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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-22 10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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These select ladies bring a bit more dignity and sex appeal to the portrayal of the average leading lady in film. I felt these women were enough to warrant a top 10 list of a topic we often overlook. It is no doubt these women are gorgeous but they have held together single-handedly a lot of the films we have grown to love with their excellent acting abilities. After finishing this list I was a bit taken back by how many of these women have entered their 40′s, but no complaints here as you can see they are still as big of eye candy as they ever were. So let us pay homage to these wonderful Asian Actresses and kick off the list:

发表于 2011-11-22 10:27 | 显示全部楼层
For many people, just getting out of communist China and starting a new life in America is enough of an accomplishment. Bai Ling is one of the workingest actors in Hollywood with nine projects in various stages of production. She is an author, singer, blogger and above all, an award winning actress. I used to think of Bai Ling as Paris Hilton without the rich family. Famous for no discernable reason, but she puts herself together well. Which lands her quite snug at the bottom of the list.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-22 10:32 | 显示全部楼层
Not many actresses, especially ones so young, can bring such dedication to a role. Jeeja Yanin, spent two years training for her role in Thailand’s latest martial arts showcase. Thats quite impressive given she has only been in two roles her whole life. Simply put, Jeeja Yanin is the female version of Tony Jaa, she is amazing.What she lacks in general sex appeal she more than makes up for it by making the biggest debut splashes in Asian film history by bringing heat to the screen. She makes the list purely on the fact that we will definetely be seeing more and more of her in the future.
并不是所有女演员,尤其是年轻一代,能对角色有着如此的献身热情。杰佳·亚宁曾为一个角色,在泰国最新的军事展览馆受训两年。考虑到她平生只接过2个角色,这更显得难能可贵。简而言之,杰佳·亚宁简直是女版的托尼·贾。她确实超乎寻常。杰佳·亚宁的确缺少一种女人味,但是她初次涉足亚洲电影市场便掀起的狂潮大大地弥补了这个缺陷。未来杰佳·亚宁必将在电影之路上越走越远,这就是她的上榜理由。 9.jpg

