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发表于 2011-12-15 15:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Chinese wines beat French in tasting, but it's not best vs best
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(Reuters) - Chinese wines took the top four places in a China vs Bordeaux blind tasting competition on Wednesday, but it wasn't exactly a thrashing of the world's most elite wines by Chinese upstarts.

The wines were all red , mostly Cabernet Sauvignon-based Bordeaux-style blends. The Chinese side was represented by five of what are considered among the best Chinese wines produced; the French wines were five more pedestrian reds from Bordeaux negociants and commercial labels, not chateau-bottled wines.

They ranged in price from about 200 yuan to 350 yuan ($30-$55).
Five French and five Chinese judges tasted the wines blind at a wine bar in Beijing. In the end, the 2009 Chairman's Reserve from China's Grace Vineyards in Ningxia province came out on top.
在北京的一家红酒俱乐部,中国和法国各派出五名裁判盲品了这些酒。最终,来自中国宁夏的怡园酒庄的Chairman's Reserve (庄主珍藏)2009年红酒获得了第一名。

In second place was Silver Heights' "The Summit" 2009; in third was 2009 Jiabeilan. Grace Vineyards' Deep Blue 2009 took fourth place. Like all the Chinese wines in the tasting they too were from Ningxia, a small, sparsely populated region in north-central China.
Fifth place went to Saga Medoc 2009 from Barons de Rothschild Collection, a commercial label from the owner of Chateau Lafite-Rothschild, which scored the highest of the French wines in the tasting.
排在第二的是Silver Heights(银色高地)的一款名The Summit 2009年份的酒;第三名的是2009年份的Jiabeilan。怡园酒庄的2009年份“深蓝”获得第四名。包括这些在内的所以中国参赛葡萄酒都来自宁夏,中国中北部一个面积小、人烟稀少的区域。

It wasn't exactly replicating the 1976 tasting of California vs Bordeaux in Paris, in which a top red and white from Napa Valley shocked the wine world by beating out some of the most famous French labels.
这次品酒赛并没完全复制1976年在巴黎的加利福尼亚与波尔多的那场比赛,那次比赛中来自Napa Valley美国加州葡萄酒的主要产地)的红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒战胜了一些法国著名的品牌,震惊了世界。

But it shows that Chinese wines are beginning to come into their own and have the potential to become great, said Jim Boyce, a China wine expert who helped organize the event.
但它展示出中国的就业这在形成自己的特色,并且十分有发展的潜力,一位中国的品酒专家同时也是此次比赛的组织者Jim Boyce说道。

"The one thing this tasting showed is that China can make good wines," said Boyce, who runs grapewallofchina.com, a blog about Chinese wine.

"There is the soil, the climate, the skill to take all the elements and make even foreign judges say 'this is good'," he said. "These wines can compete."

Chinese are developing a huge appetite for wine, with high-end Bordeaux such as Chateau Lafite and Petrus, and vaunted Burgundy producer Domaine Romanee-Conti among the favorites of collectors.
中国人对于葡萄酒的喜爱正在迅速增加,像一些高端的波尔多葡萄酒,例如Chateau Lafite和Petrus,大肆宣传的Burgundy(勃垦地)的酿造商Domaine Romanee-Conti,都是收藏家的最爱。

French wine and champagne producers Chateau Lafite, Pernod Ricard SA and Moet-Chandon have invested in planting vineyards in China, aiming to produce quality wines and develop their brands in what is expected to become the world's largest wine-consuming market.
法国葡萄酒和香槟的酿造商Chateau Lafite, Pernod Ricard SA和Moet-Chandon都已经在中国的酒庄投资,他们意图生产出高品质的酒,并且在中国这个最大潜在葡萄酒消费市场拓展自己的品牌。

While most of the wine produced in China is inexpensive bulk, quality wine is appearing from vineyards in Ningxia, Gansu and Shandong provinces.

Ningxia in particular is gaining attention because Jiabeilan recently won an award for excellence from the British wine magazine Decanter.

"Some of the Chinese wines are way more 'oaky' than what we are doing in Bordeaux for this price," said Thomas Briollet, who has worked in China for seven years with wine importers and as export manager for French wine producers, and who was one of the French judges at the event, referring to the taste of oak barrels.
“与我们在波尔多卖的同价位的葡萄酒相比,中国的一些葡萄酒简直好太多了,” Thomas Briollet说道,他曾在中国葡萄酒进口行业工作了长达七年,他还是法国葡萄酒制造商的出口专家顾问,并且在此次比赛中,他还是橡木桶葡萄酒品尝的裁判。

"The quality was equivalent between the wines. No one was really on top, and maybe one or two was under," Briollet said.
“这些就的品质都不分上下,很难评出胜负,”Briollet 说。
The wines were in a similar price category because of a 50-percent tax on imported wine, and given that choice, the Chinese wines were better, he said.

"Ningxia wines have sweeter, more fruity tannins, and are rounder on the palate," said John Gai, chief operating officer of the Beijing-based wine distributor 90 Points and one of the Chinese judges.
“宁夏的就更甜,更多浓郁的果香单宁(单宁作为一种天然的防腐剂有助于葡萄酒的陈年和发酵),口感上更加圆润,”John Gai说,他是北京酒经销商90 Points的首席营运官,同时也是五个中国裁判之中的一个。

Gai picked Grace Vineyard's Chairman's Reserve, the eventual winner, as his top choice.
"It definitely has more structure and more fruit side, and has a much bigger effect on the palate," he said. "Ningxia wines are soft and easier to drink."

The other wines in the tasting were 2009 Mouton-Cadet; 2009 Calvet Medoc Reserve de L'Estey; 2008 Cordier Prestige, and 2008 Kressman Grande Reserve St. Emilion from Bordeaux, and 2009 Silver Heights Family Reserve from Ningxia.
品酒会上另外的酒是2009年份的Mouton-Cade,L'Estey珍藏的2009年份Calvet Medoc,2008年份的Cordier Prestige,2008年份的来自波尔多St. Emilion珍藏的Kressman Grande 和来自宁夏的Silver Heights2009年份家庭珍藏


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1143229.shtml  发表于 2011-12-15 16:11




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发表于 2011-12-18 15:53 | 显示全部楼层
jack_j11 发表于 2011-12-16 19:46
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