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发表于 2008-3-31 16:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
时代周刊最近一期是以dl为封面人物,并有名为"A Monk's struggle"的封面故事.http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1723922,00.html
[img=640 border=0,460 alt=]http://img.timeinc.net/time/daily/2008/0803/wpico_0331.jpg[/img]
发表于 2008-3-31 16:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-31 16:49 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-3-31 17:10 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-3-31 17:16 | 显示全部楼层
"Since China wants to join the world community," the 14th Dalai Lama said as I was traveling across Japan with him for a week last November, "the world community has a real responsibility to bring China into the mainstream." The whole world stands to gain, he pointed out, from a peaceful and unified China—not least the 6 million Tibetans in China and Chinese-occupied Tibet. "But," he added, "genuine harmony must come from the heart. It cannot come from the barrel of a gun."

I thought of those measured and forgiving words—the Dalai Lama still prays for his "Chinese brothers and sisters" every morning and urges Tibetans to learn Chinese so they can talk with their new rulers, not fight with them—as reports trickled out of Tibet of freedom demonstrations that have led to some of the bloodiest confrontations in the region since similar protests preceded a brutal crackdown in the late 1980s. The violence has left 99 people dead, according to Tibetan exile groups; the Chinese government says 13 "innocents" were killed in the riots. Soon after monks began demonstrating in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa, Chinese forces moved to contain the marchers, but the disturbances spread to other Tibetan cities, and their causes clearly remain unresolved. Working out how best to avoid further embarrassment as they prepare for the start of the Olympic-torch relay on March 25 will be a tricky challenge for China's rulers. As a diplomat told TIME, "They need to get this under control, but to do so without a lot of brutality."

How the crisis unfolds will be determined not just in Beijing but also by the words and actions of a man who protects his people from afar, in his exile home in the northern-India hill station of Dharamsala. As a Buddhist monk, the Dalai Lama speaks unstintingly on behalf of all people's rights to basic freedoms of speech and thought—though as a Buddhist monk, he also holds staunchly to the view that violence can never solve a problem deep down. If the bloodshed gets out of control, he said in recent days, he will step down as political leader—a symbolic act, really, since he would continue to be the head of the Tibetans and the democracy he has set up in exile already has an elected Prime Minister. In China meanwhile, Tibetans are still liable to imprisonment for years just for carrying a picture of their exiled leader (who by Tibetan custom is regarded as the incarnation of a god, the god of compassion). Some have been shot while walking across the mountains to visit cousins or children in exile.

As soon as you start talking to the Dalai Lama, as I have been doing for 33 years, you notice that his favorite adjectives are logical and realistic and the verbs he returns to are investigate, analyze and explore. The Buddha was a "scientist," he said the last time I saw him, which means that a true Buddhist should follow the course of reason (recalling, perhaps, that anger most harms the person who feels it). Contact and communication are the methods he always stresses—to this day, he encourages every possibility for dialogue with China and in places even urges Tibetans to study Buddhism under Chinese leaders whom he knows to be capable.

This determination to be completely empirical—as if he were a doctor of the mind pledged to examine things only as they are, to come up with a clear diagnosis and then to suggest a practical response—is one of the things that have made the current Dalai Lama such a startling and tonic figure on the world stage. There are few monks in any tradition who speak so rarely about faith while rejecting anything that has been disproved by scientific inquiry; on his desk at home, he keeps a plastic model of the brain with detachable parts so that he can take it apart, put it together again and see how it works. And there are even fewer political leaders who work from the selfless positions and long-term vision of a monk (and doctor of philosophy). It's easy to forget that the Dalai Lama is by now the most seasoned ruler on the planet, having led his people for 68 years—longer than Queen Elizabeth II, King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand or even Fidel Castro.

This all has deep and wide implications for a world that seems as religiously polarized now as it has ever been. Always stressing that the Buddha's own words should be thrown out if they are shown by scientific inquiry to be flawed, the Dalai Lama is the rare religious figure who tells people not to get needlessly confused or distracted by religion ("Even without a religion, we can become a good human being"). No believer in absolute truth—he eagerly seeks out Catholics, neuroscientists, even regular travelers to Tibet who can instruct him—he is also the rare Tibetan who will suggest that old Tibet may have contributed in part to its current predicament, the rare Buddhist to tell foreigners not to take up Buddhism but to study within their own traditions, where their roots are deepest.
发表于 2008-3-31 17:18 | 显示全部楼层

