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发表于 2012-10-25 14:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


BEIJING—China's online community watched Monday night's foreign policy debate between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney with a mix of fascination and bemusement, with some drawing parallels and contrasts with Beijing's coming leadership transition.


The 90-minute debate focused mostly on U.S. policy in the Middle East and Pakistan, with only a handful of exchanges over U.S. relations with the world's No. 2 economy. Still, Mr. Obama sought to project a tough stance on China in the face of criticism from the Romney camp. He cited his administration's declared military and diplomatic pivot toward Asia as sending a "very clear signal" to China that the U.S. is a Pacific power. He also cited an increased number of trade actions against China.
"China's both an adversary, but also a potential partner, in the international community if it's following the rules," he said. "So my attitude coming into office was that we are going to insist that China plays by the same rules as everybody else."


Meanwhile, Mr. Romney renewed his pledge to label China a currency manipulator on his first day of office, a move aimed at some U.S. lawmakers and business leaders who say Beijing keeps its currency artificially low to help its export sector. Still, he credited China with "making some progress" on the issue, an apparent reference to the Chinese yuan's strengthening against the U.S. dollar in recent years. "They need to make more," he said.
But Mr. Romney also left room for cooperation. "We can be a partner with China. We don't have to be an adversary in any way, shape or form," he said. "We can work with them, we can collaborate with them, if they're willing to be responsible."


Experts said Mr. Romney struck a more moderate tone on China than in past speeches and debates, when both contenders accused each other of softness toward China.
"As [the] challenger, he had to demonstrate that he has the balanced judgment to be commander in chief," said Susan Shirk, an expert on U.S.-China relations at the University of California, San Diego. "And one way he did that was by expressing his desire to cooperate with China, his empathy with China's peaceful aspirations, before reciting his by now well-worn line about declaring China a currency manipulator."

加州大学圣地亚哥分校的美中关系专家Susan Shirk说道,“作为挑战者,他必须展现出作为最高统帅平衡应对国际事务的能力”。其中的一个途径就是,表现出想与中国合作以及珍惜与中国的和平相处的愿望,而不是不断重复那些老掉牙的声明--中国是汇率操纵国。

Zhu Feng, an expert on U.S.-China relations at Peking University in Beijing, said that despite Mr. Romney's currency-manipulation call, the two sides appeared to basically agree on China policy. "They both claimed they wanted to focus more on urging China to play fair on economic and trade issues," Mr. Zhu said. "That's something they really care more about now than human rights or security."
He said he didn't expect much official reaction from Mr. Obama's use of the word "adversary" to describe China, saying it reflect broad attitudes in Washington toward Beijing.


At a daily media briefing on Tuesday, China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said healthy U.S.-China relations are "beneficial to the peace, stability and prosperity of the region and the world. Any U.S. party should objectively view China's development and do more good things that will benefit China-U.S. cooperation and mutual trust with a responsible attitude."


The debate wasn't broadcast in China, which keeps a tight leash on its media, though it received brief and neutral coverage on the national noon television show. Still, online streams were available to China's growing ranks of savvy Internet users. Chinese people interested in following the debates sought out social-media sites such as the Twitter-like microblogging service Sina Weibo, where bilingual users offer real-time analysis, and video sites such as Youku, where subtitled snippets from the debates drew steady traffic.


With most of the debate focused on issues besides China, many online commentators focused on the process of the election itself. China next month will begin a much more predictable once-a-decade leadership transition that is all but certain to result in the elevation of Vice President Xi Jinping to succeed President Hu Jintao.
"If you official Chinese media would pay half as much attention to China's elections as you do the American one, there would be hope for China," one anonymous Weibo user wrote in response to a post by the Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily noting the start of Tuesday's debate.
"It's a shame we can't see the U.S. presidential debates broadcast live," said another user. "Actually, I don't care so much about who would be the president. I just want to learn more about the election itself. Over here, it was decided who would be next a long time ago, so there's nothing to watch."


"What I don't quite understand why they spend so long debating international issues in a country where 70% of people probably wouldn't be able to locate China on the map," said another user. "Is it because they're not capable of solving their domestic problems and are looking for easier overseas target instead?"
"To summarize the debate on China: liar, cheater, manipulator," wrote another user in a post that was later deleted.
Other users focused on the demeanor of Messrs. Obama and Romney, which offered a contrast to the staid, button-down appearance China's leaders strike at home. "Obama sounds like a commander delivering a speech to soldiers and Romney sounds like some office drone giving a PowerPoint presentation," said one user.


