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发表于 2012-11-19 13:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

PHNOM PENH: As Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrives in Phnom Penh on Sunday, he is likely to hear a common refrain in this part of the world: India is sorely needed here, but India is too slow.

It's a critical time for Asean countries -- they are struggling to remain cohesive and stay relevant. They are caught in a bruising territorial dispute with the big Heavy in the region, China. And now the even bigger US is sailing into their waters and telling them how to stand up to China, with its help. US defense secretary Leon Panetta told everyone he who would listen on Friday, "we are deepening our military engagement with our allies and partners in this region in order to ensure that we are able to promote security and prosperity in this region for many years to come."



For many, India is a natural balancer in this region. India struck roots here hundreds of years ago, and there are signs all around. But in the current strategic debate roiling the region, India is a peripheral presence. India's only statement so far has been to endorse the importance of ensuring freedom of navigation and mineral resources in the troubled wats of the South China Sea. In a joint statement with the Chinese, India also emphasized its stakes in the Asia-Pacific. That lone position by the MEA, India believes may have absolved it of all other responsibility. With $80 billion in bilateral trade, India needs a louder ASEAN policy.



ks130 (bhopal)龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
haha hes already 80 what else can we expect of him哈哈,已经80岁了,还能对他抱什么期望。
ks130 (bhopal)
mr singh follows mrs italian only...he's the most foolish PM of India ever辛格先生只听意大利女士的话,他是印度史上最愚蠢的总理。
ks130 (bhopal)龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
Make us a member of ASEAN rather than just a n observer!!! As an observer there are limited powers or limited chances of engagement as a member it gives more opportunities让我们成为东盟会员国,别只让当一个观察员。会员国参与的机会更多,而观察员的权利有受限制。译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
bg (Bangkok)
I think it seems to be comments of our journalist. Indians are the most unwanted country in ASEAN. No ASEAN country want india as we have nothing to offer other than art of making money. Even if they complain on china all ASEAN country run after them. We Indians have nothing to offer other than crooks and poverty.我认为这是记者的炒作。印度人在东盟最不受欢迎。除了赚钱艺术,印度没啥好提供的,东盟国家不需要。虽说对中国有抱怨,但东盟各国还是对中国趋之若鹜。除了骗子和贫穷,我们印度人不能给东盟带去什么。
sam (melbourne)
dear mms, when you are in Vietnam, just have a look around and see how the country has developed from war torn to beautiful city, and also have a look at pathetic state of new Delhi, then decide if you are eligible to sit in the post post you are holding
Agree (7)Disagree (0)Recommend (4)亲爱的辛格总理,去越南时,到处走走看,看看该国是如何在战争废墟中建起漂亮城市,再看看新德里可怜的状况,然后想想自己是否有资格占着现在的职位。
asit hota (bbsrw)
India need to act fast....we need to stand firm on our policy of regional stability.印度要快速行动起来,在维护地区稳定的政策上要立场坚定。
Kristofer Quadros (No fixed address)
When does India ever take a stand?
Agree (1)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)印度什么时候能表明立场?
Samit Mathur (Noida)
Q- Where is India...? A- Sold Out by the Prime Minister.....!!
Agree (3)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)问:印度在哪里?答:已经被总理卖掉了!!
Nishant Kumar (Mumbai)
It is unfortunate that our leadership is not able to keep its back straight and look China into its eye. Our foreign policy is a story of just waiting and losing the advantage. We lost it in Sri lanka, Nepal and Africa and long back in Tibet. Its high time we stand up and assume our position as regional power, else we will become irrelevant at the worlds stage.
Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)很不幸,我们领导层的腰杆挺不直,不敢正视中国的眼睛,奉行的是观望政策,导致优势丧失。印度在斯里兰卡、尼泊尔和非洲输了,很早以前在xz也输了。我们早该站起来,以地区大国自居,否则会成为世界舞台上的旁观者。
