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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-29 14:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Cameron and Clegg: who is more upper crust?

“IT is most odd,” said my friend, a Frenchman now living, like most sensible Frenchmen, in London. “Your country has given birth to twins. This Cameron and Clegg, he is the same person, no? They are both, how you say, posh?”
“Yes,” I explained. “But they are different sorts of posh.”
He looked confused: “But both went to private school, both are rich, both are sons of financiers. Even the hair is similar.”
“True,” I conceded. “But they are not the same species of posh. David Cameron is Eton-Oxford-country-clubby-cutglass-shooting party sort of posh, whereas Nick Clegg is Westminster-Cambridge-metropolitan-foreign-glottal stop-trustfund sort of posh. Cameron is upper-upper-middle class with a dash of English gentry, but Clegg is middle-upper-middle class with a hint of European aristocracy. These are quite different things.”
“没错,”我承认,“但他们不是同一种形式的上等。卡梅伦是伊顿-牛津-乡村-俱乐部会员-cut-glass 口音)-射击聚会式的上等,而克莱格是威斯敏斯特-剑桥-都会-海外-glottal stop口音-信托基金式的上等。卡梅伦是走一点英式名门风的上-上-中层,克莱格是带一点欧陆贵族气的中-上-中层。这是很不一样的东西。”
From the look on his bemused Gallic face, I could see I was not getting through. So I started from basics.
In British society there are not three classes but an infinite variety of sub-classes, governed by a multiplicity of minute distinctions, invisible and incomprehensible to anyone outside the system. These are partly dependent on wealth, geography and education, but also on lineage, accent, pastimes, parsimony and where you buy your shoes.
In France, there are just two classes: the ruling and the ruled. In Britain, as pointed out by former deputy prime minister John Prescott, there is only one class, the middle, to which all belong. All members of the middle class are equal, but some are more equal than others.
“Aha,” said my French friend, Frenchly. “Then who is more grand, Cameron or Clegg? Who is plus posh?”
This is a tricky question, and one worthy of Anthony Powell, the great observer and chronicler of the English class system. An insatiable snob, Powell understood better than any other novelist, with the possible exception of Evelyn Waugh, the minute gradations of British class and social placement that once separated, say, a baronet who has joined the middle class from a self-made peer who buys his own furniture.
这是一个棘手的问题,值得安东尼·鲍威尔,这位英国等级体系的伟大观察者和编年史家探讨的问题。身为一位不知足的势利眼,鲍威尔对英国等级的理解比其他任 何小说家都强,伊夫林·沃可能是个例外,他知道,一位属于中等阶级的从男爵在不列颠阶级和社会地位上微妙地优先于一位白手起家获封的从男爵。后者的家具还 都是新买的。
The drawing of such distinctions, not just between but also within classes, is a peculiarly British urge. As Robert Cecil once wrote: “Directly Man has his most elementary material wants, the first aspiration of his amiable heart is for the privilege of being able to look down on his neighbours.” So who, in the new Cameron-Clegg menage, is looking down on whom? Which was born with the longer silver spoon?
Cameron would seem to be posher, genealogically. He is a descendant of William IV and distantly related to the Queen. His mother is the daughter of a baronet. His mother-in-law is a viscountess. Samantha Cameron is authentic old money county posh, being the eldest daughter of Reginald Adrian Berkeley Sheffield, 8th baronet and a descendant of Charles II.
(所谓的后代和后裔,统统都是国王的私生子。不过,卡梅伦的近祖已掺入德裔银行家的血,卡梅伦夫人看起来似乎比卡梅伦先生还“上等”:见wiki,中学 就读于牛津郡阿宾顿的圣海伦与圣凯瑟琳私立女校和威尔特郡马尔博罗学院——教会背景,曾经只招男生的一所私校,丘吉尔家族的爵号是马尔博罗公爵。大学在坎 伯威尔艺术学院学习艺术基础课程,随后在西英格兰大学分属创造艺术学院学习美术——不当盐不当酱不为谋生地选择文艺社科专业,是一项特权,否则就等着沦为 99%吧——然后在学校里,通过卡梅伦的妹妹认识了未来夫君和首相。)
