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【纽约时报12.14】中国校车事故 15人死亡

发表于 2011-12-16 10:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEIJING — A half-filled school bus ferryingstudents home from a primary school in rural China rolled into an irrigationcanal, killing 15 children and injuring 8 others, officials said.
The accidentMonday evening in Jiangsu Province has renewedpublic indignation over school bus safety and, more broadly, complaints aboutinadequate government spending on education.
It was nearly onemonth ago that a coal truck in the northwestern province of Gansuslammed into an overloaded minivan that was being used as a school bus, killing21 kindergartners and 2 adults. The losses of life, and the anger, werecompounded by the fact that the nine-seat vehicle was crammed with 64 people.
At the time, manyChinese and a number of media outlets accused the government of miserlyspending on school transportation while directing enormous sums toward thepurchase of new cars for bureaucrats.
Overcrowding,however, apparently played no role in the latest accident. The vehicle had acapacity of 52 but had only 29 students on board, according to thestate-controlled Xinhua news agency. The driver lost control of the bus afterhe swerved to avoid a pedicab, and it rolled, landing upside down in a canalwith less than two feet of water.   
Students became trapped at the bottom ofthe overturned bus and drowned as water gushed into the wreck,” Zhang Bin, anofficial in Fengxian County told Xinhua. The news agency said the bus driverwas detained for questioning.
The accidentoccurred one day after the State Council, China’s cabinet, issued proposedregulations on school bus safety. After the accident in Gansu last month, Prime Minister Wen Jiabaopromised to address the problem of substandard school transportation. The newrules lay out the safe operation of school buses, including a mandate for localschool districts to hire full-time bus maintenance crews and a requirement thatbuses must be replaced after eight years or about 125,000 miles. They do notindicate how new vehicles and staff will be paid for.
The accident in Jiangsu prompted anger and complaints on microblogs in China.“All the attention the first school bus crash drew cannot keep history fromrepeating itself,” one comment read. “All we get from the government is lip service.I’m speechless.”
On Tuesday, thestate news media reported on another school bus accident, this one involving 59students in the southern province of Guangdong. Theaccident, which was also on Monday, injured 37 students, according to Xinhua.




感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1143469.shtml  发表于 2011-12-16 13:40




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