Dr. Rajah Srivastava (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Many Indians also want close relations with China. People like Gacharan Das , former excecutive of Procter and Gamble has many close friends who are senior members of the Chinese Communist Party. ( see Economist) India firms would also be getting Chinese government infrastructure contracts and Indian businesses would soon be allowed to operate in Chine like I.T. and Pharmaceuticals. Chinais also an important partner for India in the future of Asia. Both countries should work closely together.for the prosperity and safety of Asia.许多印度人希望与中国建立亲密关系。Gacharan Das、保洁公司的前行政董事等人有许多朋友是中国gcd高官。印度公司也能获得中国zf的基础设施合同,印度企业很快会被允许进入中国的IT业和制药业。中国也是印度未来在亚洲的重要伙伴。为了亚洲的繁荣与安全,中印两国应该密切合作。
Indian (India)
While 187 million Pakis are either getting killed by homemade bombings or reading our newspapers and getting jealous. And guess what, Pakis are not all whites as well. In fact, the white westerners did coin the term "Pakis" for Black Pakistanis running corner shops on weekdays and getting beaten up on weekends. Lots of love, an Indian.
Agree (3)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)1.87亿巴基佬不是被自制炸弹炸死,就是看着印度报纸心生嫉妒。猜猜咋了,巴基佬也不全是白人。事实上,西方白人以“巴基佬”来描述工作日开着街角小店、周末被殴打的巴基斯坦黑人。
Saurabh (Ind)
India is itself a beggar country, how it can help other poor countries.
Agree (5)Disagree (2)Recommend (2)印度自身是一个乞丐国家,又如何能帮助其他穷国。
Ananthanarayanan (Bangalore)
It's wrong to say that USA is teaching India to stand up to China. It's India, which is teaching USA how to respect Europe. Now China has to learn to survive in this new world order by taking a U turn from its past ethos. It will be a very very tall order and will be a painful transition for China. There is no other alternative for China. It has to look South for solutions and not the West. Otherwise it will sink.
Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)说美国教印度对抗中国,那是错的。正是印度教美国如何尊重欧洲。在新的世界秩序中,为了学会生存,中国摒弃过去的信仰,来了个180度大转弯。这在当时是难以完成的任务,对中国是一个痛苦的转变过程,但中国没有其他选择。它必须往南看寻找出路,而不是往西看,否则会沉沦。
colranbir lamba (PTA)
Agree (2)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)印度应该在发展道路上快速前进,要成为地区领袖。
KK JAIGOPAL (Indirapuram)
India's snail paced approach towards grabbing opportunity not only in Asean nations but also in other regions like Africa, Latin and South America proved to be a blessing for China; India always showed the tendency of lethargy, less aggressiveness whereas China was always up on the feet, aggressive; no doubt that China exploited the natural resources wherever they went, but India too could not benefit anything for not exploiting natural resources. Asean is historically more inclined towards India than China because of historical and cultural connection, whereas Chinese migrated during last couple of centuries for the purpose of livelihood.
Agree (4)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)不仅在东盟国家,而且在非洲、拉丁美洲等地区,印度行动缓慢,错失机会,算是上天对中国的眷顾。印度总是偏于冷漠,不好斗,而中国一向强硬,好斗。结果很显然,中国充分利用了世界各地的自然资源。由于历史和文化联系,与中国相比,东盟历史上更偏向印度,而中国人是在最近几个世纪出于生计需要而移居那里的。
Ind (India)
India must fast track connectivity with North east and Thailand to Australia. Asean must form a defence treaty like NATO. They must start building the Kra Canal in Thailand. They should stop fighting over temples. Thailand leads in manufacturing. HongKong model of anti corruption laws are needed in India and Asean region.
Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)从东北亚,到泰国,再到澳大利亚,印度必须与其建立紧密联系。东盟必须组建类似北约的防御组织,还得在泰国开建克拉地峡运河,别再为寺庙而打打杀杀。泰国在制造业领先,香港的反腐模式值得印度和东盟借鉴。
MP Abraham (Chennai)
India need to have a strong Govt (not busy with scams & squabbles) in place by 2014, so that they can look out and restrict the Chinese with the support of the ASEANS.
Agree (3)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)印度需要在2014年前建立一个强势zf(不诈骗,不争吵),这样可以在东盟的支持下提防和限制中国人。
mr.lastwish (unknown)
India cannot solve its own issues...leave the thought of even acknowledging international issues !
Agree (9)Disagree (5)Recommend (3)印度自己的问题都解决不了,更别提国际问题了!
manpreet (punjab)
India cannot even get along with it's neighbors let alone ASEAN.
Agree (6)Disagree (2)Recommend (2)印度与领国都相处不好,更别提东盟了。