Chinese interest in this year's U.S. elections appears much stronger than it was in 2008—a shift some analysts attribute to an increased interest among Chinese people in democracy. More than a third of Chinese people said they were paying close attention to this election, up from 17% during the 2008 contest, according to a Pew Research Center survey released earlier this year. The only other countries that showed rising interest in the U.S. election were Turkey and Pakistan, which both edged up 1%.
Pew also found that 52% of Chinese people said they liked American-style democracy, up from 48% in 2007. James Bell, director of international survey research at Pew, said Chinese people who said they like American ideas about democracy were more likely to say they are closely following the election.
Confidence in Mr. Obama was also a factor: 55% of Chinese people who said they have some or a lot of confidence in the U.S. president said they were following the election closely, versus 30% among those who don't, according to Mr. Bell.
Pew found that confidence among Chinese people in Mr. Obama's leadership slipping to 38% in 2012, down from a high of 62% in 2009. The Pew survey didn't measure Chinese opinions of Mr. Romney.
Mr. Obama appears to enjoy significant support among China's urban elites. In an unscientific poll that had attracted roughly 4,000 votes on Weibo by the end of Monday's debate, Mr. Obama was beating Mr. Romney 7-to-1. Sina Weibo tends to attract users who are highly educated and live in urban areas.

对于奥巴马充满信心也是一个因素。对美国总统或多或少充满信心的中国人之中,55%的中国人说他们会密切关注总统选举,而相对只有30%表示不关心,根据James Bell先生指出。

Jianhua Li Wrote:
More from Pew: Just 39 percent of those polled in China during the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project earlier this year described the relationship with the United States as cooperative. In 2010, two-thirds of those polled called the relationship cooperative. Only 8 percent saw the relationship as hostile in the 2010; this year 26 percent viewed it that way.
This is entirely the result of post-2010 US intervention in China's maritime disputes. Contrary to popular belief, China does not have a strong anti-American tradition. The 2010 findings show that the Chinese were quick to move on from bitter relations with the US in the late 1990s and early 2000s. It is entirely possible for the US to win the minds of the Chinese. But when the two countries clash with each other, as has happened since 2010, views towards the US deteriorate rapidly.


·Jun Jing Wrote:
Whichever candidate does a better job bashing China will be elected President of United States. Chinese people find that very amusing and perplexing.


o Carl Castrogiovanni Replied:
I think the Chinese prefer Obama because they are smart enough to know that Obama is too weak to back up his words with actions...


Wei Cheng Wrote:
While the poll says most of the Chinese prefer Obama, most of the Chinese leaders probably prefer Romney. He will start another war and bomb Iran, he will do more verbal bashing of China and invest millions in China at the same time. He will increase the military spending and invest less in everything else. Before long, the Chinese leaders will start chanting: Long live Chairman Romney!


o Steve Fowler Replied:
Looking at Western culture's barrenness and its results should have been a tip off...


§ Eagle Kobar Replied:
There are abortions in China just like in the US, but the Americans refer to the Chinese abortions as killing their own kids. In US many kids are killing themselves by being addicted to dangerous drugs, but the Americans call that freedom.


Pranjal Swarup Wrote:
Well, the Americans can keep praying that the Chinese will play by their rules, but there isn't any hope that happening. Americans are doomed to fail, as in bad time people make bad decisions.


o Steve Fowler Replied:
But cultures rise or fall based upon a set of beliefs (values): that fact is not limited to the US.


Eagle Kobar Replied:
True. The Chinese don't play by the rules while the Americans do. Those are the Americans' rules made for the Chinese to obey and like all other American rules made for the world, the rules are designed for the Americans to always win, work less but take home more money.


Yo presidential clowns, disclose your Chinese contributions, hypocrites.


Tingshan Kang Wrote:
Chinese people prefer Obama is exactly because they don't quite understand the American political hypocrisy: the guy shouts the loudest may be the weakest, as Romney bashing China the hardest yet investing the most. They'll learn.


Steve Fowler Replied:
What Chinese and Americans both need to learn is to stop believing politicians.


Greg Balaze Wrote:
I'm always surprised at how many Chinese nationals swamp the comments board whenever there's an article regarding china. "Fifty cent" anyone?


Eagle Kobar Replied:
In a country like US with a real unemployment rate of 17%, 50 cents is a monumental amount. In China, the English language able Chinese like to buy Audi(s) and Maserati(s). They don' t care much about 50 cents but would donate them to you if you politely request.


Greg Balaze Replied:
Your hilarious unemployment in china is around 10% and when you earn a $1.50/hr on average in china, 50 cents is a lot.


Joshua Schuler Replied:
If you think less than eighteen comments is "many," you must be new here.


