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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-24 11:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】How Did The NBA Come to This?



【译    者】WilliamRUC


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【译    文】
Professional basketball's labor negotiations have so far moved through three stages: Very public grandstanding, mean-spirited negotiations, and a series of far-flung ultimatums. We are now in the post-negotiations phase — a phase that David Stern, Comissioner of the NBA, has referred to as "nuclear" — in which each of the three parties involved has gone its own way. The NBA — for labor purposes, the team owners and Stern — have yanked their best worst offer and replaced it with one that would undo decades of uneasy cooperation. The NBPA (the union) filed for a disclaimer of interest, allowing the players to take their case to court and argue that the other side never played fair. And that leaves the fans, who are forced to come to grips with the possibility that the 2011-12 NBA season may never happen.

Stern, who takes great care with his words, has warned that the league is "headed for self-destruction." In its extravagance, that assessment gets it exactly right. All along, the tough talk seemed bound to resolve into compromise. Instead, things got continually worse. This is a league in utter disarray: its owners hell-bent on making great gains for themselves, the players feeling outright insulted, and the fans left behind to pick up the pieces.

NBA journalists and the league's average fans have gone from optimism, to frustration, to something altogether uncharted. It's part fatigue, part denial, and in some cases resembles a crisis of faith. The NBA negotiations were supposed to be a mere workplace formality, albeit a particularly nasty one. It wasn't that fans were unaware that sports is a business. It's that they presumed the NBA would act like a rational enterprise. They just never imagined that the league would respond to its extraordinarily successful 2010-2011 campaign, which shattered all sorts of ratings records and shaped some of the most exciting basketball narratives of a generation, by throwing it all away.

The fact is, the NBA brand hasn't been this strong since Michael Jordan ruled the roost. LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and the rest of the reviled Miami Heat were supposed to get a chance to prove themselves — or reinforce the moralized belief that they represent the worst kind of mercenary assemblage. In the West, Kobe Bryant and his aging Lakers were going to look to add one more title before the sun sets on their current squad (and Bryant's career). In the East, Kevin Garnett and the Celtics would look to do the same. Kevin Durant's youthful Thunder, who made the Western Conference Finals in 2011, would continue chasing their first championship. So would explosive Bulls guard Derrick Rose and his defense-oriented team, a year removed from an Eastern Conference Finals run.

Stern can try to be the voice of reason, but he can't assert any kind of prerogative, moral or otherwise. When he worries about "self-destruction," he is no doubt thinking of the decades of work he invested in making the NBA a global brand. Stern's is not necessarily the fan's perspective — he is, after all, a media-savvy tycoon with a union-busting background — but he at least has a conception of the sport's best interests. We see how much it pains him to watch what should be a banner season — in terms of excitement and revenue — squandered because, in the most myopic sense, owners can afford to do so.

Stern sees a wasted opportunity, much like the fans, who stare in disbelief at a full slate of intrigue sure to generate plenty of revenue. But in the end, circumstances will be the same a year from now, and the people with the power to disappear this season are fine with that sacrifice. That's the dirty little secret about the owners — they are indifferent to the players, fans and sport as a whole. It's a type of corruption, however, to which any of us is potentially susceptible. After all, Michael Jordan was once Stern's ally in his long-term efforts to unify, and expand, interest in the NBA. Now that he's the owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, Jordan's got other, more parochial, concerns.




发表于 2011-11-24 13:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-24 18:15 | 显示全部楼层
还是06年总决赛刺激 哎 停摆就停摆吧 摆摆更健康
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发表于 2011-11-24 20:06 | 显示全部楼层
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