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发表于 2011-12-14 21:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 alisontsai 于 2011-12-14 21:58 编辑

FashionTrends of 2011: McQueen, China Consumerism, and More

Forget Kanye and Gaga. The biggest shake-ups of the year happened far from the runway-and at acomputer near you.                                   
The fashion industry marks shifts in style by seasons,not years. Yet despite the constant churning of trends, real change-the kindthat upends business models, subverts traditions, and shakes upaesthetics-isn’t so common.

There was plenty of fashion news in 2011, but makingnews isn’t the same thing as instigating change. Lady Gaga captured theimagination of the frock industry and helped to propel Nicola Formichetti tofame as the new designer for a relaunched Mugler. But there’s little evidencethat Gaga’s predilection for perilously high heels and spiked thongs has causedthe fashion world-or the culture-to rethink its assumptions about anything.
在2011年里有很多时尚新闻,但制造新闻和推动改变并不等同。Lady Gaga引起了服装行业的想象,并帮助推动Nicola Formichetti在作为新设计师复兴Mugler品牌时名声大噪。但没有证据表明,Gaga对超高跟鞋和尖钉的偏爱引起时尚界-或文化界-来重新思考对事物的假定。

China Leads InLuxury

CHINA has become a fashion-industry obsession. First came thefretting over its cheap labor and low overheads. Now comes the fixation on itsconsumers. They represent the key market for producers of luxury goods, fromLouis Vuitton to Prada. But American designers, particularly less establishedones, seemed to be missing out on those status-hungry customers. The ChinaDesign Program may be a turning point.

Established this year, bankrolled by fashion industrialist SilasChou and overseen by the Council of Fashion Designers of America and Vogue, this is a business andcultural-exchange program for young fashion designers. “We want to see how itgoes,” says CFDA CEO Steven Kolb. “Assuming all goes well, we’ll continue.”
这个项目于今年成立,由时尚实业家Silas Chou提供资金,美国时装设计师协会(CFDA)和Vogue共同监督。这是一个针对年轻时装设计师的商业和文化交流的项目。“我们想看看情况如何”。CFDA的CEOSteven Kolb说,“如果一切顺利,我们将继续下去。”

In the spring of 2012, Chinese designer Uma Wang will spend amonth in New Yorkworking with Theory executive Andrew Rosen and designer Michael Kors. She’llattend the CFDA awards in June, visit museums, and take the pulse of Americanconsumers.
在2012年春季,中国设计师Uma Wang将在纽约和Theory创办人AndrewRosen以及设计师Michael Kors一同工作一个月。六月份她会出席CFDA颁奖典礼,参观博物馆,并摸清美国消费者的心态。

American designers Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez of ProenzaSchouler will spend time in Beijing.They’ll focus on Chinese consumers: how do they spend their free time, whatkind of art do they like, where do they prefer to eat? “It’ll give them anunderstanding of who their potential customer is,” says Kolb, “and help themdevelop a strategy for China.”
Proenza Schouler品牌的美国设计师JackMcCollough和Lazaro Hernandez会在北京待一阵子。他们将把注意力集中在中国的消费者身上:他们如何度过闲暇时光,喜欢何种艺术,更喜欢在哪里用餐?“这会让他们了解哪些人是他们的潜在客户,”Kolb说,“并帮助他们制定进军中国市场的战略。”


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1142981.shtml  发表于 2011-12-15 09:22




发表于 2011-12-15 01:06 | 显示全部楼层
mcqueen好有味道 可惜早逝 另外文中根本没提到mcqueen啊 标题党
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发表于 2011-12-15 09:00 | 显示全部楼层
路过不留下 发表于 2011-12-15 01:06
mcqueen好有味道 可惜早逝 另外文中根本没提到mcqueen啊 标题党

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