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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-5 09:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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【原文标题】Top 10 Nude Magazine Covers
【原文作者】Megan Gibson



当陷入丑闻的时候,大部分明星都会保持低调。很明显,南方小鸡和大多数明星不一样。2003年3月,在美军入侵伊拉克之前,这个最受欢迎的乡村歌曲组合引起了社会争议。主唱Natalie Maines和乐队成员Martie Maguire、Emily Robison在伦敦的演唱会上说,总统布什“你知道,我们是和你们站在一起的。我们不想介入这场战争,这是对人类的暴行。美国总统是得克萨斯人让我们感到羞耻。”这立即引起了强大的反响,全国的乡村音乐广播联合抵制南方小鸡的音乐。她们收到了死亡威胁和仇恨的邮件。尽管Maines后来有一个敷衍了事的道歉,但歌迷和专家依然对她们的政治立场强烈不满,但这反过来却捧红了这个乐队。Maines发表煽动性言论仅仅两个月之后,乐队成员用挑衅的姿态裸体登上了《娱乐周刊》的封面。她们的皮肤上写着一些别人用来咒骂她们的语言,有“南方荡妇”、“萨达姆的天使”等。这期封面丝毫没有平息那些保守的乡村歌迷对她们的抨击,但是她们的下一张唱片——2006年


1993年,正是24岁的珍妮•杰克逊成熟的时候。在与维京唱片签署了一份价值5000万美元的合同之后,杰克逊以一张充满性感内容的唱片《janet》重新亮相。这张唱片里的曲目充满了挑逗性的歌词,但色情内容绝不仅于此。《janet》是摄影师Patrick Demarchelier抓拍的一张这位歌星无上装照片,她的胸部被当时的男友Rene Elizondo双手盖住。据《洛杉矶时报》的报道,杰克逊主动向《滚石》提供了这张照片,为了配合1993年3月版杂志中对她的报道。《滚石》的美术总编Laurie Kratochvil说:“我们也可以自己拍摄照片,但是他们提供了这张照片,它的确很有冲击力。唱片包装的正面是杰克逊的头部,背面是腹部和腿。中间部位我们保留起来。”


玛丽莲•梦露因用药过量去世之前6周,Bert Stern为这位女艺人拍摄了一组照片,这就是臭名昭著的《最后的席位》。46年之后,Stern在《纽约》杂志上,用女演员林赛•罗韩做模特,重现了这一组经典镜头。罗韩那时还不是监狱的常客,但她的坏名声激起了Stern拍摄“争议女人”的兴趣。Stern对《纽约》杂志说,他之所以选择罗韩,是因为觉得她比“青少年电影”观众心中的印象具有“更多的深度”。罗韩是梦露狂热的影迷——她甚至买下一间梦露居住过的公寓——她说下决定拍摄这组照片并不困难。“我根本不用多想,Bert Stern?梦露式的照片?什么时候开拍?这简直是一种荣耀。”


两名涉世未深的互联网新星玉体横陈,再加上一项敞胸露怀的时装设计师Tom Ford,还有什么比这样的画面更能吸引眼球?三名好莱坞新秀的封面本应是Rachel McAdams的作品,如果她在发现自己也会被拍摄入镜时没有愤然而去的话。但这并不说明这本杂志的年度好莱坞专刊缺少星光的照映。2006年3月,21岁的斯嘉丽•约翰逊和20岁的凯拉•奈特利的名字迅速变得家喻户晓。加上客串艺术指导家Ford,在著名摄影师Annie Leibovitz的营造下,成为了媒体八卦的绝佳话题。三年后,杂志的封面再次滑稽地模仿了这张照片,入镜的是Paul Rudd、Seth Rogen、Jonah Hill和Jason Segel,他们都穿着可笑、难看的裸露装。


无论她喜不喜欢,金•卡戴珊最出名的事情就是裸体。2007年出现了她和歌手Ray J的性生活视频,那一年12月,卡戴珊裸体出现在《花花公子》的圣诞节特刊中。所以当卡戴珊再次裸体出现在《W》2010年11月期封面上时,并没有太多人吃惊。她全身只有几行字挡住重要部位——“It's all about me、I mean you、I mean me”。在这期杂志里,摄影师Mark Seliger拍摄了卡戴珊全裸的照片,部分部位涂有银粉。《W》这期刊物发表之后,她说:“我对与花花公子的合作感到抱歉,我自己也觉得不舒服。”但是很明显她喜欢听从她的母亲Kris Jenner的建议:“怎么想就怎么做,有了这些漂亮的照片,等你到了我这个年纪就可以拿出来看。”


