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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-6 15:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 kamina_shin 于 2011-11-6 15:57 编辑


【原文标题】Beijingsmog: will China learn from the West's mistakes?



【译    者】 kamina_shin


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Peter Foster
Peter Foster moved to Beijing in March 2009. He was formerly theDaily Telegraph's South Asia Correspondent based New Delhi from 2004-2008. He is married withthree children.
彼得 福斯特

Beijing smog: will Chinalearn from the West's mistakes?

Living in China in 2011 often invites comparison with the living in aDickens novel – the railway booms and investment scamsof Dombey and Son, the factory grind and purplish rivers of Hard Times, the bureaucracy of Little Dorrit and the CircumlocutionOffice, and all those public melodramas and excitements which filled the pennyscandal sheets of that world,and fill the Weibo (Twitter) accounts in this.
This is not the view of a snide foreigner: only the other week I was listening to a senior Chineseofficial comparing China 2011 to “the era of DavidCopperfield” as she asked for the work-in-progressthat is the new Chinato be cut some slack on human rights, pollution and economic development.
All that said, on days likethis, when Beijing is shrouded in a truly Dickensian fog – this the view fromthe Telegraph office in Beijing at 3.30pm local time today – the undeniableexcitement of living in China as it undergoes its industrial revolution istempered by the misery of breathing air that makes the eyes sting and the headache. (For the second time in a row my soon-to-be 7-year-old’s Sunday footballleague was “smogged off” – the air so polluted that it was judged unsafe forkids to breathe – which is a concept I wouldn't even have understood at hisage.)
I don’t report this to plead for sympathy – I canleave, after all – but merely to try and explain the reality of living in aplace where, a significant proportion of the time, the air isn’t fit tobreathe.
China’s government does its best to put a brave face on theproblem by fudging the pollution data, but as the state-run Global Times newspaper acknowledges here, this only serves to irritate ordinary Chinese.
However well-trained Chinese are in double-think, youcan’t simply keep telling people that there are more “blue-sky days” when thepeople keep waking up morning after morning with mouths that feel like they’vesmoked a box of Monte Cristos.
As The Global Times's editorial points out, China has tobalance its economic needs with that of the social/health needs of the people.After all, Britain didn’tintroduce its first Clean Air Act until 1956, fouryears after the Great Smog of 1952 and it’ll be a good fewyears yet, it argues, before China can afford to clean up itsair. But equally Chinadoesn’t have to slavishly repeat the West’s mistakes by polluting first andcleaning up later.
The question is how you balance those economic andother needs, and whether you’re prepared to truly weigh the ‘hidden’ (but not very) long term economic cost of smog –everything from traffic delays to the healthcare costs of treating China’srocketing lung-disease rates – against short-term vested interests.
As someone who bicycles round Beijing every day, I can tell you that atpresent the government errs in favour of owners ofabsurdly and unconscionably large SUVs – the Audi Q7,the BMW X7, the Cadillac Escalade – and not the common man on two wheels staring down their fourexhaust pipes.
As one comment on the Global Times editorial acidlyobserved “the air quality is not a priority to the leaders (who can simply sendtheir families to Canada to lead a better life) and until it is, smog will begovernment-sanctioned fog, and the public will be dumb.”
And there's therub. Chinais not a democracy, but the government does respond to the people when pressed.Air quality will become a “priority to the leaders” only when the people demandit.


Yesterday 01:27 PM
Kashgar is a long wayfrom Beijingbut the cars and scooters and small trucks are all battery operated. I thinkfuel exhaust emission is illegal for local journeys.
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11/02/2011 05:44 AM
I was having dinner witha friend some years ago who happened to be the Foreign Affairs Leader in mycity. He has travelled to at least 55 countries.We are supposed to be thecleanest city in all Chinaand that day it was dusty. He was adamant the dust was because of the 600roadsweepers with their willow brooms ! I knew it was because of a dust stormfrom the Gobi some 2500kms away; we get themevery few years or so. I asked him how come my apartment on the 26th floor wassuddenly coated in a fine film of something sand-coloured, where they brushingin a super frenzy that day? He simply smiled in a mildly, patronising wayand knew he was right. I smiled inwardly knowing he was bonkers.
Jenny N. Crumbsey
Yesterday 07:57 AM
A quick clarificationconcerning the quoted excerpt of the acid observation comment on the GlobalTimes editorial :) The original commentwas alluding to exactly that rub: that the citizens are kept "dumb"by the simple means of appeasement rhetoric ("It is fog, not smog, youcommon people just can't tell the difference") although they do very wellhave the ability to make the distinction: yes, the region is naturally prone tofog, but fog does not burn your eyes and make you cough.

