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[公知观察] 就南京大屠杀中方拒绝与名古屋市长辩论

 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-24 19:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年02月24日 16:50    龚菲    来源:羊城晚报      热点专题      手机看新闻

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        北京消息 据东方早报报道:中国驻日本大使馆当天就名古屋市长河村隆之否认“南京大屠杀”并希望与南京方面交换意见一事表示,对于这个问题没有讨论的必要,国际社会对南京大屠杀早有定论,不容置疑。






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发表于 2012-2-24 20:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 言简意赅四季桑 于 2012-2-24 20:08 编辑

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-24 20:41 | 显示全部楼层

A Chinese paramilitary soldier stands guard next to a sculpture at the memorial for …

A Chinese visitor views pictures of people killed by Japanese soldiers during its
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:sss6361 转载请注明出处
China said Wednesday it had made an official complaint to Tokyo after the mayor of a Japanese city denied the well-documented massacre of Chinese civilians by Japanese troops in 1937.
China says 300,000 people were killed that year in an orgy of murder, rape and destruction when the eastern city of Nanjing -- then the capital -- fell to the Japanese army, and the incident has haunted Sino-Japanese ties ever since.
"On the denial of the Nanjing massacre by the mayor of Nagoya, China has already expressed its solemn position and made a solemn complaint to the Japanese side," foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a regular briefing.
Luo Zhaohui, head of the foreign ministry's Asian affairs department, said China was "strongly dissatisfied" with the denial, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
Takashi Kawamura, mayor of Nagoya, told Liu Zhiwei, a high-level Chinese official visiting from Nanjing, that he believes only a "conventional fight" took place, Kawamura's office told AFP.
During talks on Monday between the two -- whose cities were twinned in 1978 -- Kawamura, whose father was in Nanjing in 1945 at the end of the Japanese occupation of China, denied that mass murders and rapes happened.
"I doubt that the Nanjing massacre had happened, even though a conventional fight took place," Kawamura said.
Some Japanese academics also contest the number of casualties in Nanjing, and say estimates range from 20,000 to 200,000.
China's consulate in Nagoya telephoned the mayor on Tuesday to register a protest over the comments, but has not directed its complaints at the city, Kawamura's office said.
Kawamura's comments have triggered outrage in China and the Nanjing municipal party committee announced on its official Twitter-like weibo account late Tuesday it had suspended ties with Nagoya -- a decision supported by Beijing, Hong said.
Despite the controversy, Kawamura, a former lower house lawmaker with the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, on Wednesday was unrepentant about his views.
"As the disagreement over the incident is like a sting in a throat, I've proposed to hold a debate on it," he said, adding he wants to visit Nanjing to explain his position on the issue.
"I hope to continue friendly exchanges between Nagoya and Nanjing."
Before China's official reaction, Japan's top government spokesman Osamu Fujimura said the spat caused by Kawamura's remarks "should be settled appropriately by the local governments of Nagoya and Nanjing."
"It isn't a matter for the state to interfere," he said.
Fujimira, the chief cabinet secretary, also refuted Kawamura's view on the Nanjing massacre, saying "we cannot deny that the killing of noncombatants, looting and other acts occurred" following the Japanese imperial army's advance into Nanjing.
Many people in China still feel resentment towards Japan, which waged a war against its giant neighbour from 1937 to 1945, occupying vast swathes of the country.
Relations between the two countries have steadily warmed since 2006, when they began to put behind them decades of distrust, but ties are still fragile and have been rocked by spot incidents in recent years.
In September 2010, ties plunged to their lowest in years after Japan detained a Chinese fishing boat captain whose vessel had collided with Japanese coastguard ships in waters around disputed islands. He was later released
1.The Nanjing Massacre was horrible and well documented. Even the governments of Japan cannot change the consequences of their inhuman behavior during 2nd World War. Even a more friendly Chinese and USA governments cannot change the karmic effects of the brutal deaths of so many innocent people and Allied soldiers during the WWII.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:sss6361 转载请注明出处
2.denial of wrongs is the hotbed for the repetition of wrongs in the future. This mayor, together with all other deniers of Japanese WWII atrocities, and deniers of all other atrocities worldwide before and since, are fools. By ignorance and self deception, they will always cause tensions by making stupid remarks and actions; by denying facts to younger generations, they only perpetuate ignorance and stupidity, which may ensure disasters in future.

3.If the mayor of Hamburg denied the Holocaust ever took place, what will happen to him??? He will be hauled off to court and jailed in Germany, but not in Japan.

