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[网贴翻译] 【路透社 20150311】斯诺登:新西兰对中国等亚洲国家实施间谍活动

发表于 2015-3-11 14:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Electronic surveillance by New Zealand's government extends from China, its biggest trading partner, to Antarctica and is shared with the United States and other international allies, according to documents released on Wednesday.

The latest documents released by former U.S. National Security Authority (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden show that New Zealand's spy agency collects data on communications from about 20 nations, including China, Japan, North Korea, Iran, and Antarctica, many of whom are close trade partners.

The intelligence gathered by the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligence agencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with New Zealand are members of the "Five Eyes" surveillance network, according to the documents dated April 2013.
这些日期为20134月的文件显示,新西兰政府通信安全局(GCSB)将收集到的情报传递给美国NSA以及澳大利亚、英国和加拿大的情报机构,这四个国家与新西兰是“五眼”(Five Eyes)情报联盟的成员国。

Published in the New Zealand Herald newspaper and the Intercept website, the papers show that the GCSB's reach extends beyond South Pacific Island nations reported last week, and that the country has ramped up its mass surveillance in past years.
这些文件内容发布在《新西兰先驱报》(New Zealand Herald)和Intercept网站,文件显示,新西兰GCSB的触角延伸至南太平洋岛国以外的更广地区,且该国近年来加大了大规模监控力度。

"If it was just ... for New Zealand's sake it's hard to believe we would be running high-tech spying operations against them," investigative writer Nicky Hager, who is collaborating with the media outlets, told TV One.
调查作家海格(Nicky Hager)对TV One电视台说:“如果只是为了新西兰自身,很难想象要针对那些国家进行高科技间谍活动。”

"The only rational reason why you can say we're doing it is to pay our dues, or pay the cost of being part of the U.S. alliance."

Documents released on Wednesday include an NSA review of GCSB operations, which state that New Zealand "continues to be especially helpful in its ability to provide NSA ready access to areas and countries ... difficult for the U.S. to access".

The GCSB and the office of Prime Minister John Key declined to comment on the latest revelations, the New Zealand Herald and the Intercept reports said. There was no immediate response when Reuters sought a comment.

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