But there is blueish blood in the Clegg veins too. His grandmother was a White Russian baroness. His great uncle was clubbed to death by his own peasants, which carries a certain aristo-cachet. His great aunt was a spy: it is well known that before about 1992 MI6 did not recruit anyone who was not directly out of the top drawer. On the other hand, his ancestors on the other side were Dutch colonial entrepreneurs: yes, trade.
不过,克莱格的血管里也流着纯正的蓝血。他的祖母是一位白俄男爵夫人,他的舅公被自己的农奴乱棍打死,这也算是一种贵族的标志。他的姨婆是一名间谍:众所 周知,在1992年前,MI6 才不会从最上层以外录用职员。另一方面,他的父系祖先是荷兰的殖民地实业家:是的,生意人。
Cameron’s manners are exquisitely upper-class. Unlike Clegg, who did not hesitate to barge in during the televised debates, Cameron fell silent when interrupted, and when asked to be quiet, was. This may explain why he did not triumph in the debates.
Cameron is said to enjoy shooting pheasants, whereas the closest Clegg has come to blood sports is at the Liberal Democrat annual conference. “Eton and Oxford” still sounds immeasurably grander than “Westminster and Cambridge”, which sounds merely clever. Cameron is clubbable (Whites, the Bullingdon) in a way that Clegg is not.
Cameron eats fish and chips and enjoys reading cheap paperbacks, which is itself a mark of extreme poshness. Only the very grand are instinctively frugal, as demonstrated by this week’s revelation that the Queen Mother rented a television set for her Scottish castle.
Clegg’s accent is fluent BBC, with a hint of the Estuary twang perfected by Tony Blair (lower-upper-middle class). Cameron’s accent, according to friends, used to be rather more “fruity and patrician” – his vowels have grown flatter as he has ascended higher.
克莱格的口音是流利的BBC风格,带点Tony Blair风味的湾区鼻音。顺便,布莱尔是下-上-中层。卡梅伦的口音曾是更加“饱满和贵族化”的,不过,随着他的步步高升,他的元音渐渐变平
George Orwell once said of Winston Churchill that the prime minister was “too old to have acquired the modern ‘educated’ accent . . . he speaks with the Edwardian upper-class twang which to the average man’s ear sounds like Cockney”. Today, Clegg has the “educated” accent and Cameron the Edwardian remnants; to the average man (and Frenchman), they sound identical.
乔治奥威尔曾说,丘吉尔这位首相,“已经太老,说不出一口现代的‘经过教育’的口音了……他那仍属于爱德华时期的上层阶级腔调,在一般人听来,就是老伦敦 东区口音。”如今,克莱格有着“经过教育”的口音,卡梅伦还带着爱德华时代的残余,不过,对于一般人(和法国人),都是一样的。
And that, finally, is the point. Clegg and Cameron occupy very slightly different niches on the social spectrum, but it matters not a jot. The election result has offered conclusive evidence that voters know there are more important considerations than where someone went to school, how they speak and whether they like to kill animals at the weekend.
Peter Mandelson, among others, tried to get the class war going by insisting that Cameron was looking down his “rather long toffee nose”.
But it failed to ignite, for the same reason that the Clegg-Cameron alliance will be seen not as some upper-class, public school conspiracy but as a genuine transformation of the political landscape. British social distinctions are now merely interesting, rather than important.
We are still conscious of class, without being paralysed by class consciousness.
“I think I get it,” said my French friend. “These two people are posh in different ways, but it makes no difference.”
“How very English.”
“我想我明白了,”我的法国朋友说,“这两个人以不同的方式上等,不过没有区别。 ”
“Voila!”(You’ve got it!)

发表于 2011-12-29 14:54 | 显示全部楼层


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