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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-25 09:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原创翻译: http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:cellxiecao


MORE Chinese people live outside mainland China than French people live in France, with some to be found in almost every country. Some 22m ethnic Indians are scattered across every continent. Diasporas have been a part of the world for millennia. But today their size (if migrants were a nation, they would be the world’s fifth-largest) and the ease of staying in touch with those at home are making them matter much more. No other social networks offer the same global reach—and shrewd firms are taking notice. Our map highlights the world's top 20 destinations for Chinese and Indian migrants.

发表于 2011-11-25 09:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 葱头葱头 于 2011-11-25 09:36 编辑

以下是评论翻译,时间顺序。后边的数字是推荐数。 No Mist Nov 17th 2011 15:15 GMT
why are Hong Kong and Macau considered as ethnic non-Chinese territories ? Practically their entire population is Chinese.
Recommend  137
cdwllms Nov 17th 2011 15:17 GMT
Is the data showing Chinese and Indian nationals abroad or people of Chinese and Indian descent outside of China and India? Big difference, no?这个数据标明的是中国与印度在国外的国民呢?还是住在中国与印度之外的华裔与印度裔人群呢?区别很大不是么?
Recommend 86
iewgnem Nov 17th 2011 15:19 GMT
I like how the Chinese city of Hong Kong has a large number of Chinese residents, you never would have guessed

Recommend 123
shaun39 Nov 17th 2011 15:25 GMT
So, Indian citizens make over a third of the UAE population, and quickly rising...
Less than half of the United Arab Emirates' population is Arab. Will there come a time when the Emirates are no longer even an Islamic state?


Recommend 47
Ah Beng in reply to cdwllms  Nov 17th 2011 15:28 GMT
My guess is, given that census data in the United States, at least, does not take into account second-generation Americans' parents' country of origin, the data shows only nationals abroad and those who have become naturalized citizens.
The ethnic Indian and Chinese population in America is certainly far larger. I would guess that there are more than 3 million people of Chinese descent and more than 2 million people of Indian descent on the West Coast alone.


Recommend 23
Jeremy Wong Fischer Nov 17th 2011 15:29 GMT
At some point this century I hope to see not only a post-racial world but a post-nationalist world where borders are considered political abstractions rather than a definition of identity. This is more or less the case in the United States and Canada today but in other places, particularly in East Asia, the Middle East, and much of continental Europe, there is still a fine dividing line on what makes someone 'foreign

有些时候我希望在这个世纪我不仅仅能看到一个“后种族”的世界, 而且能看到一个“后民族”(后民族主义或者后国家,反正就这意思)的世界,在这个世界里边界只是抽象的政治性的而不是身份的象征。这或多或少是今天不仅在美国和加拿大同时在其他地方,尤其是东亚,中东,欧洲大陆的许多地方依旧有条分界线把别人划归“外来的”的原因。
Turkish immigrants for example, are having trouble integrating even three generations in. In the Middle East conservative citizenship laws forbid people of South Asian and Filipino descent to ever become citizens no matter how many generations the family has lived there. In Korea people react to Virginia Tech massacre as a 'national tragedy' just because a Korean-American fired the gun. Japan, despite its need for immigrants, grants permanent residency only to those foreigners of "Japanese ancestry".
I find this 'identity' issue extremely pronounced, being a Canadian of Chinese ancestry, how my national identity can shift depending on which country I am in (i.e. in the US I am always identified as being "Canadian" yet in places like France I can never be accepted as anything but "Chinese" despite my fluent Canadian English and my Canadian passport).
Another stark contrast I find with Chinese and Indian diasporas is that Indians tend to remain more "true" to their heritage whereas Chinese immigrants tend to integrate quickly into host societies (there are exceptions to this rule obviously, see Malaysia or West Vancouver). For example, Chinese Trinidadians and Chinese Jamaicans identify much more with 'mainstream' Carribean culture than they do with Chinese culture, many of them have mixed marriages, and almost none speak any Chinese language; but Carribean residents of Indian descent still watch Bollywood and know of happenings on the subcontinent, and miraculously still speak their ancestral language four or five generations after they left India. Similar trends are found in Mauritius, East Africa, and much of the Western world. All in all the Indian diaspora appears to have a much more united identity than their Chinese counterparts, thus the value of their network may well be greater.
An interesting chart for the Economist would be to see how many of the diaspora still identify as being 'Chinese' and 'Indian'. It would dramatically skew the picture.
Recommend 169

