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【纽约时报 11/11/16】李阳家暴事件的背后

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-21 12:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2012-3-19 11:35 编辑

【原文标题】Letting an Ugly Skeleton Out of China's Closet


Kim Lee却没有谨遵这条教诲,公开了一个令人羞耻的秘密——家庭暴力。8月31日,这位40岁、身材瘦高、黑色头发的Lee女士(虽然姓Lee,但他是个美籍意大利人,她说这是艾利斯岛的名字)在中国的微博上贴出了他淤肿、带血的前额、耳朵和膝盖的照片。这些伤害是她的明星丈夫李阳在他们3岁女儿面前施暴造成的,他们还有两个女儿,分别是5岁和9岁。























BEIJING — “Family ugliness must not be aired” is one of China’s most familiar sayings, reflecting a code of silence that demands: don’t talk about bad things happening at home.

Kim Lee didn’t obey the cultural command and blew open a shame-filled secret — widespread domestic violence. On Aug. 31, Ms. Lee, 40, a tall, vivacious brunette who, despite her name, is Italian-American (“Lee is an Ellis Island name,” she explained), began posting photos of her bruised and bloodied forehead, ear and knees on Weibo, a Chinese microblog. The injuries were inflicted by her celebrity husband, Li Yang, in an attack in front of their 3-year-old daughter. The couple have two other daughters, aged 9 and 5.

China erupted in public debate. Mr. Li is a household name for founding “Crazy English,” a method of learning English followed by millions who yell at the top of their voice. (Its slogan: “Make the voice of China heard throughout the world!”) On Sept. 10, he admitted on his Weibo that he had done it.

“I formally apologize to Kim,” he wrote. “I committed domestic violence against her.”

Contrition has since given way to bravado. In news interviews, while still admitting he was wrong, Mr. Li has said that it was “no big deal,” that domestic abuse is part of Chinese culture. Today, he is still teaching thousands of children daily in mass events at schools and stadiums. Many know he is a largely unrepentant wife-beater.

All this has infuriated women’s rights campaigners, scholars and ordinary people, who worry about the moral message to young people. While there have been statements of support for Mr. Li, others have dubbed him “Crazy Li” and said he demeans China.

“Today Crazy English Li Yang is coming to our school to teach,” a user called Zhubinismichong wrote on her Weibo. “Nauseating! A person who commits domestic violence, teaching!!”

“You lack the most basic common sense,” a riled Chen Haoran, a criminal law expert at Fudan University, told Mr. Li on a Shanghai talk show. “You believe what you did was very correct.”

Pleading Chinese tradition was irresponsible, said Feng Yuan, head of the Anti-Domestic Violence Network, an outreach and research center.

“For a man like Li Yang who has been exposed to modern values to excuse this as Chinese culture and tradition is unacceptable,” said Ms. Feng. “More and more young people today know that beating and threats are wrong.”

Surveys have found that domestic violence is widespread here, occurring in 25 to 35 percent of households. Most victims are women, but children, some men and, increasingly, the elderly, suffer too. Surveys suggest that around 90 percent of offenders are men.

In October, the All-China Women’s Federation, a government organization, said that 24.7 percent of nearly 126,000 women and girls over 10 years old had experienced domestic violence, a broad term that includes physical, sexual and emotional abuse as well as “economic control,” reported Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

In March, Ms. Feng’s group republished a 2004 survey of Zhejiang, Gansu and Hunan provinces, conducted with the China Law Society, showing a rate of 34.7 percent.

The news media often report that 81 million families, or 30 percent of China’s 270 million families, live with domestic violence, a figure supported by a 2006 survey in Society, a scholarly journal, that also found a 30 percent abuse rate.

Pressure is growing for a comprehensive law against domestic violence, with advocates hoping that discussion can begin in March at the National People’s Congress. Currently, the law does prohibit such violence, but the prohibition is scattered among different statutes, said Ms. Feng.

Clear laws are especially needed to tell the police and courts what to do when victims ask for help, she said. Ms. Lee’s experience suggests why.

At her local police station immediately after the attack, which was not the first, officers were at a loss, Ms. Lee said. “They said, ‘What do you want us to do?’ I said, ‘What can you do for me?”’

A male officer dropped his head to his desk, as if to say, “Oh, no,” and a female officer advised her it was not that bad and she should go home, Ms. Lee said. “I understand why women give up. It’s so demoralizing,” she said.

Later, a hospital report showed she had a concussion from Mr. Li repeatedly hitting her head against the floor. She posted the X-ray on Weibo. Without Weibo, she said, she never could have publicized her case.

A former teacher’s union representative from Miami who met Mr. Li on her first trip to China in 1999, Ms. Lee struggles to understand how she ended up an abused wife. Yet something changed that day when her head hit the floor in front of their daughter, she said. “I don’t want to raise them to suffer abuse,” she said of her children.

Ms. Lee’s divorce trial is set for Dec. 15. It’s hard — a father at her middle daughter’s kindergarten berated her as a “dangerous woman,” she said, and a young man in the subway spat on her, shouting: “He should have killed you!”

Yet she also receives much kindness. Her face is well-known from years of professional collaboration with Mr. Li, and, walking on the street, strangers smile at her. Sometimes they give the thumbs-up or words of support, she said. An elderly lady running a photocopy store silently copied for her dozens of documents — birth and marriage certificates, police and hospital reports — then charged 1 renminbi, or 16 cents, an impossibly low amount.

On Nov. 25 she will take part in activities marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. She plans to write and distribute manuals on preventing domestic violence to schoolchildren around China, together with the Anti-Domestic Violence Network. “I know as an American I have an ‘out,”’ she said. “But Chinese women don’t. I want to stay and help them.”




发表于 2011-11-21 12:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 寒铁 于 2011-11-21 12:33 编辑

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发表于 2011-11-21 12:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-21 13:18 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2011-11-21 13:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lyycc 于 2011-11-21 13:32 编辑
寒铁 发表于 2011-11-21 12:35




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发表于 2011-11-21 16:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-21 23:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-22 00:38 | 显示全部楼层
哦哟,已经传到扭腰了?   李阳又出名了哇。  
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-22 00:57 | 显示全部楼层
小题大做 !


恩 噱头而已  发表于 2011-11-23 02:12
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