As long as it's just "the big fog", there will be no reason foranyone to start demanding or pressing. And for most here in Beijing, it really is nothing more than a bigfog. I see (and experience!) it as smog, but a majority of my Chinese friendsdo not.
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10/31/2011 10:33 PM
it's a lot better in Beijing than it used tobe. you should try asking people about the pollution they used to get in Beijing in the 90s. youknow, every day folks who don't work in the Kerry Centre.
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10/31/2011 10:01 PM
You have to give it toPeter Foster - truly, a man ahead of his time. I have no idea about the smog in Beijing,but I do know that the BMW X7 he refers to will not be available until 2013 http://bestautocar.info/car/th...A blip. A typo, surely. But then, the Audi Q7 doesn't have the 4 exhaust pipeshe refers to either - http://www.carautoportal.com/c...

These are piffling details, but indicative of a guy who paints with a broadbrush and is not especially worried about getting his underlying facts right.This is not the view of a snide foreigner - it is drivel from a third-ratejournalist with nothing better to write about.
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10/31/2011 06:57 PM
At last report, over 100universities and institutes in Chinawere strongly engaged in research and development of advanced filter technologyfor both air and water pollution control. Filtering simply removes pollutantsfrom air and water pipes out of an industrial building. In most cases, thecollected molecules have a resale value, sometimes quite high, to function as arecovery cost for the installation and maintenance of the equipment. Commentingon pollution in Chinawithout mentioning the ongoing mammoth surge in advanced filtration technologyR&D is simply writing half of a story, a slightlybiased endeavor.
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Bob Landy
10/31/2011 04:54 PM
Beijing smog: will Chinalearn from the West's mistakes?

Probably they already have, but they just don't give a fig as monetary gainis far more important.
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10/31/2011 03:12 PM
Why compare with Dickens,not something more relevant, such as Mumbai or New Delhi?
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10/31/2011 02:44 PM
Suzhou is much cleaner than Beijing.But traffic is a major, major problem. When are we going to get a one-carpolicy? Or have pedestrianized city centres?

Still, have to take issue. It wasn't that long ago that pollution in the UK was such anissue. And it wasn't democracy that got rid of it. It was outsourcing. Theoutsourcing of high-polluting manufacturing and heavy industry from the west toChina.

The chinese, in this sense, aren't victims oftheir own government alone. We are complicit in the poisoning of an entirenation.

What we should recognize, however, is the need to work harder, together, toproduce alternative energy sources. China is already investing more inthis than any other country. It won't be long before a breakthrough is made,I'm betting on tidal power.

Then there's nuclear fusion currently being constructed somewhere in France. That isvery efficient and very safe and could be the answer we've been looking for.
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10/31/2011 02:34 PM
I live near the coast inEastern China, and I would say that the smog here in summer is much better thanseveral years ago, Much to do with polluting Factories moving inland, howeverfrom Nov to March when the winds come out of the interior, we get the Wuhansmog, When sore eyes and and irritation of the throat is a major problem.

There is a saying (有利有弊)"you li you bi", meaning there positives and negatives to everythingincluding industrial development. The situation is compounded in China due tothe largely stagnant air and little percipitationin the late October to March period. Not sure there are any easy solutions, butI suggest better enforcement of routine replacing of the SO2 and particulatescrubbers on the Coal Power Stations.
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10/31/2011 02:27 PM
Chinais building nuclear power stations at a prodigious rate. It will get there.