Eagle Kobar Replied:
" China Urban Unemployment Rate at 4.1% at End June - WSJ.com", you may Google that.
The English speaking Chinese in China are reading WSJ and buying luxurious cars and other assets with their inexhaustible millions and they may not donate 50 cents to you if you persist on being rude and unpleasant.


Greg Balaze Replied:
You assume so much and yet know so little.
"Drexel University assistant professor Dr. Xie Tian said, "The Chinese regime has created an illusion of a surging economy in the last 20 years or so. This surge is tied to the GDP [gross domestic product]. If the GDP is indeed growing at over 10 percent a year, there should be a labor shortage in China. If there is no labor shortage, and instead unemployment is high, then it begs the question of whether the economy has indeed been growing. Using standard global measures, China's unemployment rate may be over 20 percent.""


Eagle Kobar Replied:
That assistant professor needs to go back to high school. In the last few years the wages in China have increased by leaps and bounds; any economic textbook will tell you that the phenomenon could happen only at near full employment. That silly professor and you will not be getting the 50 cents.


Greg Balaze Replied:
If it's true that " wages in China have increased by leaps and bounds" then you need to learn that china would not have any cheap labor, as that's the only competitiveness they have.
I have an office over in HK, we bought a company there , as much as we can 'buy' a company when there is no real property rights, I can safely tell you with experience, something you lack, their wages are not "increasing by leaps and bounds", tell it to some naive person who actually might actually believe you.


jose martinez obregon Wrote:
Trade. If others sell you things for cheap, you call them unfair? What a logic?! Totally American.


Fida Awadia Wrote:
I think the Chinese like Obama because they can toy with him as they did in his first two years of presidency, they know he has not managed a lemonade or egg roll stand. As for Romney they know he is shrewd business man and they respect that.


David Lai Wrote:
The Chinese need to realize there is a racial component to China bashing during every election cycle. In the 80s it was Japan bashing. It has always been a part of US politics.


Greg Balaze Replied:
"The Chinese need to realize there is a racial component to China bashing"
Not for most people. Unless you see everything as 'racially' motivated?!


Greg Arnot Replied:
There is a strong and offensive racial component. The advertisment where a Chinese speaker is talking about the decline of the US...where the speaker has an evil laugh and says "Americans are all working for us now"...that is purely racial.
If it were true...so what? I am a white guy...I have Chinese employees. If the situation were reversed and I had a Chinese boss...big deal!!
And are we really working for the Chinese? They make our coffee cups and our auto parts...they make our underwear and our shoes....they make our stuff.
Doesn't that mean they are working for us?
Bottom line who cares? Let free people freely exchange goods and services. Political hate mongers are not helpful.


Greg Arnot Replied:
In the 1980's, when the fear was Japan was taking over our auto industry, auto workers murdered a young Chinese man with a baseball bat.....all because they thought he was Japanese.
There is a strong tint of racism in much of the China bashing. Anti-Oriental racism has been a part of our political structure for over 100 years...for example "the Yellow Peril".
But...on the good news side. Oriental Americans are true Americans now...they have leading roles in companies and universities..their children are valdictorians...they are known as the "perfect minority".
Racial hate against Orientals is difficult to maintain. I predict it will fade away.
On the other side of the Pacific...Chinese racism is funny. It is not hate-based, nor is it based upon fear. Chinese racial attitudes are firmly seated in a sense of racial confidence which has strong tones of racial superiority blended with occasional notes of slight cultural inferiority. Give China 100 years of prosperity and their racial pride might be difficult to shake.

但是……也有好的一面。现在位于美国东部的才是纯种的美国人……他们在企业和大学里担任着领导的角色。他们的孩子是valdictorians…… 他们被称为“完美的少数民族”。

Greg Arnot Wrote:
China is not a "currency manipulator". China deliberately tries to copy the US Federal Reserve in managing their paper currency in a way which provides stable value in order to promote economic growth.
China "manipulates" their currency in the same way the Fed "manipulates" ours.
Protectionism is ugly in all its forms.
Those who focus upon "the trade gap" ignore "the profit gap". US companies profit far more than Chinese companies from our relationship.
Yum Brands...owner of KFC and Pizza Hut....they make profits of over $800 billion$ per year in China. McDonalds, Coke, Procter and Gamble, Boeing, GE....American shareholders make huge profits in China.

(译注:百胜餐饮集团是全球餐厅网络最大的餐饮集团,在全球110多个国家和地区拥有超过35,000家连锁餐厅和100万多名员工。其旗下包括肯德基、必胜客、塔可钟、A&W及Long John Silver's(LJS)五个世界著名餐饮品牌。2011年5月,百胜宣布拟以每股6.50港元的价格收购小肥羊公司股权。11月7日,中国商务部批准了百胜集团的收购计划。

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