1980年12月8日,著名女摄影师Annie Leibovitz在前甲壳虫乐队歌手约翰•列侬和他的妻子小野洋子位于纽约的家中,为《滚石》拍摄了一组二人的照片。Leibovitz原本只想拍摄列侬,但他坚持要和妻子一同出现在照片中。她让列侬脱下衣服,蜷缩在小野身旁。Leibovitz说小野要求也脱掉上衣,但她建议还是穿着衣服比较好。列侬在看过现场一次成像的照片后说,一个裸体的列侬蜷缩在妻子身边“完美地诠释了两人的关系”。5个小时之后,他在曼哈顿西区达科塔大厦外被枪击,送抵医院后宣布死亡。这张照片成为《滚石》纪念列侬专刊的封面。2005年,它被美国杂志编辑协会选中,成为过去40年最伟大的杂志封面之一。


性感还是变态?《滚石》2010年9月的杂志封面是《真爱如血》的三位主角:Alexander Skarsgard、Anna Paquin和Stephen Moyer,身上溅满鲜血。公众对这张充满暴力和血腥的照片褒贬不一,有些文章的标题是“精彩还是下流”。对于HBO这部吸血鬼题材电视剧的影迷们来说,这样的封面根本算不上引人注目。实际上,这样的景象还是颇为得体的。《真爱如血》的编剧Alan Ball说:“在我看来,吸血鬼等同于性。我不会编写一个禁欲的吸血鬼故事。”与封面搭配的报道同样血腥,Moyer形象地把吸血鬼之吻比作“破处”。


《名利场》的封面向来具有煽动性,但是很少具有像黛米•摩尔在1991年8月期封面上的照片那样引起地震效应。她怀有7个月身孕,全身赤露,戴着珠宝首饰,骄傲地展示她女性的身体。这张照片出自著名摄影师Annie Leibovitz,她把一个孕妇的身体表现为歌颂的主题,而不是遮遮掩掩含混不清的意义,这的确既令人瞠目结舌又新鲜。尽管摩尔用手遮挡住重要部位,但还是有很多评论人士认为这张照片有猥亵成份。但是,这期封面掀起了一股孕期摄影的风气,让孕妇的身体形成激动人心的画面。这已经成为了一种文化。






As a naked Kate Walsh graces the cover of Shape, TIME looks at some other nude magazine covers that have made a splash over the years

Dixie Chicks, Entertainment Weekly

When riding out a scandal, most celebrities tend to keep a low profile. Clearly, the Dixie Chicks aren't like most celebrities. In March 2003, during the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq, the top-selling country-music group unleashed a controversy when lead singer Natalie Maines, standing alongside bandmates Martie Maguire and Emily Robison at a concert in London, said of then President George W. Bush, "Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas." The backlash in the U.S. was nearly instantaneous, leading to a widespread country-radio boycott of the Chicks' music, death threats and hate mail. Despite an early, rote apology by Maines, fans and pundits remained incensed by the group's political stance, which in turn inflamed the trio. A mere two months after Maines made her incendiary statement, the group graced the cover of Entertainment Weekly wearing expressions of defiance, and not much else. The nude but strategically covered women had their skin painted with the slurs that had been lobbed their way, including "Dixie Sluts" and "Saddam's Angels." The cover did little to quell the conservative, country-based backlash against the Chicks, but the group's subsequent album, 2006's Taking the Long Way, still sold more than 2 million copies in the U.S. and won five Grammy Awards.

Janet Jackson, Rolling Stone

The year 1993 was when a 24-year-old Janet Jackson came of age. After signing a contract worth nearly $50 million with Virgin Records, Jackson debuted on her new label the sexually charged album janet. It was chock-full of racy lyrics, but the carnality didn't stop there. For janet's cover, photographer Patrick Demarchelier snapped shots of the pop star shirtless, her chest covered only by then boyfriend Rene Elizondo's hands. According to the Los Angeles Times, Jackson offered photos from the session to Rolling Stone for its September 1993 cover story on the pop star. "We had a choice of shooting her ourselves," said Laurie Kratochvil, Rolling Stone's director of photography. "But they offered us this, and the image is very powerful. With the album, you get the face on the front and the stomach and legs on back. We get the middle part."

Lindsay Lohan, New York

Six weeks before Marilyn Monroe died from an apparent overdose, Bert Stern photographed the actress in a now infamous photo series known as "The Last Sitting." Forty-six years later, Stern repeated the classic shoot with actress Lindsay Lohan for New York magazine. Lohan was not yet a jailbird but still boasted a scandalous track record that piqued Stern's interest in "controversial women." Stern told New York he chose Lohan for the project because he thought "she had a lot more depth to her" than one might assume from "those teenage movies." As one of Monroe's biggest fans — she even purchased an apartment where Monroe once lived — Lohan said her decision to partake in the shoot was easy: "I didn't have to put much thought into it. I mean, Bert Stern? Doing a Marilyn shoot? When is that ever going to come up? It's really an honor."

