeveloping world are increasingly coming to China to take two-year militarycommand courses, while the PLA’s University of Science and Technology has takenin a dozen army officer candidates from Laos, Mongolia, Turkmenistan and sevenother countries.
The military’s newspaper called that a signthe force is “integrating itself into the world with a much more openattitude.”
Foreign military attaches are being grantedmore access to Chinese bases and training exercises, although much of that iscarefully scripted. Top commanders have also began making more frequent visitsabroad and participating in multinational forums such as the annual Shangri-LaDialogue in Singapore that attracts top defense officials from the U.S.,Britain, and other major nations.
The exchanges are part of the PLA’s effortto evolve into a modern force, right down to the introduction of smart newdress uniforms intended to break down the distinction between PLA officers andtheir Western counterparts.
The military has been upgrading itswarplanes, ships and submarines, and began sea trials this summer on arefurbished Soviet aircraft carrier, demonstrating how a once-decrepit forceseems determined to go toe-to-toe with the U.S. and other regional militaries.
While that modernization disconcerts theU.S. and China’s neighbors, China says it’s needed to defend its interests.Some analysts say military diplomacy is a way to show off its strength topotential rivals, while also joining in international relief efforts.
“There is little trust between China and the U.S. so China’s recentresponse is to demonstrate its military capability, which also fits itscommitment to helping the global community,” said Ni Lexiong, a military expertat Shanghai University of Political Science and Law.
Humanitarian missions such as the dispatchof a hospital ship to Cuba also deliver a signal of China’s military resolve toits own public without risking actual confrontations with the U.S. or others,Ni said.
“The enormous public pressure requires a response and this doublydemonstrates the Chinese navy’s logistical capability,” Ni said.
The U.S. military for its part has beengenerally supportive of the PLA’s humanitarian drive, saying that booststransparency and chances for peaceful interactions.
“As the Chinese military develops the capability to deliver medicaland humanitarian assistance beyond its immediate region, there will beopportunities for the United States and China to collaborate and share,” thePentagon said in its most recent report to Congress on China’s armed forces.
But on military exchanges, the PLA has yetto grasp the intrinsic value of strong ties, said Australian expert Huisken,citing the recent suspension of exchanges with the Pentagon over U.S. armssales to Taiwan. It’s unclear what if any exchanges have so far been suspendedor canceled.
“It remains a relatively superficial program,” he said. “We stilldon’t have a clue what their real aspirations are.”


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://article.m4.cn/fm/1134406.shtml  发表于 2011-11-7 10:49




发表于 2011-11-5 13:29 | 显示全部楼层
We still don’t have a clue what their real aspirations are.”。。。。。。。

围堵中国,又不尊重 中国的领土完整,还说三道四!
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发表于 2011-11-6 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-6 23:45 | 显示全部楼层

While the U.S. Navy and other countries’militaries rapidly shipped in huge amounts of aid and personnel, and winningtremendous goodwill for their governments, China could do little more than senda medical team to Indonesia, along with tents and other supplies.


这和力不从心无关吧. 美国人不知道印尼猪对中国做了什么吗?
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发表于 2011-11-7 08:50 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-11-7 08:51 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-11-7 09:30 | 显示全部楼层
Jigong 发表于 2011-11-5 13:29
We still don’t have a clue what their real aspirations are.”。。。。。。。

围堵中国,又不尊重 中 ...

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发表于 2011-11-7 10:46 | 显示全部楼层
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