It does have to balance air quality versus actual economic survival. Cut them alittle slack..
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10/31/2011 01:44 PM
History show us veryclearly that her lessons are always forgotten.
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10/31/2011 01:15 PM
I usually dislike thenegativity of Peter Foster's reporting - and protest from time to time. But interms of the daily reality in much of China,what he writes in this report is frighteningly accurate - and the problems arenot just in Beijing.

The only problem is that everyone thinks that 'Beijing' can solve the problem. But, asanyone who has been here long enough knows, Beijing has little control over anythingmuch. Political slogans, yes. They do those well - but as for these rest, well,don't hold your breath.

Pollution is a way of thinking, it seems - and a 'fresh, clean air'concept is very much in the eyes and nose of the beholder. 'Filthyby western standards' days here are thought of by young Chinese as 'beautifuldays'. I live in a rural/near-city area and the worst pollution ofthe year comes not from anything that Beijinghas much control over. This pollution comes not at all from the march ofprogress. It's the farmers. Their pollution is just seen as a fact of life -for those who can survive the dreadful twice-yearly fortnights of the filthiestair that even Beijingmay produce. The farmers will burn their rape harvest stalks early in June(usually beginning on the night before the first day of the gaokao exams and inOctober or thereabouts after the rice harvest).

I complain, am exasperated, am breathless, etc. but everyone, suffering as muchas I do, simply shrugs their shoulders and says, 'You can't teach the farmersanything. They do what they like". A hefty fine might help of course butit's not levied. No one thinks of better uses of the farm refuse. They justburn it. It's what has always been done and that's sufficient reason for itsuntroubled continuance.

This might seem like a small thing to many outside China but the idea that youcan't stop the farmers, they do as they like is pretty much a description ofhow China is - everyone doing as they like, always borderingon chaos, with a Central government struggling usually quite ineffectuallyto exert control. And then outsiders pontificate on the China they think exists - but only in theirminds - monolithic Chinawith its despotic central government in control of every aspect of people'slives. They can't even put the brakes on the farmers'post-harvest fires from which we all suffer so much. To say nothing, of course, about what goes on on China'sroads. Let me at them and you'd have despotism indeed.
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·        mikeygow
10/31/2011 02:48 PM
I took the train to shandong from Suzhoufor national holiday. On the way there and the way back, somewhere just northof Taishan (I think, either that or just to the south) farmers were burningcrops.

Visibility was zero for about 30 mins. On a train travelling around 300km/h.And they were doing this (I'm assuming) for the whole week I was in Shandong.
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10/31/2011 12:50 PM

James Delingpole has justemailed me and asked me to tell you to pull yourself together.

He says that, that's not smog, or pollution, it's an opticalillusion caused by high gamma ray emissions from the sun.
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10/31/2011 07:42 PM
Haha, the funniest thing is though that it wouldn't surprise me atall if he had.
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10/31/2011 02:50 PM
Dellingpole is a tw*t. An ignorant one at that.
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James Delingpole刚给我发邮件叫我让你振作起来。

10/31/2011 12:28 PM
The actual cost ofproviding emissions control on fossil fuelled plants is relatively small whenincluded within the original design and not later retro-fitted.

Leaving aside the increasing CO2 emissions consequences - which dwarf and rendertotally ineffective any planned/imposed UK CO2 emissions' savings, simplyproviding pollution control kits in all new Fossil Fuel Power Plants over thelast 10 years to comply with just the UK 1950's Clean Air Act provisions wouldhave cost relatively nothing compared to current China investment levels, butwould have massively reduced, if not completely removed, any smog problems.

The West has been conned by these developing countries during all the past"Climate Change/IPPC "negotiations". Onlynow are the western "experts" realising that China's CO2 emissionsper head of population will equal the UK's next year - many years earlier thanpreviously forecast by these so called "experts" and with no sign ofany rate of increase reduction, let alone any reductions in the future. Theyare massively increasing, and not reducing, CO2 levels each year - more than wegenerate in total let alone are attempting to save.

These CO2 and pollutant emissions problems with increasing capacities of fossilfuelledpower generation being built in China, and India and other developingcountries makes a complete mockery of us spending billions on Wind Farms andeven Nuclear Power, particularly when we now have abundent andpotentially much cheaper UK shale gas!