mohan (coimbatore)
Asean wants India! Indians also want a functioning government! We do not want this bumbling UPA!
Agree (3)Disagree (2)Recommend (2)东盟需要印度!印度人也需要一个正常运作的zf!我们不需要装模作样的国大党zf!
Sushil (Lucknow)
It is really tragic to see that when majority of countries in Asia Pacific & in our neighbor hood look towards India to assist,guide & protect them from any aggression,we Indians are busy not only in dirty politics of regionalism,casteism & corruption but also to degrade ourselves by our conduct.Our politicians needs to show some sort of maturity for international affairs otherwise we will miss the bus & someone else would take our position.
Agree (3)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)大多数亚太国家以及邻近国家期盼印度提供帮助、指引他们并保护其利益免遭侵犯,我们印度人却深陷地区主义、种姓主义和腐败等脏脏政治,而且我们的行为降低了自己的身份。在国际事务上,印度政客应该表现出成熟的一面,否则会错失机会,其他人会取而代之。原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
appan menon (Jaipur)
China is trying to encircle us by befriending Nepal, Pakistan, and even Sri Lanka of late. The answer is not merely to compete, but to cultivate a closer relationship with all South East Asian countries, and Japan with whom, and just like with us, China has border disputes.The US and India have common interest here. Both should abandon their Pakistan-specific policies and look beyond and further. While the Chinese and the Indians have many a history long friendly associations, the Communist government in China do not recognize it nor are going to do so in the near future.
Agree (6)Disagree (0)Recommend (2)中国与尼泊尔、巴基斯坦交好,最近还与斯里兰卡好上了,力图包围我们。印度的回应不仅是与之竞争,还要与东南亚各国、日本等国培养更密切的关系,这些国家也与中国有领土争议。美国和印度在该地区有共同利益,应该摒弃以巴基斯坦为导向的政策,把眼光放远一些。中国人和印度人历史上关系一向友好,但中国的gcdzf不承认,以后也不会承认。
Derrick Dias (Goa)
Over years India has lost world respect because of its leaders. Its leaders at home have lost the faith and respect of it's own people because of scams. Power has gone to the hands of rascals, rogues freebooters, all Indians leaders are of low caliber and men of straw.
Agree (10)Disagree (0)Recommend (4)这些年,印度因其领导人而丧失世界的尊敬。国内领导人因其诈骗而丢失信仰和人民的尊敬。权利落入了流氓、强盗手中,所有印度领导人都水准低下,平凡如稻草人。
Derrick Dias (Goa)
Agree (12)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)印度不再是古印度,已经成为了另一个香蕉共和国。
HOMIE (Mumbai)
With an impotent corrupt leader ASEAN should not expect anything from this Indians government.
Agree (9)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)印度领导人腐败无能,东盟不应对其抱任何期望。
Armecin (India)
The Indian electorate repeatedly keeps sending to parliament weak coalition governments. Indian Opposition leaders are often invited to China, hosted, wined and dined by the Chinese Communist Party. ..They seem to be less loyal than they are expected to be. .. India needs a strong government with 70% seats to unite India and help deserving ASEAN countries.
Agree (6)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)印度选民屡次把腐败分子送入议会,削弱了联合zf。反对党领导人经常被邀请到中国,中国gcd美酒佳肴款待....他们似乎对印度没有期望那样忠诚....印度需要一个强势zf,70%的席位应由团结印度人士占据,并向东盟国家提供必要的帮助。
r.k. pillay (Kerala, India.)
When Indian is involved with China or Russia, Indian communist parties put extreme pressure on Indian government to adopt a pro-chinese or pro-Russian policy because they are communist countries. Due to the pressure tactics of CPI, CPIM and other left leaning parties and associations, Indian government can not come in the open and declare what the government feel right and do it rightly. This is a simple fact. This is the same way when Tamils get into problem in Sri Lanka, Tamilians put extreme pressure on Indian government to adopt a pro Tamil stand. When Muslims are attacked in other countries, Muslim parties and organizations want Indian government to adopt a pro Muslim stand.
Agree (2)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)印度在与中国或者俄罗斯交往时,印度gcd会出于意识形态的原因而对zf极力施压,以让其支持中国人或者支持俄罗斯人。CPI、CPIM以及其他左倾政党和协会组织的施压策略,导致印度zf无法公开宣布和实施自己认为正确的措施。这是一个简单的事实。以下情况也类似:斯里兰卡的泰米尔人有难,国内的泰米尔人就极力施压zf采取支持泰米尔人的立场;其他国家的msl被攻击,msl政党和组织就会要求zf采取支持msl的立场。

发表于 2012-11-29 17:14 | 显示全部楼层
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