"既然中国要加入世界共同体" ,十四世dl喇嘛说,因为我是行横跨日本与他一个星期,在去年11月, "国际社会有一个真正的责任,把中国融入主流" 。整个世界的立场,以争取时,他指出,从一个和平统一的中国而不是至少有600万藏人,在中国和中国占领西藏。 "但是, "他补充说, "真正的和谐,必须来自心脏,它不能来自枪杆子" 。

我还以为这些测量和宽恕的话-dl喇嘛仍然祈祷,为他的"中国兄弟姐妹们: "每天早晨,并敦促西藏人到学习中文,让他们可以跟他们的新统治者,而不是争取与他们的随报告惠及走出西藏自由的示威行动已导致一些血腥对抗,开始在这一地区进行类似的抗议活动之前,残酷镇压,在20世纪80年代末。暴力留下了99人死亡,据西藏流亡政府的团体;中国政府说, 13个"无辜者"被打死的暴乱。不久,僧人开始展现在西藏首府拉萨,中国军队以控制示威者,但骚乱蔓延到其他藏区城市,其原因显然仍未解决。工作了如何最有效地避免进一步的尴尬,因为他们准备开始的奥运火炬接力活动于3月25日将是一个棘手的挑战,为中国的统治者。作为一名外交官说, "他们需要得到这个控制,但这样做的,没有很多的残暴" 。

如何展露危机,将取决于不只是在北京,但同时也受言词和行动的一名男子是谁在保卫他的人从远处,在他流亡的住所北-印度山站达兰萨拉。作为一个僧侣,dl喇嘛说是无限制地代表全体人民的权利,基本自由的讲话,发人深省,但作为一个僧人,他还保持着坚定到认为,暴力不可能解决一个问题,深跌。如果流血失控的控制,他说,最近几天,他将下台,因为政治领袖-一个象征性的行为,说真的,因为他将继续成为头部的西藏人和民主,他已成立流亡政府已一个民选总理。在中国,同时,西藏人仍然被监禁多年,刚刚进行的合影,他们流亡领袖(那些由藏族风俗看作是化身,是上帝,上帝的怜悯) 。其中一些人已被枪杀,而步行横跨高山访问表兄弟或子女在流亡。

一旦你开始谈,以dl喇嘛,因为我已经做了33年,你看到他最喜欢的形容词,是合乎逻辑的和现实的动词,他的回报是调查,分析和探讨。佛陀是一个"的科学家,他说: "是我最后一次见到他,这意味着一个真正的佛教徒应该沿着这条路线走下去的理由(回顾,或许,最愤怒的危害的人觉得它)。性接触和沟通,所采用的方法,他总是强调,到这一天,他鼓励每一个有可能与中国的对话,并在地方,甚至敦促西藏人到佛教的研究,根据中国领导人的人,他知道,可以应付。

这种决心将完全实证-好像他是医生的头脑承诺审视东西只因为他们,要拿出一个明确的诊断,然后提出一个切实可行的反应就是其中的东西,都取得了目前的dl喇嘛这样一个惊人的和补品数字在世界舞台上。有几个和尚在任何传统的人说话,所以很少信仰而拒绝任何有被反驳,由科学探究;他的桌子上,在家里,他经常一个塑料模型的大脑与可分离部件,使他能把它除了付诸表决一起再看看它是如何运作的。还有,甚至更少的政治领袖,他们从工作人员无私的立场和长远眼光的和尚(哲学博士) 。人们很容易忘记说,dl喇嘛是现在最老练的统治者对地球后,带领他的人, 68年时间超过英国女王伊丽莎白二世,国王普密蓬阿杜德的泰国,甚至是卡斯特罗。

这一切都深刻而广泛的影响,为世界,就好像宗教上的两极化现,因为它从未有人。始终强调佛陀自己的话来说,应该抛出,如果他们所表现出的科学调查,以有缺陷,dl喇嘛是难得的宗教人物,告诉人们,不要让不必要的混淆或分心宗教( "即使没有一种宗教,我们能成为一个善良的人" )。没有信奉绝对真理-他急于寻找天主教徒,神经学家,甚至经常旅行者,以西藏的人能教诲他-他也是罕见的藏族人会建议说,旧西藏可能助长部分,其目前的窘境,罕见的佛教,以告诉外国人不要采取了佛教,而是要学习他们自己的传统,而他们的根最深。
发表于 2008-3-31 21:53 | 显示全部楼层
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