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【印度时报20120323】印度网友热议中国茶叶贵过黄金 阿三的茶叶才是最正宗的

发表于 2012-3-27 11:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-27 12:24 编辑

【中文标题】【印度时报20120323】印度网友热议中国茶叶贵过黄金 阿三的茶叶才是最正宗的

China tea costs more than gold!
【登载媒体】 印度时报

【译者】     woikuraki
【翻译方式】 人工
【声明】     欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn


BEIJING: A type of tea called Longjing or Dragon Well in China hit a record presale price of 360,000 yuan ($57,024) per kilogram this year, higher than the price of gold, which is currently about $53,000 per kg.
The Longjing tea is one of China's best green teas. It has been a favourite among wealthy buyers.

The Longjing tea is one of China's best green teas. It has been a favourite among wealthy buyers.
The tea is harvested prior to Qingming festival, usually in the first week of April, in Hangzhou in Zhejiang province, the Shanghai Daily reported Friday.

It is produced from the first spring shoots. Skilled workers pick every leaf by hand.
Zhu Baichang, a dealer who sold the tea at the record price in the presale, said this year it will cost 80,000 yuan per kg on the market, up 10,000 yuan from last year.
"The 360,000 yuan per kg for the pre-Qingming tea was just a single case for presale promotion and we will donate the money to a local art group for deaf people," Zhu said.
People who bought the tea at the presale rate were mostly government officials, he said, adding that the market price was still very high for common people to afford.

Another variety called Moutai, served at official banquets, used to sell for about 600 yuan four years ago, now it costs around 2,000 yuan.

The Qingming Festival or tomb-sweeping day, is a traditional Chinese festival where people go to family graves to sweep the tombs and honour their ancestors.


pooku Reddy (Washington) replies to Ashok
24 Mar, 2012 05:17 AM
Chinese have some business ethics. They don't copy a Chinese product. They copy all other countries products

24 Mar, 2012 12:38 AM
MANIAC'S There is so much suffering in this world and they are spending 30 lakhs on a green tea. One can change a life of a poor family out of this money... This is rubbish and shameful.

Everythinghasaprice (Assam) replies to Ps Harish
24 Mar, 2012 02:00 AM
Have less babies and you can afford it.
S.P. (India)
23 Mar, 2012 09:49 PM
God has created this tea to reduce rich people`s extra fatness
shona (delhi)
23 Mar, 2012 09:45 PM
I dont know why everybody is obsessed with chinese tea. Indian varieties of tea are the best and pure. We should promote Indian tea throughout the world
Badabing (USA) replies to shona
23 Mar, 2012 11:15 PM
Listen to Natarajan. British East Indies Co. started the mass production of tea in India but failed at sorting out best practices in the processing. No one bothers with Indian tea in China, or here in the States.
Natarajan (Chennai) replies to shona
23 Mar, 2012 10:46 PM
Chinese tea are high in anti-oxidants. However Indian tea because of the way they are processed are high in oxidants. Anti-oxidants are known to reverse ageing, prevent cancer. The interesting thing is benefit of CHinese tea is not because they are chinese. It is actually in how they are processed. The correct term is GREEN TEA. This green tea can be made in India as well. We need leadership and foresight to invest in producing Indian green tea so that farmers make more money. Other area which will fetch more money is ginseng cultivation. Kashmir and Shimla for instance can be good place to grow Ginseng
Gaandpatibapa (Canada)
23 Mar, 2012 08:42 PM
1 ton is equal to Indias GDP
Deepak (Bangalore) replies to Gaandpatibapa
23 Mar, 2012 10:19 PM
Then 100kg maybe equal to Canada's GDP!
Rai Yang pitang chhu (Dharan now-Oxford)
23 Mar, 2012 08:30 PM
I think, this Qingming festival is best festival of the world.
Brightclear (Yongchun) replies to Rai Yang pitang chhu
24 Mar, 2012 02:20 AM
Chinese revere their ancestors, they don't feed them to the fish and turtles of the Ganges or the vultures of mumbai.
JohnDoe (Ind) replies to Brightclear
24 Mar, 2012 01:05 PM
hindus cremate their dead, muslims and christians bury their dead. If "revering their ancestors" means vacuum cleaning the graves and perhaps the corpses or whatever, yeah we dont do that.




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