4.The mind and heart of Kawamura is of the class of least socially immature men who would commit such atrocities in the cause of "nationalism". His bravado is based on "nationalism", tribal macho monkey pride and hatred of so-called "Japan-bashers". Such are the men who "rewrite" history. No respect for the truth, just the "pride" of being in a particular tribe, a "tribe" so "mighty, right and pure" that it is made of gods and masters of Truth itself, to shape and revise to suit their lust to be "pure", sorta like conservative simple folk in the USA who "blame" the current White House administration for the global economic ruination that occurred before 2009, the aftereffects and costs. Kawamura's kneejerk socially immature nationalistic "alligiance" to only Japan and bloodthirsty contempt for the preciousness and feelings of ALL humans, not just Japanese, is what infested the souls of Japanese men in the Rape of Nanking. Read the wiki page for the incident. It's extraordinarily done. Warning: It's horrifying. Some profoundly disturbing reports and images are included. But, it's easy to read and follow in a concise clear way and gives one the best summaries of the event I've read. Kawamura should apologize. Nanking was a horrible, horrible shame for all of humanity. Keeping that straight is much more vital to our species' survival, health our our group consciousness and civilization than some dork's socially immature sense of "national pride."

5.A lot has already been said on this issue - not just on this board, but throughout the world and for many decades. While human atrocities are not rare in human history (which is replete with such - EVERYWHERE), to have it occur on this scale and not even acknowledged that it happened speaks volumes on the mind-set required to make such crass denials. The Japanese may be willing to distort history for their own sakes, but the rest of the world is already well aware of what the facts are, and ultimately (even without admission of the facts), the Japanese are, too. Now, their inability to face up to their own actions is being played out on an international scale, and one can't help but wonder if they are aware of just how they've painted themselves on this world-stage. The inability to see the truth is one thing, but to publically display a need for such a lie says more about their culture than they've bargained for. One does not strut with any real pride when cloaked in this type of shame. They SHOULD be embarrassed for their past (but really, most cultures should be), but what's far worse is that they've given themselves an excellent reason to be embarrassed right now.
不只是在此版,而是在整个世界,在几十年间,关于这个问题上已经进行了很多讨论 。

6.it is just like america denying slavery of black people in the western world never took place or the holocaust of the jews never took place. The Japanese can't live with their past that is why they deny everything.

7.Kawamura and Achmidenijad are birds of a feather.

8.in WW2 JAPS cut off U.S soilders' #$%$ hearts and meat and cooked dinner!

9.The Chinese official should have slapped the mayor of Nagoya on the spot when he uttered the offending remarks.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:sss6361 转载请注明出处
10.Why Japanese has to lie about history? You can keep quiet but don't say you didn't do it. The German never say they didn't kill the Jews or no concentration camps.

11.That's dumb of the Japanese mayor to say something like that. Whether it was 2,000, 20,000, or 200,000 it still was a massacre.

12.JAPS say they are so civilization, but their hearts are black, that is called "a beast in human face".

13.We don't think there were any atomic bombs dropped on the japs. Apparently the japs fabricated the story to accuse Americans and its allies in WW2.

14.Japan's silence and denials will not be fooled the world, nor shall we forget the atrocities they did against humanity. China must continue to expose the truth to the world and to the future generations.

15.The truth will haunt Japan until they admit to the atrocities they did against the people of China, Korea and the Philippines.

16.To the Japanese Right Wings: The denial of history will prove future destruction

17.Japan is sick. Japan is still not admitting their invasion and killing of tens millions of Asian in WW2. This part of Pacific WW2 is seldom taught at American schools.

18.Can you imagine if the Germans still have Hitler and his family as head of state and claimed there wasn't any concentration camps and Jews were treated nicely during WW2? One day China will be powerful enough to nuke Japan a few more times until they learn their own history.

19.There's a long line of Japanese politicians (past and present) who have denied the Nanking Massacre. News will be made only when Japan explicitly acknowledges and apologizes for the atrocity.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-24 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 浊世澈心 于 2012-2-24 20:43 编辑


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发表于 2012-2-24 20:50 | 显示全部楼层
浊世澈心 发表于 2012-2-24 20:41

原文地址:http://news.yahoo.com/china-city-halts-t ...

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发表于 2012-2-24 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
18.Can you imagine if the Germans still have Hitler and his family as head of state and claimed there wasn't any concentration camps and Jews were treated nicely during WW2? One day China will be powerful enough to nuke Japan a few more times until they learn their own history.





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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-24 22:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-24 23:11 | 显示全部楼层
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