Lucy Liu is everywhere from movies to TV. She’s been on the X-Files, to Futurama, to Jerry Maguire. She is also the first Asian American woman to host Saturday Night Live. Liu is also an artist in several media, and has had three gallery shows showcasing her collage, paintings, and photography. In, March 2, 2010, Liu made her Broadway debut in the Tony Award-winning play God of Carnage. Is there anything she can’t do? Lucy Liu gets the well deserved number 8 slot for being ecclectic, as well as beautiful.
Saturday Night Live简称SNL,中文译名《周六夜现场》是NBC电视台一档已经播到第36季的 综艺节目 。
每集SNL都会有一位表演嘉宾和一位音乐嘉宾。表演嘉宾会参与到小品的表演中,往往能让人看到该嘉宾不同的一面,并且这样的喜剧表演也是其演技的试金石。而音乐嘉宾通常是当下当红的歌星,会进行现场表演。 8.jpg
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-22 10:35 | 显示全部楼层
Joan Chen became famous in China for her performance in the 1979 film Little Flower and came to international attention for her performance in the 1987 Academy Award-winning film The Last Emperor. Tired of being cast as an exotic beauty in Hollywood films, Chen moved into directing in 1998 with the critically acclaimed Xiu Xiu: The Sent Down Girl.It isn’t often that a woman can take the reigns in her career and move in a direction that makes them happy on their own terms. For this, she claims the number 7 slot and proves that like wine, she only gets better with age.
Gong Li sometimes lets her emotions overpower her reasoning and logic, and consequently she is sometimes biased in her opinions. However, she has twice been awarded the Golden Rooster and the Hundred Flowers Awards as well as the Berlinale Camera, and the Cannes Festival Trophy. Not bad for the youngest in a family of five children. Despite her popularity, Gong avoided Hollywood for years, due to a lack of confidence in speaking English. Couple that with a highly publicized collaboration with director Zhang Yimou due to an affair, the scandal that ended their professional relationship in 1995, you can see she has had a hard road to walk. They were, however, reunited in 2006 for Zhang’s Curse of the Golden Flower. We are glad they did, as she proves she is a great talent and an exceptional beauty.
This might seem like a surprising choice for some. Tia Carrera lost some steam in the 90′s but what I like about her is she has remained consistent. From 1999 to 2002, Carrere starred as archeology professor Sydney Fox in Relic Hunter, a syndicated action-adventure series strongly reminiscent of the Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider films and video games.Carrere posed nude for the January 2003 issue of Playboy magazine. It was the top selling Playboy of 2003. In 1993, her first solo album, Dream, was released, and went platinum in Mexico. From voice overs, to video games, to movies, to singing, she is talented across the boards that spans a 20 year career. You can’t deny her longevity and thats why she lands at number 5.
这个选择或许会让你感到有些诧异。蒂亚·卡雷尔在90年代曾经历事业上的低谷,但她的坚持不懈仍打动了我。在1999年到2002年期间,蒂亚·卡雷尔《夺宝女英豪》中饰演了考古学研究员Sydney Fox,这部动作冒险电影曾在全球多加影院上映,如今已当做《夺宝奇兵》和《古墓丽影》系列电影及游戏的继任者。在2003年1月的《花花公子》上,卡雷尔曾全裸出境,而那一期的《花花公子》达到了全年度最高销量。蒂亚·卡雷尔于1993年发售了她的第一张传记《Dream》,并在墨西哥达到了100万张的销量。从给电影配音,到参与电脑游戏、电影,再到成为歌手,卡雷尔在她20年的职业生涯中全方位地展现了的才华。你无法质疑她在演艺事业上的常青,而这也是她成为榜单上第五名的理由。
Maggie Cheung has over 70 films to her credit since starting her career in 1983. Cheung was a jury member at the 1997 Berlin Film Festival, the 1999 Venice Film Festival and the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.For the first time in its history, the 59th Cannes Film Festival (2006) used a photographic image of a real actress on its poster — that of Cheung. After 25 years of making movies, she decided to retire from acting to pursue a career as a film composer. She would like to compose music and paint, after fulfilling her acting potential. How many actresses do you know have actually bowed out of the spotlight due to being fulfilled? My hat is off to this beautiful woman and she lands at the number 4 spot.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-22 10:36 | 显示全部楼层
We all know this one. The ever so pretty Zhang Ziyi rose to fame by starring in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, for which she won several awards in the West, such as Chicago Film Critics Association Awards, Toronto Film Critics Association Awards and Independent Spirit Awards.
独立精神奖(Independent Spirit Awards)是美国电影界为奖励小型独立制片公司努力创作而设置,被誉为独立电影界的奥斯卡奖。
Her great work on the screen resulted in her accepting an invitation to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, placing her among the ranks of those able to vote on the Academy Awards. She also became the youngest member to sit on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival. Impressive? That’s why she’s in the top 3.
My personal vote as the hottest Asian actress on the list, Maggie Q is appropriately placed at number 2. Because of her non-Chinese heritage, many of her Asian film appearances are in English or dubbed in Chinese languages. She has starred in some of the largest blockbusters America has offered in the past few years and she is still humble enough to provide video game voice overs.
Her future looks bright as she is rumored to star in the new Wolverine film filming later this year. It was also announced that she would be the lead character on the new CW series, Nikita, so needless to say, this woman stays busy.
我本人力推Maggie Q,在我眼中,这位亚洲最性感的演员当得起亚军这个名字。由于她并非华裔,在参演的许多亚洲电影中她要么使用英语对话,要么就需译制成中文。近年来人气日盛的Maggie Q已在美国引发了一场轰动,而这位女星又是如此的谦逊低调,仍未因成名而丢弃为电脑游戏配音的工作。据传Maggie Q将加盟不日即将开拍的《X战警前传:金刚狼》,如此看来,Maggie Q的前景可谓一片光明。初次之外,由美国CW电视台出品的连续剧《尼基塔》也将由Maggie Q主演。毫无疑问,这个女人接下来将会非常忙碌。

Putting it simply, Michelle Yeoh is a phenomenon. She can act, she’s beautiful, she carries herself with immense grace and she’s one of the ten best screen fighters ever. Yeoh learned English and Malay before Cantonese, and cannot read Chinese characters. As she does not speak Mandarin, she learned the lines for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon phonetically. Now that’s dedication! She was even offered the role of Seraph in the two sequels to The Matrix, but she could not accept due to a scheduling conflict. As you can tell, she is STILL in heavy demand even after all these years. She is gorgeous, and amazingly talented and steals every scene she is in. I see nobody else as fitting to take the number one spot then Miss Michelle Yeoh.

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发表于 2011-11-22 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-23 01:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-23 03:35 | 显示全部楼层
这是什么时候的报道了?尼基塔都快出第二季了,这里怎么还是“将要出演”?就看过一集,看后的唯一感想就是,Maggie Q真是年纪大了,看着有点“残”了,真可惜。
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发表于 2011-11-23 08:15 | 显示全部楼层
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