What price will the Chinese pay for a UK essential export - a suitably packaged Huhne and other Green fanatics. Theycould be more effective in reducing global CO2 emissions working in China and Indiathan they ever could in the UK,given "co-operation"!
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中国人会对英国潜在的出口付多少钱呢——一个合理包装的Chris Huhne和其他绿色团体。他们可能在中国和印度减少全球CO2排放更有效,超过在英国,给予“合作”!

10/31/2011 11:13 AM
" . . will Chinalearn from the West's mistakes?"

Whyshould it, when the West still hasn't learned from them itself . . .?!
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10/31/2011 02:50 PM
HEar, hear.
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10/31/2011 11:13 AM

All very Los Angles circa 1985, quite easy to deal with itjust follow the state of California's emission regs.
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10/31/2011 11:11 AM
You do realise that China has apopulation of over a thousand million people...
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10/31/2011 11:25 AM

Errr yes!
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10/31/2011 11:18 AM
Andall expecting (and encouraged by a growth-dependenteconomy) to own their own car (or two) and to become frequent fliers . . .

It's complete madness, but because it's so "normal" - it's what the"successful" West has done - and good (or rather, essential) forbusiness, we are blinded to it, as if under some form of collectivepost-hypnotic suggestion.
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10/31/2011 11:28 AM
Yep,so when you put India and China's population together you get close to 3billion people who want what you have mate, and don't forget that China isstill  ing a new coal burning powerstation a week and it is still miles behind on satisfying energy demand.

Oh BTW Beijing and Shanghai experience fewer power outages thandoes Washington and NYC. Chinaalso has better train networks, mobile phone coverage and broadband access thanthe US.
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10/31/2011 02:04 PM
Butnot such good access to Facebook or Twitter I hear. Much better Firewallsthough.
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10/31/2011 02:53 PM
Facebookand Twitter. How do people live without it?

Easy. They use Renren/Kaixing and Sina Weibo.
10/31/2011 02:10 PM
Arghhh,the Chinese are much clever than that Sir! Instead of providing good access toFacebook they have provided their citizens with Weibo!

10/31/2011 12:16 PM
..............plusa few million pollution-related deaths per annum.
10/31/2011 02:27 PM
Plentymore where those came from as they say.
   · 但连不到脸谱和推特我听说。尽管有更好的防火墙。
    简单,他们用人人/开心 和微博。
   · 啊,中国人比那些大佬聪明啊!提供他们微博来取代脸谱!




发表于 2011-11-6 16:35 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-7 12:41 | 显示全部楼层
老妖去爬山 发表于 2011-11-7 09:34

= =|||评论翻得偶要爆肝了
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发表于 2011-11-7 12:48 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2011-11-7 15:37 | 显示全部楼层
猫咪森林 发表于 2011-11-6 22:19
似曾相识的文字。还有一个在中国住了4年还是5年的西方记者说:中国人过春节狂放鞭炮是为了发泄平日被压抑的 ...

“早晨起床像抽包雪茄一样。” 北京环保局辟谣了,但是究竟该信谁的数据?
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发表于 2011-11-7 15:38 | 显示全部楼层
lyycc 发表于 2011-11-7 12:48

可以自问一下,为什么即使在中国资金充裕的现今,在改善环境的问题上还 ...

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发表于 2011-11-7 15:49 | 显示全部楼层
李小龙的双截棍 发表于 2011-11-7 15:38
但是问题确实摆在这,再往下拖也不是那个事。究竟该相信谁的数据?我们的健康还有多少保障?资本主义的老 ...

说得难听点,这就是工业化必须付出的代价。谁都得过这一遭。  现在是到了要节制要整治的时候了。饭要一口一口吃,事要一步一步办。
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发表于 2011-11-7 16:01 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lyycc 于 2011-11-7 16:04 编辑
李小龙的双截棍 发表于 2011-11-7 15:38
但是问题确实摆在这,再往下拖也不是那个事。究竟该相信谁的数据?我们的健康还有多少保障?资本主义的老 ...







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发表于 2011-11-7 16:20 | 显示全部楼层

淘宝返利网 一个购物省钱的网站:http://www.taocheng588.com
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