happyfish18 Nov 17th 2011 15:34 GMT
Why single out the Chinese and Indians only? The biggest diaspora communities are the Anglos, Germans, Spaniard, Jews, Poles, Italian migrants from the old world displacing and killing off most of the native species through genocides.
Recommend 133
F. Alva in reply to cdwllms Nov 17th 2011 15:36 GMT
nationals abroad is the definition of imigrants
descendants are not considered imigrants
Recommend 22
FFScotland in reply to Ah Beng Nov 17th 2011 15:52 GMT
Do children of immigrants see themselves as diaspora? In my experience they have a very different idea of own nationality, compared with their parents who spent their formative years in the mother country. For their parents, it's simple: they are Chinese, Indian or whatever. They may be US or British citizens for example and lead a fully integrated life in their community, but citizenship is a function of that life; it's not what they are. Their children on the other hand see themselves as being American or British (of possibly a special kind) and not Chinese or Indian because they have connections with China and India and are somewhat alienated from those cultures.
Recommend 16
New Conservative Nov 17th 2011 15:55 GMT
It's kind of weird that Hong Kong is considered foreign while Taiwan is considered Chinese.
If it's by political separation, Taiwan is more politically independent than Hong Kong. If it's by ethnicity, then Macau, Hong Kong, and Taiwan should all be included or all be exempted.
Recommend 45
Sherbrooke Nov 17th 2011 16:16 GMT
I'm a bit sceptical about the numbers.
For Canada, this seems to involve immigration from Hong Kong and Taiwan in the 80-90es. It is actually quite a big difference.
Currently, immigration from China (Taiwan is tabulated separately) runs around 30k/year - not a small number, indeed, but USA/UK/France/Germany together clock roughly the same number of people moving.
Recommend 12
Pyramider Nov 17th 2011 16:18 GMT
How astonishing that tiny Mauritius has 0.9m Indians out of a 1.2m population.
Recommend 21
manbearpiggy Nov 17th 2011 16:20 GMT
To count people of Indian descent in the Carribean, South Africa, Mauritius, south Pacific and Malaysia among Indian diaspora is akin to counting African-Americans as west-African diaspora.
These were forced migrations. And it is unlikely that most of them have any family contacts back in their "homeland".
Recommend 40
wmcd836 in reply to Jeremy Wong Fischer Nov 17th 2011 16:29 GMT
What exactly is the evidence that most citizens of the United States and Canada understand their country's borders primarily as "political abstractions" more or less irrelevant to their identity? I understand that these countries are, more than others, "nations of immigrants" whose liberal political constitutions preceded their populations coming to have what one might call "national" or "cultural" characteristics; but these places do have these characteristics. Being "American" is still generally thought of as a matter of speaking and acting a certain way because other people speak and act that way in a particular place; otherwise nobody would ever say "American culture."
I think what you really mean in your opening paragraph is that you hope to see a culture that is indifferent to ancestry exist in all places, but this is a different thing than expecting "identity" to have no real relationship to place. And I think even this much (the former) will be more difficult to bring into being in places (Korea, for example) that, unlike the United States, consist mainly of populations with very ancient ties or claims to the land.
On another note, how can the "value" of the Indian "network" be "greater" than that of their "Chinese counterparts" if national identity is simply undesirable?
Recommend 15

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-25 09:37 | 显示全部楼层
silent night Nov 17th 2011 16:34 GMT
It is a common sense that Taiwan,HongKong,Macau are parts of China,just as London is a city of UK.The residents in Taiwan,HongKong,Macau are immigrants.
Few people will look on Korean with Chinese nationality as foreign
immigrants who generally been looked on as the people from other province or northerners.Now many Chinese immigrants in Korean actually are Chinese-Korean.
UK should be the largest source of immigrants.Certainly,more American come from Germany than UK although they can not speak German.




Recommend 24

bdevin7 Nov 17th 2011 16:38 GMT

Although this graph's data may be accurate, the way it is represented is misleading. Anyone who has taking a probability and statistics class can easily see how this graph is misleading to its viewers. Representing the populations with circles according to size is a terrible way to show this. The best thing to do would be solely use the numbers or actually use a bar graph. The large red circles intertwine with the next and can cause confusion to many people.


Recommend 12

glen polo Nov 17th 2011 16:45 GMT
The Chinese and Indians are the fast growing populations and economies in the world. It is likely that their main cities are getting over populated and they are migrating else where. A near place for them to migrate would be in the southeast part of the world near Thailand and Cambodia. A farther place to migrate is the United States where they hold their arms open for new immigrants. It is also the land of opportunity and many foreigners go there to receive an education.



IMOO Nov 17th 2011 16:50 GMT
I'm curious who gets counted as "Chinese" or "Indian" in this chart. In the US, if a Chinese immigrant marries a caucasian, are their children still considered part of the "Chinese diaspora"? Most Asian mixed race children I know look not even remotely Asian after 1 mixed generation. My niece who is 1/4 Japanese has blonde hair blue eyes, you would never know she's 1/4 Japanese, or that his dad is 1/2 Japanese, neither even look it. And if a Singaporean of Chinese descent moves to the US or Canada, is he/she considered Singaporean or Chinese?


In Southeast Asia, the Chinese have lived there for generations, in Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Phillipines, they don't even have Chinese names and most of the time you can't even tell them apart from the natives, why are they still counted as Chinese? At least in Malaysia they retain their Chinese names and heritage but that's only because the natives are muslims so they don't mix.


In the US and Canada, the Indian disapora tend to retain their cultural heritage much more so than the Chinese, who tend to intermarry and "disappear" after a generation or two. But I know of Indians who were born and raised in the US who still let their parents arrange for marriages with someone back in India. I'm guessing it's because of the religion. Is there a rule in Hinduism that says you must be born a Hindu, you can't convert into the religion? Do Indians in England intermarry with whites? What about the Chinese in France or Russia, is the intermarriage rate high?


Recommend 23




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