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【福布斯20120320】放心吧!中国之舟 翻不了

发表于 2012-3-23 09:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 11:56 编辑

【中文标题】放心吧!中国之舟 翻不了。/ 中国经济走势稳定不会“倾覆”
【原文标题】China Not About To "Keel Over"
【来源地址】 http://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2012/03/20/china-not-about-to-keel-over/      

China Not About To "Keel Over"
Kenneth Rapoza
3/20/2012 @ 9:06AM
When a boat capsizes, it’s keel, or structural bottom half, sticks out of the water.  When an air plane hits the runway and oxygen masks come flying out of the overhead cabin compartments and people scream for their lives, that’s called a hard landing. Neither of those descriptions can be used to describe the Chinese economy. Yet, a handful of pundits and analysts from New York to Hong Kong insist China is, well, D.O.A.  Dead on arrival.

“The Chinese economy is a lot more stable than the investing public is giving it credit for,” said Edmund Harriss, a portfolio manager at Guinness Atkinson in London. “Saying that Chinese banks are about to keel over is simply not true.”

Last year, Harriss’ Asia Focus Fund (IASMX) won a Lipper Fund Award for for the best 10 year, risk adjusted performance among 21 Asia-Pacific mutual funds for 2010.

“For a crisis, you need unpayable short-term debt about to come due, and that’s not an issue in China. China is not Greece. Banks are well funded and so they can afford to roll over short-term debts if they need to,” he said in an interview last week.

China’s economy will slow down, but not because of a loss of momentum. Gone are the days of double digit, year over year economic growth. But inflation is under control…well under 5% on average. New cities are still being built from scratch. Incomes are rising. Urbanization trends remain. That story has not changed. The Boom is still in full force, only with a lower case b rather than a capital B followed by three exclamation marks. In short, for a mid to long term investment, China is still very much a growth story. And, arguably, the most stable growth story in the emerging markets. It is also the No. 2 economy in the world after the U.S.  People shouldn’t be rooting for a Chinese hard landing just to prove that their investment calls are accurate.

After over three decades of virtually uninterrupted growth, it must drift toward a steady but slower pace.

Beijing has set the country’s economic growth target at 7.5% for 2012, a year of political transition.  The move marks the first time for the target to be set below 8% in eight years. Yet, this should come as no surprise to the market. Wen Jiabao, the country’s premier, targeted 7.5% growth last year. The economy grew over 9%.

The downshift, partly a result of global economic problems, shows the government’s willingness to sacrifice some speed for better balance, coordination and sustainability. The self-directed slowdown will leave more room for China’s economic restructuring away from an export driven economy to one more keenly focused on the local consumer.  China has a lot to build out not only in infrastructure, but in services as well. It simply has no social safety net. And its population is aging. It needs hospitals. It needs medical centers and new medical devices to treat disease.

Ample commodity supplies, an abundance of human resources, financial backing of its own government banks and a relatively innovative, tech savvy middle class will keep China’s economy afloat even as it faces a combination of headwinds from policy makers in China, as well as the systematic risks coming from Europe and the U.S. as those regions still dig out from the 2008 financial crisis.

China also has an emerging consumer culture that’s got retailers looking East. It’s not that Chinese are suddenly all making $44,000 a year like they are in the U.S., it’s just that there are a lot more of them and they can now afford cars, iPads and Prada handbags.  Prada’s shares are listed in Hong Kong.  Samsonite opted to list in Hong Kong last year instead of New York.  China has an astronomical domestic market that can support employment and keep taxes flowing to the government.

“The data I look at is the Purchase Managers Index and some fixed asset investment numbers,” said Harriss. PMI has come down a bit, but is now rising since the lows of November when it was just 49. In February, China’s PMI index was 51. “I’d call that movement stable. I find the hard landing calls difficult to deal with. It seems they had gone quiet for a while, but now those calls are coming back. I find it all quite tired analysis at this point.  If you just hover on the GDP numbers, look back at 2004 and you will see that the government missed a whole chunk of its economy. They structure their analysis more towards the productive economy than the tertiary sectors and those sectors are doing fine. China will slow, but I wouldn’t bet against China growth,” he said.


2012年03月23日 07:21参考消息









发表于 2012-3-23 09:51 | 显示全部楼层
3)经济的繁荣仍然完好无损,只不过由原先大写的“繁荣”字样外加三个惊叹号变成了现在的小写而已。Boom is still in full force, only with a lower case b rather than a capital B followed by three exclamation marks.

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发表于 2012-3-23 09:51 | 显示全部楼层
3)经济的繁荣仍然完好无损,只不过由原先大写的“繁荣”字样外加三个惊叹号变成了现在的小写而已。Boom is still in full force, only with a lower case b rather than a capital B followed by three exclamation marks.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-23 10:01 | 显示全部楼层
allplacnn 发表于 2012-3-23 09:51
2)“中国经济的稳定性远远超过了能获 ...


Boom!!! to boom is still meaning boom.
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发表于 2012-3-24 09:21 | 显示全部楼层
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reader11 发表于 2012-3-24 10:24

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发表于 2012-3-26 09:40 | 显示全部楼层
列宁在十月 发表于 2012-3-26 01:20

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