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[网贴翻译] 【路透社20150211】外交部发言称不掌握援助希腊的相关情况

发表于 2015-2-11 22:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China says ‘knows nothing’ about aid offer for Greece

China's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday it had no knowledge of any offer by Beijing for aid to Greece after Greece's deputy foreign minister said China had offered economic support even though Athens had not requested it.
希腊副外长Nikos Chountis称,中国表示愿意主动向希腊提供经济援助,但中国外交部今日表示称不掌握相关情况。

Nikos Chountis, who also holds the European Affairs portfolio, told Greek radio that Russia had also offered Greece help, while Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos said that if Athens failed to get a new debt agreement with the euro zone, it could always look elsewhere for help, including possibly China.
身兼欧洲事务大臣一职的Nikos Chountis告诉希腊电台称,俄罗斯同样提出向希腊提供经济援助。同时希希腊国防部长Panos Kammenos称如果希腊不能与欧元区达成新的债务协议,希腊将会转向包括中国在内的其他国家寻求资金援助。

"There have been proposals, offers I would say, from Russia, recently after the election, for economic support as well as from China, regarding help, investment possibilities," Chountis said, adding: "We have not asked for it."

China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said she had seen the reports but had "no knowledge" of the matter.

"We are willing to keep deepening cooperation and exchanges in all areas with the new Greek government on the basis of the principle of mutual respect and win-win to push the continued development of Sino-Greek ties," she told a daily news briefing.

"As for the detailed situation you mentioned, I know nothing about it."

China said last month it was closely monitoring the new Greek government's policies after Athens said it would stop the sale of a majority stake in Greece's biggest port.

The Greek government last year had short-listed China's Cosco Group [COSCO.UL] as a potential buyer of a 67 percent stake in Piraeus Port Authority.

Greece is seeking a new debt agreement with the euro zone that will allow it to shake off much of the austerity that has been imposed by a European Union/International Monetary Fund bailout since 2010.

China sees Greece's strategic location as a portal into both Europe and Africa for the distribution of Chinese products.

The euro zone, particularly Germany, has shown no willingness to ease its requirement that Greece make deep budget cuts and economic reforms.

发表于 2015-2-12 00:19 | 显示全部楼层
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