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[网贴翻译] 美不视中国为头号敌人 美网友:就美国事多

发表于 2015-3-12 05:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
美不视中国为头号敌人 美网友:就美国事多 2015-03-10

Americans no longer see China as public enemy number one, with Russia now cited as the country's top adversary, according to a new poll.
Twelve percent of Americans named China when asked which country they consider the U.S.'s greatest enemy in Gallup's annual World Affairs poll, down from 20 percent in 2014 when it topped the list.
China now ranks behind Russia and North Korea, which received 18 and 15 percent of the vote, respectively, compared with 9 and 16 percent last year.
The poll is based on interviews conducted on February 8-11, 2015 with a random sample of 837 adults, aged 18 and older, living across the country.

simultaneous strengthening of the U.S. economy and slowdown in China's economy is another possible factor in Americans' seeing the mainland as less of a threat than in recent years.
Last year, China's economy grew 7.4 percent, its slowest pace in 24 years, undershooting the government's target for the first time since 1998. Meantime, the U.S. economy expanded 2.4 percent, up from 2.2 percent in the year before.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:树袋熊拯救计划 转载请注明出处

Happy Harry • 10 days ago
Russia!?!? Come on people!! Ummmmmm......when were we last attacked by Russia? N. Korea?? China??? Our top enemy is not a country, it is a religion. Now start the survey over and pull your heads out of your asses!!译文来源:龙腾网 HTTP://WWW.LTAAA.COM


MONEYSHOT • 10 days ago

I don't consider China or Russia "enemies". What a stupid headline. Part of the reason we are constantly at war is because we are regularly told we have enemies halfway around the globe. I think our biggest threat is the influence of the military industrial complex on our own government.


historyspeaks10 • 10 days ago

America's worst enemy is the 535 people that occupy the Congress and sell out their country and its people year after year.


George Silversurfer • 10 days ago

Americans will think whatever American media conditions them to think.. Just like the rest of the world.译文来源:龙腾网 HTTP://WWW.LTAAA.COM


Johnnyboy53 • 10 days ago

It's not China, it's not Russia. It's the federal reserve banking oligarchical cartel hellbent on using the federal government powers to impose a tyrannical global government.


armdkny • 10 days ago

Ask 300,000,000 Americans to point out Moscow on a map and I guarantee that 80% won't find it. Surveys are useless.


Calibra • 10 days ago

In the meantime the rest of the world sees US as top threat, the biggest warmonger of all times.


dr. no • 10 days ago

uncle sam always needs an enemy or adversary, a war or conflict some where in order to feed the mic beast.


salieres • 10 days ago

China is America's largest CREDITOR!


PONDERED • 10 days ago

There should be a place for everyone living on Earth. Why always seeking an enemy? Giving instead of Taking is a sure way to make friends.


Charlie • 10 days ago

they should not. the Enemy is the moron in the White House and his administration. THEY will TRY to destroy America.


MANUEL_LABOR • 10 days ago

The worst of the worst. Human rights violations, environmental destruction, military buildup, political and business corruption all taken to new heights.


NewWorldDisorder • 10 days ago

If this story is true, it shows just how stupid most Americans are. There are many millions of lost jobs to China, where we now import most of our goods from. China is using our money to build their military, expand their cyber-espionage programs and even purchase American assets. What has Russia done to hurt us or steal our wealth?
Unfortunately, the level of American stupidity has hit an all time high. Just look at all the Obama rants blaming everything on Obama. I bet these fools even blame Obama when they wake up in the morning constipated. Pure stupidity.



SIMPLEASABC NewWorldDisorder • 10 days ago

" it shows just how stupid most Americans are. There are many millions of lost jobs to China....."
Actually, americans are more stupid than the aforesaid.
Why and how? Because Corporate America shift whatever jobs feasible for the bottom line. China did not point a gun at Corporate America to force the outsourcing.
Instead of blaming the Corporate America and the Clinton administration for the admission of China into Global Economy, the americans with subpar intellilgence, if not semi-
retarded, blame china instead.
Btw, America will forever and ever have enemies to justify the military spending. Was Vietnam or Iraq or......the real threat? Well, americans are too stupid to comprehend.
You may now go back to your perceived "enemies" and whatever right or left wing craps.



karlson NewWorldDisorder • 10 days ago

hey, just watch "the interview" movie to understand how "civilized" this nation is.



Elvis NewWorldDisorder • 10 days ago

While I disagree on your assessment of China, don't consider the Chinese or the state of China our enemy I do agree with you in regards to all the Obama bashing.


Scott Charlton • 10 days ago
Yes they are. Yes.They.Are. China is bad news whether people think so or not. Russia is pushing because they know America has no leverage. Financially we are living an illusion.


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