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【BBC 2012.01.05】X - 37B航天飞机“对中国从事"间谍"活动

 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-8 11:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】spaceplane ‘spying on China’
【声明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn
America's classified X-37B spaceplane is probably spying on China, according to a report in Spaceflight magazine.
根据《航天杂志》(Spaceflight magazine)的报告,美国机密的X - 37B航天飞机可能在对中国从事间谍活动。
The unpiloted vehicle was launched into orbit by the US Air Force in March last year and has yet to return to Earth.
The Pentagon has steadfastly refused to discuss its mission but amateur space trackers have noted how its path around the globe is nearly identical to China's spacelab, Tiangong-1.

There is wide speculation that the X-37B is eavesdropping on the laboratory.
因此,(人们)广泛猜测X - 37B是在对该空间站进行窃听。

"Space-to-space surveillance is a whole new ball game made possible by a finessed group of sensors and sensor suites, which we think the X-37B may be using to maintain a close watch on China's nascent space station," said Spaceflight editor Dr David Baker.
“ 一个由传感器和传感器配件所组成的巧妙组合可以使太空对太空监视这一全新的游戏成为可能。我们认为X-37B可能被用来持续对中国这一新生的空间站进行密切的关注。”航天杂志编辑,大卫贝克博士说。

The X-37B, also known as the Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV), looks like a mini space shuttle and can glide back down through the atmosphere to land on a runway, just like Nasa's re-usable manned spaceplane used to do before its retirement last July.

Built by Boeing, the Air Force's robotic craft is about 9m long and has a payload bay volume similar to that of a small van. But what goes in the payload bay, the USAF will not discuss.
The current mission was launched on an Atlas rocket and put into a low orbit, a little over 300km up, with an inclination of 42.79 degrees with respect to the equator - an unusual profile for a US military mission which would normally go into an orbit that circles the poles.
(X-37B)当前的任务是通过阿特拉斯(Atlas)火箭进入一个略高于300公里,与赤道交角42.79°的近地轨道— 一个美国在执行军事任务时环绕两级所常用的轨道。

The X-37B's flight has since been followed from the ground by a dedicated group of optical tracking specialists in the US and Europe, intrigued by what the vehicle may be doing.
X - 37B的飞行一直被一群来自欧洲和美国的光电跟踪专家所追踪,他们对X-37B将要干什么很感兴趣。

These individuals have watched how closely its orbit matches that of Tiangong.

The spacelab, which China expects to man with astronauts in 2012, was launched in September with an inclination of 42.78 degrees, and to a very similar altitude as the OTV.
"The parallels with X-37B are clear," Dr Baker says in Spaceflight, the long established magazine of the British Interplanetary Society.
“这与X- 37B的相似之处非常明显”贝克博士,在航天杂志这一英国星际学会中创刊悠久的杂志中说。

"With a period differential of about 19 seconds, the two vehicles will migrate toward or against each other, converging or diverging, roughly every 170 orbits."

No-one can say for sure what sort of mission the spaceplane is pursuing; all the USAF has said is that the OTV is being used as a testbed for new technologies.

But the suggestion any new sensors in the X-37B might take an interest in Tiangong's telemetry is certainly an interesting one.

Washington retains a deep distrust of Beijing's space ambitions - even its apparently straightforward human spaceflight missions.

Part of the problem is that China draws little distinction between its civilian and military programmes, unlike in other parts of the world, such as Europe, where the bloc's space agency, Esa, is committed by charter to "exclusively peaceful" programmes. European military space projects are the preserve of national governments.

In the US, also, that distinction is pretty clear with Nasa being charged with the majority of civilian projects.

In China, on the other hand, the lines are more blurred and the military reaches across all its space programmes.
"If this is what the X-37B is doing, I think it really is no bad thing," Dr Baker told BBC News. "As with the Cold War, the proliferation of space surveillance systems enabled us to get
arms agreements that would not have been possible without each side knowing fully what the other side was doing."
如果是这正是X - 37B现在所做的,我觉得这并不是一件坏事,” 贝克博士(Dr Baker)告诉BBC。 “就像在冷战中,空间监测系统的发展使我们能够达成武器协议。而这在之前,如果双方不充分了解对方的话是不可能的。”

Not everyone is convinced by the latest analysis.

Brian Weeden is a technical adviser to the Secure World Foundation and a former orbital analyst with the USAF.
He published his own assessment last year of the X-37B's capabilities and role as a platform to trial technologies before they are
incorporated into a full-up spy satellite.
布赖恩.威登(Brian Weeden)是世界安全基金会的技术顾问、以及前美国空军轨道分析师。

Mr Weeden still thinks the Middle East is a more likely target for any new sensors that the X-37B might be carrying.

"A typical spy satellite is in a polar orbit, which gives you access to the whole Earth," he told BBC News.
"The X-37B is in a much lower
inclination which means it can only see a very narrow band of latitudes, and the only thing that's of real interest in that band is the Middle East and Afghanistan.
“一个典型的间谍卫星应该处于极地轨道,因为这意味着它可以观测的整个地球,”他告诉BBC说:“X - 37B位于一个低得多的斜角,这意味着它只能看到一个非常狭窄的纬度和范围,而在那一地区,唯一有价值的就是中东和阿富汗。

"Is it spying on Tiangong-1? I really don't think so. I think the fact that their orbits intersect every now and again - that's just a co-incidence. If the US really wanted to observe Tiangong, it has enough assets to do that without using X-37B."
“它在偷窥天宫一号吗?我真的不这么认为,我觉得的事实是它们的轨道一次次的相交 – 那只是一个巧合.如果美国真的想观察天宫,它有足够的方法根本不需要使用X - 37B“。


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1147476.shtml  发表于 2012-1-9 10:44




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楼主的精神, 赞一个!

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