Scarlett Johansson and Keira Knightley, Vanity Fair

What could be better than two rising Hollywood ingenues posing in the buff with perpetually open-shirted fashion designer Tom Ford? Three rising Hollywood ingenues, which would have been the case if Rachel McAdams didn't bow out of Vanity Fair's cover shoot once she discovered she would be photographed au naturel. But that's not to say the cover of the magazine's annual Hollywood issue was lacking star power. By March 2006, both Scarlett Johansson, who was 21 at the time, and Keira Knightley, then 20, were quickly becoming household names. Pairing them with famous photographer Annie Leibovitz and guest art director Ford turned out to be the perfect formula for media buzz, both good and bad. Three years later, the magazine would spoof its own cover by featuring a preening Paul Rudd next to actors Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and Jason Segel wearing comically unflattering nude suits.

Kim Kardashian, W

Whether she likes it or not, one of the things Kim Kardashian is famous for is being naked. First, there was the sex tape with singer Ray J, which surfaced in 2007. Then, in December of that year, Kardashian posed nude in the Christmas issue of Playboy. So when Kardashian posed on the cover of the November 2010 issue of W magazine with only strategically placed banners reading "It's all about me/ I mean you/ I mean me" covering her body, it didn't come as a great shock. But in the pages of that Arts issue of W were photos by Mark Seliger of Kardashian proudly wearing nothing save for silver body paint in some of the shots. "I'm sorry I did Playboy. I was uncomfortable," she said when the W spread was released. But she apparently listened to advice from her mother Kris Jenner, who told her, "Do it, and you'll have these beautiful pictures to look at when you're my age." Advice Kardashian clearly heeded.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Rolling Stone

On Dec. 8, 1980, noted lenswoman Annie Leibovitz photographed former Beatles singer John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono at the couple's New York City apartment for Rolling Stone. Leibovitz had initially wanted to shoot Lennon alone, but he insisted they both be in the photograph. After she asked Lennon to remove his clothes and curl up next to Ono, Leibovitz said Ono offered to remove her top, but the photographer told her to keep her clothes on. The resulting photo of a nude Lennon curled around his wife "captured our relationship exactly," Lennon allegedly said after seeing a Polaroid. Five hours later, he was shot outside of the Dakota Building on Manhattan's Upper West Side and was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. The photograph was the cover of Rolling Stone's tribute to Lennon, and in 2005 it was chosen by the American Society of Magazine Editors as the top cover of the previous 40 years.

True Blood, Rolling Stone

Sexy or sick? Rolling Stone's September 2010 issue featured the True Blood love triangle: Alexander Skarsgard, Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer naked and, appropriately, covered in blood. Opinions of the gory photo shoot varied, with some publications running headlines like, "Fangtastic or Too Racy?" For fans of the HBO vampire-sex show, the cover was hardly startling. In fact, it was rather fitting. True Blood creator Alan Ball told Rolling Stone, "To me, vampires are sex. I don't get a vampire story about abstinence." The corresponding story was equally racy, with Moyer graphically describing how a vampire bite is like a "de-virginization."

Demi Moore, Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair's covers have long been provocative, but few have caused the earthquake that Demi Moore's August 1991 appearance did. Seven months pregnant and wearing nothing but her birthday suit and diamond jewelry, the actress graced the cover, glowing and defiantly proud of her womanly figure. Shot by famed celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz, the portrait of an expectant mother's body as something to celebrate rather than obscure was both startling and fresh. Though Moore covered herself with her hands, the shot was nevertheless considered indecent by many critics. But the cover would go on to launch a trend of pregnancy photos and of flaunting one's bump, cementing the titillating image's lasting cultural impact.

Serena Williams, ESPN The Magazine

Though the five-time No. 1–ranked women's tennis player once said she's not a fan of working out, you'd never know it from looking at her. For ESPN The Magazine's Body issue in 2009, Serena Williams sat naked, glistening and proud, showcasing the bulging biceps and sculpted legs that helped her smash tennis balls at 128 m.p.h. She was 28 at the time and would be the best female tennis player in the world that year, with major wins at the Australian Open and Wimbledon. Though her career was at an all-time high, the cover was timed to the release of her memoir On the Line, which discusses her struggles with her weight and depression. That may have been her past, but the nude image suggested a newfound confidence and hit home the message that beauty has no size limit.

Jennifer Aniston, GQ

Twelve years after her first nearly nude magazine cover, Jennifer Aniston appeared on the January 2009 cover of GQ in nothing but a necktie. It wasn't the first time the star had graced a magazine cover in the buff — she appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone in 1996 at the height of the Friends mania — but it just might have been the best. At the time, the former television sweetheart was promoting the family-friendly tear jerker Marley & Me, which was released two days after the provocative cover hit newsstands. Critics speculated that GQ was selling Aniston as an "all-American woman" to complement the issue's patriotic theme, and audiences were happy to have her back on top. The then 39-year-old had never looked better. Take that, Brad.


感谢翻译,。文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1155665.shtml  发表于 2012-3-5 15:35




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