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【纽约时报 20121112】中国准备好迎接美式足球了吗?

发表于 2012-11-30 11:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】China, Are You Ready for Some American Football?












所谓的基地就是PPTV.com,这里有橄榄球教学、比赛剪辑、比赛直播和点播,全部都是中文。专门负责NFL全球推广的英国人Chris Parsons说:“目前中国的整体体育产业还处于发展阶段,我们有机会在这个时候拓展我们的运动。”




4年前,新浪开始与NFL合作培训解说员了解比赛规则。如今,余可以在网上查到中国最受欢迎的NFL运动员——纽约巨人队的四分卫Eli Manning,他们赢得了今年超级碗的冠军——以及带领新英格兰爱国者队取得3次冠军头衔的Tom Brady。

另外一位人所共知的运动员就没有那么成功了,Ed Wang出生在美国,父母是前中国奥林匹克运动员。在2010年选秀之后,在布法罗比尔队打了一个赛季,现在是个自由球员。2011年1月,中国主席胡锦涛在华盛顿访问时,NFL安排这位进攻内锋在白宫与主席照相。


Joe Wang是台湾人,曾经在纽约参加过高中橄榄球比赛,目前在加利福尼亚埃尔塞贡多开办了一个年轻人体育俱乐部。他说:“这项运动需要的不仅仅是投掷,当我们向中国的父母们展示运动的速度和灵活性时,他们都很高兴。” Wang和中国房地产商Ken Li合作,几年开始训练大学橄榄球队,模仿NFL组成了一个中国的联赛——美式足球协会。




丁没能成功转会,目前还在美洲虎队,这支队伍目前在积极向海外拓展,因为一个巴基斯坦人Shahid Khan买下了这支队伍。美洲虎队的发言人Dan Edwards说,丁在佛罗里达的短期培训并非海外扩展计划的一部分。Edwards说:“丁参加短期集训的目的是展示他的个人能力。海外的潜在市场颇为诱人,我们很感兴趣,但是他的合同并未涉及这些内容。”




Football players at an exhibition game at Harbin University of Commerce celebrating after the contest, which drew a crowd of 26,000.

BEIJING — Ding Long, the only child of a truck driver from the bustling Chinese port of Qingdao, has gotten pretty good at kicking what Mandarin speakers call the “olive ball” through the goalposts in American football.

He led Norwich University in Vermont to a 7-0 record and the league championship in the Eastern Collegiate Football Conference last year, hitting three field goals, the longest from 51 yards, as his team won its regular-season finale, 16-9. At 1.83 meters and 95 kilograms, or 6 feet and 210 pounds, Ding drew the attention of the Jacksonville Jaguars of the National Football League after he went undrafted this spring. An invitation to train in Florida briefly positioned Ding to become an ambassador for the most American of sports as it tries to gain ground in China, where its full-contact nature and complex rules rank it way below table tennis and badminton.

The N.F.L. and its corporate partners in China are hoping that American football’s flash — which peaks every year with its hugely popular, and lucrative, championship game, the Super Bowl — could someday give basketball and soccer, the top-ranked sports in China, a run for their money.

China first fell under the spell of American sports in the 1980s, thanks to the N.B.A. superstar Michael Jordan. After giving its games away to Chinese broadcasters for free beginning in the ’80s, the National Basketball Association now has partnerships with 51 stations in China, and the league’s jerseys are omnipresent on playground courts across the country. The sport’s popularity only increased once center Yao Ming, who got his professional start with the Shanghai Sharks, headed to the Houston Rockets as the No. 1 overall draft pick a decade ago.

The N.F.L. hopes to hoist American football into the top 10 most popular sports in China as measured by a nationwide survey conducted by CSM Media Research. It now ranks 20th in the country, below sailing and Formula 1.

Richard Young, the N.F.L.’s managing director for China, said the league was on track to achieve a top-10 ranking “in the next five to six years,” though he recently told Reuters that the fan base was not yet big enough to support an N.F.L. game being played in the country.

While the N.F.L. is the biggest sport in the United States, it has seen only limited success outside North America.

The N.F.L. made forays into Japan in the early 1980s, and while it is below sports like baseball, soccer and sumo, it is still part of the conversation there. The N.F.L.’s World League, a developmental league that began in 1990 and evolved into the N.F.L. Europe, was disbanded in 2007.

The league decided that its core fans overseas were more interested in watching the real N.F.L. teams on television and traveling to the occasional game abroad rather than in watching players develop on feeder teams.

China is one of five core countries where the N.F.L. is trying to increase its presence, along with Britain, Canada, Japan and Mexico.

To reach China’s growing and affluent middle and upper classes, the league streams Monday Night Football, one of the strongest brands in American sports, each Tuesday morning on Sina Sports, a channel of the largest Web portal in China.

N.F.L. China also streams Sunday afternoon games, Sunday Night Football and Thursday Night Football online — a total of five live games a week, an approach Young said had been tough to sell to the league’s headquarters in New York.

“What was difficult was to get to this many games to be able to be free and, more specifically, to start to build an online home base for Chinese fans,” Young said.

That base, at PPTV.com, offers videos teaching football, game highlight clips, full live games and games via video on demand — all in Chinese.

“We have an opportunity to develop our sport at a moment in China’s history when sport in general is in its development phase,” said Chris Parsons, an Englishman who heads the N.F.L.’s international push.

