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发表于 2012-11-5 20:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-11-6 11:19 编辑


今天在BBC上看到一篇文章,题目为“中国(政府)比西方(政府)更具合法性?”( Is China more legitimate than the West?),作者为《当中国统治世界》一书的作者、经济学家Martin Jacques。原文链接:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20178655。现将文章部分内容翻译出来,供大家参考。声明:本人对文中观点既不表示赞同也不表示反对。

  This week will witness an extraordinary juxtaposition of events. On Tuesday the next American president will be elected. Two days later, the 18th congress of the Chinese Communist Party will select the new Chinese president and prime minister.

  The contrast could hardly be greater.

  Americans in their tens of millions will turn out to vote. In China the process of selection will take place behind closed doors and involve only a relative handful of people.

  You are probably thinking, "Ah, America at its best, China at its worst - the absence of democracy. China’s Achilles heel is its governance. This will be China’s downfall."

  I want to argue quite the contrary.

  You probably think that the legitimacy and authority of the state, or government, is overwhelmingly a function of democracy, Western-style.

  But democracy is only one factor. Nor does democracy in itself guarantee legitimacy.

  Think of Italy. It is always voting, but the enduring problem of Italian governance is that its state lacks legitimacy. Half the population don’t really believe in it.

  Now let me shock you: the Chinese state enjoys greater legitimacy than any Western state. How come?

  In China’s case the source of the state’s legitimacy lies entirely outside the history or experience of Western societies.


  The fact that the Chinese state enjoys such an exalted position in society lends it enormous authority, a remarkable ubiquity and great competence.

  Take the economy. China’s economic rise - an annual growth rate of 10% for more than 30 years - has been masterminded by the Chinese state.

  It is the most remarkable economic transformation the world has seen since the modern era began with Britain’s industrial revolution in the late 18th Century.

  Even though China is still a poor developing country, its state, I would argue, is the most competent in the world.

  Take infrastructure - the importance of which is belatedly now being recognised in the West. Here, China has no peers. Its high speed rail network is the world’s largest and will soon be greater than the rest of the world’s put together.

  And the state’s ubiquity - a large majority of China’s most competitive companies, to this day, are state-owned. Or consider the one-child policy, which still commands great support amongst the population.

  The competence of the state is little talked about or really valued in the West, especially in the Anglo-Saxon world.

  Indeed, since the early 80s, the debate about the state in Britain has largely been conducted in terms either of what bits should be privatised or how it can be made to mimic the market.

  Now, however, we are in a new ball game. With the Western economies in a profound mess and with China’s startling rise, the competence of the state can no longer be ignored. Our model is in crisis. Theirs has been delivering the goods.

  As China’s dramatic ascent continues - which it surely will - then China’s strengths will become a growing subject of interest in the West. We will realise that our relationship with them can no longer consist of telling them how they should be like us. A little humility is in order.

  One of the most dramatic illustrations of this will be the state. We think of it as their greatest weakness but we will come to realise that it is one of their greatest strengths.

  Beyond a point it would be quite impossible for a Western state to be like China’s. It is the product of a different history and a different relationship between state and society. You could never transplant their state into a Western country, and vice versa. But this does not mean that we cannot learn from the Chinese state, just as they have learnt much from us.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-6 05:26 | 显示全部楼层
The world is increasingly being shaped by China, and if it has looked west for the last two centuries, in future it will look east.

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发表于 2012-11-8 13:42 | 显示全部楼层
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