Yu Hang, the director of Sina Sports, says football faces a higher hurdle than many other international sports.

Chinese children typically are not encouraged to play sports but instead are pressed to focus on academics from a young age.

“China’s one-child policy presents a problem for most sports, and particularly for strong sports,” Yu said, alluding to parents’ fear of putting their “little emperors” in harm’s way at a time when the N.F.L. is under fire for serious injuries sustained by its players, especially from blows to the head.

Yu, who studied in Britain, is a soccer fan and says he does not fully understand American football. But he believes China’s growing fan base is drawn by more than the game.

Ding Long kicked for Norwich University in Vermont before he tried out for the N.F.L.

“Our viewers are keen to pursue fashionable things,” he said. “They want Justin Bieber and Madonna at the Super Bowl halftime show. They want to see the TV ads. That’s international-quality entertainment. But after the game, they may not continue to be fans of the sport. Not yet.”

Four years ago, Sina started working with the N.F.L. to coach its sportscasters to explain the game better. Nowadays, Yu can track who China’s favorite N.F.L. players are online — quarterbacks Eli Manning of the New York Giants, who won the Super Bowl earlier this year, and Tom Brady, who has won three titles with the New England Patriots.

Another popular player has had less success, though: Ed Wang, the American-born son of two former Chinese Olympic athletes, played one season for the Buffalo Bills after they drafted him in 2010, and he is currently a free agent. When President Hu Jintao of China visited Washington in January 2011, the N.F.L. arranged a photo opportunity with the offensive lineman inside the White House.

To help raise the level of the game in China, teams have been training at six universities in China; organizers hope to expand that to 16 teams by next year and eventually to 32 — the same number of clubs that now play in N.F.L.

“The game is not all about throwing. When we showed Chinese parents the speed and agility we could teach, they were really pleased,” said Joe Wang, a Taiwan native who played high school football in New York State and who now runs a youth athletics league in El Segundo, California. Wang and the Chinese real estate developer Ken Li trained the university teams this year, forming the American Football Union, a Chinese league they model on the N.F.L.

“Chinese need to learn to work together,” Wang said. “Tennis, Ping-Pong, badminton — these are individual games. Chinese don’t know how to make friends. Football can teach them both brotherhood and sportsmanship.”

The trouble is, many Chinese view American football as a “gladiator sport,” said Wang, who believes that can be a good thing. “Football makes boys into men.”

Their training, including games, led to a full-contact exhibition at Harbin University of Commerce in September that drew 26,000 students and alumni. Two other exhibitions in October, in Jinan and in Beijing, drew similarly large crowds, Wang said.

Li, a Beijinger in his late 40s who graduated from Harbin University of Commerce with a degree in engineering, said, “We need to get Chinese people to touch the equipment and feel the ball.”

Li, who grew to love the game while doing business in the United States and Canada, said many Chinese did not know if the ball was “light or heavy or even if it’s made of metal.”

Both Wang and Li pin some hope on Ding, who continued his schooling after using up his collegiate eligibility and is due to graduate in December with a degree in accounting.

“Ding Long just needs to be given a shot by one of these N.F.L. owners,” Wang said. “All it would take is one of them to give Ding a shot to let him show the league a Chinese can kick.”
Ding, though, failed to make the cut and stick with the Jaguars, who have made a concerted effort to broaden their reach internationally since they were bought by Shahid Khan, a native of Pakistan.

A Jaguars spokesman, Dan Edwards, said that Ding’s brief training in Florida was not a part of that international approach, however.

“Ding was signed for minicamp in order to get a chance to show what he could do,” Edwards said. “The international interest was great, and we welcomed it, but he was not offered a contract.”

The N.F.L. realizes that while it is dominant in its home market, it is not easy to make the jump in popularity abroad. On a similar note, Ding realizes that his success at the Division III level in college is much harder to replicate at the professional level.

Ding, 24, harbors no illusion about how tough it is to get a job in the N.F.L. He trains six hours a day.

“I like to lift in the morning and kick in the afternoon. I have to be patient, because jobs for kickers are hard to land,” said Ding, who balks at being compared with Yao Ming, who was a top-level player before heading to the N.B.A.

“I won’t even get close to Yao Ming. But even before he was around, Chinese were amazed by Jordan, his six championship rings, his ability to fly,” Ding said, referring to Michael Jordan, who played most of his career with the Chicago Bulls. “That guy was special. Every time he got the ball the whole stadium cheered.”




发表于 2012-11-30 12:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-1 00:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-1 07:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-1 08:43 | 显示全部楼层
费钱。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。so   成为主流运动  是   做梦!
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发表于 2012-12-1 08:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-1 12:35 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-12-1 18:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-1 18:55 | 显示全部楼层
nanotube 发表于 2012-12-1 12:35

每隔十几秒就被按倒要中断一次,表停住,然后等重新站好队再来。 ...

运动可以喜欢可以 不喜欢,说糟粕有点过了吧
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发表于 2012-12-1 22:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-2 23:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-3 10:34 | 显示全部楼层
看不懂 也不好看,我听说是橄榄球就是那些踢足球老是耍无赖的人发明的运动,不然为什么还抱着球走,不鼓励。:P
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发表于 2012-12-3 11:45 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵,美式橄榄球说是Football,实际上除了开球、射门、4th Down弃踢外,都不准用脚。
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发表于 2012-12-3 11:46 | 显示全部楼层
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